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The Brussels Post, 1951-1-17, Page 5
THE BRUSSELS POST YOUR COMMERCE BRANCH heysto ne of Mthi Street The towns of Canada are human places. In our town you go to your banker as naturally as you go to your grocer. No banking service is too large or tot) small to expect of your Commerce manager , . , The child with a dollar, learning to save . , . a young man starting in business , , . the old folks ready to retire . , . all are welcome at The Commerce. Yes, our Canadian towns are human places ... aad.the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know. The Canadian Bank ©f Commerce BLUEVALE Edward Waddell has sold one of his houses In the village to Lewis Hutton, Wingham. At a progressive euchre sponsor- ed by the Women's Institute in the Community Hall, 17 tableswere in "The Commerce" ,lack Eburs 141.50A play, Mrs. Carl Johnstou won first prize for women aul Harry Elliott won the men's first prize. Mr, and Mrs, Tom Straohan, Grey town ship, and Mrs. Eva Cameron, Oran - brook, with Mrs. P, S. MacEwan and Mrs. Lamont, That's what I asked the Government Annuity representative. I was trying to balance the family books at the time and told him that, like most home -makers, I had so many places to spend my paychecks, my account was zero at the end of each month. But He showed me a simple saving plan to provide an income in the future, that was as practical as a trip to the barber, and a plan which suited my budget. Before you say—'It's a good idea, but I 'lust can't afford it', talk it over with a CANADIAN GOVERNMENt ANNUITY representative, or write for information. I'm glad I did! Annuities Brunch DEPARTMENT OF LABOUR HUMPHREY MITCHELL Minister A. MacNAMARA Deputy Minister :tact t"F.xTd :�,�G x`-�j;'�ay':•��. Mall this Coupon today POSTAGE FREE Annuities Brand., • Department of Labour, Ottawa. - Ploaso send mo COMPLETE INFORMATION oboe! Canadlan Government Annuities. NAME ADDRESS (PRINT CLEARLY) 9W NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate of Sarah Jane Gerry late of the Village of Brussels in the County of Huron, Widow, deceased who died on or about tile' Eleventh clay of December, 1950, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before the Twenty -Ninth day of Jan- uary, 1951, full particulare of their claims in writing. Immediately after the Twenty-ninth day of January, the assets of the Testatrix will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, Having regard only to claims of which the Executors shall then have notice. Dated this 9th day of January, 1951, CRAWWORD & HETRERINGTON, Barristers Brussels, Ont, Solicitors for the Executors, WALTON The January meeting of the Miss• ion Bend was held in the basement of the Church on Jan. 14, 1951. The meeting opened with Hymn 772, fol. lowed with a Scripture reeling by Mrs. Broadfoot. This was followed with the election of offices. • President Nell MoGavin 1st Vice Pres, 2nd Vice Pres, Secretary Treasurer Press Reporter R, Smith F. Walters R. Ennis D. Achilles H. Kirkby Captains for the New Year • L. Hazlewood and D. Kirkby Pianists A. Haekweli, D. Johnston and 0. Dundas. Mrs. H. Kirkby read the Installat- ion service and explained it and dedicated the new officers to their office and then led in prayer, 'Phe business was opened by the Secre- tary's report read by Ronnie Ennis and seconded by P. Walters. It was , decided that June Hackwoll read the Treasurer's report and Bahara. Pat- terson the Secretary's at the Annual Meeting. Mrs. Smith then gave a very interesting story on Japan. Web is our study book for the New Year, The meeting closed with all repeafing the Mizpnh Benedlot•Ton, Rev, Mr, Hazlewood presided for our first meeting of the W. M, S. In 1951. Which was held in the church basement on Jan. 10th. The meeting opened with the singing of Hymn 662, followed with a Scripture reading from 2nd Timothy chapter 2, In his short address, he told of the way the W.M.S. kept up the Mission- ary ,Spirit in the Church and also mentioned the W. A. and the wonder- ful work they clo in raising money for the work of the church. Then Mr, Hazlewood read the installation ser- vice and after this the officers for 1951 took over the meeting. Mrs, E. Martin our new President, Presided over the meeting which opened with the singing of Hymn 269, followed with a Bible reading from Bsa1m 188. The See, and Treas. reports were read and adapted the Treasurer reported that we had a very snoeesaful year in 1950 and that we had raised 8809.65 and sent in 8761.06. Different afficers and groups gave their reports, Plans for the World Day of Prayer, were dtscussel which will be heed on Feb. 9th. The program was in charge of the Wal, ton group under the leadership of Mrs, L. Marks. She was assisted by Mrs. R. Travis, Mrs, W. C. Bennett, Mrs. P, T. Holman and Mrs, F. Birkby. The meeting closed by sing- ing Hymn 856, followed by the Benediction. The January meeting of the W. A. of Walton United Church was held in the church on San. 10th, with 26 members present. Rev. Mr. Hazlewood presided for the installation of officers which were as follows: Hon. Pres, Miss M. Smillie President Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull let Vice Pres.........Mrs. C. Ritchie 2nd Vice Pres, Mrs. P, Holman Std ViPres. Mrs. G. Stene Secretaryce ,.•.•,,, Mrs, Silas Johnston Treasurer ,,,. Mrs, Robt. McMichael Pianiste Mrs. Harvey Johnston. Mrs, J. Bryans, , Mrs. Roy Bennett Plower Com. Mrs, T, Leeming Manse Cont..,.. Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull, Mrs, E. I•Iackwell„ Mrs R. Bennett The President Mrs. Wilbur Turn- bull, presided ani opened the meeting with hymn 1489, Breathe on me breath of God and the Lord's Pray- er, Mrs. S. Johnston gave the For glowing health , , , vitality , .. strength, do as the sports champs do, Drink milk) Tt's nature's best refresh- ment, finest food, for into mills, nature porus vitamins, minerals, proteins , .. the very things you need for sturdy growth and development. A glass of milk is a swell drink anytime. Enjoy it your favourite way, plain or malted, as a milk shake. or poured over cereal. To keep in championship form, drink three glasses every day, DAIRY 50002 SERVICE BUREAU 409 HURON ST„ TORONTO 1 .:I HELLO THERE! , Hope you en- joy our FARM PAGE (12:00 noon) & MARKET REPORTS (6:20 p.m.), If you have any news of meetings, Forum activities or interesting items, drop me a line here at CFPL, Lon- don. I'd like to heor from you. 980 — CFPL's ROY JEWELL Secretary report which was read and approved. The treasurer Mrs, Rnbt. Mcelicliaelre ported' we had raised 8960,52 and after supplying the needs of church and manse had on stand $260,85. Thank you cards were also read. Lt was decided to have a Pot Luck supper for our annual church meeting, which will be held this month. The W. A. had a very sncceseful year. The meeting closed by repeating the Miapah Benediction AUCTION SALE Of Household f=urniture and Etc. Of the estate of the late Mrs. N. F Gerry at the residence on King Street Brussels en SATURDAY, JANUARY 20th At 1 P. M. Sharp 1 extension table 1 cook stove 1 electric stove, two elements & oven Several kitchen chairs 1 side board 2 couches Electric vacuum cleaner, 1 carpet sweeper 1 sewing machine (Raymond) 1 combination book case and writing desk 1 piano and bench, 2 clocks. 1 hall rack and mirror 2 floor lamps - 8 rocking chairs 1 parlor table 2 parlor chairs (antique) 1 library table 1 living roost suite 1 card table 1 ironing board, 1 radio 1 Easy washing machine 2 iron beds. 2 wooden beds. 4 springs. 4 mattresses. 4 dressers. .,,. 2 wash stands. 2 table lamps. 1 hassock. 1 toilet set. 2 hall trees. Several small tables, 1 smoker, 1 wicker flower stand Large quantity dishes and glassware Quantity of pictures and mirrors. Several bleILketa, quilts and bedding 1 lawn mower Garden and carpenter tools and other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer. Robert J. Johnson, Clerk. CRANBROOK weaucsday, Jan. 17th, lN�l BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURCEOI' William St, Phoc a 4, Brussels, Oat. 1 DR.. R. W. STEPHELNS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON reissolsone 45 Brussels. Oast. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eves Examined. Glasses fitted. Phone 791 Seaforth — Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9-12.30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. G. ALAN WILLIAMS, Optometrist. Patrick St., WINGHAM At Kincardine Office Every Tuesday. Phone Wingham 770 & 5, Kincardine 21. Evenings by appointment, J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist„ LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and the Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a,m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.sss. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:30. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Horse, B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & A . SELWYN BAKER • Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurance McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For further particulars — Phone Brussels 43-r•1 ALBERT CARDIFF Agent for HOWICK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. hWK Qur rates are lower. Phone 21-r-4 Brussels, E)nt. Chats. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR PRS KINDS Auiozeobile and Fire Insmance Accident and sickness Agent Bolt Great West Lire iinsnrauc:, Co. Phone Office 96 BresaseL, Wit. "�. A. ' win Sr. Co. EIINERAL AND AmBuLAriee. wr%,H>.�`•1<iw Licensed Funeral $4h'eetor and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 '— — BRUSSELS, OAST. Dennis Duquette Phone 51-r-18 R. R. 4 Brunk Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big — None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for tide Big Ones. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGHAM and BRUSSELS NI' BRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday all day — Office open every essay. Picone 20x .1 student, Mr. Walter Donovan, was in charge of the regular morning service on Stmday, Jan, 14th. Mrs. Lynn Evans was hostess for the January :Meeting of the W. 114, b. 1 The president, Mrs, J. Schnook gave the opening messages for the New Year and "At 'Pity feet, God and leather" was sung with Mrs. Alex Steles presiding at the Piano. Yel- lowing a prayer by the leader, Mrs, Calvin Cameron gave the Scripture reading ant the meditation ! on it was given by Mrs. Schnook. The i hymn "0 God of Bethel, by Whose Hand;" was sung, The minutes were read and adopted, ten mem- hers and one visitor responded to i the roll call by repeating a verse of scripture containing "beginning". It was derided to hold the Feb, meeting I in the Church at 2 o'clock on Feb. 9 Previous to the Day of Prayer service which will he at 8 o'clock. Pbe word I "strayer" was chosen for roll call, Current events were read by Mrs. I T,ynn levans. The offering was pre - .wetted end the supply secretary, : Mrs. Allen Cameron rend the stew. ` ion for 1951. The card secretary,• Hiss Ts. lee Stehle, reported on Cards sent. The Near Year's topic Stand- III ing et the Portal') was rota by Ms. M. tSngol, "A11 the way my Savi0Tn' Successor to E. D. Bs; leads n1e" was sung and Mrs. J. Schlock closed -the meeting with prayer. 'Refreshments were served by the hostess, assisted by Mrs. H. Gorealitz and Mrs. Fred .Ssnalldon. Mr. and Mrs, Jas. Ritchie, London, visited with her parents, Mr, and Mrs, Allen Cameron. Mrs, L. H. Gordon is somewhat improved, although still confined to the hospital in St. Thomas. Mr, Archie Smith 14th eon., went to Toronto, on Monday where he expects to undergo an operation, BI UEVALE Personals : Mr. and Mrs. Jack Davis, 'Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Eimer Sellers; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mooney, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, „, A. D. 5111)1h; Mr. and Mrs. Spene0-- ,CI McKinnon, Georgetown, with Mr. and JIre, R. R. :McKinnon; Mrs. M. L. Aitken and two sisters, Misses Mary and Ruby Duff, with Mr. and Mrs. Donald Street; Rev. Dr. C. H. MacDonald conducted the regular morning service at ICnox Presby -- teriau Church here, and in the evening the picture. "The Second Chance", was shown, a 1 ,0 a7,0111Mrd 6.,..1.•;rPUSWEMI.a,314,CEJ, g Cost vita. Fee FUNCTION L. FNIE• g HEW Nkomo,. H . LTli"1, FULLY NOURiSHED SIRDS WH OM MORE NO S. SY INCREASE/0e QUAL` ,�I:�j QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST Atm ts*sw - PRC, iT>L tdditrAir (flikhrs•B sleet) MASS r;;#'d BGG PENS ow. Nada Psatate) For Solo by Ethel Produce Phone 22-r-10