HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-24, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, January 24th, 1951 $2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A. TO THE CITIZENS OF 7H HURON �' N Er COUNTY NT O F H R The Huron. County Tuberculosis Association are anxious to close their books for the Sale of Christ- mas 'Seals, by Saturday, Feb. 17th, 1951. No date the following returns have been received by the Association from the various towns and villages thibughout the County and we would ask you to compare these with t1i returns of 1949. 1949 1960 Gadeuich Wmgham. Clinton Seaforth Bi tassels Howick Breter •Bluth Zurieh Huron County $1035.75 926,06 860.24 543.00 354.05 343.20 863,46 437,45 523.90 1000,00 9633.25 91$,25 895.00 577,00 8'97,05 364.50 640.00 240.00 366.00 96891.11 95021.06 it is the hope of 'the , Executive that we will at least equal the re- turns of 1949 because of the in- creasing number of Chest X -Rays and X -Rays Clinics to be taken care of:by your Association. There is still time to make your rehtittance if you have not already done so. BORN POLLARD - In Wingharn General Hospital on Friday, Jan, 19th, to Mr. and Mrs, Geo. E. Pollard, Brussels, a Bon, ALL THREE - THE BIG THREE WESTERN HEROES I Daily and Sunday - on Sunday in color - in The Detroit Times Comic Pages, are Hopaleng Cassidy, Roy Rogers, and The Lone Ranger. Thrill to the dashing deeds of these groat cowboy heroes SEVEN DAYS A WEEK, Ride on hair-raising Western advenutures, with Hoppy, Roy and The Lone Ranger, in The Detroit Tfinesl sow ELLIOTT'S NURSING HOME Now Open For Business Bed Patients and Invalids. For appointment Phone 710J - Listowel Melville Church Rev. A. J. Simpson, Teeswater, 1 Moderator. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m. Morning Worship No Evening Service. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Morning Woralttp - 11 o'clock A Living Sacrifice Church &harul - 18 o'clock Evening Praise - 7o'clook Selling .A Birthright, Come and Worship. Church of England Parish of Brussels Rove J: H. Karr - Raritan, Sexagesima Jam. 28th, 1051, t k John's Church, Oruuets= 11 a, m. Morning Prayer i, Sunday Behoof St. David's Church, Henfryn- E p. m. Sudsy School 2.80 p. m, Evening Prayer et. aaorge's Church, Walton - 7.80 p. m. Evening Prayer sow MELVILLE. CHURCH REPOR'rS ( GRATIFYING; SOME 93,000 SPENT I MANSE I RENOVATING I Itev. Alex Simpson, Teeswater, I Interim moderator for Melville Presbyterian Clime's' here presided during the annual meeting last Wed- nesday night when Cull reports of. the year's work were submitted by the secretaries and treasurers of each organization of the church, The report of the kirk session by the clerk, John Yuill, revealed a membership of 268, five deaths, sew.. en baptisms. Wilfrid Shortreed gave an account of the activities of the board of managers; . R.J. Bowman, the treasurer's report; Sunday School, Z. S. Armstrong; Ladies' Aid, Mrs, H, 13. Allen and ars. Wil- 1 Liam Speir; Young Women's Guild, ti Mrs, D, I-Temingway and Mrs. W. Martin; Women's Missionary Soc- iety, Mrs. R, Thomson and Mrs. W. Smith; Young People's Society, g 1 Y, Marie Bennett And, ,lune Work; Mis- sion Band, Mrs, G. Elliott; Sun- shine convener, Mrs. R. Bennett: The record secretary, Mrs, 0. Baek- er, gave her report and was re- elected for another year. Jinn Bowman's name was added to the list of ushers for evening services. Orwell Elliott was nnmetl to finish the two-year term of of- fice of Walter Porter, who has moved from town. Five retiring managers will be replaecd by W. C. Kerr, W. W.• Smith, Wesley Herr, Jamey Mair, and Stewart Lowe. Reports and itemsof business were interspersed with a short pro- gram; solo by Graeme McDonald; humorous reading Mrs, G. Mc- Dowell; piano duet, ,loan end Helen Wilson: piano solo, Mrs. W. King; play, "After the Church Supper," by- six ysix members of the Young Women'a Guild, Mrs. G. Elliott, Mrs 0. El- liott, Miss Jesm4e Little, Mrs, George Galbraith,Mies Dorothy Anmetrong, and Mrs, D. Hemingway, Total receipts for' the year were $7,494.34; and the balance, 9105. The reports were particularly gratify- ing because the church has been without a regular minister since last March,' when Rev. G. A. Milne moved to Merrill, Ore, During the vacancy the Ladles' A4d and the board of management connbined re- sources and effected a complete renovation of the manse, at a east of almost $3,000, Looking forward to the coming of the new minister Rev. W. J. Pelton of Milford, Coun- ty Donegal, Ireland, the eongregat- tion decided to huy a refrigerator for the manse, Votes of thanks to the treasurer; the or;ga.nist, Louis D. Thompson, and his chair; and Rev, Alex Simp- son were voiced during a social hour when lunch was served, NOTICE -- The 67th Annual Meeting of the Policy holder's of the Elme, Farmers' Mutual Fire Insurance Company will be held in the Forrester" Hall in Atwood on Tuesday, February 6th, 1951 at two o'clock for the purpose of receiving the reports of the directors and endttors and disposing of the same, for the election of officers and any other business that may come bedsore the meeting. This Is an important meeting, we hope you will attend. NOTICE The Local Association With the members of Girl Guides and Brown- ies are planning a Candy and Baking Sale and Teta on Saturday, Feb, 3rd. Any donations of food will be great - fully accepted, REGENT THEATRE • Seaforth, Ont. • • • NOW PLAYING - t Thurs. Fri. Sat. Jan, 25-28.27 "THE GUN FIGHTER" with Gregory Peck and Helen Wescott The true story of the South West's Greatest Gunman RIs fame made h]me the target for every man's Bullet, Be sure to see this Western with the new twist. * * * * * * * COMING - In Technicolor "ANNIE GET YOUR GUN" eir * e EAST HURON FALL FAIR BOARD NAMES DIRECTORS Tile annual meeting of the East Duron Agrjeultural Society was held in the haeement of the library oe Friday afternoon. A complete fin uncial statement was presented, business nl the board discussed and 41neetors Wanted Retiring (Directors R. Knight George Menzies, and W, Shortreed will he replaced by Gordon knight for Grey, Jantes Mair for Morris, John Work for Brussels. Frei Wil- ; son, assistant agricultural roe/resets tattve for Ihu•on County, was the guest smeeker. He. commended the society highly for their good work clone In connection with Junior Rot's' and Girls' Clubs, and express. ed the hope that plans would he made and hrnade.netl for the annual Fell Fair, one of the best in tate district last year, Gordon Knight moved a vote of thanks to Mr, Wilson. Before the meeting ad- journed, president, J. B. Wheeler caller] a director's meeting for Wed- nesday. BRUSSELS UNITED CHURCH REPORTS SUCCESSFUL YEAR The annual congregational meet- ing of the Brussels United Church was held last Wednesday evening, January 17th, with the minister, Rev. Andrew Lane, presiding. Very inter- esting reports were given by the officers of the various departments of the Church and all showed a successful year's work. Several responses were given and greatly helped the evening's program, The treasurer reviewed the financial situation and reported a substantial balance on hand when the books were closed on January 2nd, 1951. After ,the reports the election of officers took place. Mr, Earnest Dennis was elected an Hotrouraty elder, :lir. Wm. Ellacott and 901', ,iames Turnbull were elected to the Session for a tern, of five years and Mr, Bert Hemingway for one year to finish opt the -tern, of Mr, Bert Ganndss. The following were elected to the Board of Stewards for three year51 Mr. Clifford Buschlen, Mr. F, W. Todd and Mr. Bert Bray. Mr. J. C. Hemingway anct Mr. N. Hoover were appointed auditors. •A vete of thanks was extended to nli the officers and learners of the miens organisations for their valuable services and splendid co- operation during the past year. Atter the meeting adjourned, the ladies passed lunch and a social halt hour was enjoyed by all. NOTICE Applications for the position of Assessor for the Township of Grey, will be received by the undersigned till 8 .o'clock p. m. on ;Saturday, Feb. 3rd, No application necessarily accepted. Township of Grey, J.H. Fear, Clerk, - L13T0WEL (7,4 PITOL THEA TRE Wed. Thur. Jan. 24-25 The Marx Bros. in "LOVE HAPPY" with Ilona Massey, . Vera -Ellen, Marion Hutton. Fri. Sat. Jan. 26-27 GENE AUTRY and 'Champion" in "TH BIG SOMBRERO" (Cinecolor) Sat. Mat. 2:00 - Eve. 7.30 p.m. Mon. Tues. Jan. 29-30 Adult Entertainment Richard Conte, Valentina Cobetesa, Lee J. Cobb in "THIEVES' HIGHWAY" TUESDAY FOTO-NITE OFFER $110.00 Monday Attendance Card Night. Wed, Thur. Jan. 31 • Feb T Adult Entertainment Dana Andrews; Marta Toren Stephen McNally in "SWARD IN THE DESERT" } Brussels bions Club Tho ri,11 of the district governor, ' (Jordon Hasgrave of Forliych, was a Paters of the regular meeting of Tameeels Lions Cluh on Monday eight. Lion Hargrave made a Plea for service elutes and churches, whose aims and ideals are so sinilav, to join forces. The good that would result would have a startling erect on world conditions, be claimed. Bernice and June Hack - well, contributed a musical selection. Lion R. B. Cousins, chairman for the Lions sponsored Christmas Seal Campaign, reported the receipts for title year as $409.50 compared with last year's 9345.50. LOCAL ASSOCIATION OF GIRL GUIDES AND BROWNIES MET The Brussels, Loc; 1 Association er the Girl Guidry and,lOrownies met in the Brussels Public Library on Monday, ,Ian. 22nd at 2 p. in. Mrs. 0.'. G. Leach, District Commissioner, presided. It was brought to the attention of the Local Association that funds for payment of fees for Guides and Brownies roust be raised and suggestions were made by Mrs. D. A. Rami, seconded by Mrs. A. Higgins that with assistance of Girl Guides and Brownies the Asanniation would sponsor a Valentine Tea and Baking and Candy Sale in the reamer's Public Library on Saturday, Feb. 3rd, at 2.30 p. m. This motion was approved and convenors were then chosen. Foildwing this, arrangements were made for a Baden Powell NIght in Thursday, Feb. 22nd, in the Brussels Public Library, followed by a church parade on Sunday, Feb. 25th. This would include the Brussels 1st Co Girl Guides, Brussels lst Co. Brown- ies, Brussels 1st Co. Boy Scouts and Brussels lst Co. Cubs, The busi- ness session finished the meeting was then adjourned. 1951 DODGE TO BE ON DISPLAY .SATURDAY HERE 'Phe complete Dodge line for 1951 will be introduced here this Saturlay, with new styling, safety, perfor- mance and luxury features and a completely new range of names, it is announced by A. J. Shaw, general• sales manager, the Dodge -DeSoto Division, the Chrysler Corporation of Canada, Limited. The new Dodge cars may be seen Locally in the showrooms of Elliott Motor Sales, The Dodge Custom has been re- named the Coronet. The Dodge Special Deluxe is now the Regent, The Dodge DeLuxe (1181k inch wheelbase) is now called the Cru- sader; the Dodge (1.1l inch wheel- base) the Kingsnvay. The popular all-purpose all -metal Surburban is again a feature of new Dodge showing across Canada. Com- pletely new in the Suburban Special DeLnxe edition introduced now as the Savoy, "We feel that these new Dodge models will add to Dodge's reputat• ion for dependability, safety, economy nd long life", Mr, Shaw said, '�e introduce the new line prondly o-, t�ith namtes distinctive as the mac e.ls which bear them," "The Dodge line for 1951 retains the features which have set new automotive standards, but introduces new features and many refinements, The result is the finest Dodge line in our history", Melville Church Service The service in Meivilte Church Sunday morning was taken by Mr. R. Richie student, and his text was Matt. 24:42, "Watch therefore for Ye ' know not, what hour your Lord doth come. A most inspiring and ably spoken sermon on the 'grow- ing indifference to religion a.nd the church, and also the signs of the time, A solo was sung by Miss Mary Lou McFarlane, BRUSSELS WELL -BABY CONFERENCES The Majestic Women's lnetitute of Brussels in Conjunction with the Huron County Health Unit, is epon_ spring a Well -Baby Conference to be held regularly every two weeks scanting Friday, dun, lath, 1951, from 2 to 4 ]n the afternoon, in the Library Building, Brussels. This is to be a service to mothers so that tliey may weigh their babies and young children at regular intervals and also talk over problems with the nurse in attendance, NOTICE -GIRLS' GARDEN CLUBS The Majestic \Vmneu's Institute esti . psnsot'ing the Ghia' Gar - dee c'1ab for 1951. Barn gigs betwe ,pnt tl aages Of 12 and 96 Yea"A are eligible to join, If interested idea -4e give Mrs. John Speir, Your name before Feb, lst, • UNITED CHURCH W. A. The regular meeting of the W, A. of the *United Church was held on Tuesday evening, Jan. 16th , at the the home Mrs, J. Rowland, with a good attendance, Mrs, R. Cousins, the president, opened the meting by singing hymn 242. The scripture lesson Micah 4 and 6 was read by Mrs. F. W, Todd, Mrs. Ins. Bryans offered prayer fnllowed by the Lore's prayer ns unison. The secretary's report was read and approved, also, "Thank -You", letters were read and Mrs. Lane *hankrd the ladies for the parsonage kitchen improvements. The treasurer Mrs, W. Williamson gave her report, showing a sub- stantial amount in the bank, Hiss H. Downing reported another box had been sent to the, "Save the Children. Fund" in Toronto. The Good Cheer report was also given. The next W. A. meeting is to be in charge of the "W' of the congre- gation. The meeting closed with hymn 123 and the Mizpai' benediction, During thea+ social hour which followed an auction sale was held with Miss E. Downing as anntioneer, which netted about fourteen dollars. A contest followed and a delicious luneh served. A vote of thanks was tendered the Committee in charge and also Mrs. Rowland for the use for her home. LOCAL BARBER SHOP UNDER MANAGEMENT NEW 91r. I aril Bruneski who Tete niter - mod a barber shop and pool room hers for the past two yeare has sold hit huninr ss to lir. Relit. Walker, formerly of Listowel, Sir. Walker was in partnership with lir, Clayton Riche for 10 years operating a barber business in that town. welcome Mr. and firs. Walker to ]3ruseels and wish them every success in their business. The United Church The Church's Charter was the Alib- ied' of the sermon in The United Church on, Sunday morning, Jan, 21. The text was Matthew 28: 1.3-20 "Go se? therefore and make disciples of all nations and lo, I am with you alway.'" The anthems, "Lord I Come to Thee," by Elizabeth Davis Sneehtip w•aa rendered in the morn- ing and "Jesus is Near" by B. D. Ackley in the evening, The evening subject was. "The Penalty of an Vndisturbed Life." SKATING CARNIVAL IN BELGRAVE ARENA Watch for announcement of Date and Further Particulars. Library Notes ";te stet: nom. next Saturday. .nal,. 27111, will be in charge of Mye, C, Alcark. A11 children from 4 to R years are w+leome. Tillie, 2.30 P.m, a 'u the br • 1 library. r . Y Tie• setons* meeting of the Library hoard was Mild on Monllay evening. .Iuri. 1 Ith. The work of the past year was discussed and improvements planned for the future. The entire basement has been redecorated, the Women's Institute being responsible for the kitchen and tea-room. New books are to be ordered right away. Mr. McBride has been appointed as a member of the Board to replace Mr. Schultz. The officers for 1951 are as follows; Chairman Rev, A. Lane Secretary Miss Ii. Downing Treasurer Mr, R. J. Bowman NOTICE r.he Road Clear for Snow Plnwdng as men can not operate where gateways, or roadsides are Bock, d by milk cans, cars etc., and The Connell will not he responsible fel_ damage. 139 Order of The Council, Township of Grey. A Pancake Supper will be held in the basement of St. John's Church on Shrove Tuesday, ]Feb. 6th. Menu - Pancak s with syrup, sandwiches,, pie, pickles and tea. Supper from 5 to 8 p. m. Adults 60c - Children 35c emeestexemeamaftweeztanoceezmemm You Are Cordi'Iiy Invited To Sce The New 19 1 46111.11 1951 Dodge Regent 4 -Door Sedan The front of the new Dodge is modern and massive, distinct- ively styled to look longer and lower. Its sleek lines are deftly accentuated with chrome. The front window is wider, the corner posts are redesigned for maximum vision, and the area of the rear window has been substantially increased. The Dodge Regent is offered as a 4 -door sedan and club coupe. The i?odge Crusader Series also includes a 4 -door sedan and club coupe. The Dodge Kingsway (111" wheelbase) is available in a two -door sedan, and business coupe. The popular ail -purpose, all -metal Suburban is again a feature of new Dodge showings across Canada, Completely new is the Dodge Suburban's special deluxe edition being introduced this year as the Savoy. ON DISPLAY Saturday, Jan. L' th Al Elliott Motor Sales Phone 82 Brussels, Ont.