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The Brussels Post, 1951-1-24, Page 4
PE PLE WE KNOW Mrs, Alex Arm• strong has purchas- ed Lorne Eekmier's home, * * * Dr. R. W. Stephen's father who is visiting with them suffered a slight stroke 011 Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Win. Speirs were la Toronto this week attending the funeral of Mr. Robert Bing, who was formerly manager of The American Hotel here. * * * At the annual meeting of Melville Church last week Mrs. Wm. Ring gave a piano Solo the "Chimes" in loving memory of the late Mrs. Alex Strachan. * * * Mr. and Mrs. torts D. Thompson, were visitors, on Monday. at the Royal Conservatory of Mnsie.'u Tor. 011' * * * 1Trs i- Merklin_er. who was stay - !mg at tb -- borne. of Mr and Mrs. W. C. had a narrew es^.pe "rem n. t,y when she fell down - :airs. The are dent necnIIed Sunday t , rie She was 'alien. by ambul t S afertil hosiPtal where x-reys diF,lesed there were no h "k1t i but that :he was badly beris d. LIVESTOCK WANTED— "Hp to 25.00 each for Deed or Disabled horses, Cows. Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Services Phos Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING 1 'January Sth, 1951. The inaugural meettng of the :Mun- icipal Council of the Village of Brus- sels was held on the above date, with all members of the Council present. Reeve R. B, Cousins thanked the Council for past eo-operation and doped that harmony would continue for the year 1951. After the Oath of Office was taken by members of Council, By -Law Nei. 1, 1951 was passed. This is the By - Law appointing or confirming ap- pointnlents of certain officers to serve tite Municipality during the year 1951. The following accounts were ordered paid on motion of R, A. Bennett. seconded by R. W. Ken- nedy. Public Library, Annual Grant 8650.50 W. McXair. Repairs Town Hall 5.00 Post Pah. House. Ads. 1.50 A. Rutledge, Fox bounty 6,00 Ont. Good Read A.sssoe_., Annual Membership Fee Salvation Army. Grant Brtseels Crcamerv, Relief S. bony aroepry. Relief P_eli Ff Fyn= nes Hydro, Street and Ha11 LO�•It`:s 111.95 Tt was mo+.•ed hp \i'. Speir, c c- tr.lel by A. McTaggart, that the Petition for the Statutory Grant as prepared by the Clerk be forwarded two ase. the Ontario Department of High - 5.00 15.90 4.00 11.55 Ra @ eil' a res # c N Shellubrication S'ICI; H,usehcid and Shed Petroleum Produo e 5owned Repair Livestock Spesy Parts ens Acooseoress Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE l!Ol1R OWN LIFE AT SIXTY IF YOU PROVIDE FOR GT Representative s1AR°t;,M lr STEP 1ENSON Phone 42,t Brussels • r fa Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs -- REPAIRED and. RECOVERED ERED -- , Aso Rebuild Mattresses Pi kr.Up and Delivered „bail rd Upholstering Co. 43 FSrunshwaxls Street 718llZh"a c — Stratford, Ors8.. ,...rwreniasnrearr mon.. Do A. RAN 1i lt'fa1'mitnre and Funeral Service (Phone 365 or 8E5 Brussels, Oat. New 1951 Dodge C1otonc:t The distinctive grille, the wide massive hood, the deep flowing fenders as well as greatly in- s creased window area for im- thevz ew gar eCoronet shown above. Fluid drive as standard equip- ment provides a "High" -in driv- ing pleasure. The Lodge Cm one. is also a1'11i1'1ble With Gyro- TvTlttu `tiansml:sion which frc-cs tile shiver froin using blotch and gear shifting in all normal Ally- ing. The Coronet Series, in addi- tion to the 4 -door sedan shown above, includes a club coupe and 8 -passenger sedan, ntt lla1v:11:1Ti ,roan { i -•t -.r T [ _i ive: and Miss E. I \V tr,-t uperrisor of schools for :Morris township. attended the r oneert in Goderich last I.Vwill• s.l::y night. • Both Audrey and 7:,,,r_ r,; .•a ,-;;r eoulptuncutary sett- ! s, r tickets 1 reeoenition of their musical achievements last year at the 1 t. ical teY,tival n G.uler•ich. THE BRUSSELS POST ��.., CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- 2 sot of sleighs, 1 box stove, steel tired wheel barrow or rubber tired. Wesley Searle Phone 18r4, FOR SALE Yorkshire sows, due to farrow in, Jan. and Feb, Registration if desired. Phone 431'26 Jas. Knight WANTED— Quantity of .nixed grain or oats, picked up and weighed at your farm apply to the Brussels Post. Phone 31. Fa1.6:Fi.Az ; FOR SALE= "Aetna" hand 'Washing 'Machine, in excellent condition, Mrs. C. Dunbar Phone S1x FOR SALE — Punks G Hrbrid Corn. Your local dealer Win, Stratyehuk Phone 48r8 Brussels VACANCY — Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity, Full Gime. Write at onee. Rawleigh's Dept. ML -B-152, 189 Montreal. — "RAW FURS WANTED" — Good prices for mink, Goon, Red - Fox, etc. Shin or write to Grennspoon Bros. 264 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. WANTED — A lady in Brussels who has need of money, can earn a substantial in- come iu her spare Hoe, as Avon saleslady. Write Mrs. Stock, 78 Duchess Ave„ Kitchener. – FARM FOR SALE — 00 acres, good land in Morris Twp. Mood buildings, best of water. hydro, immediate possession. Write or ('bens 35-r-20 Dublin Earl Healy. R. R. 1 Dublin. FOR SALE— Want to make hatter money with Iyour poultry this year? The .eiswer Is Bray Chicks bought early MMsl+ Prompt shipment, cocker -- 1 pullets. mixed dayold, started, . t — Wm, 1.1t it for particulars 1. u Bray, Ethel. "LIVESTOCK WANTED" — Cash -- up to $10.00 for Dead or Disabled Horses; 810.00 for Cows; tines $2.5() per Cwt. — at your farm. Prompt service, Phone collect Tlruesels 72, William Stone Sone, Limited Ingersoll, Ontario, REFIGERATORS — 60 cycle, leading makes 8,7,8,9,12 cubic ft., at the 14Tildmay Furniture Store, New and used pianos; beauti- ful Chesterfield Suites; Bargain prices at J. F. Schuett & Sons Furniture Store, Mildmay, Free de- livery. Trade ins accepted. A debate "Resolved, it was better living in the older rays than in modern times," was the highlights :at :1 meeting of the 'P,elgrave W. T. The affirmative was taken by Mrs. Part Anderson and Mrs Herbert Wheeler, the negative 'by Mrs, Har- old Vincent and Mrs Kenneth Wheeler. The Judges, Mrs. 0. G, Anderson. Mrs, Ivan 'Brightman, and Mrs, Walter Scott, had a d6t'- ficuit time reaohing a decision, Mrs. Anderson, speaking for the judges, said that the church, Sunday School, and religion in general were held in very high regard in earlier days, but agreed w-itit 5 Speaker from the nega- tive side that It would be too bad if some improvement had not been made. and declared the negative de- baters the winners by four points, Mrs. George Michie gave an in- teresting review of world events of the past year. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson rave a report on changes made in the Huron County Hospitalization plan. Mrs. Melvin Taylr gave a demonstration on malting n candle- wick bedspread. The meeting was held in tate Community Centre res reation room, and the convener was Mrs. C. R. Lnga.n, Hostesses were Mrs, C. R, Coupes, Mrs, H, Wheeler. and l•Trs, J. Anderson. At tite anneal meeting of Trinity Angliean Church, Relgrave, all reports of nrsunizations showed they had been sneerssfrtl in meeting a.il their ohligstinn5. Officers elected are: reetnr'e warden, Mehra Pro• eler: pr',nle's warden, Herman Neth err: by rleleente, Laurence Van. pan: alternate, Cooper Netirery: vestry e:lei'lt. Mra. William Rrydges; church ennntrif.tee, Richard Procter H. Nethery, 117. Drallumi• Albert Raenn. Alvin Hissing, William Rr.-e1 ss, Aiex Metinrnwy, Cnnper Nr.thei'y, D'frs. rt. TT. Wade; Mrs, C,. Ncthery, Thomas Wacle, Mary Isabel Nethery, .4 vote of thanks was tendered Al. bort Baron, refiring warden , far five years of faithful service, The meeting rinsed with prayer by Olia rooter, Rev, T. A, Roberts, GOOD HOUSES FOR SALE — Brick house with bath, built in cupboard, some hardwood floors. Frame house with furnace, water. some hardwood floors, ashfalt siding on Turmberry St, South, Immediate possession apply to .Elmer Ellaeott. ATTENTION FAWNERS — We will be pleased to pick ap dead or crippled farm animals and . pay highest prevailing prices. For tm- mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 664 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. HOUSES FOR SALE -- House with barn, garage acres of land, priced to sell, House with good barn and 1 acre of land, a real buy. Large brick house and good barn, a lovely home .T•Iouse and small acreage, priced right, House and burn, priced to sell. 3, C, Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Out. and 2 TENDERS FOR WOOD — Morria Township School Board re - Quests tenders for supply wood for the Morris Schools. Wood to be maple and beech bodawood 12 inches in length to be delivered and piled al the schools heforo ,Ione 15, 1951. Tenders to be in by Jan, 30111, 1951 No tender necessarily aceepted. Wood required: No, 1 — 20 cords; No, 0 — 12 corde; No. 4 - 12 cords; No, 5 — 12 cords; No, 6 — 20 cords; No. 7 — 10 cords; No. 9 -- 20 cords; No. 10 — 10 cords:, No. 11 — 20 cords; No, 12 — 15 cords, Alen 2 cords of cedar for each of the above schools, R, S. Shaw, Secretary. Bluevale, Ont. Wednesday, January 24th, 1950 w -i 1 1k Ae.i, i71 � . a'�y.n. 5 l'gy �:.rp'r AS TO ALL RESIDENTS Reg ;rdang the change -over h® In your district The preliminary work of changing this district over from 25 to 60 cycle power has now begun! Within the next week or so you will receive the first of a series of 'letters and step-by-step instructions from. your Hydro explaining in detail what this change- over meads and how the work will be carried out in your area. You will also be advised of the various ways in which YOU can help US to get your home or place of business changed over to 60 cycles with as little inconvenience to you as possible. Your Hydro will do everything in its power to complete this complex undertaking quickly and efficiently but—we need your full co-operation. Please extend to us this co-operation and you will be doing yourself — your community — and your Hydro — a great service. Thank you. General Manager Chairman THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMJt`iIS ION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION a, tarl�l4� stn'.:r, GODERICH RE -UPHOLSTERING — Ches$ertields, chairs, eta, very • choice coverings, Phone Wm, Reid, Goderich 59M or Call at Stores. Es- timates given, 25 years experience. See us, Phone us, Write ua, GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeil err & S©n BUTCHER SHOP Phone 6 Brussels Thin, rundown vith gains 16 9bs Gets New, Pep, .Steady Nerves "t wa1 011' mn0h 1iader- weight' naso rundown, nor.. sous. t1 Coit 11pd, 1(1,0n fad- ing and 501001100000 two gong."—lira, L. Mood, 0,551. 1n mol (10(01.19 Ont, . s . idea a twantl :Goin nmiss Mrs. 1, Seward roma on11 lantana 1171 up, body 10050 (0011(101' 11011 011,5,55,0, '1`Imn,M1n*N mum meet, 1110, ,1•0tl1011 t 5 nor lnen t,t00d,• 0100 01001110, 55 - [50,0 00 5 51011 morn 105, aolting rant' p1111 ss1,11 On n1 canna. SiesOt 5011 grtmll too tot, Gaon 101,ng 'n San rend" alcor 111Ye1a1t0,, 1Lvt 001'0�0� 75 u5,' • Int l faanln 0 Pmmdo, u05 Pop ,oaas•, ,11 all dr nag. •. eV -at the sm0 (m On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and"Sauces — -butter makes all the di, fference in goodness wherever it is used. So buy more butter now — at the' new low price! MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA , . "..e.,.,.,., u.mae,.em.z,,,,. a .,.........<. ..,tea..,. „— ...;..1.31•11.M..,.*., rywn POULTRY — EGGS -- FEED Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brunelle, Ont. GOVERNMENT OF CANADA 3m FIRST WAR LOAN BONDS Due February 1st, 1948-52 BEARING CALL LETTER 'D' ONLY HAVE BEEN DRAWN FOR PAYMENT February 1, 1951 AT $100.50 FOR EACH $100. Bonds of this issue bearing the call letter shown should be presented for redemption on February 1, 1951 or as soon thereafter as possil-I,- with all coupons of later date attached. These bonds will not earn interest after February 1, 1951. CR 13 PE PLE WE KNOW Mrs, Alex Arm• strong has purchas- ed Lorne Eekmier's home, * * * Dr. R. W. Stephen's father who is visiting with them suffered a slight stroke 011 Sunday. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Win. Speirs were la Toronto this week attending the funeral of Mr. Robert Bing, who was formerly manager of The American Hotel here. * * * At the annual meeting of Melville Church last week Mrs. Wm. Ring gave a piano Solo the "Chimes" in loving memory of the late Mrs. Alex Strachan. * * * Mr. and Mrs. torts D. Thompson, were visitors, on Monday. at the Royal Conservatory of Mnsie.'u Tor. 011' * * * 1Trs i- Merklin_er. who was stay - !mg at tb -- borne. of Mr and Mrs. W. C. had a narrew es^.pe "rem n. t,y when she fell down - :airs. The are dent necnIIed Sunday t , rie She was 'alien. by ambul t S afertil hosiPtal where x-reys diF,lesed there were no h "k1t i but that :he was badly beris d. LIVESTOCK WANTED— "Hp to 25.00 each for Deed or Disabled horses, Cows. Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Services Phos Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. BRUSSELS COUNCIL MEETING 1 'January Sth, 1951. The inaugural meettng of the :Mun- icipal Council of the Village of Brus- sels was held on the above date, with all members of the Council present. Reeve R. B, Cousins thanked the Council for past eo-operation and doped that harmony would continue for the year 1951. After the Oath of Office was taken by members of Council, By -Law Nei. 1, 1951 was passed. This is the By - Law appointing or confirming ap- pointnlents of certain officers to serve tite Municipality during the year 1951. The following accounts were ordered paid on motion of R, A. Bennett. seconded by R. W. Ken- nedy. Public Library, Annual Grant 8650.50 W. McXair. Repairs Town Hall 5.00 Post Pah. House. Ads. 1.50 A. Rutledge, Fox bounty 6,00 Ont. Good Read A.sssoe_., Annual Membership Fee Salvation Army. Grant Brtseels Crcamerv, Relief S. bony aroepry. Relief P_eli Ff Fyn= nes Hydro, Street and Ha11 LO�•It`:s 111.95 Tt was mo+.•ed hp \i'. Speir, c c- tr.lel by A. McTaggart, that the Petition for the Statutory Grant as prepared by the Clerk be forwarded two ase. the Ontario Department of High - 5.00 15.90 4.00 11.55 Ra @ eil' a res # c N Shellubrication S'ICI; H,usehcid and Shed Petroleum Produo e 5owned Repair Livestock Spesy Parts ens Acooseoress Brussels, Ont. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE l!Ol1R OWN LIFE AT SIXTY IF YOU PROVIDE FOR GT Representative s1AR°t;,M lr STEP 1ENSON Phone 42,t Brussels • r fa Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs -- REPAIRED and. RECOVERED ERED -- , Aso Rebuild Mattresses Pi kr.Up and Delivered „bail rd Upholstering Co. 43 FSrunshwaxls Street 718llZh"a c — Stratford, Ors8.. ,...rwreniasnrearr mon.. Do A. RAN 1i lt'fa1'mitnre and Funeral Service (Phone 365 or 8E5 Brussels, Oat. New 1951 Dodge C1otonc:t The distinctive grille, the wide massive hood, the deep flowing fenders as well as greatly in- s creased window area for im- thevz ew gar eCoronet shown above. Fluid drive as standard equip- ment provides a "High" -in driv- ing pleasure. The Lodge Cm one. is also a1'11i1'1ble With Gyro- TvTlttu `tiansml:sion which frc-cs tile shiver froin using blotch and gear shifting in all normal Ally- ing. The Coronet Series, in addi- tion to the 4 -door sedan shown above, includes a club coupe and 8 -passenger sedan, ntt lla1v:11:1Ti ,roan { i -•t -.r T [ _i ive: and Miss E. I \V tr,-t uperrisor of schools for :Morris township. attended the r oneert in Goderich last I.Vwill• s.l::y night. • Both Audrey and 7:,,,r_ r,; .•a ,-;;r eoulptuncutary sett- ! s, r tickets 1 reeoenition of their musical achievements last year at the 1 t. ical teY,tival n G.uler•ich. THE BRUSSELS POST ��.., CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE -- 2 sot of sleighs, 1 box stove, steel tired wheel barrow or rubber tired. Wesley Searle Phone 18r4, FOR SALE Yorkshire sows, due to farrow in, Jan. and Feb, Registration if desired. Phone 431'26 Jas. Knight WANTED— Quantity of .nixed grain or oats, picked up and weighed at your farm apply to the Brussels Post. Phone 31. Fa1.6:Fi.Az ; FOR SALE= "Aetna" hand 'Washing 'Machine, in excellent condition, Mrs. C. Dunbar Phone S1x FOR SALE — Punks G Hrbrid Corn. Your local dealer Win, Stratyehuk Phone 48r8 Brussels VACANCY — Rawleigh business now open in Huron County. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity, Full Gime. Write at onee. Rawleigh's Dept. ML -B-152, 189 Montreal. — "RAW FURS WANTED" — Good prices for mink, Goon, Red - Fox, etc. Shin or write to Grennspoon Bros. 264 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. WANTED — A lady in Brussels who has need of money, can earn a substantial in- come iu her spare Hoe, as Avon saleslady. Write Mrs. Stock, 78 Duchess Ave„ Kitchener. – FARM FOR SALE — 00 acres, good land in Morris Twp. Mood buildings, best of water. hydro, immediate possession. Write or ('bens 35-r-20 Dublin Earl Healy. R. R. 1 Dublin. FOR SALE— Want to make hatter money with Iyour poultry this year? The .eiswer Is Bray Chicks bought early MMsl+ Prompt shipment, cocker -- 1 pullets. mixed dayold, started, . t — Wm, 1.1t it for particulars 1. u Bray, Ethel. "LIVESTOCK WANTED" — Cash -- up to $10.00 for Dead or Disabled Horses; 810.00 for Cows; tines $2.5() per Cwt. — at your farm. Prompt service, Phone collect Tlruesels 72, William Stone Sone, Limited Ingersoll, Ontario, REFIGERATORS — 60 cycle, leading makes 8,7,8,9,12 cubic ft., at the 14Tildmay Furniture Store, New and used pianos; beauti- ful Chesterfield Suites; Bargain prices at J. F. Schuett & Sons Furniture Store, Mildmay, Free de- livery. Trade ins accepted. A debate "Resolved, it was better living in the older rays than in modern times," was the highlights :at :1 meeting of the 'P,elgrave W. T. The affirmative was taken by Mrs. Part Anderson and Mrs Herbert Wheeler, the negative 'by Mrs, Har- old Vincent and Mrs Kenneth Wheeler. The Judges, Mrs. 0. G, Anderson. Mrs, Ivan 'Brightman, and Mrs, Walter Scott, had a d6t'- ficuit time reaohing a decision, Mrs. Anderson, speaking for the judges, said that the church, Sunday School, and religion in general were held in very high regard in earlier days, but agreed w-itit 5 Speaker from the nega- tive side that It would be too bad if some improvement had not been made. and declared the negative de- baters the winners by four points, Mrs. George Michie gave an in- teresting review of world events of the past year. Mrs. 0. G. Anderson rave a report on changes made in the Huron County Hospitalization plan. Mrs. Melvin Taylr gave a demonstration on malting n candle- wick bedspread. The meeting was held in tate Community Centre res reation room, and the convener was Mrs. C. R. Lnga.n, Hostesses were Mrs, C. R, Coupes, Mrs, H, Wheeler. and l•Trs, J. Anderson. At tite anneal meeting of Trinity Angliean Church, Relgrave, all reports of nrsunizations showed they had been sneerssfrtl in meeting a.il their ohligstinn5. Officers elected are: reetnr'e warden, Mehra Pro• eler: pr',nle's warden, Herman Neth err: by rleleente, Laurence Van. pan: alternate, Cooper Netirery: vestry e:lei'lt. Mra. William Rrydges; church ennntrif.tee, Richard Procter H. Nethery, 117. Drallumi• Albert Raenn. Alvin Hissing, William Rr.-e1 ss, Aiex Metinrnwy, Cnnper Nr.thei'y, D'frs. rt. TT. Wade; Mrs, C,. Ncthery, Thomas Wacle, Mary Isabel Nethery, .4 vote of thanks was tendered Al. bort Baron, refiring warden , far five years of faithful service, The meeting rinsed with prayer by Olia rooter, Rev, T. A, Roberts, GOOD HOUSES FOR SALE — Brick house with bath, built in cupboard, some hardwood floors. Frame house with furnace, water. some hardwood floors, ashfalt siding on Turmberry St, South, Immediate possession apply to .Elmer Ellaeott. ATTENTION FAWNERS — We will be pleased to pick ap dead or crippled farm animals and . pay highest prevailing prices. For tm- mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 664 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. HOUSES FOR SALE -- House with barn, garage acres of land, priced to sell, House with good barn and 1 acre of land, a real buy. Large brick house and good barn, a lovely home .T•Iouse and small acreage, priced right, House and burn, priced to sell. 3, C, Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Out. and 2 TENDERS FOR WOOD — Morria Township School Board re - Quests tenders for supply wood for the Morris Schools. Wood to be maple and beech bodawood 12 inches in length to be delivered and piled al the schools heforo ,Ione 15, 1951. Tenders to be in by Jan, 30111, 1951 No tender necessarily aceepted. Wood required: No, 1 — 20 cords; No, 0 — 12 corde; No. 4 - 12 cords; No, 5 — 12 cords; No, 6 — 20 cords; No. 7 — 10 cords; No. 9 -- 20 cords; No. 10 — 10 cords:, No. 11 — 20 cords; No, 12 — 15 cords, Alen 2 cords of cedar for each of the above schools, R, S. Shaw, Secretary. Bluevale, Ont. Wednesday, January 24th, 1950 w -i 1 1k Ae.i, i71 � . a'�y.n. 5 l'gy �:.rp'r AS TO ALL RESIDENTS Reg ;rdang the change -over h® In your district The preliminary work of changing this district over from 25 to 60 cycle power has now begun! Within the next week or so you will receive the first of a series of 'letters and step-by-step instructions from. your Hydro explaining in detail what this change- over meads and how the work will be carried out in your area. You will also be advised of the various ways in which YOU can help US to get your home or place of business changed over to 60 cycles with as little inconvenience to you as possible. Your Hydro will do everything in its power to complete this complex undertaking quickly and efficiently but—we need your full co-operation. Please extend to us this co-operation and you will be doing yourself — your community — and your Hydro — a great service. Thank you. General Manager Chairman THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMJt`iIS ION OF ONTARIO FREQUENCY STANDARDIZATION DIVISION a, tarl�l4� stn'.:r, GODERICH RE -UPHOLSTERING — Ches$ertields, chairs, eta, very • choice coverings, Phone Wm, Reid, Goderich 59M or Call at Stores. Es- timates given, 25 years experience. See us, Phone us, Write ua, GOOD FOR ALL KINDS OF BAKING SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT W. L. Baeil err & S©n BUTCHER SHOP Phone 6 Brussels Thin, rundown vith gains 16 9bs Gets New, Pep, .Steady Nerves "t wa1 011' mn0h 1iader- weight' naso rundown, nor.. sous. t1 Coit 11pd, 1(1,0n fad- ing and 501001100000 two gong."—lira, L. Mood, 0,551. 1n mol (10(01.19 Ont, . s . idea a twantl :Goin nmiss Mrs. 1, Seward roma on11 lantana 1171 up, body 10050 (0011(101' 11011 011,5,55,0, '1`Imn,M1n*N mum meet, 1110, ,1•0tl1011 t 5 nor lnen t,t00d,• 0100 01001110, 55 - [50,0 00 5 51011 morn 105, aolting rant' p1111 ss1,11 On n1 canna. SiesOt 5011 grtmll too tot, Gaon 101,ng 'n San rend" alcor 111Ye1a1t0,, 1Lvt 001'0�0� 75 u5,' • Int l faanln 0 Pmmdo, u05 Pop ,oaas•, ,11 all dr nag. •. eV -at the sm0 (m On Fish, Sizzling Steaks and Chops, in Soups and"Sauces — -butter makes all the di, fference in goodness wherever it is used. So buy more butter now — at the' new low price! MARKETING SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, OTTAWA , . "..e.,.,.,., u.mae,.em.z,,,,. a .,.........<. ..,tea..,. „— ...;..1.31•11.M..,.*., rywn POULTRY — EGGS -- FEED Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 Brunelle, Ont.