HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-17, Page 7They Didn't Wait For Saturday Night 1"leopati.a .taros] roiuJiing whet ,he turd: her first beauty bath it asses' milli, liter stun [hat lar -of day the ientiniue bath lee: beet grott•ing marc and more vsol!e Nowadays it can r"ulain :dun,., anylhin -- :!','j't idniu water! ltfilatl pity- relax it the nitigor• atii;, sparkle of a bubble bath, or d'taappru in a nuts, of fount, thane pagne, milk (usually }coat, in ference to is,es'i, encu !hick brown mind --all have their devotees in the cause of beauty, though most of us are. content, like the girl un the magazine covers, stilet honest to - goodness soapsuds, Perhaps to di8trarl ,he.attention of the censors from their ever- present problem of removing oven married couples from double bed; --and re -settling them in the ttvi1 variety -- film-makers hitt e been having tt real orgy of bath scenes lately. Paulette Goddard was among the first of the stars to take a bubble bath on the screen—and did so again do ire recently in "Anna Lu - caste." Claudette Colbert did her stuff in the tttb when she played "!Cleopatra" back in the 1930s. And now we have Yvonne De Carlo as a claimant to the title of the lady who took the most expensive bath in filet history( Tier abultions for "The Desert Hawk," in which she co-stars with Van Ileflin, cost Universal -Interna- tional $50,000, In glorious Techni- color, they introduced the largest bath -tub in the biggest bathroom with the most complicated heating system ever used in pictures—and (Miss De Carlo took the scene in her stride, with a naked grace be- fitting her title "Queen of Techni- color." The items ' t included one hath -tui --a large prefabricated oasis; one bathroom -- complete with palms, jutting rocks and sandy spaces; 50,- 000 gallons of warns water kept at 70 degrees Fahrenheit by a maze of pipes under the pool, Yvonne cavorted in the water under the strict, though private, surveillance of three handmaidens, the director, cancra crew, 37 elec- tricians, five prop men, sevon spec- ial effects Hien and 24 other assorted film workers — whose unanimous verdict at the end of the seven - hour "take" was that, for that scene alone, the picture would he well wartlt seeing! Mistakes That Are Worth Millions One of the best kept secrets of Buckingham Palace is soon to be disclosed to the world and trans- formed into a dollar -earning asset. Only a few specialists have ever been allowed a full view of the Icing's stamp collection, but now a detailed catalogue of his 214,590 stamps is to be published in book form. . Its sales are expected to realize a million dollars frotn American col- lectors. Complete with exact colour plates, the book shows such unique specimens as the King's Mauritius 1847 Twopenny Blue — discovered in a schoolboy's album and worth ;210,000—and the- equally valuable Mauritius penny orange red, dis- covered on a fifty -year-old invite - don envelope, Yet perhaps tete most interesting chapter will list the King's "imperfections," stamps that would be of little value if perfect and yet are worth big money be- cause of mistakes. The Princess Shed a Tear Many years ago a single rose - mauve lied. showed a single error in the lettering. It tvas never issued and the King now has the only known specimen, believed to be Worth £4,000, Another error stamp has "penile" printed for "pence." Bought for the Royal collection for £500, it is reputed to be worth £1,500 to -day. A coronation stamp came out with two tiny uncoloured spots, resembling a colon, between "12" and ".May," Up went the col- lector's price when it was known that the King's agents were trying to buy are. Then the price fell be- cause the agents had the almost Incredible luck to buy this "carna- tion flaw" in a post office, An imprefection like a tear ap-. pearcd beneath Princess Elizabeth's 'eye in the, Canadian one -cent jub- ilee stamps. The tear appeared only 0110 one stamp on certain sheets, but, though there were sufficient sheets to depress the rarity market, the stamp changed hands at 1000 times its face value, This year a dealer was sorting though his stock of newly -issued Aden Shlhr Dependency stamps when he found a sheet without the normal surcharge of "1 rupee," Only one sheet of many thousands sold had missed the machine, but the error had turned a sheet of 60 stamps normally. worth only te5 into a rarity worth :09,000. Ono of lite imperfections was quickly ac - attired for the King. Although the Royal collection is limited to British Umpire issues it world be incom- elete without these imperfect spec- imens -,trivial errors that defy care- ful checking, - h's Time to Personaljze Your ‘NY people today have more shill as house -furnishers dean as home -makers. Intent upon the efficiency and space -saving necessary (0 modern living, they forget to add the 1111111 small touches that give a house personality. Perhaps grandmother overdid things—but when you walked mato her house you could tell whether she was bandy with her crochet needles, or whether her talents ran to china -painting and indoor cultivation of geraniums. No. matter how handsome a decorator's sketch may appear, it's a mistake for you to copy it in every detail. Your home should reflect you—and your own individual likings. In today's hustle and bustle, take time for little extras. Cover your stools with needlepoint, if that's your taste, or your walls with impressionistic paintings if your lean- ings are more modern. Take your favorite pitcher out of.your china cupboard; fill it with flowers and place it on the hall table for every- day enjoyment. I-Iang that handsome plate you received for a wedding present upon the wall, instead of hoarding it for semi- annual dinners. It's a good idea to strive toward graciousness as well as personality in your house. To intake your guests like you, as well as your home, remember small courtesies like fresh fingertip towels in the hathroonn, books on the bedside table, or a special set of cosmetics in the drawer of the guest -room vanity. one This guest enjoys her stay in a house that has both personality and graciousness. Fingertip towels, fresh daily, add to the home's hospitable atmosphere and enhance the decor of the bathroom. e)am And:De ws. The idea of using canted tomato soup as an ingredient in cakes or puddings may conic as a bet of a shock to some; but it was some years ago that experimenters dis- covered that the spiced "fruitiness" of the soup Itlakes it a pleasant ad-- dition to many types of batter, Be- sides that, it lends a rich glowing colour which greatly increases the "eye appeal." The following recipe was worked • out in the test kitchen of a big canning company; and although they're called "Date Cakes" most folks serve them as a hot dessert, covered with a sauce such as the one for which I also give you the recipe, You'll note that there's no salt in the cakes' recipe That's be- cause there's sufficient in the soup• 4: W 4, DATE CAKES WITH CREAMY SAUCE 0/4 cup once -sifted pastry flour, or % cup once -sifted hard -wheat flour 1 teaspoon baking powder Ya teaspoon baking soda 14 teaspoon ground cinnamon teaspoon ground ginger Vs teaspoon grated nutmeg • cup cut-up pitted dates 254 tablespoons shortening %s cup fine granulated sugar 1 small egg, well beaten - 1 tablespoon molasses cup condensed tomato soup Method; Measure 'and sift to- gether three times, the flour, bak- ing powder, baking soda, cinnamon, ginger and nutmeg; add the dates and mix until pieces are separated and coated with flour mixture. Cream the shortening; gradually blend in the sugar and creast well, Add the well beaten egg, a little at a time, beating well after each addition; stir in molasses, Add dry ingredients to the cream- ed mixture alternately with the to- mato soup, combining lightly after each addition. Spoon batter into greased muffin pans, filling them about three, quarters full, Bance in a moderately hot oven, 375 degrees, about 20 minutes. Turn out and serve hot with the following Creamy Fruit Sauce. Yield, 8 servings, CREAMY FRUIT SAUCE Beat 1 egg white until stiff, but not dry; gradually beat in a;i cup fruit sugar; add 1 egg yolk and beat to combine Fold in 2 table- spoons finely cut drained mara- schino cherries, % cup chopped nutmeats and i-1 teaspoon vanilla. Teat 51 cup whipping cream until stiff; add to egg mixture and fold lightly to combine. Serve on the liot Date Cakes. o It seem, to me that it's gitite a while since I passed along any re- cipes from other countries. Those that follow have a decided "Scan- dinavian accent"—Norwegian, to be precise. I'm sure you'll find them all worth a trial. 4, :s 4: MEAT BALLS 1 pound ground round steak j/, pound ground pork 3.4 cup dry bread crumbs r/ cup hot milk 1 egg 1 medium sized minced onion Salt, pepper, ginger, nutmeg and allspice to taste 1 teaspoon sugar 1 cup milk Method: Grind meats together finely. Add crumbs, the / cup milk, egg, onion, seasoning, and sugar. Mix thoroughly. Shape into balls, brown in butter, then reprove from skillet. Make a medium thick gravy, using drippings in spillet, 1 cup milk and desired amount of water. Season gravy. Add meat balls to the gravy and cook 15-20 minutes, 4, 4, NORSE CRISP WAFERS 3/4 cup butter 3 cup confectioners' sugar 2 egg yolks 2 teaspoons vanilla 13/4 cups sifted flour Egg white Nuts, cherries, etc. Method: Cream butter w i t h sugar; add yolks and vanilla, Beat well. Blend with flour. Chill dough in refrigerator until firm, Pinch off small pieces, roll into balls, lay on cookie sheets. Then use a smooth- bottom tumbler dipped in flour to press balls flat. Brush tops of flat- tened cookies with slightly beaten egg white. Decorate with half a pecan or a cherry, Bake in a moder- ate oven (370-375 degrees) until delicately browned. * * * COLD, BUD? • Just looking at comely Pat Kelly basking in the sun at a Hollywood pool may give you some relief from Jack Fros't's chilling breath. Or it may male yott say "G -r -r -r l" instead of * * '31C POTATO PANCAKES Ham Shank 4 raw potatoes 2 bpiled potatoes Salt and pepper 1 cup whole wheat or graham flour White flour Method: Boil hate shank until done. Reprove from liquid and allow to• cool. Use as much of the meat and fatty part as desired and put through food chopper. Grind raw and cooked potatoes (do not use new potatoes). Combine meat and potatoes, sea- son with salt and pepper, add whole wheat or graham flour and just enough white flour to make a stiff dough. Roll into dumplings with (rands; drop into boiling ham stock and cook until done, about 1 hour. Serve with butter or butter and sirup. HOW C AN i? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I draw out a splinter from under the finger nail? A. Use a common yellow soap combined with brown sugar. This is also good for bringing painful gatherings to a head. A cold water bandage around the top of the fin- ger, keeping it wet, will 01 time loosen a splinter and prevent fes- tering. ' 4: Q, How can I accurately measure a half -cup of butter? A. Fill the measuring cup with water to the half -cup mark, and then keep putting butter into the water until the cup is filled, You will get the right amount and will lose no butter by its sticking to the cup. 4' Q. How can I clean stained silks? A. An ounce of essence of leucon and a half ounce of oil of turpen- tine is an old-fashioned remedy, which is often very effective. 4, 4: q Q. How can I freshen a dry coconut? A. There is quite a difference be- tween the taste of a fresh coconut and one that is not, but practically the same delicious flavor can be had by steaming a dry coconut for about 45 minutes. Q. How can I thaw pipes that are frozen? A, Thaw them by turning the faucet upside down with a pair of pliers or a wrench, then putting as much salt in a gallon of boiling water as it will dissolve and pouring into the pipe. Q. How can I remove Vaseline jelly stains? A, Rub witlt coal oil, If the stain has been allowed to remain for a long time, soak it in coal oil; then rub and wash soapsuds, 4' '4' Q. How can 1 take a grease stain out of a frock, if it has been spilled on when eating out? A. Try this method: Rub the hands together briskly until heat is created, Placo one palm under the spot aid rub vigorously with the other palm, 'Tice heat generated will usually make the stain dis- appear. - Q. How can I snake a good rem edy for chapped lips? A. Mix 20 parts of white wax, 40 parts of spermaceti, 10 parts oil of sweet almonds, and 30 parts of perfectly per and fresh lard, * ,k * Q. How can I set colors in mate- rial that has started to run? A. Ordinary table salt is excel- lent for this purpose, Versatile Bamboo In the Far East entire houses arc built out of bamboo, The stouter parts of the plant supply ready - turned pillars, while the slandered joints• are cemented together to forte walls, Split into laths and beaten out, bamboo makes an excellent floor covering. 'It is also used to make the roof. If the householder wants to pro- tect himself from intruders he builds a bamboo palisade round the house which is as good as a brick wall. If he wants to irrigate his laud he uses tlu hollow stems of bamboo for pipes to conduct the water. These stents also give hint gutters and spouts. Inside his bamboo house will be found chairs, benches, mattresses, pillows, mats, all made of the same material. as is the tube through which their owner inhales his tobacco, No wonder the Chinese say that the bamboo is all profitl You can even eat it, Seasoned with herbs its tender young shoots retake a fragrant dish. When salted, dried, and preserved in vinegar these shoots snake a fav- orable'pickle, You can drink it, too. As the plant grows older a fluid collects in its ]follow joints. This makes a refreshing beverage, and if left untapped transforms itself into a medicine called tabischeer, which is said to cure burns inflicted by fire or acid. New and Useful Too Plastic Skis For the spoils entinl,iast tunie5 a plastic ski. hickory wood is fused with plastie toll and bottom. This prat docs as a;' will, wax- i1tll the ;psis. Talkative Doll Latest dull gue, uuu 1, further than Just saying "Mania" or cry- ing. This model when wound tip cap, speak 108 words. says nursery rhymes, etc. :mil ends its speech by rlerhuing it i- going -to bed, no doubt to ,Set a good example to the kiddie; present. Mechanism in doll's stou,aclu casae' it to speak. • Toy Smoke Rings Another net+ toy for the new year is a gull made of tentite plastic, with a quick repeater trig- ger. Into the hinged metal housing is inserted a chemical smoke pellet. thrust mechanism sends out smoke ring;, Danger is elinnuated, corn - patty claims its smoke is nontoxic and gull is not a fire hazard, e. Rubber Finish Glass -like fanjet! of natural rubber can be used to renew linoleum, furniture and leather; also damp - proofs walls and can be used as a sealer on plaster or cement sur- faces, Quick -drying, new substance is not harmed by strong acids, etc. 4. 4* Automatic Pressure Cooker Eliminating the fuss and watch- ing in pressure cooking, new unit is completely automatic, claims manufacturer. Cnit consists of a four quart pressure saucepan, an electric stove with cooking dial and a 60 minute timer. Self -Locking Nut A Welsh firm Inas produced a new "Nylon" nut. They have used nylon instead of the usual fibre insert of elastic stopntent. Improves performance for aircraft and gen- eral construction, company claims, Also said to produce a low coeffi- cient of friction, great hardiness and resilience and resistance to oils, gas, paraffin, kerosene and boiling water. Silicone Polish Furniture polish is made of sili- cone compound. Liquid is applied like water. leaves a thin haze when dry. Company claims a little elbow grease will leave a high gloss for months. * Plug-in Car Light Anyone who has tried to read maps, utc, by the dint haze of interior car lights will appreciate new powerful spotlight with 4 inch diameter sealed beans which plugs into cigarette lighter socket of car panel. Light has a pistol -grip han- dle, thumb switch and 11 foot cord. When not in use, lamp can be stored in glove compartment, 4' 1' >1 Seasonal Mattress A reversible mattress can be used in summer and winter. For the hot weather one side is made of special porous latex foam. When the weather gets chilly, simply turn over the mattress to the side with finely engineered and tempered steel springs. Magnetic Latch The old ("I bumped into a door") excuse for a black eye won't hold good any more. 'Magna -Latch" is a permanent type magnet to hold cupboard doors shut, once closed. Magnet is enclosed in small plastic case mounted under the shelf. Steel dour plate attarlted 'Imide dour con- tacts magnet when door has been 511111 k * 4, Changes Tires Heavy tires on aircraft, trucks and, contractor's equipment can be re- moved by hydraulic unit in shop or field. Operated manually, pl101P can exert 18 tons of pressure, company claims, easily removing tires front rusted rims, Unit is adjustable to 4. all t.iic size', 4: 4: Extinguisher for Metal A lire extinguisher said to prove valuable to metal industry expels a new dry powder which excludes oxygen from the air around burn- ing metal by forming a crust and thus smothering the flaines. Highly effective against fires in magnesium, sodium, potassium, zinc, etc. Horne Movie Stills Carrera hobbyists will appreciate new kit for making still enlarge- ments from home movie film, in black and white and in color. Post'- tive prints are made on enlarging paper -- no negative intermediate nage. * 4: R+ Motorized Wheelbarrow Air-cooled engine under barrow - bed drives through V -belt and pul- ley to tire tread. Cylinder compres- son brakes on downgrades. Controls are on right handle, Said to pull a full load up a 40% grade, simplify ing the carrying of materials, SPLITTI 140 ®AC. RELIEVED IH J I FFP" And the RELIEF iS LASTING For fast relief from headache get INSTANTINE. For real relief get INSTANTINE. For prolonged relief get INSTANTINE! Yes, more people every day are finding that INSTANTINE is one thing to case pain fast. For headache, for rheumatic pain, aches and pains of colds, for neuritic or neuralgic pain you can depend on INSTANTrNE to bring you quick comfort. INSTANTINE is made like a pres- cription of three proven medical ingredients. A single tablet usuallybrings fast relief. Got Instantlna today and always keep It handy nstantine 12 -Tablet Tin 28 Economical 48 -Tablet Bottle 69i Watch On The Rock—A policeman guards the anelent Saxon Coronation Stone near tete Guildhall at Kingston -on-.Thames, Surrey, England. A special guard was posted at this historic stone, a relic of the coronation of Saxon kings, after the recent theft of the famous Stone of Scone from London's 'Westnliustet Abbey.