HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-11-1, Page 1TH.E BRUSSELS POST POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, November 1st, 1950 $1.50 per year - $2.00 Lim 4C. 1 York Fast Frozen — Fish — On Hand At All Times , -.r e,-.1• ... y Pay M,re 50 lb. Bag No. 1 Cooking Onions 10 lb. Bag Cooking Onions 1 Large Pkg. Lux . • $1.25 29c 35c 1 lb. Maxwell House Coffee Tins • 99c 1 lb. Chocolate Marshmallow Cookies 39c Open All Day Every Wednesday GREWAR'S GROCETERIA REMEMBERANCE DAY SATURDAY, NOV. 7l 1 th, 1950 The Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion and business men of the Village of Brussels have requested the Council to declare this day a Holiday. The Council therefore requests that places of business ob- serve it as such and remain closed for the day. - R. B. Cousins, Reeve. VARIETY CONC .RT in the Township Hall Ethel Friday, Nov. 3rd at 8.30 p. m. Vocal and instrumental music reading and skits Admission 35c and 25c Sponsored by Ethel Juvenile Hockey Club. a llar.w:ISasa•' The Morris Township Federation of Agriculture's Annual Meeting and Turkey Banquet will be held in the Belgrave Forester's Hall on Wed., Nov. 8th, at 6.30 p.m. A Play will be presented by the Belgrave Young People entitled. "Abigail Goes Haywire" Admission $1.50 Get your tickets from the direct- ors of M. F. A., Earl Anderson. temoiragrmowm Church Rev. A. J. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 a. m, Morning Worship 7 p. m. Evening Service The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lars Morning Worship 11 o'clock "The Vital Nature of The Kingdoom." Church :School — 12 o'clock Evening Praise — lo'clock "The Secret Place" A hearty welcome to all. Church of England Parish of Brussels • Rev. J. H. Kerr Rector. 22nd Sunday After Trinity Nov. Sth, 1960 St. John's Church, Brussels— 11 a. m, Holy Communion Sunday School St David's Churdh, Henfryn- 2 p. m. Sunday School 2.80 Holy Communion St, George's Church, Walton -- 7.30, p, m. Holy Communion StOilitoliteMicAtMO 3 ACT PLAY "HENPECKED HENRY" To be presented by Walton Y. P. U. In Walton Comrnunity Hall Friday, Nov. 3rd at 8.15 P. M. SACRED MUSICAL CONCERT In Duff's United Church Walton on Sunday Evening, Nov, 5th at 8 p.m, Under the direction of A, C. Robin- son of London Featuring talent from London and The Walton Sunday School Orchestra A silver collection will be taken In Aid of The Choir Fund ' Come and enjoy a Goad Musical Concert. eiteflMSEIS=IXSZTURSnICOIMIWAII2132ZE.M.5151Mtva BAZAAR In Walton Community Hall Thursday, Nov. 9th Sale of Home Baking, Aprons, Fancy Goods and Candy White Gift Booth and Fish Pond. Supper served Adults 65c Children (under 12) 350 Sponsored by St. George's Guild Walton. The Gospel Meeting will be held In the Orange Hall on Sunday, Richard Farnsworth of Guelph will be the speaker. Everybody invited. , PIANO TUNING — For satisfactory results have your piano expertly tuned or overhauled. Free estimates. Same priority given in the country. 12 years experience.. Name may be left at Max Oldfleld's Hardware Store. Phone 08 Brussels. Ken. Hill, Turner. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. • • • • Now Playing Thur.. Fri. Sat. Nov. 23.4 "ARE YOU WITH IT"' Donald O'Connor Olga San Juan All the glitter and excitement of Carnival Life. A story filled with Romance, Laughter and Songs. * * M Mon, Tves, Wed. Nov, 6-7-8 ' "ALL THE KING'S MEN" starring Broderick Crawford Joanne Dru This film Is a thinly disguised version of the Huey Long empire which thrust Itself onto the American Political scene in the thitries. * * s Thur. Fril Sat. Nov. 9.10.17 "FREE FOR ALL,' starring Robert Cummings • Ann Blyth „Highly entertaining • romantic nom- edy. See what happens when a chem. 1st concocts a substance that can turn water into gasoline. * * * COMING — "MOTHER DIDA'T TELL ME" MINISTER ACCEPTS GREY TOWNSHIP HONORED BY LADIES' TEESWATER CALL ' FARMER INJURED ; AUXILIARY Rev, A. J. Simpson, who has ser- ved the Presbyterian Church at Ethel 1 and Cranbrook for the past year and a half has accepted an invitation as minister to the Presbyterian con- . gregation of Taeswater, His induct - Ion In that charge is to be held on Tuesday, Nov, 7th, NOTICE — The Majestic. Woman's Institute are sponsoring the puoject working with wool. All the girls interested in this unit please he at the Library on Saturday, Nov, 4111, at 2.30 p. m. The local leaders are Mrs, Eldon Wilson and Mrs. 0, Davis. 'Crawford Strachan There passed away in Clinton on Wednesday, Oct, 26th, D. Crawford Strachan, 78, following a sudden heart attack, Mr. Strachan was a son of the late john and Annie Strachan and was horn on the Ord con. of Grey, where he' farmed most of his life, until retiring a few years ago. He was of ' quite retiring nature and very kindly. He was a stanuch member of Melville Church, Mr, Strachan was the last surviving member of a family of six Those who passed away were the sisters Mrs. McCosh and Annie and Eliza- beth; two brothers Larry a teacher in Port Elgin and Rev. 7, T. Strachan. The funeral was conducted by the Rev, A. J. Simpson, Cranbrook from the D. A. Rain funeral home. The pallbearers were: Gen. Turmhull, Thos. Strachan, Wm. King, D. M. MacTavish, John Tull and` Roy Cousins. Interment took place in Brussels cemetery, The United Church Jesus carte not to give men a new law but a new spirit was the theme of the sermon in the Tinted Church on -Sunday morning. Oct. 29th. The Biblical basis of the sermon was the parable of "The New Patch on the old garment" a.nd "The New Wine In the Old Bottles,", This was the second in a series on the Paramee of our Lord. The morning anthem was "The Everlasting Love" by Austin Miles. In the evening the sermon subject was, "The Victory of Faith." AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects on Saturday, Nov, 4th at 2 p.m. At Mrs. David Halstings (Ament's Property) Turnberry St. North Brussels 3 dressers and stands 3 beds and springs 7 rocking chairs It dining room chairs Dining room table Buffet, Kitchen Cabinet Dayibed, Tin top table Kitchen cupboard, Foot stool FTot plate. Cook stove 3 Centre tables, Morris ohalr S day clock, Boiler Electric standing lamp 2 roil oil lamps 49 ••• 45 its, Sealers, 15 Pt, Sealers Lawn mower, 2 shovels 5 LInolenms *.T+ Radio Odd dishes and pans 2 email stands Coal scuttle Tea kettle Window blinds, curtain rods Terms Cash Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer, 1 CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL Wed. Thur. Fri. Nov. 1-2-3', John Lund, Corinee Calvet 1 Diana Lynn, Marie Wilson •1 in a1 MY FRIEND IRMA GOES WEST , • SAT. ONLY NOV. 4th Double Feature AITan Lane, Bobby Blake "MARSHALL OF CRIPPLE ' CREEK" • plus 'LIGHTNING IN THE FOREST' Mr. Stanley Fischer, Cranbrook, was removed to Win h t hospital a n g last Thursday afternoon after re- celvIng painful injuries to his hands when engaged In taking out brush with a tractor. Both thumbs were serlomsly torn and crushed when they were caught between chain and tree. LECTURER ON PIANO PLAYING COMING -- On Monday eveutng, Nov. 20th in Brussels Public Library. Mr. Boris Berlin, on the teaching faculty of the Toronto Royal Conservatory of Music will gine a lertnre on the essentials of piano playing and the best methods of studying the piano. The lecture is entitled, Piano Technique a nd Essential Daily Exer- cises, All children and young people studying the piano, with their parents, are urged to attend this lecture, No admission is charged. The lecture is under the inspires of the Ontario Registered Music Teacher's Association of TTnron County, WALTON Personals, Charles Williamson, his mother Mrs, Dora. Williamson and Mrs Fern Patterson have returned home after several weeks in the western provinces with friends and relatives; Mrs, 5, Dundee, Seaforth, intends to spend the winter with Mr. and Mrs, George. Dundas, Miss Doris Stevens, bride -elect, was given a miscellaneous shower at the home of Mrs. William Ben- nett. when shout 100 guests were • present. HURON COUNTY TRAPPERS ASSOCIATION. WILL MEET ,1 meeting of the 'fluent County Trapper. Association will he held Sat.. Nov. 4th ad 3 n'elnek hi the Agricultural Board rooms, Clinton. Mr. J. Drew of. the Dept, of Lands and Forests well be the special speaker. Everyone welcome. TENDERS WANTED Tenders for the contract of wir- ing the Morris Township Hall for hydro will be received by the under- signed up lent'' 2 p. lit., Nnvember 6, 1950. Lowest or any tender not necess- arily accepted, Gen, C. Mustin, Clerk, Gevege E Keys A former resident of Brussels, George le Keys, passed away sud- denly at his home, at Galt, on Mon- day. Oct, lath. Son of the late Mr. and Mrs, Henry Keys, he was born near Ethel. He was married on Nov. 29th, 1912, at Atwood, to Mary le Coulter, who I survives. Surviving are two brothers . Frank, Milestone, Sash., Harry,: Brussels and Mrs. Mayme Spe.iran, Brussels, The funeral was on Wednesday to I Elms Centre cemetery, Pallbearers were:, Will, Chas. and Fred Coulter, I McCu'dy Lowry, Jas, HaIIaivell and Harry Cleland, Flower hearers were Harold and Jas. Keys, Tack gad Frank Cardiff, Bill ITallaTell and Jack Valient, PEOPLE WE KNOW Mrs, John Rowland has arrived home from a visit to Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs, F. Da.wsotl of Exeter were Sunday visitors with Misses McCracken, Mir. Ray Vincent of Blyth is work- ing for a few weeks in the Forbes' Electrical Store. Rev. M. McLean, Trenton, gave two excellent sermons in Melville Presbyterian Church last Sunday. Miss M. Hunter of L ondesboro, called on friends in Brussels on Mon- day. Misses Laura and Ethel Farrow of Goderich were visitors last week with M'Hsses Elizabeth and Hattie Downing. Rev, D. 3, Lane, Clinton visited with his brother and fancily on Wed- nesday at the iJnited Church par- sonage, Mr, and Mrs. Ken. Ray and daugh- ter of St. Pauls, and Mr, and Mrs. Jack Buchanan oi' Stratford were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Evans, Miss Marion Machell, Kitchener and Miss Mary Lane, Miss Margaret Tamblye, Mr. Carl Kleinson all of Toronto, sero weekend visitors with Rev, and Mrs. 1.1, Lane. Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. m. I Robort Walker, Joan Leslie in "THE SKIPPER SURPRISED HIS WIFE" TUESDAY PHOTO NITE ! OFFER $110.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night - Mon. Tue. I Bob Hope, Rhonda Fleming 131 Nov. 6-7 1 "THE GREAT LOVER" 1 1 Wed. Thur. . Nov. 8-9 • Basil Radford, Joan Greenwood In "TIGHT LITTLE ISLAND" vairotiewmaiwport SPECIAL LOW ,oILCIFARES ROYAL AGRICULTURAL WINTER FAIR TORONTO NOV. 14-22 FARE AND ONE-HALF FOR TRU ROUND TRIP Good going—November 13th to November 22nd inclusive. Return—Leave Toronto not later than midnight, November 23rd. Pail In/orrnnrfoS from any °gent - Al4A151 4.4AT'I6NAL Orr Thursday, Oct, 26th th., Ladies, Auxiliary at Y t o the f/ it Legion, adian I rgim, i entertained their husbourls. P:unilfes, and the older men of the Legion anri their wives in honour of Joe • Kelly who sa;ls Mr England en Nov. 10th. .1t 11.30, abut 70 in number sat , down to a bounteous supper after which Mrs, B. Elliott. Pe„rsreal an t alldreee to Joe, while Mrs. R. 0,"m- 1 melt, presented him with a match- 1 d ert of sweaters and socks. Joe, in a few 'well chosen words I thanked the ladies Inc their gift, atter which all joined in singing, "For l'•Ie's A Jolly Good Fellow." , I Mr. Frank Mitchell, on behalf of the Legion, thanked the Ladies for their hnspitaiity, The balance of the evening was spent in playing euchre. ' WEAR A POPPY FOR REMEMBRANCE ON NOVEMBER 4th lo :, veil 1,•w days the- eitlze•n, u' Brussel, owl community will onrr mimes be. asked to remember tile. goad t too World'Warn by wsiering, a 1' 1 P; and whrro p,ssible• displaying a wreath in places of business, '1murrh„a. schools and in windows of the ir hones. when we display th,•sa emblems orf retnembrion•<• made by the bsndc of disabled vetare12 who offered thelt,selvea in aur defence, n•n remind ourselves and our children of the 1err'fir price that has been Pair' for our frrndoln; and aieo .knit• the world that theca heroes urand What they 'lied fnr shall never f..rgotten by us, The funis rnntributed by the Imbibe Drnrld,• employment for 'lis shied veterans, help veterans 'man the widows and orphans of veterans to obtain their Pint recognition in the form of pension. and allowances 1 through the Canadian Legion Ser- i vine Bureaux and also provide foams which are used to assist vet - t ,•eons anri their dependents who are i in ellatre ed e'rc•umstanres, The Brnssots Branch of the ran- ,dlan T.t+ inn 11. E. S. Te appreciate • time gen- rosily .and co-operation of , our citizens in the pant and solicit your wh 1 ho;u•tedsupport of the 1914 P':ppt Day Campaign. The Lesion slogan "Wear a Poppy for RementbrancC.” is a gnarl slogan. 1, me 'ha' deserves the support of t cry citizen. SUCCESSFUL BAZAAR HELD BY MELVILLE LADIES' AID ITallnwe'rn rlacorat'nns arranged by firs. G. Gibson, Mrs, 0, Elliott. and Mrs. C. Ailerons brightened the ia'ament rooms of the Library on S•'ttn•dny aft'-rnonn fnr the fall bazaar of the Ladies' Aid of Mel- ville Chnrrh. Mir. TT. B. Alien, trees - mew of the society, reported that it was a very sureessful event. Committers in ,'hsrge of virinns (l -nartmens wars: cowing, Mr, T, Ga11)1`aith. lies,' J. Gibson, Mrs, A lndrr•snn, Mrs. L. (Y. Trkmb^r. 1T,•s C. Matheson. Miss G Stewart' lrnit- ting. Mrs. Davis; parcel reef. '.irs. G. aim -Jewel; nnvrl'i, a. Mrs. '21 P.,llantyne, Miss V. Crewel.. :Pere R Ellett: hiking, Mrs. .filen, Mee. T. Armstrong, Mes, W Sieh•, Mrs. fe. Kreuter. ]h•.s. W. Martin; randy, Mrs. W Herr. lire. D. Meter net : tea—ream. Mrs. R. T "mann Mrs W. R. Little tilts. C. Metter. etre. 'T. Pipe, Mrs. C. Tong. Vise ,laser- T.ittle; rnuntry tore, elm MT"Ferlenr. Mrs. 7V Herr. Mee. J. Ynill. United Church W. A. Thr ii'. A. of the T'nit,d Church met nn Tuesday evening Oct. 24th at the parsonage. The president, Mrs. R. Cousins wee in the chair with Mrs, J. Bryans at the piano. The meeting was opened by the e'nging of hymn 497 followed by s devotional reading given by Hiss E. McCracken. Mrs. H. MTanning, then led in Drayer. The minutes of the last meeting were given by the secretary 'Miss C. McCrerken and approved. "''hank Yon" cards were also read. Treas- erer's report was given by Mies H. Downing in the absence of Mrs. W. Williamson. Mrs. P. MrArthlir re- ported that eleven calls had been made by the "Good Cheer" coml mittee. arse H. Downing gave a reading after which hymn 214 was sung, followed by a reeding. given 1 by Mrs, 5, Wheeler. Miss Agnes Lane favoured with two piano Sobs after which the meeting closed with Mizpah benediction, The committee, In charge served a delicious Iinoh and Mrs, MllcArthur proposed a yote of thanks to the committee .tind to Mrs, Lane fer opening of her little to the W, A. Dunbar - Philp In a ritual r.r.•,nwny in Torotrti1 ,'n Weilnesrhay. October 28th. Anna regret Philp. younger danghtrr lira, ,L H. Philp and the late + Dr. Philp. was united in marriage to 1 Clifford Ron, Dunbar, Ethel sin .+t the late Mr. and Mrs. D. W. Dunbar. Th ceremony was per - teemed by Rev. Mr. .T. M. Laird in Knox Pre hyterlan Chnrrh, CONCERT, DANCE AND DRAW ON NOV. 17th Plan to attend the concert and d:,w'e to be given under the auspices of the East Huron Agricultural Soc- iety in the Brussels Town Hall on ; CARD OF THANKS Nov. 17th. The silver trays given by the Robert Simpson and T. Eatnn Co., 1 tale this opportunity of thaeleiny; end the Canadian Bank of Commerce, all my friends who were so kind mita will he presented to the winners at visit ma while in the Wiughan tile concert. Tickets, for a lucky ho-i,ital and for the many gifts Tee draw, to be made then, are now ceived. being sold. Dianne McNair. FINE COSTUMES SEEN AT LIONS PARTY elebe•1 to rt f a r n nlnn 9, }, re,o, rl tilt iIll1-sels Tnwlx ;tali on'l',.-a; nicht be ttir local leen, fhrb :litrfet 1 it In clamber' t y.m. bier,+ ,h .,,.''0 in ori, ., and iufnt runny o5 VC) sttimee. Tee eitildi'en e'ath''rr'd et the 'Pnb- lir 7,'bt:n'y noel. 1''1 py 3Mastee ,ot C. r,•ton1es Linn .Tis. S. .ernteteeng; ,r:ele 1 to the Teem Hall where le 1, et Pt oerain w ,' presented and it, „ tau w., - ideed. 1111 v 11 number,. 2 guitars and violin il ,1•,. c•iu•n by "The Pioneers," Vernet Kerr. Scott Pnwsnn and Jen Aboick: Cornet snip, Lane TTazlrwond .1nr1 vnr'al numbers, , nip' crit, b; Ihn =els school girls. Prizes were as fellows»-Hallowe'- .•n. Gail Wilson: Sport, Audrey D:cv'dsnn: National. Terry Me- l\hint, r: 7':,fry TN !e• Pamela Porter; t � nrir. Frank Weti,nn: Commercial, !:labor VV. 004 Cdwboy. Billy Mc - Qua rrie. -- . Eskritt - Simpson .1 wedding wag quietly soiemnized FT! Kai v Prosbvt-r'an Church, Crane hr'' k. on Saturday. Oct, nth when 1111.4 l• tizabath Meth) Simpson c' , ( cc n t 1.l an'*hter of the late Mr. eel Mrs. 'Wllarrl S. Simpson. Ridge - town be came ihr• 1)1•34''. of Robert Rev P.luitt, elder er,n of Mr. and Mrs. 1,n1r e 1lcicr'itt also of 11i4getown. l:,•t .Iler J. Simpson, hrotherin_ f ih•r 1,1.111:, nffieiatad at the deeble ring eeremmiy. Mise Alice J. Forrest, 'Prank orm,nist. played 'The Lord's Pea -a l•." Phe• 111'23,- cool croon wore match - :,.pal blue gabardine?. Ph, a„q,,.; v r ss� „•1„ were gray 11,,r pink roses. Miss Miley Ellen 1.--k,'ttstater of the groom, tyles bridesmaid and wore ;, Na' ' .y blu euit with matching ac- ...,ln and Mr. Tim!: Stm.pnon r uslph, brother of bride attended the groom. Atter slipper for the bridal party at •bo Manse the rmiplt left for a motor tem to i nt E:,,t; on their return the y will reel?”, nn the groom's farm nf:u' Ridgetoe'n, Save -- Sop at .once Buy Directly from Factory Quality Clothing for Every , Member of The Farrlily BRITISH KNIT makers of the best since 1925 Every garment guaranteed to give sincere satisfaction For personalized servic call our local representative Phone 14 Brussels. Saves up to 30% on fuel bids By automatically controlling vents the over and underheat- dampers from upstairs, the • ing that waste fuel dollars. 'blue coal' TEMP -MASTER Au. Pays for itself, Ask for Maas tematlC Heat Regulator pre. HOME DEMONSTRATION. M. C. OLDFIELD astoso STEADY -BURNING! SAFE! HEALTHFUL! Yes, winter will be a lot more carefree when you've got a supply of 'blue coal' in your basement. 'blue coal' is extra -rich in Heat units to keep you snug on zero days. And because steady heat helps cut down on colds, no wonder 'blue coal' is the choice of so many families with children: Try 'blue coal' and feel the difference. COME IN OR PHONE TODAY Phone 68 Brussels `blue. coat's', COLOR, GUARANTEES YOU GET THE: BEST!',