HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-3, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST T o-u.ibpbteR, mein, edeas I� The S6ae' II / II jv Ogrifian of the R.C.La E. �I II The workshops of the Royal Canadian Electrical and Mechanicai Engineers are expanding rapidly - in step with the growth of the Canadian Army Active Force. The erten of the R.C.1.M.E, are doing their part to make Canada strong. There is an urgent need for skilled tradesmen to man the workshops of this vitally important corps of "soldier -tradesmen". Skilled craftsmen 'are required to fill the posts of automotive mechanics, fitters, toolmakers, radar and radio technicians, instrument makers, welders, watchmakers, machinists and other key jobs. If you qualify -as a skilled tradesman, there's a place for you in the R.C.E.M.E. You can serve now - when Canada needs yon - as an expert ' "soldier -tradesman". n • Help male Canada strong Joja ANA C DiAN ARMY ACTIVE FORCE/kV /, To enlist in the R.C.E.M.E. you mfr: 1. Bea Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 40 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Moet Army test requirements, 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. REPORT RIGHT AWAY TO; Wants House, Rideau a Charlotte Sts„ OTTAWA, lleNo. 5 Personnel , tllny Park, Begot St., KINGSTON, Ont. No, 6 Personnel Depot, Charley Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No. 7 Personnel Depot Wolseley eartackz, Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont. Azeag.o For sparkling entertainment, listen to "The Voice of the Army" - Wednesday evenings- Dominion Network BLUE VALE Twelve tables were at play at a euchre panty sponsored by the local Women's Institute in the Com- munity Hall last week. Haigh Mundell and J. H. Smith played the part of women and were successful in win; ming the prizes. The consolation Awards went to Mrs. Harry Elliott and Albert Clark. Lunch was served followed by dancing. •George Thomson, Toronto, Mr, and Mrs, Albert Barry, ,Sarnia, and Miss Brook, Kincardine, were visit• ing last week at the home of Mr. and Mrs. George T. Thomson to celebrate the 30th. anniversary of Clair wedding. George Thomson re- turned to Sarnia with Mr, and Mrs. Barry for a short visit. Carl Troupe, Tee eveter, with Ms cousins, Johnnie and Raymond Waddell; Rev. W, A. Henderson, Mrs. Henderson and three children, Walkerton. Mr. and Mrs, James Brisbin and young son, Belleville, with Dr, Cl, H. and Mrs, MacDonald ;at the manse; Mr, and Mr, James Michie: Morris, with Mrs. Laura Kirton and Mrs. Ourtis; Mr, and Mrs. Eddie Waddell with relatives at Teamster; Buns Moffatt, Mrs, 0, 13. Moffatt with Mrs, Willi Sall. Berson at London, Mr, Wilmer Ross of Preston also 11?r. and Mrs. Jack Roos of Preston spout the holidays With their Parents Mr. and Mrs, Mnrt',ay Rosa. The annual meeting of the 'United anthill Sunday School wan held In the monde last Wednesday after. Tutton, Rev. R. A. Brook presided, sedated by the superintendent, IOarl 1Tamlito11, Miss Margnrot Cnrfis gave the treasurer's revert showing a stibetnnttal bela.nlee, The .prenno- tion of lriiplls was dis'eiittad and all. A dainty lunch was served, the also pians for encouraging attend -table being centred with a three ante and the memorization of storey 'anniversary cake, Mr. and scripture, Mrs. Williamson were the recipi- The following officers were elec- ents of numerous gifts, cards and tell: snenerintendent, oar). Imam- messages of cengratulatians. Both ilton; assdstants, Ross Smith, Mil"are enjoying good health, They re - ton Fraser; secretary, Wendell tired from the farm last fall to re - Stamper; assistant, Lloyd Wheel- side in Walton, er; treasurer, Miss Margaret Cur- tie; pianist, Miss Delores Hamil- ton; assistant, MIS, Carl John- I Melville Church Services Holy communion was held in sten; librarian, 13111 Yeo; temper- ( Melville Church last Sunday inorn- since secretary, Mrs -M. L. Aitken; tug and the service Wag taken by tniesionary secretary, Lloyd Wheel- Rev, Dr. Laird, Toronto, and took for er; representative on the Miss- his text Isaiah 52..12, the Lord will Conary and maintenance oommitte, go before yon, and was a very Ross Smiths I impressive service, as we must look the Providential guidance. An anthem was sung by tine choir, Wm. King, ta.ltieg the solo part. WALTON r• Mr. and Mrs, Thomas M. William- son well known residents of Grey MARK ANNIVERSARY township, celebrated their 40th wed- Mr, and Mrs. Charles Garniss, ding anniversary On Thursday even- formerly of Blueva.le, celebrated ing, Dec. 28th, at their home, their 52nd anniversary at the home Mrs, Williamson, born in 1885, of their daughter, Mrs, Archie wan fornnerly Gentrude Farina, 13al1antythe, London, They were daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. married at Burneide Farm, Morris, by W. S. Forbes, Waiton, Mr, William- the late Rev. Dr, Per'rie, Wingham, son, born in 1882, is the son of the in. 1898. Mrs. Garniss was for'nterly late Mr.. and Mrs, Thomas William- Mary Tsbsier, eldest daughter of the son of Grey Township. They were late Mr. and Mrs. Tsbister. Mr, Gar- I married at the Methodist parson- hiss wag a. son of the late Mr, age, Seaforth, Dec. 28, 1910 by ;the and MTrs. Frank Garness, Morris Rev, G. A, Rodgers. township. ,The anniversary celebration was attended by all members of their HOPALONG' CASSIDY COMES TO family, 'five daughters and three THE 0ETR01T TIMES Sons: (Olive) Mrs. Albert Clarke, Seven days a week! America's McICiliop townsbip; Norman M., most ,talked about Western. hero, (}coy; T -Torbert L. Me-Milioti; (Okla) ROPAILON!G CASSIDY, now brings Mrs, 11. L, Jarvis, Clinton; (Evelyn) you his own brand of Bard -cutter, Mrs, Lorne Carter, Tucicersinith; straighf.altnntin' adventure in norm (Florence)^ Mrs, Gaorge Nesbitt, the Daily and Su.ntlay Detroit Tinter Morrie; Roy, on the homestead, Comic Ptige s - in color on. Sun. And (Ina) Mrs. Mlehe.ttl McGratlt, days, Follow 1T0PAT 0NG CASSIDY'S Seaforth. There are 15 grandchildren, eveiting adventures daily end Sun'd'ay A short pregra1n, arranged by in The 'Detroit 'Pintos, Michigan's the grand'ehildren, wets, enjoyed by most interesting paper, MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morrie 'Township Councli Meeting, Ler, 15511, 1950. The Council suet in the ''uwnsltip Ilrtll on the above date with all meui- bers pres'nt except peeve Harvey JUlintton, - On motion of Bailie Parrott and Situ, Peacock. Chas. (ioultes was appointed c'itairman of the meeting. The h nuuutcs of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion of Brut, 1 ear nr k and I3ailie Parrott. Moved I.y Heine Parrott, seconded by Sant Aloock that Clar- ence Martin be representative for Morris Township nn the Seaforth Tiigh School District 'Board; that Thos. Henderson he respresentati-Ie for Morris Township on the Wingham Tileh Seined District Board and that Mervin Richmond be representative for orris Township an the Clinton High School District Boarce-Carried; Mored by Win. Peacock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the insurance on the Army truek he paid, --Carried, Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded by Sant Alcoelt that the Assessment 11011 for 1951 be accepted. -Carried, Moved by ,Sam Alcock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that Addison Fraser he Haid 9500 for assessing. -Carried. Moved by Bailie Parrott, seconded by Sam Alcock that the Road hills 0.5 presented by the Road Superintend- ent be paid. - Carried. Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded by Bailie Parrot that the Court of Revision' on the Assessment Roll be held at the Township I --Tall on Jan - nary 15th, 1951 at 2 p. n1 -Carried. Moved by Sam Alcock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the Brussels Post be given the contract of printing for the year 1951 for $115,00. - Carried. Moved hS Win. Peacock, seconded by Bailie Parrott that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Jan, 8111, at 1n a. 10. - Carried, The following accounts were paid: j County of Huron "County tax" $24,052.98 Brussels Telephone 5,190.19 Blyth Telephone McKillop Telephone Tvan McArter, caretaking Harvey Johnston, salary Chas. Coultes, salary Sani Alcock, salary Bailie Parrott; salary Wm. Peacock, salary Geo. Martin.'salary Postage 80.00 Revising Voters' Lists 20.00. Old Age Pensions 3.69 Federation of • Agriculture 23.40 Drains 95.00 Nelsen Higgins, salary 215.00 Unemployment stamps 24.00 Financial Statement 10.00 Relief Officer 25.00 School Attendanice Officer 12.00 Postage and supplies 14.00 Gordon Gregg, Fed. of Agri. 884.78 Wm. Brydgea, Postage 4.00 Geo. Radford, Gorier Drain tile 556.25 Geo..Brewer, Fox bounty 2.00 Wm, Harman, Fox bounty 6.00 Oliftord Smith, Fox bounty 2.00 Jinn Turvey, assisting Enigneer on Turvey Drain 3.00 Dept, of Health, Insulin 7.80 Municipal World, supplies 2.24 Village of Blyth, Division Court Rent 20.00 A. H. Erskine, 'Collection of Taxes 84.49 Advance -Times, advertising and anpplies 11.88 Brussels Post, printing contract 115.00 Central Tile Brick Corp., 'Purvey Drain 112.50 Floyd Campbell, Trucking Tile, Turvey Drain 27,00 Ross Anderson, fixtures and wiring hall 150,46 13elgraIve Street Lights 8.40 Mrs, Elizabeth Campbell, tax refund , 6.44 Jas. Davis, Rintonl Drain 9.00 Harry Adams, Turvey Drain 54,00 $. B. Elliott, Relief Aecount 13.58 R. W. (lode, Turvey Dr. 130.75 Ross Turvey, Purvey Dr. 125,00 Frank Shaw. 'Hervey Dr. 51,00 Ralgttt Shaw, Turvey Dr. 35,60 lint Towey, Turvey Dr. 59.40 Chas, Tenger, Tnrvey Drain 70.20 Robt. McLennan, Turvey Dr. 75.60 Valleeo Agar, Turvey Drain 12,00 Fred McOuteheon, Turvey Dr. 22.20 113. A. Reid, Sreforth High Sehool 029.65 W. A. Galbraith, Wingham High School 7834.57 H. C. Leveson, Clinton High School . 826.42 Archie Montgc•iinet'y, truciting tile 9.00 (leo. Radford, Lamont Drain . 25:00 Robt, Mollie, Weed inspector 9.50 Addison Frasor, Assessing acid Postage 523,59 Geo, 0. Martin, Clerk. 1,192.00 75.05 15,00 150.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 400.00 WALTON The W..II.S, and 14',A, met fur their reenter meeting rpt Wed., Leo, 13th, 111 the Church basement, 14' luembers :111 tt'eretl rh'. roil call helel'ill ans. n'ert•d with a terse from Christmas Iiyluna, our president :firs. Marshall tpeued the meeting 'will' Prayer. A Bible reading from 51. Matthew, (-limiter 2, was react by Mrs. A. r 'ontle. Ser cal reports were rear, by the different officers. The names of the new officers for 1951 were read. Mre, J. Marshall was presented with a Li1'e Membership to the W. M. S. Tho 16th of Grey group anader the It•adershin of Mira. Wm. Turnbull, then had eltarge of the Christmas service which was presented as it is written in the Missionary-'tMonthly. Site was assisted by several members of her group. The meeting closrd with Hymn 50 and benediction, W. A. Officers for 1951 TTon, President Miss M. Smillie President .... Mrs. Wilbur Turnbull lel Vice -Pres. Mrs. C. Ritchie and Tice.•Pres. ,... Mrs. P. T. Holman 3rd Vice Pres. Mrs. G. Fox Secretary Mrs. S. Johnston Treasurer ...,..., Mrs. R. MicMichael Pianists Mrs. H. Johnston, Mrs. J. Bryans and Mrs. R. Bennett Flower Com., Mrs, T. Leeming Manse Coin. ,,,,.,., Mrs, W. Turnbull Mirs,.l;thel Backwell, Mr's. R. Bennett W. M. S. Officers for 1951 Hon, Pres. Mrs. E. Bryans President Mrs. C. Martin lst Vice -Pres, - Mrs, TT..Tolmston 2n0 Vies -Pres Secretary Treasurer Mrs. A. Cautts Mrs. F. Kirkby .Airs, S. Reid Supply See. Mrs. 'lir, .T. Bennett Community Friendship See. Mrs. P. T. Holman Assistant Mrs, H. Travis cretary of Temperance and Christian Fellowship Mrs. D. Watson Ilficsionary Monthly Secretary • Mrs. M. Schede Stewarship Ser. .... Mrs. E. Bryans Literature Sr -c. .... Mr.:. R. Bennett Assncia.fe Helpers See, Mrs, W. C. Bennett Mission Band SuptMrs. A McCall Assistant Mrs. J. Smith T;ahy Rand Supt..... Mrs. G. McGavin C. G. T. T, Leader, Mrs. R. Hazlewood Assistants M7rs. 0. McArthur Helen Johnston Auditors Mrs. W, 0. Bennet Mrs. J. McDonald Cranbrookers The December meeting of the Young Women's Auxiliary of Oran - brook Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. Stuart McNair, The president Mrs. Maurice Cameron was in the chair and opened the meeting with singing Hymn 163 and this was followed by prayer. Scripture reading was taken from St. Luke 2 verses 1-20. Hymn 170 was sung. The topic "The Gifts of Jesus" was given by Eileen Steles. Mrs. Emers- on Mitchell sang "Holy Night." Roll eail was answered by 8 meutbers. The January meeting is to be held at .the home of Mrs. Blair McIntosh. The meeting closed 'with everyone repeating the MizaDh benediction, The election of officete for 1961 then book place. President .,,,' Mrs, Emerson Mitchell Vice. -Pres. Miss I3ilsen Steiss Secretary Mrs, Stuart McNair Treasurer .,,. Mrs. Maurice Cameron Flower Fund ,... Mrs, Blair McIntosh CRANBROOK Rev. W, A' WTlllams, Valetta, conducted the service in Knox Pres'. byterian Church on Sunday, Dec. 81st, Mr, and Mrs. Fred Martin, Themes. ford, spent Christmas at the home of Mr. and Mrs, P. Baker, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Noble and daughters. Hanover spent the Christ etas woeleend with his mother Mrs. Jas, Noble and other friends here, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parton and daughters, Mr. and Mr's. J -aa, Ritchie end Douglas, London, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cameron and Bobbie and Mr, and Mrs, Sas. Cameron and Carole, Sarnia, were holiday visitors with. Mir, and Mrs, Allen Cameron. Mrs. Wm, Cameron spent the Christmas week with her nepb.e1, Harold and Mrs, Sntalldon, Walton, Mr. Wnt, Forrest, Mgt. Forest, stint his Christmas with his sister Miss Alice 3. Forrest and Mrs, R, It;, Mc- Donald. ETHE . The many friends of Mr, and Mrs. G'liffoa'd Dnnbar met it the township hall to spend an enjoyable evening With theta, At hunch luolir the couple wee presented with a walnut dining table in honor of their recent man rfage. Dancing was enjoyed to the music of Stellion's orchestra, BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN trod 3URGEOi1 41VIlliam St. Phone 4. Bests. Orad. DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telsetbone 45 Brussels, Ont. JOHN E. LONGSTAFF, Optometrist Eyes Examined. Glasses flitted, Phone 791 Seaforth Main Street. HOURS: 9 - 6, Wed. 9.12,30, Sat. 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and IIthte Fitting ,of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9 r34. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Horne Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of F'tmneral Home. B. G. Wacker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for -- Hartford Wind Insurance McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For further particulars -- Phone Brussels 43-r-10. _ c tort ALBERT CARDIFF Agent for HOV✓ICK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. 'a` K Qui' rates are lower. Phone 21-r-4 Brussels„ Ont. Chas. T. Davidson LRISYJRANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fare Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Ca. oze Office 96 -m Br -assert, Ont. y1, A. RaDn & Co. FUNERAL ANS A_RIBU C'•S VICE Licensed Funeral Director and Embetim es :ONE 36 or 85 •- - BRUSSE.L , ONT- Dennis Duquette Mone S1 -r-16 R. R. 4 13rrset+s Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big - None too Small Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Cess. BRUSSELS COUNCIL Dec. 15, 1950 The Municipal Council of the VIl- lage of Brussels met on the above date in the basement of the Public Library, with Councillor R. W. Kennedy absent through sickness. After the minutes of the preceeding meeting were read, the minutes were adopted on motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by A. McTaggart. On motion of A. McTaggart, Sec- onded by W. Speir, the following accounts were ordered paid; Brussels Goal Yard, fuel relief 22.00 Brussels Creamery, relief 8.00 S. Lowe Grocery, relief 12.46 A, Higgins, trucking sanding etc, 6.00 W. McNair, welding & labor 13.45 S. B. Elliott, Misc. supplies 1.74 Brussels Hdwe„ fuel and Misc. Account. 20,64 Gregg Hdwe., Mist. Acct. 21.65 Elliotts Garage, Fire Dept. 11.85 D, Hall, Labor sanding sts. 2.30 Geo. Davidson, mowing park 12.50 Post. Pub. Rouse, Ads. and Nnotilees 13.00 Jblin Gaynor, labor & drains 3.00 James Clark, 4 in. tile 5.00 Pearson Edwards & Co, Audit and statement 40;00 F. Duncan, fox bounty (2) 4,00 John Gibson, Misc. repairs 7.75 H, A, Workman, snowplowing streets A, Coleman, Division Court Clerk Gen. T3vans, Division Court Ratliff 52,50 32.00 32.00 County of Harron, Taxes collected 1950 40.64 W. H. Bell, salary 180.00 G. R. Campbell, salary 45.00 R. B. Cousins, salary as Reeve and Fire Dept., Invoice Wilson & Cousins 58.94 A. M'IcTaggant, salary Councillor 88,00 W. Spell", salary Councillor 36,00 R. A. Bennett, salary Councillor 38,00 R. W. Kennedy, salary Councillor 36,00 Brussels Hydro, Street lights and Hall 111.40 Brussels Fire Bde., Grant 200.00 Brussels Branch Canadian Legion Memoriaal Grant 100.00 Brussels Postmaster, Postage 2.00 A. H. Oakley, Labor at Hall and Streets 58.50 It was moved by W. Speir, second ed by R. A. Bennett that the -Mani. duality make a Grant $100, towards the cost of War Memorial erected this year by the Brussels Branch of the Canadian. Legion, - Carried, It was moved by W. Spear, second- ed by A, McTaggart, that the Reeve be authorized to proclaim Tuesday, Dec. 20, 1900 a Holiday in the Villagr of Brussels. - Carried. The Oleck Treasurer was authorized to pay any overhead, legitimate ac counts, on advice from Council, til' to Dec. 31, 1950. The meeting then attlourned on motion of A. McTaggart, seconded by R. A, Bennett. Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs - REPAIRED and RECOVERED - Aliso Rebuild Mattresses Pick-up and Delivered Stratford Upholstering Co. 43 Brunshwick Street Stratford, Ont. Inquire at D. A. RA.NN Furniture and Funeral &armies Phone 38 or 88 Illnessek