HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-17, Page 4/ Via• -"'4.� vat' _S�✓'—��--''A,-C w. Whidi is Canada's largest beer? The polar bear is the largest in Canada. An adult polar bear increases his weight 800 times from the time of birth. The polar bear may attain a weight of over 1600 pounds. But at birth, the tiny young weigh only two pounds. His diet consists mostly of seals, but is sup- plemented with fish. This series of advertisements has been designed to intro- duce yov to some of nature's unusual features,.. and to promote interest in the conservation of our wildlife. YOURS TO PROTECT YOURS TO ENJOY THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 1 McNeil's Slee ServeiQQ, 2-12 S4.sliubricatior S':ell Ho-usehoid and Snell Petroleum Produeta General Rope.lr Livestock; Spray elacrae 77-r-6 Parts anon Aococscrido Bruzselo,. Ong:. AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE AZSISM- THEIR TOMORROW DEPENDS UPON WHAT YOU DO'F TODAY /- THE BRUSSELS POST CLASSIFIED ADS. FOR SALE Soft limb Wood. Jas. Stevenson Phone 00-r-4, FOR SALE.- 1 ALE 1 brooder house 12' x 20' apply to Chesterfield.* and Occasion^' Chez s -�_ REPAIRED and RECOVERED -- .Also Rebuild Mattresses Peck -up and Denvered Stratford Whoistering 43 Brtnnshwick Street (Enquire at — Stratford, OM. Da A. RANN Fornitgue end Funeral Service Phone 38 or 88 Beesaels, Ont. Representative HARVEY STEPHENSON Phone 43x Brussels Gordon Stevenson Phone 42-r-14 • InNiemoriam C UMMINGS — In loving memory of our dear mother, Mrs. Mary Sane Cummings, who passed away one year ago Jan. 20th, 1950. Our lips cannot tell how we miss her, Our hearts cannot tell what to say. God alone knows how we all miss her. In our borne that. is lonesome to -day. Sadly missed by sons, daughter, brother-in-law xud grandchildren, FREDERICK F. HOMY.f`!�-I Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. G. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. FOR SALE— Concentrate containing A.P.F. also A.P.F. concentrate in supplement form, S. C. Lamont, Ethel. Phone Brussels 86-r-19, WANTED — FOR SALE— —� a .\ lady in Brussels who has heed of 12 York pigs, 6 weeks old looney, can earn a substantial in - Chas, Armstrong Phone 42r4, cone 1n her spare time, as Avon 38 pigs. 0 woelts old, one black spaniel pup. Dnn. Fraser Phone 17r19 FOR SALE - 2 Young Durham cows to freshen, Feb. 1st, D. McKinnon Phone 24r12. WANTE D— A number of geese also some white Pekin Ducks, D. McKinnon Phone 24r12. FOR SALt. — 2 Cows, 1 freshen Jan. 19, 1 .to freshen Man 19th. Wilfred Fischer Phone 24-r-18. FOR SALE— Brick house, full bath and double garage. For further particulars apply Lorne W. Eekmier, VACANCY —• Rawleigh business now open in. Huron County. Trade well establish- ed. Excellent opportunity. Full time. Write at once. Rawledgh's Dept. ML -B-152, 189 Montreal. FOR SALE— Duo Therm 011 Heater with cir- culator, large size in extra good condition. Blair McIntosh Phone 55-r-19 GODERICH RE -UPHOLSTERING — Chesterfields, chairs, etc., very choice coverings, Phone Wm, Reid, Goderich 59M or Call at Stores. Es- timates given, 25 years experience. See us, Phone us, Write us, "RAW FURS WANTED" — Good ]mires for mink, coon, Red - Fox, etc, Ship or write to Grenuspoon Bros, 264 Spadina Ave., Toronto, Ont. NOTICE — Now is the time to get your Vit- amins ;end Cold Tablets for the winter ahead or if in need of any Rawleigh Products, Write or Phone 56x9 Geo, Wesenburg, FOR SALE — I3ray Chicks — dayold aul started, pronrt)t shipment. Cockereds, pul- lets. mixed. Early Bray Chicks catch the best markets. Ask us for price list. pxrticnlars — Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. REFIGERATORS — 60 cycle, leading makes 6,7,8,9,12 cubic ft., at the Mildmay Furniture Store, New and used pianos; beauti- ful Chesterfield Suites; Bargain prices at J. F. Schuett & Sons Furniture Store, Mildmay. Free de- livery. Trade ins accepted. GOOD HOUSES FOR, SALE — Brick house with bath, built in cupboard, some hardwood floors. Frame house with furnace, water, some hardwood floors, ashfalt siding on Turnberry St. South. Immediate possession apply to Elmer Ellaeott. LIVESTOCK WANTED— "Up to 55.00 eaoh tor Dead or Disabled Horses, COws, Hogs, at your Harm, Prompt Service. Phone Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. HOUSES FOR SALE —___ House with barn, garage and 2 acres of land, priced to sell, House with good barn and 1 acre of Land, a real buy, Large brick house and good barn, a lovely home House and small acreage, priced right, House and barn, priced to sell, J. C. Long, Ileal Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont. TENDERS FOR WOOD-- — t Morris Township School Doard re- quests tenders for supply wood for the Morris Schools, Wood to be imaple and leech bodvwood 12 inches in length to be delivered and piled et the schools before June 15, 1961, Tenders to be in by San, 30113, 1951. No tender 'necessarily accepted, Wood required: No. 1. .-- 20 cords; No. 2 — 12 cords; No. 4 — 12 cords; No, 5 — 12 cords; No. 0 — 20 cords; No, 7 — 10 Cords; No, 9 -- 20 cords; No. 10 — 10 ends; No, 11 — 20 Cords; No, 12 — 15 cords, Alco 2 cords of ceder for each of the above schools, 11, S. Shaw, Secretary, Bluevale, Ont, saleslady. Write Ml's, Stock, 78 Duchess Ave., Kitchener, NOTICE — A real opportunity these winter evening to figure out your imple- ment needs for the spring use. Plows. Harrows, Spreader, Wagons, Also Liquid Fertilizer. Get Otaco perom Oenric.s Wfesenbtmg Phone 56r9 ATTENTION FAHMERS —. We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices, For int. mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE— Wise poultrykeepers get Bray price list and order early chicks — to catch the better egg and meat markets. Get the spread between Pullet and Grade A Large, Bray chicks, dayolds, some started, prompt shipment. Agent Wm, Bray, Ethel, PEOPLE WE KNOW * * * Mrs. L. D. Thompson was a Tor, onto visitor on Monday. * * * Mr. J. II. Hopper of town left on Tuesday to spend a few weeks in St. Petersburg, Florida, * * * Mrs, Bernice Jones of Fort William spent the week -end at the home of her uncle Dan. McKinnon, * * * Miss Betty Carter commenced her duties last Sunday, as organist of St. Jolru's Anglican Church, Brussels. * * * Mr, ,Tack Thynne, known across Canada has returned to Brussels after completing a six mouth engage- ment tour in Western Canada and tine 1T. S. A. * * * ' Mr. and Mrs, .7. C. Baelter leave Thursday of this week for a holiday in Florida. Mrs. M. Hawirsdraw, a former Brussels resident will stay at the Banker home during their absence. * * * Mr. and Mrs. James Jackson and Mrs. Graham of Mitchell, and W. J. Oldiiield of Seaforth, spent Sat- urday with Miss Margaret Robinson at her home here. . * * * Word was received here that Mr. Joseph Keily, who was resident of Brussels for many years, passed peacefully away on Jan. 12th, while visiting relatives in England. He lest Brussels to visit his homeland last November and looped forward to returning here, 'ETHEL The Ethel Women's Iustitute held their January meeting at the home of Mrs. Stanley Wilson, The Pres.' Mrs. Loundebury was in charge, the meeting was opened by singing the Ode and repeating the Greed and the Lord's Prayer in unison. Over twenty ladies answered the Roll Gall which was answered by' exhibiting or telling the history of the oldest article T possess. The minutes or the December meet- ing were read and approved. The Matto Let hope be our hand maiden and faith he our guide, was given by Miss E. Pearson Current. eventsof 25 years ago .were read by MrsGeo, Kreuter, Mrs. James Pearson favored with o lutmormis reading, Items for the Tweed:ennir Booit were discussed and review of the Ronk will be given by Mrs. A, Pearson at the next meeting, A splendid paper , "My Own Country" was given by Mrs. 'Hartley and es Mrs, TTnrtley was in•eviously a native of t eels, T:ing, land, it made the paper very' In- interestin:e anti was enjoyed by ell present. Mrs. 17, MrTa.ggart was in charge of Iwo lmmornus nontetts. The mooting closed with the Ming; re. freahantnfs were served by ttto hostess curd her assistants, a� Wednesday, Jan. 1711, 1951 �«aa FROM THE "BLUE BOOK" OF FAMOUS' TRAINS Lin -rev The "Blue Boob" — yoar Canadian National Time Table — guide to Everywhere is Canada. This year, The International Limited completes 50 years of continuous, regular daily service between Montreal, Toronto* and Chicago. Since July 1st, 1900, Canada's premier train, The International Limited,. has been providing something special in speedy railway travel ... courteous service, comfort and a smooth ride over a perfect roadbed , . . double track all the way, with automatic -block signals. The International Limited follows the short fast route, full of scenic interest by day, sleep -inviting for overnight travel. Next time, travel comfortably .. e arrive refreshed on The International Limited. It serves Montreal, Cornwall„ Brockville, Kingston, Belleville, Port Hope, Oshawa, Toronto, Hamilton, Brantford, London, Sarnia ... Chicago. *Pool Service Montroal-Toronto only. 'PEW AO' NATIONAL RAILWAYS • AIRLINES • STEAMSHIPS • HOTELS • EXPRESS a TELEGRAPHS DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Change gears hekre crtrossing POULTRY --- EGGS — FEEP Each Locker Insured Against Fire, Phone 80.