HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-11-1, Page 8THE BRUSSELS POST This Week 0-•ntr,r0. ,..;swL !4{rte. T�5 r.•��W:.ru :,.z!•J YasJ^gif�.'. T:"`'..r"'G'.,.-,a• v+ OtatfaZa fa4v ex II ,.- :„;w•;c,iw.-�r�.,��s�ti,�;�a�-ice VL�ede, Nov. 1st, Theirs., Nov. 2nd. Friday, Nov. 3rd, Saturday, Nov, 4th The money saving1eVent� of the year SALE ENDS.THIS SATURDAY NIGHT F. STATIONER DRUGGIST Ind Rexall Drug Store , :LE.PHONE No. 62 BRUSSELS. (4141. tt,eTIM..T.L !3.;' 446.il DENT'S SHOE REPAIR SHOP Hydro City Shoes and Goodrich Rubbers for men and boys. A good assortment of Gloves. Zippers put on Coats • Shoe repairs done neatly and promptly. Agents for Armitage Dry Cleaners. =cm. mstreszoarsommailages MADE -TO -MEASURE FUR COATS TO YOUR INDIVIDUAL STYLES • I have acquired the assistance of one of Ontario's Better Fur Coat Manufacturers to offer you made -to -measure quality Fur Coats at amazing1,3, low prices. Just mail a Post Card to my address be- low and I shall arrange to bring .samples to your home. GEORGE STEINBERG 415 Dov ,,rcourt Road Toronto, Ont. Raw and Dressed Fur Buyer For Over 40 Years. For reference refer to Mrs. Geo. Bridge, ,:. E 0\3 GIVE MOR(i) Z'zF qs 7, cr:c MORE VVF Cip� I MISS AMERICA 17 Jewels Snake Chain Bracelet $3750 HAWLEY I7Jewels Expansion Band $55500 Pay as Mlle as 100 WEEK Brilliant 6 DIAMOND SET $7250 W. G. LEACH The Store for Beautiful Gifts Jeweller Brussels Phone 24 WOOD'S Brussels, Ont. Men's Top Coats — Fine all wool English Gabardine Coats for Fall or those liking a lightweight Coat for Winter. The markets best value — Cragmoor Top- coats — ready-to-wear or made to measure, Also a group of Coats to go at Bargain Prices Boys Acme Neva -wet processed Snowsuits leather reinforced. Boys Acme leather reinforced Coats. Station Wagon Coats for the family Ladies Coats — Plain or fur trimmed Children's Outfits of all kinds. New shipment of Blankets. Select Your Christmas Gifts NOW! FREDERICK F. HOMUTN PULLETS FOR SALE — Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R.••O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont.. :.znffiner�r m41.1.5 " rrmatrocIMEMEIEll Barred Rocks — Susses x Reds i aging. Frank Mitchell Wroxeter ,O ':riff_: 4%1.."uU-`.S RC1, sata•;lr;r„, The Style Shoppe A New Shipment of Fall Hats have arrived. This includes — - Matrons and Teens - felts and velvets from $2,08 up. Also Ladies and Children Wool Felt Berets 12 shades — $1.25 Gainsborough Nylon 41-51 gauge Fall shades. Tone Cleaners Pick-up and Delivery Monday and Thursday. Donna M. Cudmore, Prop. 1 NOTICE Come in and see the Letz Grinder for Corn Cobs and Grain. It's cheap, it's fast, it's guaranteed. E. RICHARDS & SON Ethel, Ont. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We now have a full supply of coal on hand, in preparat- ion for the approaching winter — pocahontas, briquettes, coke, stoker, alberta, nut, stove and anthracite. We are now settled in our new office at the coal yard. Phone in your order now, while the stock is complete. BRUSSELS COAL YARD Phone 86x2. For the MILKING Mix your Brain with a Purine Cow Chow Supplement to make a real 16% milk -making ration. HERD PURINA COW CHOW ,f! 4q�x �:3tfk^S ItiW .IiF4lt:i FOR DRYC To help build dry cowsup for reduced calving troubles and extra milk ahead, fend Purina Bulky -Las and oats —half and half! iIULKY-LAS and OATS Wednesday, Nevember 1st, 1059 Brussels Crean uy I NOW PHONE 22 BRUSSELS AFFINIIMInlinaltIMIIMIBMISSIUBIRIBURaldar J I CASE FARM MACHINERY 1 — Model VA Case Tractor 1 — 16 run Power Seed Drill on Rubber 1 - 7 ft. Double Disc 1 — 81/2 ft. Stiff Tooth Cultivator 1 — 8 ft. Packer 2— 7 ft. Power Mowers on Rubber 1 — Horse Manure Spreader on Steel 2 — Tractor Spreaders on Rubber 1 — Elevator on Rubber 2 — 2 Furrow Tractor Plows one on Rubber”' one on Steel 1 — Used Model C Case Tractor on Steel (Cheap) These machines all purchased before price increase. Can be purchased at a Great Savings. o Riverside. Motors J I Case' Dealer Dealer For Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. SALE BY TENDER Sealed Tenders -will be received by the undersigned up until noon the fourteenth day of November, 1950 for the purchase of the North one- yuarter of the South half of Lot 21 in the Eighth Concession of the Town- ship of Morris. on which there is located about five acres of standing timber and the remaining twenty acres workable land is now in grass. Possession to be given the first day • of December, 1950. The highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barrister and Sol. Brussels, Ont, It's Time To Get Ready For Winter NOW IN STOCK — COAL and OIL HEATERS STOVE PIPES GLASS and PUTTY WEATHEE STRIP COMBINATION DOORS STOVE CEMENT 1 USED ELECTRIC WASHER CHEAP FOR QUICK SALE CRECc'S HARDWARE Phone 17 Brussels NOTICE TO CREDITORS \❑ persuus having claims against the estate• of. NOBLE F. GERRY late ' of the Village of Brussels in the, Comity of Huron, Retired Merchant, who died on or about the seventh day of October. 1900, are nn,tified to soul to the undersigned on or about the Twelfth day of November, 1950, full particulars of their claim in wilting. Immediately after the '' welfth clay of November, the assets of the Testator will be distributed atnnue4t the parties entitled there- to. hsvine' retard only to claims of which the Executor shall then have notice. Dated this 29th day of October, A. D. 1950. CRAWFORD & HETHERINGTON Barristers Brussels, Ontario, MORTGAGE SALE Under and by virtue of the Powers of Sah- contained in a certain Mort- gage, which will be produced at the time of Saln there will be offered for Sale by Public Auotion, subject to a reserve hid, and under conditions of Sale. on Wednesday, the Stb Day of November, A. D. 1950., at the hour of 1,20 .o'clock in the Afternoon. .At Lot 33, Concession 1•S, McKillop, the following lands, namely: The North Half of -Farm Lot Num. her Thirty-three (38) in the Thirt- eenth Concession ofthe Township of McKillop in the County of Huron, enntaining seventy-five acres more •or less. 0f the said Farm about sixty acres consists of good clay loan, and the balance of bush lands. On the said farm there is erected a good house and barn. Terns: 10% of the purchase money to be paid down at the time of sale, and the balance in thirty days. For further particulars apply to the undersigned Solicitor. Dated at Clinton, Ontario, this 28th day of October, 1950. E. W. Elliott, Auctioneer. Mary C. Sorel, Mary C, Sorel, Executrix o8 Estate of John P. McIntosh, and John Boyle, surviving Executor of Estate of Mary McIntosh. Mortgagees, By their Solicitor, F. Fingland, K. 0, Clinton, Ontario. MEI MDPT .LS WINGHA,M IVIEMOIQIAL. SHOP Famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choicest granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOTTON Mane 256 -- Wingbam, Ona ItSEsERS CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Pitons teM Ileafeettt C L Place your Order Now for D. L. & W. Blue Coal. Stove and Nut Sizes in Stock at all times. Telephone 68 Brussels +ter r - Shall ubricatIon General Repair Shell Heusehold and Snell Petroleum Protracts Livestock Spray Parts ono Accessories Brussels, Ont. rhone 77---6 AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE • We Now Have Our New Shipment Of Fail Yarn In Stock Newlands Kroy Sock Yarn 10 shades • • • ••• • • • • • • • 50c per ball Newlands Baby Yarn 3 shades 50c per ball Newlands Nylon Yarn. 14 shades • • . • • • 50c per ball Stanfields Mayflower 15 shades 25c per ball Beehive 3 ply fingering 12 shades • • • • • • ; • •• 48c per skein Beehive Baby Wool 4 shades • • • • • • • 48c per ball We also have the Dunkirk Service Yarn Again. THE . ARCADE STORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 - — Brussels, Ont. POULTRY — EGG S — FEED' C. W. BRAY'S PRODUCE CoId Storage Lockers Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels, Ont.