HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-12-6, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST A':e In> -;day, ileceurber lith, j,) Y O U R -(,0‹,(1 TO PROTiECT CHEATER? The CARIBOU is famous as a strong and able swimmer. But few people know that he has built-in life preservers! Each hair of the caribou is hollow, containing a buoyant air pocket which makes swimming no trouble at all. The mare we know of nature, the more interest we take in conservation. Carling's presents this series of unusual facts to help promote a wider interest in nature and its preservation. THE CARLING BREWERIES LIMITED WATERLOO, ONTARIO 2-1 Melville Ladies' Aid The 'members at Melville Ladles' Aid Society met at the home of Nliss Grace .Stewart far their December meeting on Monday night, The President, Mrs. J. S. Armstrong open- ed the meeting in the usual manner. The treasurer's report disclosed a fine balances for the year and in- structions'were given to pay several account incurred in the renovation of the Manse. Mrs, J. Galbraith, presented the nominating cam. enittee's report as follows: President Mrs. J, S. Armstrang 1st Vice -Pres.... Mrs. 17. C. Matheson 2nd Vice -Pres..... Mrs. Wesley Kerr :5eeretary Mrs. D. McLeod Assist: Sec, Mrs. W. Little Treas. Mrs, H. B. Allen Assist: Trees, Ma's, C. Long Pi:lntet Mrs. Walter Kerr Auditors Mrs, J. Galbraith Mrs. Robt. Thomson Iltessirge of thanks were read from bine member's of the congregation, who had received gifts of fruit when sick. Some discussion regarding the work for 1051 took place before the rinse of the meeting, The lunch committee were Mrs. L. Eckneler, Mrs. W. 0, Kerr and Mrs. 3. Gal- braith. Melville Church W. M. S. The December meeting of the W. M. S. of Melville Presbyterian Church, took the form of a Christ - nuts service or worship in charge of s of the President, Mrs. Geo. Evans read tihe scripture lessen and Miss Grace Stewart ]ed in prayer. The secretary and treasurer 'presented their regular reports followed by reports of the year's meetings. The nominating oonmittee presen- ted the new slate of officers for 1951. 'The roll call was answered by "A Christmas Thought." Mrs. J. Speir gave an interesting meseage, "Back lo Bethlehem" in which she gave an affirmative answer to the question, 'Would the Christmas Spirit it 'properly spread abroad bring world s,eace?" Mrs, W. Smith reale a missionary Utter from Rev. J. R. Andrew of British Guiana in which he described the need of the people of that Land.. A Christmas hymn and prayer closed the meeting. The United Church On Sunday morning, Dec. 3rc1, the series on, "The Parables of our Lord" was continued, Two parables were considered the parables of "The treasure found in the field," and "The pear of great prices." Both set forth the supreme worth of the Kingdom to the individual, and the great joy and willing service in the lives of men and women who really possess the Kingdom and are Poss• essed of It. The anthem, "Take Jesus" by B. R. Aekey, was sung by the choir, The Sacrament of Baptism was a{hninistered to Paul Duncan, infant son of Mr. and Mrs..Tacilc McDonald; end Susanne Elizabeth infnn+ daught- er of air. and air's. Tan McDonald. The evening subject n'ns, "The eilvent Spirit." Christmas hymn pre- -Orel in the service, ee-ret VSFr 2 The sixth meeting of the "Happy eeitc•hers" rile, wat held at the home of the leader Mrs, Geo. Pearson on Nov, 2910 ,at S p. m. There were seven girls present. Each girl ans- wered how to baste the skirt. The secretary's report was given followed by the business. It was suggested by Joanne Swift that the toll -call be answered by how to press a seam. Mrs. Pearson showed us how to sew a zipper on a skirt, Those pres- ent were; Doris Bateman, Jean Fraser, Marilyn Bowes,. Bonn's Alex- ander. Grace Lamont, Joanne Swift, and Jean Rork. There were eight gills absent. After lunch the meeting was closed. On Sunday, Nov, 25th, The 'Sacra- ment of Baptism was observed in the -United Church. The following re- ceived the rite. DOngla.s Wayne liray, infant son of Mr. and Mrs, 'Stanley Bray; Ddrot7ty Marie, infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Jacklin; Janice Helen, in- fant ,daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Von. add Swift; Ruth Edna, infant daugh- ter of Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Wilbee. PIANO TUNING Those wishing to get their piano tuned before Christmas get in touch with Ken Hill at once. Work guar- anteed. Leave your order at Old - field's Hardware, Phone 63. .esmw,arsxumwp,:n5Orni .155:62xrr•.mr55,:.4mva :555*••.•-n,�,o;- -,,.. s - MEETING OF THE ONTARIO R. M. T. ASSOCIATION The Huron County branch of the Ontario Registered Teachers Associ- ation met in Brussels on Monday ere Ding, Nov: 20111, in the assembly room of the Public Library, which was filled to capacity to hear Mr. Boris Berlin of the staff of the Tor - auto Royal Coneel'vatory of Music. Mr. Berlin ivas introduced by the President Mrs. McDonald of Blyth, atter she had welcomed Mr. Bird, of the Conlon Thompson Publishing ('u., whose display of music at- e. c' c d much attention. Mr. Berlin's lettere subjeet: "Piano Tenhnique and Essential Daily Exw'eises" was eeilifutly hainiled, as he first denfnnstrated how so many pupils ,Fasted merlons practise time by. twirling the »711nir stool, hunting for emelt., etc., He went on to speak of na reef line of practise tinge, show- ing that the development, oa the, mueeles of the fingers, hands, axil arms, for playing, required a variety of dally exercises, for re. lexation, stretching, passing thumbs mule's etc„ Mr. Berlin also gave timely ativice to parents, to encourage their children in the daily practise of technical exercises, whicib is the foundation of good piano playing. Atter the leoture a vote of thanks was tendered Mr. Berlin, Mr. Bird and the Library Board, for the use of the assembly room by Mies Walsh of Belgra.ve. The teachers were then invited to the spacious and hospitable home of Mr, .and Mrs, L. D. Thompson, where, after a short business meeting of the Huron branch of 0. R. M. T. A. delicious refreshments were served. A hearty vote of thanks was extended to the genial host and hotess by Mrs.. M, MacKinnon, Those attending from Clinton were Miss A. Brigham, Mrs. Boyce, Mrs, MacKinnon, Mr, Rooke or Blyth, and Mrs. Lyle Brothers of Wroxeter were also present. "Old at 40, 501 60?" Mani_ You're Crazy Forget your age! ...emends aro poppy et 70. Try pepptug or with Oatret. Contains tomo for weak, rundown feeling 0110 solely to body's look o1 Iron widthnny en and worsen will 'old.' T,9 Ostrex Tonto Tablets for pep younger fooling, Miler von day. New "get =painted" else only 000. For sato at sa drug storm eVoryal0 :e.:61 (Iota, eanuneAce Cf3Aaktek, Keystone of Main Street D. M. Maslow, 0.8.4. WEDDING Koebel ' Smith A pretty Deeeuthtt Wielding. look plane Oil Saturday. Dee. 201, at St. Lcule ('thele 1(ltehener, ,hen :Vary, dangle. r of Mr, and Mrs, Ferri. Smith of Ih'n:smele, bet'a111P the bride or Orrald Cltarlee Keeled, son of Ah'. and Mrs. Chad. Kocher of Water- loo, Ont. Her. Hobert e..111 officiated, :Ind Albert A. Koebel brother of the groom sung. (luring rile s10gnine• of the register. 'rh,. bride wag beaut- ifully gowned et silver twist sarin. The 1113.1 }miller featured an over- lay of rare extending down into the wasp waistline. Long tapered sleev- es Nettled points over her hands and tiny self coven'ed hnttons et front and back from peter pan eviler to mist line The full bouffant skirt fell into a cathedral train. Her double tiered veil of french illusion was held to her heel with a matching lace hornet outlined with a satin trim. She eel-rierl a cascade of Red Ame,rtenn beauty roses and white "veheoP11iBn er'nh'ed with a gardenia enrsatee white streamers tied in lovers knots. The bridesmaid was (lladyc Theresa Bruder cousin of the (recon. She ens gowned in pink nylon marquisette with a sweet- heart neeltline and a matching bon- net headdress, end matching mittens, She serried a enionnial bouquet of ^'.elismnn rases and white eypbeo- ilili with oink siremners tied in lovers knots. The hest man was Bernard (Mieltev) Koebel. brother of the groom. fellers were Robert Pebaefc'r and Jerome Bruder, A ,•ncentimv eves held it the'irobasav Hotel. Pt. Agatha. Ont.. et 4 P. m. liri le'e mother' 1'eeelved the aneste wearing a Macri ensemble with matching serest:m.1 , and wore a shoulder corsage of pints carnations. flrnnni':e mother rerelved, eventing a (leen -'inc ensemble with blade a''cseeries and wore a shnnider anr- e'er o1 heonze mems Thr ermine left en a trip to Niagara Falls and neinte ie TT S. A. They will reside at 1153 Delamere Ave., 'Windsor, Ont. Out of town enests were present from Peterhnro, Mnmybill. Guelph, Wel- les•1ev, Dorking, Prestpn and Brus- sels. A: * * * •F 5 * b 1 PEOPLE WE KNOW . • 5 • 4 • • • Miss Florence McNaughton, who has been in a Toronto hospital re- covering from a broken hip for the. past three months, returned to her home here last week. Ms. W. E. Parr of Winnipeg was a recent visitor with Miss Carrie Megaton. Mr, Parr is a nephew of Mise Hingstou, Ah•, Donald (Butch) Aldwouth of Sarnia, visited his parents over the week -end. Mr, Harold McDonald arrived home Vast Friday from a three months visit with relatives in the West. He was at Lacombe. Calgary and Ed- monton, Alta, Mrs. Toner is spending a week at her home in Gerrie while her patient Mrs, A. Baeker is in London 10,' the week. Mrs, E. Breden left this week for Toronto. Miss ,Sane Breden will re- main until the Christmas exams are over. The towns of Canada are friendly places. There's the drug store, the post office .. • and your bank, where you meet your friends and exchange a neighbourly word with the people who serve you. Your Commerce manager is a man to know... a man who wants to know you. You can trust him to keep your confidence. You can trust the men and women who work with him ... they are trained to be discreet about your business. Yes, our Canadian towns are friendly places ... and the men and women at your Commerce branch are good people to know. f I The Canadian Bank of Commerce "The Commerce" 140.500 0 CLASSIFIED ADS. GARAGE FOR RENT — Apply to Millie (ti'ewa.r, Brussels. FOR SALE — Brit k huse, full bath and double eerie., For further particulars apply Lorne W. Eekmier, FOR SALE — Dr i1 cis and Alacintosh lied Apples at r'-dueed prices. Bill Blake Phone 42-r-8 LOST — • Black and White Collie in Brussels vicinity on Thursday, Nov, 30. James Maly Phone 58-r-4. FOR SALE — Al7lean Violets, Robe, Cement, 1 (colt stove 1 Quebec• heater, hot plate. led. Henderson Phone 684-3 TRADE IN -.- Your old parlour suite and organ nn one of the 12 new Chesterfields and 20 good pianos at Sal:matt & Sons, Furniture Store at Mildmay. Reasonable prices. GODERICH RE -UPHOLSTERING — Chesterfields, chairs, etc„ very choice coverings, Phone Wm, Raid, Goderich 59M or Call at Stores. Es- timates given, 25 years experience. See us, Phone us, Write us WANTED — Older girl or woman as house- keeper. Apply to Walter Rose Poultry Farm Phone 38x -r -4. _T FOR SALE — 1 High Grade Mason- Risch Piano 1 Victor Console Radio 1 Twelve Bass Piano -Accordion, like new Lorne W. Eekmier, FOR SALE — 6 room 2 storey house with front Porch, covered with roll brick siding hydro, water and good garden, in the Village of Walton. Apply to Cliff. Brown Phone 19-r-12 Brussels FOR SAL., - To close the estate of D, D. Sander- son, 75 acres of pasture land, will be sold cheap. Property is partly wooded with spring running through. Price $300, cash, Apply Crawford & Hetherington, Brussels, ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For Im- mediate service telephone colleen — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd, WANTED — A man with a ,car able to travel when roads permit. Be your own boss. Income depends on steady work on commission basis. See or phone Geo. Wesenberg, Phone 56-r-9 Brussels. FOR SALE — One used Thor gasoline washer, also 1 Johnson "Iron Horse Engine." Cheap far quick sale. 1 New G. E. 9 ei cubic It, 25 cycle Refrigerator, Oldfield's Hardware Phone 68 FOR SALE — Hygienic Supplies (lunober Goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, ;1.60. Mall Order Dept, M 33 Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. LIVESTOCK WANTED— "Up to $5,00 mash for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hoge, at your farm. Prompt Service. Phone Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. FOR SALE OF RENT -. 100 acre farm with brick house, windmill, some bush, Situated on 9111, con, of Grey, We miles from Cra.nbrook. Write or phone 1673 Ayr, Mrs. W, C. McEachern, Elliott Street, Ayr, Ont. FOR SALE 1 Feather mattress, 2 cotton quilt tops (new) Star and Colonial Girl, 1 pr. of fur trimmed goloshes, cub - 011 heel, size 4. 2 pr. of low rubbers, size 4, Cuban heals, Millie Grower Phone 72 FOR SALE — Cob Corn $35.40 a. ton detiveren, else kiln dried Shelled Corn 968,00 ton. Priers subject to orange. Apply to R. 3. Ballantyne, It. P. 2 St. Pants. Phone 91-r-5. Sehiingviile, Solve Feeding Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HBO PRODUCE HEALTHY, DULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORS ECGs—BET"f:', EGGS. NY II+ICRIIAEIi et QUALITY AN D QUANTITY YOU LOWER COT AP Ilii4CREASIF PROFITS. BLUEVALE ALE I til' 4' fr On 1\Vednesclay evening, Nov. 29th, a reception was held in the Bluavale Commits Hall in honour of ?lr. and Nile,. Thomas Straelian who were re- centiy married. i,loyd Warwick presented the couple with a elm of money and Wm, Ring Jr„ read the following address, Dear Jennie and Tom:— It Is with great pleasure that we t'onr friends have gathered herr this evening to spend a few pleasant hours with you and to congratulate you an your recent marriage. We welcome you Jennie to our neghhour- heed, and extend to you our hest wishes also to congratulate you on Your excellent eboiee. In each phase of your life Tem you have endeared youret•lf to a11. We hive appreciated your willing help in the activities of our eonrnnmity, We feel fortunate that in this course of your life you are to make your home in our midst and still continue to be one of us.. Our closing wish for you both is, The days of which the years are made. Speed quickly on their way, But Jaye that brings true happiness Lire on from day to day. And may the happy years ahead Bring Joys both old and new And may God grant His Blessing To a perfect pair like you, As a small token of our friendship we wish you to accept tbis gift. Signed on behalf of your neigh- bours and friends. Lunch was served and dancing enjoyed, Mr, and Mrs, Melville- Mathers opened their home last week for the meeting of the Browntown Euchre club when seven tables were played. Btll Elston and Velma Agar were the prize winners for receiving the greatest number of points and Chs:ries Bosman and Helen Haines were the two playing the most lone bands. The consolation prizes went to Mrs. Charles Bosman and Roy Sellers, Lunch was served by the hostess bringing an enjoyable party to a. close. FOR SALE — General store on highway, white brick, with dwelling, also 4 room apartment above store, Post Orrice and stock and equipment Included. Price 910,000. Owner 111 health, General store on highway, with new house, gas pumps and good stock. Chopping min in good village, 40 H. P. Deisel Brigitte also good feed business in connection. Price 99,600. 3. C, Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE -- House with bath and furnace, good Mention. immediate possession, Priced to sell. Good House with Bath, also barn and small acreage, Immediate posses- sion. Dupiex House, good location, 3m' mediate possession, 100 acre 'farm, good house and barn, 22 acres ploughed, rest seeded to hay and grass, good bush: priced to seat, J. C. .Long, Real 16ti4,ate Broker, Brussels, Ont. Phono $4. (FFII-fho-Basket) SO !' d EGG PEAS Prete Relish Page) For Sal by Ethel Produce Phone 22 -r -IO CP,ANBOOK 3'1,,• ('r.niliro: k Women's Institute will held their meeting on W ednes- day, Dec. 13th at 2 p. ni. in the r:uclprnok Community 11011. Ail Cie !::dies of the community are in- vited to attend. Rev. T. S. Hutton. Molesworth, con• ri ne1er1 the service in Knnx Presby- terian Church on Sunday morning at eleven 11 o'clock, Services will be held as a bel next Sunday. Mr. +1ir1 .ileo. Murray Parton and two little deu?iiters. London, spent tee week_'' l with her parents Mr, end Mrs. _Allen Cameron. errs, Pete Smalleon wan removed to the Lintov,l 2Teniorial TTnspitaL Tho Thnraday half -holidays have heeu dieeontinrea far the winter month,, D1E0 .11e1NT09H, leeelyn L.—At Toronto, on Thursday. Nov 20. 1950, Evelyn L. Met' loch. formerly of 320 Glen Road, Toronto beloved daughter of Mrs. Emily and the lata John Mc- intosh, dear :sister of Sohn S., Eliz - beth (Bethl. (Mrs. W. 0. Clare), Florence (Airs. A. V. Ellis), Laura Mrs. W. S. Smellie) and D. Kenneth MceTntosh of Detroit. The funeral service was held at Trull funeral home 1111 Danforth Ave„ Toronto, on Friday. Interment was in 13rue- sels, Ont„ Saturday at 1 p. m. MAILING DATES FOR CHRISTMAS To ensure delivery of mail fa: Christmas, the following deadline dates are as follows — 1 United States before Dee. 8 1 British Columbia before Dee. 12 Alberta & Sask. before Dec. 13 Manitob sand Maritime Provinces before Dee. 14 l' Ontario & Quebec before Dee. 16 Local delivery before Dec. 18 All mail should be clearly ad dressed and bearing return addrew II of yonder. Ready reference leaflets will- b' availed to all box holders; Mira Routes and general delivery on Nov 20th, 1050, A request to all mailers for to c- latters and cards in bundles wit the stamps in the upper right hen+ corner, this will enable the post c Ice staff to expedite the mail in orde to reach the destination befor: Christmas. FARMERS Now is the time to buy your Mit eral for your Poultry and Stock Louse Killer and Disinfectantsy als Cold Tablets and Vitamins for your self. Boxed Christmas Cards am - Gins 10% discount. Phone or write Gen. Wesenbtiri Phone 56.r-9 Brussels, Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Disc, Piowa, Manure Spreaders, Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawler'. Plows, Discs, ,,Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and! Hammer Mit.. We also awe repairs for Oliver Cocltshutt Tractors, MORRI'i"t' & WRIQHT ieue-0ttmsent Dealers for °over implements 'Telephone 4 and 95, Myth, Ont