HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-12-13, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST .ce,snum.****•.•.*.• .W54,,!''fociMMTDIVAZATFAMAV'MOMMMOW.MDALPMMAVIVSVVe 14 'IL Colorful ecorations You will Enjoy Seeing our Exciting Diplay of Christmas Decorations and Parcel Wrappings, Red and Silver Wreaths Cellophane Garlands, Plastic Snow, Jingle Bell Ornaments, Christmas Tree Lights, Icicles, Fancy Paper Hats, Christmas Crackers, Hinoki Rope, Santa Claus Faces, Tinsel, Tree Ornaments, Decorated Scotch Tape. Red and White Tissue Paper, Crepe Paper, Rein Deers, Brick Design Crepe Paper, Tags, Seals, Colored Cellophane and many other items. Christmas Greeting Cards Special Boxes at 39c, 79c and $1.00 - Brand New Designs Also Cards in Bulk at 2 for sc The: Store to Get Magazine Subscriptions THE NEW BOOKS Also, Boys and Girls Books, Painting Books, New Games, Watermans Fountain Pens, Ball Pointed Pens, Toilet Preparations in Yardley, Adrienne, Tiffany and Bachelor. F. D RtarlrandRexail Drug Store BRussas. isiznactia Ras, a _ a55eMAll.6.W.L...___MAtieMMO PEGELOW'S Shoe and Harness Repair Brussels, Ont. Phone 24 11 Christmas 9 94r Brussels, Ont. Suggestions FOR HER Handkerchiefs Scarves Handbags Gloves Nylons, Lisle Hose Blouses Skirts Sweaters Dresses Housecoats Coats, Station Wagon Coats FOR HIM Handkerchiefs Ties Braces Sox Gloves, Mitts Scarves Shirts Sweaters Jackets Suits Top Coats Beautiful Selection of Gifts for Children Inexpensive Toy Selection PigOitiM MOW= ••• MAYBE THIS IS WHY YOUR TIRED P 1 it you feel weak and depressed or have an urge to eat frequently and still feel hungry, it is possible you ; have too much insulin in your blood. Learn how a simple test will reveal this condition & how a balanced diet may correct it. Read "Maybe This is I 'REMMAMAV MEMORiALS 4l7TakIGIAAM MEMOKIAL SHO Earnous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in chol granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a special --"TammEcumoir-ff.itord=mam Ml modern machinery Why YourIe Tired", In The AmericanR. R. A. SPOTI Weekly with Dec. 17 issue Detroit none 256 -- Wingham, Sunday Times, For OIs1 MING HERD Mix your grain with e Purina Cow Chow Sgpplement to make o real 16% millt•making ration, PIP a COW CHOW r R To help build dry cows up for reduced calving troubles and extra milk ahead, feed Purina Bulley.Los and oati, -half and half! LKY-LAS end OATS i ayrs4,- TOT, 40-rdi ....iV Makii . 1 \ Brassei s Creamery li PHONE 22 BRUSSELS ,,,,,t,,,,,t,w,,!,'...,,,,,..*!.,,,•,,,,,..,***'.I,s,,,, 1 Phone 93x -r-2 Horse Blankets, Heavy • $6.50 \ Cow Chains 3 and 4 way No. 3-0 Zippers put on any zipper article. SKATES SHARPENED Agent for Listotvel Dry Cleaners. Pen and Pencil Sets by Sheaffer, Water- man and Parker. illfolds, Briefcases and many other items in leather. Cuff links, Tie pins $1.00 up. Lighters and Cigarette Cases by Ronson. Electric Razors Binoculars Thermometers Signet and Stone Set Rings Watches by Bulova, Fontaine Elco & Rolex Bridal Wreath Diamonds for the one you love. FOR HER - Sterling Silver and Silver Plated Flatware in all the best known makes. Stemware in Cornflower, Norfolk and Royal Brierley. Wm. Rogers Halloware. Bone China Cups & Saucers & fancy pieces. Costume Jewellery of every description. Compacts that will delight her. Musical Powder Boxes and Candy Boxes. Three piece and five piece Toilet Sets. Evening Bags, Beaded and Silk. A Gift from Leach's can be Gold Stamped or Engraved on short notice. If you want to please Shop at W. G. LEACH The Store for Beautiful Gifts Jeweller Brussels Phone 6x A Cast. Steel Batteries Bags 1 6 SALVAGE Brussels, Ont. Feathers Horse Hair Rags Metals of all kinds, We Pay •Highest Cash Prices Highest Cash Prices for New Feathers. THE SEWING CLASS The wee Weans Wo urday, Dec. Oth at 2 p. nr.rkers met at the home of Davis on Sat - The Wednesday, December 13U1, For The Early C rist as S er We Have A Good Assortment of - FOR ALL THE FAMILY See Them hik\ ck is 0 ,r• EGG'S 116 Phone 17 pete Brussels meeting oDeted by singing theM,M, _ _ -s c'S*7._• -s -st"Vat_.. ("Tema... Institute Ode. Mary Agnes HiggiuS read the minutes followed by the F ; TS CR, TO COME roll call which was answered by 18 T 1 members on oue reason why I chose NOmy ME ; skirt material. Its name an stration on how to press a seam ond weave. Mrs. Davis gave a demon- t a new made skirt. Further work was done on our project skirt -making. 1 There will be no more meetings until i after Christmas. Delicious candy was served at the close, emsummuraremeoarerrusam"romassates \Mane ON : Seatote &9MtakEM49r:WOWFIeM9AVMMO3V CEMENT ;ON). 1 aces IMIT9ediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS M. C. OLDFIELD WARMTH For steady, even heat get this for fuel TODAY! 'blue coal' does more than just heat your home -it provides a STEADY LEVEL of comfort that is healthier to live in and more enjoyable foryoung and old, Phone us now for 'blue coal -the heat that millions prefer, Come in or Phone Today Phone 68 'Brussels :M.V•4•,,r %;'.401.."4!MOVA,!...,1, 74' StMOZ-WA674,5;% gijW.er, A S S SHOE ST MEN'S WEAR Men's Sheep Skinned Lined Snow Boots $8.95 to $12.00 Men's 4 buckle Cloth, or Rubber or with Zipper Overshoes $4.95 Men's Extra -Heavy Long Rubber Boots in Kaufman, Miner, Gutta Percha, British American or Gooderich $4.0 Short $3.50 Boy's $3.00 Child's $2.50 Women's $3.00 Men's Rugged Leather -Top Rubbers 12 Inches High $5.95 Men's Rugged All Rubber 12 Inches High $5.95 Men's Botany AllWool Sweaters in All Colors in Monarch and Tony Day Pullovers Sweaters Coats We have a large Assortment of ARROW and • FORYSTH DRESS SHIRTS Ties and Scarves Dress Shirts $4.50 to $6.50 Pyjamas Sport Shirts $3.50 to $10.00 Ties from $1.00 to $3.00 Our large stock of STETSON, MALLORY and BROCK are of the latest styles STETSON Premier $8.50 Royal $10.00 MALLORY $7.50 BROCK •7 • $5.00 BAUER SKATES for everyone in the family Men's BOBBIE BAUER Hockey Skates $8.95, $11.95, $18.95 and $24.95 $5.95 and $7.95 • $11.95 $8.95 $6.95 $7.50 $8.50 Boys Skates LADIES BAUER Figure Skates White LADIES BAUER High White Skates Girl's High White Skates Ladies Snow Boots Sheep -Skinned Lined $6.95 to $10.50 Ladies Dress Sheep's Wool Lining Overboots $4.95, $5.95 01+ and $7.50 Everything in this store is guaranteed under reasonable care and wear or money cheerfully refunded. Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. AttMetltr•53406010$5WAVMMOIWW•ONV 111V, (..) 1.‘ Meres Shirts in plain shades, striped and white Nylon by $3.95 to $8.95 ki Forsyth, McGregor -- • • Men's All Wool Plaid Scarves in twelve "Clans." Made in "2 Scotland, and Rayon and Cotton and White Crepe $1.00 to $2.98 9r(' Men's Leather Dress Gloves, lined and unlined, in black, brown and natural Men's Broadcloth and Flannelette Pyjamas • -- - Men's Boxed Ties Cagrdians • • . ...... ...... • • ........ • • • • • $1.98 up 0, $2.49 up. • • • $1.00, $1.50 to $2.00 Zipper Men's and-BATyT, All Vsrool Pulgiers and Large assortmentMen's & Boys Heavy Plaid Shirts $2.15 to $3,95 en's and Boys Station Wagon Coats and all wool Plaid Coats with wool pack satin quilted linings '" ' . $15.95 up •omen's Housecoats in Chenille and Satin Quilted ••-• • $6.95 up. ..,....---_-_,.. -- ciA . Women's All Wool and 100 % Nylon Sweaters in Pullovers M, I t. and Cardigans in pink, blue, wine and grey • • • • • • $4.39 up Full fashioned Nylon Hosiery in the latest style, picture and Rocket heels, and dark seams • • . ...... • • • • • . • • $1.29 to $2.25 --------------- Women's Slips in Nylon and .Crepe $3.00 and $3.95 Women's Snuggledown Pyjamas, Nightgowns and Bedjackets • • - . • • . $2.98 to $4.50 l_.adies All Wool and Pure Silk „Scarves in large variety of colors Large assortment of Pure Wool, ,Part Wool Fancy Indian and Flannelette Blankets. Chenille Bedspreads • • " , Large assortment of Men's, Wornen's and Children's Rubbers, Goloshes and Houseslippers. $8.95 up: The Arcade Store Brussels, Ont. Phone 61 ik-'614-0_WeiVallafittMEMMAIMIIIMOWNOW61_10,1101NAVO_Mei