HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-10, Page 2You will be delighted with
this fragrant tea
Ol'tl CLFw9
51G• �t,
nits, free 0 C etrho
It's all over now-- tic home-
ceninge. the ohs and alts, the thrill
of cm:neue•; every time the nail
;gnes in New year greetings
and eelehrati,:,ns, and finally the
iare,veli- as each one hie- to his own
Dome o, to his place of business to
take up the daily round. Voting -
stere, we hope, have caught up on
their sleep and recovered front the
tragedy of !broken toys. For them
the :un and excitement will begiu
sit ores again when they return to
school and exchange stories about
Christmas and New Year's ani what
Santa put itt their stockings. .And
:he store, e. i9 be busy exchanging
Billy'., slaves drat were too big,
Mother's slippers that overt. too
,mall, 1Jad'e ,hint that teas tiro tight
in the collar or \unt l ate's sweater
:hat wasn't quite the right colour.
But there will also he any number
of gifts that were "just exactly
.bat I wanted"!
I'he. gaily decorate! Are • will pres-
ently be divested of its trimmings—
each ,uarkle bauble carefully wrap-
ped and the lifeless strings of
electric cohiire,l bulbs replaced in
;!heir hcewt, for future use. And. the
'gee, the ee tttif'd tree. that was
once a living thing, will be con-
signed to the backyard, its ultimate
fate the garbage truck or the chop-
ping block. I am glad the practise
of just eluting the tops of trees is
becoming so popular. Thus the life
of the tree is spared and it is sur-
prising hots quickly the brancinee
below the cut reach upwards and
shake a new top,
V'Vell. !f I don't say something
about our own Christmas someone
is sure to say—"Was Daughter
home—slid Bob get tone off?" So
here is our stop -press news.
Yes, Daughter was home—armed
with a suit case filled mostly with
mysterious parcels. But not Bob—
he is much too far away—so he
$, etet4het 71 t! h
One and three-quarter yards for
BOTH .•1I'RONS! So much beauty,
so little fabric. Pansy and rose
motifs are easy embroidery,
Grand bazaar sellers, lovely gifts!
Pattern 944: embroidery- transfer;
cutting charts for both,
Laura Wheeler's improved pat-
tern makes crochetand knitting
so simple with its charts, photos
and concise directions.
hi coins (stamps cannot be ac-
cepted) for this pattern to Box 1,
123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto,
Ont. Print plainly PATTERN
NUMBER, your NAME and
Newt Household accessories to
knit! Motifs, to paint on textiles!
Send Twenty -live Cents (coins) for
our new Latera Wheeler Needle-
craft Book, Illustrations of crochet,
embroidery patterns plus many
fascinating hobby ideas. Anti a free
pattern is printed in the book.
ISSUE 2 — 1951
emelt t 1 ri tunas -with Partner's
• brother's family at La Cave --and
his 'mysterious pareels" cane by
mail. But Johuny was here for
C!irietinas dinner and we also in-
vited his 6rothcr Bolt. So we did
have a "Bob" for Chrisnnas after
all, !everyone managed to do full
ju.eti:e to my Chrisemas dinner tvitll
all the trimmings. 'then cattle the
fun of unloading the Christmas tree
and discovering the contents of the
horses and parcels so gaily wrapped
and beribboned. There were also
telephone calls from various friends
Inane for the ttoidays--and then the
inevitable dishes!
Chrisnnas tt:ght Daughter took
the late Into hack to Toronto. That's
what come, of being a landlady!
A11 the other occupants of her house
had gone a*t ay for Christmas with
the esceptiou of one tenant and her
little boy .-and since that same ten-
ant ,vas expecting a call from the
stork at any time Daughter did not
feel .tat she should leave the house
for very long especially as the
weather got very cold.
So now we are alone again—
with the carcass - of the chicken to
•feast an --and a chance to catch up
on the news, And speaking of news
I ant sore everyone was glad the
Covivunist attack in Korea tha t
was expected at the full of moon did
taut materialize. But even at that
there is plenty of news. Imagine
the Coronation Stone being stolen!
Nothing in the British Isles is more
steeped in historical tradition than
that .arae stone. And British people
don't like any disrespect shown to
their traditions. After all England
wouldn't be England without its
It is said the Coronation Stone
was need by Jacob for a pillow.
The same night that he used it
Jam': had a vision in which God
made a con venant with him. Then
Jacoo made an altar of the Stone
to worship God. Twenty-one years
later he took the Stone with hint
down to Egypt and when he died
conunitted it to Joseph's keeping.
The Stone remained in the custody
of the Israelites during their won-
deriugs until the time of Jeremiah,
About 580 B.C. Jeremiah gave itis
consent to the marriage of his
grand -daughter Tea Tepid to the
King of Ireland providing the King
would give up idols and establish
"schools of the prophets" in the
North of Ireland, This was done,
the two were married, and the Stone
of Israel placed in the Royal Pal-
ace ant' the two crotched upon it.
When the King of Ireland captured
Scotland he set up his kingdom
there and the Stone of Destiny was
also taken there. Later it was trans-
ferred to London where it Itas re-
mained for over 600 years. This
Stone has two iron links at either
end of it, almost worn through
because, according to tradition, it
was carried by the children of Israel
through the wilderness, and on its
Fong journee• to the British Isles.
In conaltoration of this tradition it
is said that on an island not far
front Ulster there is a cemetery
where the tomb of Jeremiah can be
cern, ,also that of Zedelciah's daugh-
ter, 'die Princess '.i'ea Tephi. \tarry
think this is proof positive that the
ten tribes of Israel actually reached
the British Isles.
Now I wonder ---,till that start an
arguments _ — _..._...
There's no need for a girl to
worry abort her family tree so long
as her lied... are Bog eight shape.
D. P, (Darn Pretty)—Of- the
1272 DP's (displaced persons)
to arrive aboard the TJSNI
Gen, Muir, Gerta Steiner, age
20, was voted the prettiest.
Claim That Crying
Does You Good
Tum l tilted States *t ientist;,
after testing 231 people lave just
proved what• everybody kue,v
all along --that young women, once
they marled to cry. eau steep more
tears than ,Dour; Wren.
Strip, of titer paper to. ab,orh
the tears were hooked to the lower
eyelids of the crying "huinett-ttigs."
`Alto- live minutes crying the length
of tihe dampness ou the !taper indi-
cated the amount of tears shed.
lit a learned journal called "Ar-
chives of Ophthalmology" the two
scientists solemnly reported that
y ming women from 15 to 29 cried
one-third Inure tears than young
teen in the same age group, yet
from ages 30 to 60 teen and seinen
had the sante capacity for tears.
Beyond <i0 women's tears teere
scarcer titan male tears.
On the average women find it
harder torev n hems Ove.
p e t t c cry.
ilt;t' than then do.
This is sumu•tinies ]held against
them when they are candidates Inc
high ofiiee iu which emotion -has
to be placed thinly in tate back-
One of the most embtwrassing
moments of Queen Victoria's reign
occurred shortly after the death of
her husband, the Prince Consort.
At a meeting of her Council she
was crying so much that controlled
speech was beyond her, and she had
to retire to another room and send
messages to the council by a lady -
ill -w ai ting.
But scientists say the ladies bene-
fit front their greater profusion of
tears, for three contain a powerful
Microbe -killer known as '7.YSO-
When doctors recommend a pa-
tient to "have a good ery" they
know what they are talking about,
for during the weeping this power-
ftd antiseptic thoroughly douches
the eyes, lose and throat and wipes
ottt harmful germs,
etc. " Cs.t43
Save dollars! Sew these new
separates! ONE yard 54 -inch for
weskit, ONE yard for skirt in all
sizes given! Sew T\VO new won-
derful separates to mix and snatch,
Pelt -slots on skirt, flaps ou w eskit
are news. .Pattens 4508. itt s 12.
14. 16, 18, 20.
This pattern, easy to use, sincplt
to sew, it tested for lit, !las com-
plete illustrated instructions.
(25c) in coins (stamps cannot be
accepted) for this pattern, Print
STYLE NUMBER to Bus 1, 123
Eighteenth St., New Toronto, Ont.
Why Retire At All?
Think of what the world would
have missed lied a retirement age.
even at 70 been universally en-
fo•ce.l? Glarlstone was prime minis-
ter of England at the age of 83;
13enjanhin Franklin helped frame the
United States Constitution at 80;
Oliver Wendell Iloltnes retired
from the 'United States Supreme
Court bench at 91: IIcnry Ford,
when past 80, took up the dirties of
the presidency of the Ford Motor
Company for the second time after
his sou's (loath, and Antos Alonzo
Stagg Was named the uatimt's
"football span of the year" at 81.
Dr, Lillian J, 11. Martin learned
to drive an automobile when she
was 76 years old, and at the sante
time founded an old age center in
San Francisco, where she receiv d
aged people not as patients but as
students, She continued to direct
the work of the center until Iter
death at 91,
After the late Dr. Milton J, Rose-
nau had to retire from Harvard
Medical School at 67, iso went to
the University of North Carolina
and built one of the greatest schools
of public health in America, •
Who said that life begins at 40?
—Pueblo (Calif,) Chieftain.
Banding Together—In their first appearance before the news
camera since their recent wedding, Shirley Temple and her new
husband, Charles Black, show off their wedding rings at his
parents' home. The 22 -year-old screen star said she is giving
up her career and will devote herself to being a housewife and
taking care of her daughter.
NN 1-1111PST
417. fa* "ray Cotir444egat --s
"Dear Ante Ilirst: Itow can I
be sure my husband loves me?
I am so crazy about him that I
[lust know --but I don't.
"Ile never
puts his arms
around me and
kisses me except
when he's leav-
ing. or comes
home. I'm al -
w a y s praising
and mak-
ing much over
hint. But should -
1't he say and do these things
"I've read that many a man is
contented with his wife for rears
—until be meets somebody else,
And then he knows ile doesn't love
the woman he married any more.
Friends tell Inc how husbands they
know misbehave when their wives
aren't present. Boit• do I know my
husband doesn't?
'—Though he never goes any-
where without me, even visits my
people with me. Ile is good, too,
in helping around the house. and
he floes appreciate all I do for hint.
I have a staid, and a car, and I
never want for money. But I do
miss the lover I married.
"Other couples t ho'te been mar-
ried as long (18 years are so
devoted that some people laugh
at theta. I don't. I only wish some-
times that my husband was as
demonstrative. I want to hear it in
sweet words --but 1 never get int
"Don't think I'm crazy. I guess
I'm just the romantic type, and
Ise isn't. Ilotw can t change hit.?
a: r
Why do you thunk rum lutes-
*" hand works so hard? Why does
* he buy you everything you want?
Help you around the horse
though you Rare a staid' Why
* does he spend all his leisure
". at home—when he isn't taking
" you places?
x Perhaps you'd rather have
* married a wan tvlto quotes pas-
* sionate poetry—and doesn't pay
" your hills?
* —Who ,!io.vene you with
" kisses and compliment -- and
" falls for any pretty- face he sees?
"' —Who drowns you with his
* charm --then leaves you, in spend
* his evenings in taverns?
,x Your husband prays you the
* compliment of believing you are
* an adult, too mature to weigh
• his devotion by cheap words and
" careless caresses, which any cad
" can simulate. lie gives you
* honor, character, steadfastness
" and loyalty, and those he gives
* without stint. 1Tow shocked he
'• woad be, if lie could read your
letter to one!
" Perhaps you are at an age
* where you are living in the past.
"—Remembering all itis attentions
* during courtship days, dreading
s` that you are not so attractive as
* you were then, and allowing your-
* self to be tormented by doubts
* which are an insult to his
* integrity.
" Or perhaps you have been
* reading the wrong books, listen-
'•' ing to the wrong people. Com-
* pare your lot with that of the
+ hundred:3 of miserable wives
* whose heartbreaking letters you
* see in this column. Vfetitns of
* infidelity, dishonor, and neglect,
* they would give everything they
* have to be .tarried to such a than
* 09 married yott.
* Love your husband for the
* good mat he is, and show him—
* not by kisses and compliments,
" but by appreciation and gratitude
* —how you honor him for his
fundamental qualities. Instead of
* demanding the impossible, be-
* littling his loyalty, and trying to
* make him over, get down on your
* lcnees and thank the Lord you
* have Minh,
* Forget these contemptible
doubts, and sec him as the man
* who, day after day, proves his
*'' love for you in the only ways
* he !snows,
* 4.
If you are married to a good man,
be grateful for it. Don't try to
change him. Appreciate his loyalty
and his kindness, and count your-
self blest . , Anne Hirst can re-
mind you how much fundamental
goodness counts in marriage. Write
her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth St.,
New Toronto, Ont.
by Rev, R. B. Warren, B,A., B.D,
A Day of Activity
Mark 1:21,2?, 29-35
Memory Selection: And Jesus went
about all the cities and villages,
teaching in their synogogues, and
preaching- the gospel of the king-
dom, and healing every sickness
and every disease among the people.
—Mata. 9:35,
Jesus lived a busy life. He was
a❑ unusual teacher. The people
"were astonislhed at his doctrine:
for he taught theta as one that had
authority and not as the scribes."
The 1 reacher to -clay whose message
has the ring of authority is the one
who le preaching God's \Vord, the
Bible. Ethers may have a word to
say o; their own but the true pro-
phet has God's message.
,lest. was also a healer. Entering
Pete,'s home they found Peter's
mother-in-law was running a teul-
perattue, ;i esus instantly healed lice
so the, she arose and served them.
That evening more sick were
brought Lo the door. Not one rase
then, or at any other tints was too
hard for Jesus. There were not in-
curables with 4111Many sufferers
are gaining inspiration to look to
elle Letd as their Healer by listen-
ing to the "V1'itlgs of Healing"
radio program from Portland, Orc-
gn, released over C1IUJM 'Toronto,
8.00 • 0.30 a.m, on Sunday's, Jesits
Christ is the same yesterday and
to -day and forever. Hebrews 13:8,
The,•e is something even greater
than tine healing of the body. That
is the healing of the soul. He "cast
out many devils," Some people deny
the existence of devils who, at the
same time, put on a very good imi-
tation. Through Jesus Christ we
can he saved from our sins. We
decd not think, talk or act Like the
devil, .icy God's grace we may
pattern our lives after Jesus Christ,
1'hcrlast verse of the lesson give,
the key to ills success in teaching,
healing and. saving. Ile coomutnted
with His Father, "In the morning,
rising ftp a great while before day,
he went out, and departed into a
solitary place, and there prayed."
if we world live lives of power, we
fatal pray. God can use the ung
who ',rays.
Beauty Aids , Are
An Ancient Story
Fashiouabie Greek and Roman
ladies treed elaborate aisles to beauty.
They began lite day by having
their hair oiled up in diadems as
high as towers, If the hair was
titin they used artificial tresses
dyed blonde with goat's fat and
beech ash, or perhaps blacic hair 1111 -
ported from India, Arms and brows
were painted with chalk and white
lead, cheeks and lips with ochre or
wine lees, eyebrows and round the
eyes with powdered antimony, Then
they were loaded with jewels, trin-
kets, bracelets, earrings and pen-
Nothing like it was seen again
until the eighteenth century in
France, when Madame Pompadour
set what one critic called "the
stupid habit of rouging." ladies
laid on the rouge so thick that
it was hard to tell ane from another.
"They not only obliterated their
faces," says the critic, "but quenched
every feeling of desire in nett, whose
one wish was to flee from then."
French stonlen have always
specialized in the arts of feminine
seduction, and they have never
been afraid to go to extremes. In
the last century, famous cocottes
in Paris dyed their hair bright red,
rouged their cheeks and attached
Ion gartificial lashes to their eyelids.
Midway between theta anti the
ladies of society was a strange
class of super -vamp known as the
demi-castors, who dressed like
princesses, changed their lovers as
often as they changed their clothes,
and helped the young dandies squan-
der their fortunes, It 'teas the co-
cottes and the demi-castors who
made Paris the world's fashion
centre. They dressed at Worth's,
drove in elegant carriages and, ex-
cept in private, behaved with the
hauteur of duchesses. The more
then they ruined, the more they
were in demand!
They were past mistresses in
the Beauty Stakes: but, in England,
powder, rouge, lipstick and eye-
brow pencil were until quite re-
cently used only by courtesans. It
was considered unbecoming for a
respectable woman to touch-up her
face except in a very unobtrusive
may, and the feminine fashions
in Edwardian days reached the low-
est depths of ugliness. It was not
until 1912 that the fashion for
make-up found hs way here from
America. By the end of the first
World War it had spread through
every class.
Today, beauty and chic are so
within erery girl's reach that we're
inclined to forget that for thou-
sands of years they were only for
the very rich. Suddenly everything
which the grand lady wore could
be had by the millions --at least,
in incitation. The factories began
10 pour taut cheap substitutes for
fur, sill:, leather, velvet, nrecioue
stones. livery girl became beauty
conscious, tord vast industries
sprang up in rosntetes, beauty pre•
nitrations and hair dressing.
Feminine glatnottr began to than.
thtclured on a east scale, inspired
by the stage and films, autl helped
by the illustrated journals. Soon
it was seized upon by industry to
help the sale of everything from
toothpaste to holiday trips. In
America, eyrelns tools the place of
recruiting sergeants; and .'tiny
Semple utplc 3f.cci h<rsmt eve!' used
choirs of ".Angels" to dray people
to religious meetings, If our grand-
fathers could see what is happening'
now they would be astounded.
What of the future? if we are
heading towards a Welfare State,
isn't it likely that our rulers will
eventually bring feminine beauty
under State Control? Perhaps- we
shall live to see some select com-
mittee of enperts work out the de-
tails of an Optimum \Vomit or
Approved Female. Admirably de•
reluped for bearing children and
fulfilling her duties as Grade A in
the Whitehall beauty tests, she will
look down on us from the hoardings
a trifle coldly. Women will be ex-
horted to imitate her; and men will
be urged to seek a mate 'who is
willing to model herself on these
approved lines.
But perhaps before that happens,
the Devil trill have asked Allah
for a new trap to catch human
"Howard went to call on a sick
friend and was told at tlfel door:
"He is already departed."
'Well, tell ]tins. I called." said
I inward.
r&'terry Menagerie-ByWalt Disney
"Well, I got it on any FEET, but
the guy painting the floor handled
the rest!"
Combine and chill 13 c. finely -diced cooked
chicken, 34 c. medium -thick white sauce. Mix
and sift into bowl, 2 c. once -sifted pastry flour
(or 1?( c. once -sifted hard -wheat flour), g tsp.
Magic Baking Powdee, ;% tsp. salt, 1 tbs. granu-
lated sugar. Cut in finely, 3 tbs. shortening. Mix 3
beaten egg and (4 c. mak. Males a well in dry
ingredients, pour in liquid and mix lightly with a
fork. Roll dough out to 14" thickness; cut into 4"
squares. Place about 2 tbs. chicken mixture on each
square, near corner. Feld dough over diagonally,
making triangles, Seal edges by pressing with
fork tines; prick tops. Bake on greased pan in
hot oven, 450°,15 min, or until golden brown.
\Tabbed After Eighteen Years—Shakespearean actor Maurice
Evans. ivho has clucked 140llywood's cameras for 18ears, has
teamed up with stage and screen star Ethel Barr more forr his
first American screen chore, "Tint Lady." After the nenottrncd
pair, shown betvteen ,,ccncs on a .lfollywood lot, complete the
assignment, !?tans will 501(1515 to Broadway for g part it,
another Shakespearean play,