HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1951-1-3, Page 1,i'
In Brussels Town Hall on
2 Shows — Time 1.30 p.m. — 7.30 p.m.
Come Early
John Deere Sales and Service
Brussels, Ont.
The service of Tuesday, Jan, 9th,
will be hold in the United Church,
and on Wednesday, Tan, 10th in St.
John's Anglican Clutrcb. Both ser-
vices at 8 p, rn,
Mr, Frank Mitchell , and family
would like to thank their host of
friends who sent cards, cigarettes,
fruit and candies to Mr. Mitchell
while he was in the hospital and
since he has been home, It is a
pleasure to report that he is improv-
ing now and hopes to see his many
friends from Brussels and district
seen._ Thanks again everyone.
The Mitchells.
In Walton Community Hall on
Euchre commencing at 9 p m.
i0lusic uy Wilbee's Orchestra.
Good Hardwood Floor
Everybody Welcome.
The Court of Revision on the 1951
Assessment Roll for the Township
of Morris will be held in the
cTownship Hall on January 15th at
2p, m.
George C. Martin, Clerk,
will be held In the
Public Library on
at 2.80 p. m.
rale MrowsvtrAVOS
Melville Church
Rev. A. J. Simpson, Cranbroon.
10 a. en. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. Morning Worship
No Evening Service.
The United Church
Mlnlater Rev. Andrew Lane
Morning Worship —. 11 o'clock
Sacrament of Lord's Supper,
Church School — 12 o'clock
Evening Praise — 7o'oloek
Beginning the Gospel,
' Come and Worsetig_-.Let
all the people praise Hint.
Church of England
Parlsh of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
Fourth Sunday in Advent
Deo, 24th, 1950
St. John's Church, Brunets—
11 am, Christmas Communion
Sunday Scheel
9.15 p. in, Carol Service
et. David's Church, Henfryn-
2 p. m. Sunday school
2.30 p.m. Christmas Communi
St. George's Church, Walton --
7,30 pen. Christmas Com,
Mr, and Mrs. Andrew Bremner of
411). con. Grey, will be at home to
their friends and neighbors, Jan, 5811,
from 7 p. m. until 10 p, m, It being
the occasion of their, 25111 wedding
ON 40th
A very pleasant eveniug was spent
on Dec, 21st at the home of Mr, and
Mrs. Ed, Higgins, it being the occas-
ion of their 40th wedding anniversary,
lenring the afternoon four of their
Mende invited then to go for a
little trip and on returning home
their• hmuee was filled with friends
from Wingham, Beimo'e, Wroxeter,
Biyth and Brussels.
The evening was spent playing
progressive euchre, at 12 o'clock a
lovely lunch was served, after which
the following address was read:
Dear Minnie and Ed.—
We your friends of the city of
Brusselsand surrounding country
are gathered here to -night to honor
you on your 40th wending annivers-
We from the North have known
You for many years and even though
ynn have not'Hved in our midst for
some time and the years have added
a few white hairs to you beth. We
are glad to say that the sunshine of
your smiles have never changed.
Yon ere Just the same good sports
that you have always been ready
end willing to lend a helping hand to
any one in need.
We are sure the people of Brussels
consider it a better piece to live
since you decided to make your home
With nur hest for a future full of
health and happiness and as a
small token of nor _rent esteem we
aslc you to arcent these gifts.
Signed nn behalf of feihhfnl friends
listed an your gift,
A beantifnl table lamp with ribbon
attached on which all the gneste
minxes were printed and an electric
ten kettle were presented to *OIL
Mr. end Mrs. Higgins both thanked
their friends for the lovely gifts, true
grand evening and the niee trio.
After which they ,all sang, "They
are jolly gond fellows.'
Wed. Thur. Jan. 3-4'
Tyronne Power, Linda Darnell
in "BLOOD and SAND"
(Re -issue)
Fri. Sat. Jan. 5-6
Geo. Montgomery, Rod Cameron
Marie Wilson in
"DAKOTA LIL" Cinecolor
Sat. Mat. 2.00 — Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tue. Jan. 8.9
Adult Entertainer
Richard Wildmark, Linda Darnell
OFFER $160.00
Monday Attendanre Card Night.
Wed. Thur. Jan. 10-11
William Powell, Mark Stevens
Betsy Drake in
Wednesday, January 3rd, 1951
Holiday Visict,rs
* * *
Mr, and lire, Bell, Teeswater, with
\h', and Mrs. D. Elliott,
* * *
Dr. 1louald and \it's. McRae with
his mother Mrs, T, T. McRae,
Mr. D. Aldworth, Sarnia, with ibis
parents Mr. and Mrs. Aldworth.
• * *
Jack Coleman with his brother
Bill and Mrs. Coleman at Wawa,
* * *
Miss Mary R, Stewart, ICenora at
the home of Mr. and Mrs, Thomas
* * *
Miss Pearl Beaker, Toronto with
her parents Mr. and Mrs, W. L.
• * *
Mr. and Mrs. Stan, Phillips, Wood-
l::ldge. with Mr. and Mrs. R, B.
• * *
Miss Margaret Bell, London, with
her parents Mr. and Mrs, W. H,
* * *.
Mr. and Miry. G. Gibson and Mr,
D, MI, MacTavish in Tnrontn for
* * *
Mee. 3I, Willits of Wingham, spent
the Christmas week with Mfr, and
airs, Edger Higgins.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. A. 13, Cousins who
were holidays visitors in Woodbridge
have returned home.
* * *
Mrs. W. H. Hunter of Toronto,
spent the Christmas holidays with
the Misses McCracken.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, R. D, Joyee of Tor-
onto were Christmas with Mr. and
Mrs, Jas. S. Armstrong,
* * *
Mr, Gilbert Speer had the mis-
fortune to break his shoulder bone
when he fell on the street,
* * *
Mr, and MTrs, H. M. Clarke of
Toronto spent the Christmas week-
end with Mr, Jas. H. Fulton,
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, Archie Holmes, and
children Dale and Suzanne, Brant-
ford, with -Mr. and Mrs, E, Somers,
* * *
Wilson Tibho of Tilbury , spent
Christmas and New Year's with Mr,
and Aries. Jas. S. Armstrong and
* * *
Men nd Mrs. Bromn, Chesley, Mr,
Wm, Smith. Dorntnck and Murray
Smith, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Busehlin.
$2.00 per year - $2.50 U. S. A.
* * *
Mir. and Mrs. Murray Ross. Pal-
ntereton and Murray Matheemi,
Seaforth, Ont.
* * . e
Thur. Fri. Sat. Jan. 4-5-6
Bud Abbott and Lou Costello
It's the hest in a year—Their newest
and funniest by far. Those famous
funny men join forces with ' the
world famous fighting men—and the
a P
Mon. Tues. Wed, Jan, 8-9-10
In Technicolor
William Powell Mark Stevehs
Betsy Drake Adolph Menjou
Another fully rounded show business
story from the production of George
Jesse!, music, laughter and song In a
moving' story of the the Theatre and
It's People,
* * •
Next, Thurs. Fri, Sat. :fen. 11.12.18
David Brian John Agar
Those wonderful G I Guys who fought
their hearts out for Victory., as the
World waited fore them to cleave a
passage through Nazl•heltl Europe
during D -Day Invasion on the Coast
o Frfanoe,
• P •
Adult Entertainment
Stratford, with Mi•. and Mrs. D. C. 1 w. 0, A. A. ARRANGES
sir. John Smith, principal of
Arthur Continuation School was
holidaying here with friends and
* * *
Mr. and Mee. 0. M. Lo.yeock and
family of Waterdown were holiday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, ,Jas. S.
* * *
Miss Mary Lane 0.0.81., Toronto,
and lir. Carl Kleluson, Toronto were
holiday victors with Rev. Andrew
and Mrs. Lane,
Mr. and Mrs, Tark Beaker, Wheat-
ley and Miss Elizabeth Baeker, Lon-
don, with their parents Mr. and Mrs.
1. C. Banker,
* * *
Jim Armstrong of 0, A, C, College,
Gnelpb, le spnnrling the Christmas
holidays with his parents Mr. Band
Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong.
* * *
Roy Davidcnn of Kitchener and
Ross of Godericb, spent Christmas
at the home of their parents Mr. end
Mrs. Themes Davidson.
* *' *
Mr. and Mrs, Stuart Glassier and
Danny of Midland were visitors at
the home of Mr. anti Mrs. Dan
Classier for the Christmas season.
• * *
Mir. anti Mrs. Southgate and baby
Jane, MIIse Margaret Gibson and
lfr. Taylor, Toronto ells. Lillian
Gibson, London, with air, and Mrs.
J. Gibson.
* * *
:lir. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, and Mrs,
T. Hemphill, Wroxeter; Mrs, Mabel
Allen and children, Marjorie and
,Tim and Miss C. Ross, Toronto, with
Mr. and Mrs. Ii, B. Allen.
* * *
Mr. Jas. Stephens and Miss Isabel
Stephens, London; Miss Dorothy
sea -diens. Toronto, and Niles Glenna
Stephens of Notre Dante Academy,
Wntersown. with their parents Dt',
R. W. and Mrs. Stephens.
* * *
Cln•isheec visitors with Mr. and
Mrs. 'EI. Manning were Miss Laura
Manning Kitchener, Mfr, and Mrs. C.
A. Knox, Jimmy and Donnra of New
Hamburg, Mr, and Mrs, C. D. Miele
brook and Charley of Mullett, also
Mr. Geo. Manning of town.
* * *
Mir, anti Mrs. J. Topham and child-
ren Fordwich, with Mr, and Mrs.
R. W. T:cneeciy, Mrs. A. Wallace and
son Mervin, who spent holiday week
bore returned home with thein,
Mrs. Margaret McNaught Michie
There passed away in Wingham
General Hospital, an old and highly
esteemed resident of Hespeler, in the
Person of Mrs, Margaret McNaught
Michie in her Send year, She suffer-
ed a severe stroke Dec. 26th, from
which she never rallied. Funeral was
held on Monday, Jan, ist from the
Stager & Russ Funeral Parlors of
Hespeier. Rev. MlcFarlane of the
United Church, assisted by Rev.
Moores of Belgrave, conducted the
service. Six members.' of sesaion
were pallbearers: Several from Mor-
ris Twp., attended the funeral.
Commencement exercises were
held in Wingham on Wed., Dee, 20th.
e and.Thursday, Dec, 21st. Among
BOare members present on the plat-
form were 0, M. htaeTavish of Brus-
sels and Jas, 5, Armstrong, Grey
township representative. Mr, Mao
Taviah assisted inpresenting a,Wards'
won timing the past year. Brussels
students and former students who
won awarde included:
Jim Anderson — A Dominion.
Provincial Seholarehip,
retinal Dentis — Martin Murray,
Memorial Pelee.
Mary Smith — Girls Intermediate,
Athletic Ch'atnplonship,
Sean Jewell ,,., Girls Junior
Athletic Championship,
The students presented a very fine
variety program consisting of piano
solos, choreal singing, display of work
on parallel bare, fancy dances and a
short play. Jintonrg those 'assisting
were notined, Elsbher Raymond,
Gordon Lane, ?wren Bnschiln,
Louise Balan,an, Jim Anderson,
Sean Cardiff, Tan Matheson, Teen
Greene, Isobel Dennis and Keith
Intermediate "le" and "C" Series
droop 0 Walton 33, Londesboro
U, Druyton 13, Trowbridge 0, At.
wood C. Wilfred Willie, Brussels,
Hockey Schedule
Trowbridge at Londeeboro Jan, 3
Walton at Drayton, Jan. 5
'Atwood at Trowbridge, Jan, 8
Londeaboro at Drayton, Tan. 9
Drayton at Trowbridge, Jan, 11
.Atwood at Walton, Jan 12
Walton at Trowbridge, Jan. 15
Drayton at Londeshoro, Jan. 15
Londeshoro at Walton, Jan, 19
Trowbridge at Atwood, Jan, 19
Drayton at Atwood, Tan. 22
Atwood at Londeshoro, Jan. 26
Drayton at Walton, Tan, 26
Londeshoro at Atwood, Jan. 29
Lnndesboro at Trowbridge, Feb, 1
Walton at Atwnod, Feb. 2
Trowbridge at Walton, Feb. 5
Atwood at Drayton, Feb. 6
Trowbridge at Drayton, Feb, 9
Walton at Londeshoro, Feb, 9
Walton games to he played In
Londeshoro games to be played
in Blyth.
Trowbidge games played at Lis-
towel, -
Atwood games to be played at
Drayton games to he played at
Juvenile Series
Group 3 — Brussels C, Ethel D,
Belgrave D, Blyth D, Dublin D,
Ken Ashton, Brussels, convener,
Juvenile Schedule '
Monkton at Blyth, Jan. 1
Brussels at Dublin, Jan. 4
Blyth at Ethel. Jan. 4
Belgrave at Monkton, Jan. 5
Ethel at Brussels, Jan, 8
Monkton at Belgrave, Jen. 8
Dublin at Blyth, Jan. 8
Belgrave at Dublin, Jan, 11
Ethel at Blyth, Jan. 12
Brussels at Monitton. Jan 12
Dublin at Brussels, Jan. 15
Ethel at Belgrave, Jan. 15
Blyth at Monkton, Jan, 15
Ethel at Dublin, Jan. 18
Brussels at Blyth, Jan. 19
Belgrave at Blyth, Jan. 22
?J-onkton at Brussels, Jan, 22
Dublin at Ethel, Jan. 22
.Monkton at Dublin, Jan. 25
Belgrnve at Ethel. Jan. 25
Brussels at Belgrave, Jan. 27
Blyth at Brussels Jan. 29
Ethel at Monkton. Jan, 29
Duplin at Belgrave, Jan, 99
Blyth at Dublin, Feb, 1
Monition at Ethel, Feb 1
Belgrave at Brussels, Feb. 3.
Blyth at Belgrave, Feb, 5
Brussels at Ethel, Feb. 5
Dublin at Monkton, Feb, 5
Midget Series
Group.,5—Exeter 0„ a bye Zurich
D, Brussels D. Liman Juveniles,
Elmer Bell, Exeter, convener.
A Pee Wee series will also be, in-
stituted as of February 15th.
Engagement Announcement
Mr. and Mrs. J. Leslie Oliver wish
to announce the engagement of
their duughter Anrie Joyce, to Mr. r
William C. Henderson youngest son
of lir, and Mlrs, Ivy Henderson, Sea -
forth, Marriage to take place early
in January.
13russols, Jan, 2 — Word. has
been received here of the ••death at
Toronto on Sunday of Frank Alex-
ander Sinclair, brother of Arthur
Sinclair, Brussels, The funeral ser-
vice is to be in Toronto on Wed-
nesday, and interment is to be in
Riverside cemetery, Weston.
The mailing list; of this, paper has
bean revised to Jan. 1st, Kindly
look at your label on this issue and
see if It is correct, It it is not please
advise us of the error, Our thanks
Is given all those who have paid their
subscriptions in advance.' A renewal
of your Poet at this time would be
The Huron County Trappers Assoc -
kitten will meet on Saturday night,
Jan. 6th, at .Clinton, Everyone wel-
R, Cox, See,
Mrs. Wm. H. Armstr',ng
tetrieteee :Atwie Brewer -w, r wife of the
late Wm, 13. Armetrong passed away
on Wednesday, December 20th at
her late r'eeidenee eat concession of
Grey township, after a few meintee
illness in her 07th year.
She was a rhinghto.r ,t' the. late
Wm. and Mrs. eirewer, 7311 concassinn
of Grey Township and spent her
entire lite in this community.
She was united in marriage to the
late Wm. H. Atnnstrong, who pre-
deceased her on Marrh 5th, 194e.
She leaves to mourn two sons
Elmer and John and one danghter
Tena, all at hone and three brothers
Reuben and Wesley, Goderieh, and ,
Duncan, Morris township.
Rev, A. J, Simpson of Teeswater,
conducted the funeral service at
her late bonne om Saturday, D ..nee -
her 22rel at 2 P. in. Burial took place
in Brussels Cemetery.
Tlie poltheat•r»rs were: lS'm.
Hollinger, Tom 1fr.Farlane, Norman
Lamnn,t Norman Stephenson, Mel
vine Lamont and Wm. Bishop.
The flower beareee were: Frank
King, Ernst Martin Frank Sellers,
and Wm. Empey,
We- wish to express our ' sincere
thanks fur the many acts of kindness,
the beautiful floral tributes and the
words of sympathy received during
the Illness and bereav :meat of our
Eimer, John and Tena Arenstrnug,
The United Chuy'ch
11 v:,iee, up Sundury, Dee. Slat
r, of it New Year's nature. The
teeming nuesna„e, "Necessary for a.
need Nest Your." likened the in-
cenezie, y,-er to a ship sailing in the
nrid:-r of storm. Whet happens in a
nersot is tear more important then
what Happens to a person the min.
Mer said and urged the membera
of bis congregation to keep courage,
hamar. eheerfnlness, faith and end-
urance, on board to ntan the ship of
1951 which is predicted to encounter
stormy epee, The morning anthem
was "New Year" by Tra. B. Wilson.
In the evening the subject was,
"Finding' fled," based on the words
e: Irsut Blessed are the pure in
h ri f: thy shall see God." The
10th 1 wa= 'Coad Morrow," bp
•°ler ,.rid tl"khel,
Next .urel y- The Sacrament of
Ttc Lord'•- :=upper at morning
.e rehip.
The Voire OF Temperance —
1,• en l;tteland eomes the report
i nn lenges considered polite
drinir and get, drank. This has
e;:,,• about because of the decrease
tae e1, nhnlle content of beer and
the int•r,ase in the coat of hard
liquor. It is not a matter of narrow
Pnritanlsur but of deeency and com-
enru sense that the influence of
liquor is degrading. When will good
taste intpr,e its ban on people wliose
conversation and ronduet reveal the
blight of drinking? It, is not polite
to he maudlin or noisy with drink.
, to il fr; a.r 3�.ttr!
Canadian men and women have
8,000,000 deposit accounts in
it the chartered banks—equal to
stMil one account for every adult.
Banks value each depositor's business highly
. safeguarding your money, paying
interest on your savings, standing ready to
repay ... striving to retain your confidence
and friendship.
Your bank manager appreciates his
obligation to you. Ask him what is a
banker's first concern. He will answer,
"Safeguarding the depositors' funds."
For he realizes that depositors are the very
foundation of the efficient credit process by
which banks mobilize deposits to serve
the needs of this working, growing,
enterprising Canada.