HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-17, Page 1USSELS P
At the inaugural meeting of Wing-
,i.ham District High School Boar&
A. D. IViaeWilliam, of Wingbaan, was
anDointed ehairma.n for 1951. Frank
Thompson, of Morris TOwnship, was
/named vice chairman.
Chairman of committees are :
; Property, Tam Henderson, Morris
Township; transportation, Leslie
Fortune, Turnberry Townshin;
school management, Clayton Gam-
", mage, Wingltam; finance, D. M.
MaeTavish, Brussele.
Seaforth — At the annual meeting
of Seaforth District High School
Board, Russell T. Bolton, R. R. 1,
Dublin was chosen chairfan for this
O. Martin replaces I. Bryans, as
representative for Morris TownehiP,
and Seines McIntosh replaces E. B.
Goudie, for Tuckersmite,
Gordon McGavin will hs vice-
chairm,an. and M. A. Reid continues
as sccretaryttreasnrer.
Committees appointed were: Pro-
nerty, C. A. Barber. IS, Coleman,
J. McIntosh, C. .M. Smith; sonplY.
C. B. Sills. Oliver Andersen. C.
Martin, Leslie Oliver; finance, G.
• McGavin. C. P. Mills; executive. C.
P. Sills, C. A. Barber; bus. 0. Mc -
Gavin, S. MeTatosh, H. Colernan,'• ;
C. Martin, L. Oliver, 0, Anderson.
I wish to express gratitude and
appreciation to those customers and
Mende of mine who so generously
helped me financiallyduring my
illness. I wish then the very best for
the coming years.
D. Warillaw, V, S.
will be held In the
Public Library on
at 2,30 p. m.
Now Open For Business
Bed Patients and Invalids.
For appointment
Phone 710J Listowel
St. John's Guilt/
Melville Church
Rev. A. J. Simpson, Teeswater,
10 a, m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. Morniug Worship
No Evening Service.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Morning Worship — 11 o'clock
The Ohurch's Charter.
Church ,Sebool — 12 o'clock
Evening Praise ?o'clock
The Undisturbed Life,
Church of England
Perish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
int Sunday in Seiptuagesama
Jan. net, 1951.
$t. John's Church, Bruesete-
11 a. m, 'Warning Prayer
Sunday Sokonl
St. Devito Church, Henfryn-
2 p m Sinsdny School
2,30 p. m, Evening Prayer
St. George's Church, Walton
7.30 p. m. Evening Prayer
The afternoon Auxiliary of the
'United Church W, M, S. held their
January meeting in the parsonage '
on Tuesday, Jan, Oth, Miss D.
Downing, President, was in charge
of the devotional period, assisted
by Miss 0 McCracken, Prayers were
offered by Mrs. Manning and Kra,
Encouraging reports from, the ,
various departments were heard. A.
committee was chosen to meet with
committees from the other churches,
to plan for the day of prayer.
The topic, "The United Church re-
entered japan," was, taken by Miss
H. Downing, assisted by Mrs. Mc• ;
Laueblin, Miss Robinson and Mies E,
McCracken. At the close of She meet-
ing fees were paid and a social hour
enjoyed. A vote of thanks was given
to Mrs. Lane for her kind hospitality
and to the committee and their '
Henderson - Oliver
The home of Mr, and lefts. Leslie
Oliver, Grey :Township, was the !
scene of a pretty wedding on Satin,
day, Jan. Gth, at 17, noon, when their
daughter, Arnie Joyce, became the
bride of William C. 'Henderson, son i
of Mr, and Mrs, Tvy Henderson, Eg-
mondelile. The -ceremony was per- ;
formed by Rev, R. G. Hazlewood„ af!
Duff's Church, Walton. The home
was prettily arranged with white
streamers and varied colored mums.'
The bride, who was given in mar-
riage by her father, was lovely in
a gown of broriaded taffeta, nylon
yoke, lily pointed sleeves and finger -
Hp veil, held in place by a safin
headdress. Her flowers were red
roses. Her only attendant was her
eister, who was gowned in a floor -
length green taffeta (trees with full
skirt and matcbing headdress. Her
flowers were yellow roses, Mr, Rrnce
Walters, of Seaforth, was the
groemsman, Mrs. Peter Dunlop, of
Seeforth, played the wedding music
and acom.panied Mrs. Ed. 131ston,
of Bruseels, when site sang. "T Love
Von Truly" and "Because'. The
groom's gift to the bride was a
giver tea service. .A. reception was
held at the hone of her parents,
when Mrs, Oliver received in a wine
crepe clrese with a cnrnstion corsage
while Mrs, FIenderson received in a
blue crepe dress with a pink corsage.
The bride's- cake was, in the centre
of the table and the waitresses were
Misses Shirley Bennett, Sean Wilton,
Lillian Gibson and eTergMet Bali.
There were thirty-one guests present,
from -Brussels, Walton, Seaforth,
Toronto and Burlington, Following
a trip to Detroit and Toronto, Mr.
and 6Tre. Henderson will reside in
Seaforth, Ont.
Fri. Sat
The initial well -baby conference
sponsored by the Majestic.' Women's
Institute was held in the Library
here last Friday from 2.00 to 4,00
o'clock in the afternoon, Twelve
babies were brought to the con-
ference by their mothers. Miss Reed,
Tteg, N., Clinton, of the Huron Health
unit was in charge Registration
cards wet's issued and charts were
filled out. Nurse Reed was assisted
bY Mrs, n, 13. Corsi:is and Mrs, 11..
Lane, members of the • 4Wajestic
The wellbaby conference is to be
a regular service of the Huron
Health Unit, sponsoredby the
Majestic Institute, gllving parents
opnortunity to bring their pre-sebool
children to have a regular check up
and discuss various health problems.
The conferences will be condueted
on Si, second and fourth Friday of
each month from 2.00 to COO o'clock
In the Brussels Library.
The regular meeting of Morris
School Area Board was held in the
Township Hall in the Township Hall
on Jan. 4th with all members present.
• Robert McMurray was appointed
ehairman of the Board for 1951 and
Ralph Shaw, secretary. MinntPs o
the December meeting were adapted
on a motion by H. McCutcheon and
B. Thomee. Motion of 'T. Dundee
and H. Taylor authorized payment
of the faElowing bills: MeKillop
Mutual 7.15; Post Publishing Roues
1,50; Kreuter Bros. furnace repairs
No. 1 — 18.50; W. Nicholson 3.00;
Wm: McMurray 49,00; R. L. Porter
piano No, 10 — 108,00; S. B. Elliott,
supplies 10.00; Stainten Hardware
I 3.50; Advance -Times 2.16; Patterson
Radio, No. 3 — 12.00, Secretary was
instructed to advertise for 'tenders
for woods for all sehoole 'except No. 8.
Motion T. Dundee & K. Taylor that
we order one half dozen. Fuller brush
brooms, Motion If. Taylor and B.
Thomas nethorizing the secretary to
issue pay cheques monthly to
teachers and caretakers • also to
pay hydro when due and cash for
stamps, express etc. There Were
vete, few applications for caretakers,
so these appointments wIU hales to
be made later.
Next" meeting February 1st at 2
p. m. in 'Township Hall.
R. J. McMurray, Chairman.
R. S. Shaw, Secretary.
Jan. 19-20
William Holden Colen Gray
A wonderful, heart-warming Picture!
Wanted: — A mother for five kids.
Any girt who accepts is crazy, but
so am 3 — Johnny.
1 5 *
Mon. Tues, Wed. Jan. 22-23-24
In Technicolor
Phi! Harris 'Betty Grable
Victor Mature
Sparkling with songs M Loaded with
dancing and romancing — the
naughty, nfty story of a !Dance -Hall
Darling. Be sure to see this Comedy
with the catchy tunes.
Next Thurs. Fel. Sat. Jen, 25-26.21
Gregory Peck and Helen Wescott
The true story of the South West's
Greatest Gunman — Ris fame made
• Slime the target for every man's
Bullet. Be sure to see this Western
with the new twist.
* * 4t *
in Technicolor
The 67th Annual Meeting of the
Policy holders of the Alma Farmers'
Mutual Fire Insurance Company will
be held in the Forresteri,s Hall in
Atwood on Tuesday, February 0th,
1951 at two o'clock for the purpose
of receiving the reports of the
directors ani attElltors, 'and disposing
of the some, for the election of
officers and any other business that
may COMP before the meeting, This
is an ithportant meeting, we hope
you will attend.
r! As P1701, THEATRP.
ons.. . orm•••••••=111•••M
Wed. Thur. Jan. 17-18
Jeanne Crain, Ethel Barrymore,
William Lundican in
Wednesday, January 17th, 1951
The John Deere Day Show
Novell tiy W. J. Perris, was held in
the Town Nell on Welnesday, Ian.
101h. The afternoon program was
enjoyed by a full house, At the
evening program the hall was peek-
ed and many went away. Two brand
new movies, both entertaining and
educational were shown. The feat-
ure picture, "One Happy Family.,"
with plenty of laughs and chuckles,
starring Don DeFore end Marjorie
,Reynolds backed by a grand cast.
The prize winners at the afternoon
program were — W. A. Cathers,
Wroxeter; Arthur Hell, Bruesele;
St'. Regan, Walton; Everett Wright,
Wroxeter and Harry Holmes, Walton.
At the evening program the tickets
were drawn by Master Charles Cal -
11100 and the winners were — Miss
Emelyne Steles, Brussels.; Mr, Joe
Foren, Lueknow; 'Mr. Archie Moses,
Thnesels, 'err. Geo. Tim, Molesworth;
Mr. Cletus Rettinger, Wingliam, and
Mr. R. J. Mair, Brusasels.
Fri. Sat. Jan. 1920,
Mark Steven, Coleen Gray,
Rory Calhoun in
"SAND" Technicolor
The story of.a show horse
turned savage.
Sat. Mat. 2,00 — Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Majestic Women's Institute
The Majestic Women's Institute
met in the Library on Thursday,
.Tan, llth with the President, Mrs,
11. W. Stephens i n- the chair, The
meeting was opened by 'singing the
!institute Ode. This was followed
iheyrepeating the Mary Stewart col -
The Roll Call was answered by
"What Health Rule would I most
emphasize to a child," brought forth
a number of ideas by the me -ethers.
The minutes of the December meet-
ing were read by the secretary, Mrs,
John Speir. The treasurer's report
11,(1,5 then given se:owing a balance oe
M. Douglas Heiningway was ask-
ed to give a reline of the "Christmas
Shut-in boxes." She stated that 63
boxes and one family box were
packed at the borne of Mrs, Buschlen.
A number of Christmas cards were
oleo sent to persons residing in the
'Village af Brussels, Morris and
Grey. Melly of the recipients had
voiced their appreciation for the
boxes by personally thanking differ-
ent members of the Institute while
ethers expressed their gratefulness
by sending "thank -you cards and
letters" which were passed around
to the Tnetitute members to read.
It was decided to send flowers to
two members who are in hosiptais
Arrangements were Made to sell
lunch at the Orangemen' dances. Tt
was announced that Miss Reid, the
Health Nurse would he in Brussels
on Feb. lath for pre-echool children
The comneunications were read and
tbe Naval Auxiliary extended thamics
to the Tnetitute far a hex of clothing,
'The Library Board are to be given
a grant from the tnetitnte. The Lon-
don War Memorial Hospital 515.00
and $5.00 to the British Sailors
The "Good Health must be
lost to appreciated." prepared by
Mrs, Stanley. Wheeier, was ably
given by Mrs. (3ousins.
The guest sneaker for the after-
noon was Dr, R. W. Stephens who
snake on the "New Drugs", their
benefits and effects, This was a
very educational paper and was
enjoyed by all.
A reading was given by Mrs. D.
Hemingway. Miss Marion Hering:
way then favoured with two delight-
ful mesieal 'members. A skit wee
given 10» Shiela Alderson., 13111
Martin and, JIM Mem This was
very humoroue and enjoyed by ell,
Mese Bath Hoover then took the Sun -
Able cellectinn. The meeting was
brouebt to a close with the Netionel
The bodeesee were. Mrs. 1). Me-
tro& Ws, H. Speer, Mrs. F. Nichol,
Mrs. 1., Nichol and Miss B. Moses,
Mon. Tues. Jan. 22-23
John Garfield, Micheline Prelle
OFFER $110.00
Monday Attendanre Card Night.
Wed. Thur. Jan. 24-25
The Marx Bros, in
with Ilona Massey. , Vera -Ellen,
Marion Hutton.
$2.00 per year $2,50 U. S. A.
. Morris Town,hip Connell Meeting,
Jun, 3th, 1951.
The Council met In the Township
Hall on Che above dale with all the
members Present.
The minutes ef flet meeting were
read and adopted on motion of Wm. '
Petcock and Chas. Coultes,
Moved by Chas. Coultas, seconded
by Bailin Parrott that we purchase
a new set of Revised Statutes of
Ontario. — Carried.
Moved by Sam. Aleook, seconded
by Balite Parrott that we. send the
membership f se te the Ontario Good
Roade Aseecialion. — Carried. ,
Moved by (IMF. Pauli es. seconded
by Ram Alcock that Fly -Low Nn. 7,
1951, e ppoin tine Township Officiate
as read the let. 2nd and 3rd titre he
passer", — Carried,
Moved by Wm. Peennek, seconded
by Bailie Parrott, that By -Law No.
2, 1851 prohibiting the refunding of
dog tax after the come of Revision
nn the Assessment Roll. be passed as
read the first, Recand and third times.
By -Law No. 2, 1951
A 13y -Law in regard to Dog Tax in
the Township of 'Morris.
WHEREAS the Assessment is done
one. year in advance to taxation the
Council of the Townsbip of Morrie
therefore enacts that no dog he taken
off the Assessment, Roll after the
Court af Revision on the- said Ass-
essment Roll and that no refunds '
on dog tax be given after therolll
is adopted unless in case of change
in ownership of land.
Passed this Sth day of jannary.
Moved by Clime Cotntes. seconded •
by Sam Alcock that By -Law No. 8,
1951, applying for Road Appropriat
ion be passed es read the first,
second and third times. — Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrrott, seconded
by Chas. Coultee that Hervey John-
ston and elaniAlcock be appointed to
interview McKillop Township Council
111 regard to fixing sidewalks in
Walton. — Carried,
Moved by Ches. C,oultes. seconded
by Sam Alcock that we pay Addison
Fraser $600 to make a complete job
of assessing the Township on the
card system — to be completed by
the 31st day of May. — Carried.
Moved by Sam Adcock, seconded
by Chas. Coultes that the annual
petition for the Statutory Grant
under the provisions of the Highway
Improvement Act on expenditures
made during the year 1960 be' auth-
orized by the Council of the Town-
ship of Morris. — Carried.
Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded
by Win, Peacock that the road bills
preeented by the Road Superintem
dent be paid. — Carried.
Moved. by Chas. Couttes, seconded
by Wm. Peaciock thet the meeting
adjourn to meet again on Feb. 5th,
at 1 p. m. — Carried.
The following is a list of the
officials appointed by By -Law No. 1,
Clerk, George Martin
Treastrer, Nelson Higgins
Patrolmen, No, 1 Art Edgar jr., and
.Tack Brewer
2 Fleming Johnston
3 Wm, Elston
4 Ross Turvey
5 Herman Nethery
6 Chem. Warwick
7 Clarence Yuill
8 Russel Currie
9 Allen Pease
10 Lorne Nichol
11 John Craig
12 Wm. Somers
18 Miller Richmond
14 Frank Bell
15 Fred Cook
17 Chester Rintoul
18 John Haggttt
19 Bernard Thomas
Poundkeepers, — Carl Johnston,
Stewart McLennan, Alex Shaw, Robt.
McMurray, John Bowman, Stanley
Hopper, Geo. Bona, Robt.
'Mervyn Pipe, James Clark, Wm,
McCutchoon, ErneRt Michie, Robt.
Bird, Bernard Craig, Arthur 1VicOall,
Albert Neebitt, George McArthur,
Livestock Valuator—Frank Shaw,
Wellee Shortreed,
Fencevlewers ; --
Northwest — Harold Procter, Milo
Casemore, Bert Hastings.
Northeast — Ches. Anderson, Robt,
Forrest. Russel Bone,
Southwest — Albert Nesbitt, Bruce
Smith, Tames Phelan,
Southeast Clarence
irme. Thos. Miller. BRUSSELS JUVENILES
Weed Inepeetor — Robt. Miehie, UNDEFEATED
Graderman Jos. Smith. The Xollowlag scores were rooked
Truck Driver — John Lowe.
The following accounts were paid:
Arehle Hall. fox bounty 5 2.00
Ontario Good Roads
Assoelation fee 5.0Q ,
John Warwick, fax bounty 2.00
Norman Dodds, dog tax refund 4.00
Robt. McMurray, dog tax refund 4.00
Frank Walters, dog tax refund 4.00
Roble Golly, clog tax refund 6.00
Roy Sellers, dog lax refund 4.00 ,
Alex Campbell, dog tax refund 2.00
John Craig, dog tax refund e.00
Robert Pease, dog tax refund 4.00
Mrs. T. MeCall, dog tax refund 8.00
Hoick Fire Inc. Co., Insurance
en Hall 6.60
Blyth Standard, advertising 2.65
Clem Johnston, refund of
, Spraying 0.95 ,
S. B. Elliett. relief aceount e.05
Harvey C. Sahnsten, Reeve,
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.
Don't neglect to take advantage of
the Brussels Arcade Store :inn
annual January Clearance Sale now
being held. Store wide bargains
give you an opportunity' to make
purchases at amazing' money saving
pelves. Some of the items now on
sale are listed in the Arcade adver-
tisement in this paper. Vialt the
Arcade Store during this sale, which
ends Feb. Orel. and 1.4e for yourself
the many item at 'gently reduced
The Majestic Women's Institute of
Brussels in conjunction with the
Huron County Health Unit, is spon-
soring a Well -Baby Conference to be
held regularly every two Weeks
starting Friday, Jan. 12111, 1961, from
2 to 4 in the afternoon, in the
Library Building, Brussels. This is
to be a service to mothers so that
they may weigh their babies and
young children at regular intervals
and also talk over problems with
the nurse in attendance,
Goderieh — Arthur Nicholson,
reeve of Tuckersmith Township.
elected warden of Huron County.
has been a member bf county council
for 12 years. He has 10 arelamatiens
to his credit and successfully core
tested the reeveship for two years.
Born near Egmendville in Tuck-
ersmith, he has farmed there all
his life, working 250 acres. He was
a school trustee for 17 years and
la a commissioner of the Tucker -
smith Telephone 'Commission, vice -
President of Seaforth Fair Board,
and a member of First Presbyterian
Clumeh, Saafortb.
He has been a good debater and
legislator in County Council, and
is a Liberal in politics.
Library Notes
Nearly 20 children enjoyed the
pictures shown at the Library last
week. They were both entertaining
eel instructive. Next Saturday,
Jan, 20011, at 2.30 p. an., Miss Jessie
Little will have charge of the story
hour. All children from 4 to years
are welcome.
Melville Church Service
Melville Church pulpit was taken
last Sunday, by Mr. McNaughton,
formerly from Chatham, N. B. and
first year student attending Knox
College, Throne:). His text was
John 3:8, except a man be born again
he cannot see the Kingdom af God,
we must make a choice and a decis-
ion, a new birth and the pardo0 of
our sins. Mr, McNaughton is a
splendil young speaker, A solo was
sung by Graeme McDonald and an
anthem hy the choir.
el, against following teeens:
Bruseele 7 Myth 2
Brussels 11 Dublin 3
eruesels :in Natal 3
Jli-uic'le 112 Dublitt
The offieers for the 1951 season
are as follow;
Vice -Pres.
Manager -Coach
See -Trees
W. E. Willis
13, A. R91111
11, R. Pearson
Bill Ramp
Equipment Mgr. .... Doe, Stephenson
Press Agent Bill Rano
Captain Chuck Workman
Mat. Capt. Genn Jardine
The Brussels Juveniles journey
Myth, Friday night and back in
Brussels. Saturday night.
Vier' Free,
F.1111ipm0nt elenagers
Donald and Bruce Edgar
PIT•;13 Agent. 13. Grewar
The following Schedule was drawn
np in Exeter on .7an. 12th, with
Zurich eupplyine the opposition in
Brussels mi Thursday, .Tan. 18th at
p. m. ',ham for the Piet game. Elmer
1311 15 the convenor Inc this gratin
from Exeter.
7,:trieh at Brussele. Ian. 15
Fezter at Zurieh, Jan, 22
Zurich at Lucan, .Tan. 25
Presets at Exeter, Jan. 26
Brueeels at Zurich. jan. 31
Liman at Zurich, Feb. 1
Brnseels at Liman. Feb. 3
7.nrich at Exeter, Feb. 6
Exeter at Brussels, Feb. 9
Lnean at Bruseele, Feb. 17
Liman et Exter. Feb. 20
Exeter et Lucan, Feb. 22
Walton at Londesboro, Jan. 17
Drayton at Trowbridge, Jan, 18
Londesboro at Walton. Jan. 19
Londesboro at Trowbridge, Jan. 22
Trowbridge at Walton, Jan. 24
Drayton at Walton, Jan. 26
Trowbridge at Londeeboro, San, 26
Walton at Trowbrige, Jan, 29
Drayton at Walton, Ian, 31
Londesboro at Trowbridge Feb.
Walton at Drayton, Feb. 2
Trowbridge at Walton, Feb. 5
Trowbridge at Drayton, Feb. 9
Walton at Landesboro, Feb. 9
Trowbridge at Drayton, Feb. 13
Drayton and Londesboro Series 4
Point Games.
Calvin Cameron
Albert Cardiff
A. Grewar
Adrain McTaggart
The United Church
"The Mastmes First Sermon,"
was the subject of the morning des-
couree in the 'United Church on Sun
lay, Jan. 14th. jests spoke in the
synagogue at Nazareth and made it
Plain that Ile was greatly concerned
about social righteousness — the
right relation of man to man regard -
les of his. race and tongue. The
anthem, "Incline Thine Elar,', by Him-
mel was sung by the choir.
In the evening the Minister spoke
on, "The Burning Bush." The
choir sang the anthem, "We Shall
Shine as the Star", by Van Deventer,
John McCall
John McCall, aged 73 years, pass-
ed away in Regina General Hospital
on Monday, San. 1, 1951.
Born at Brussels, Ont., he spent
his boyhood days there and later
farmed at Holyrood and Blyth. Mov-
ing to Lucknow in 1910 he entered
a Massey -Harris dealer partnership
• with Wm. Johnstone in 1917 he mov-
ed to Abernethy, Sask., and farmed
there until retiring to town in 1985,
He served a number of years in the
town council andwas an active
member of the 'United Church. Be-
sides his wife he is survived by. one
son Gordon at Abernethy, Sask., 005
brother, Peter McCall, Luctmow,
Ont., and two sisters Mrs, Minnie
Forsyth, Forbister, Sask, One
daughter Mra, W. C. Garrott pre-
deceased him in 1947. Funeral ser-
vieee was held from Abernethy
-United Church on jam 4th.
Now, seven days a week in The
Detroit Times Comic Pages, you
can follow the thundering advents:rag
of Hopalong 'Cassidy, America's
cowboy. hero, On Sunday's Hopalong
appears in color. Get The Detroit
Tittles every day and thrill to the
Exploit of Hopalong Cles.sidy. You're
1VI1SSING somelbing if yon miss The
Detroit, Thries.
The Voice Of TemucranCe —
.A. Bruce 'County paper brings the
nee's of drunkeness at dances. It is
so bad -that the editor writes about
it. He wants the young people to
have a good time but points out that
drinking ruins the party. There
is'ut ninth, fun in seeing young an.en
sprawled out on the dance floor dead
The writer of this paragraph would
point out that this happened in Bruce
County where the Ontario liquor
control aetis in force. With its auth-
orized outlets and evibh its advantag-
es for law enforcement it has not
Solved the problem of alcohol, We
still maintain that the Canada
.Temperance Act is a better temper-
ance measure. We join with the
Bruce 'County editor In pleading
with our young peeple not to let
liquor turn theh• dances into drunken,
brawls, — Advt.