HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-10-25, Page 5Ing Ing by PM. .rt. rt, red nme 'yew Tas- The her rent IVPs and the roes• `dot 'tit r Mrs. afl- 11 t the mew, was nsnn w; y, Dow W. -upie the rally arch, ltnn, •orgy itton, mina Mrs. and wing f the the Teter, the c,ln- I the local and nded and :S G ME BRUSSELS POST \\'edt1+•s'lay. October ,25th, 1950 T IS s NE fif ... and it takes time to train a tank crew: each man must know his job thoroughly; he must be an alert; skilled member of a fighting team. The Armoured Corps of the Canadian Army needs keen young men today . , , men ready to train for a man-sized place in one of its tank crews: • tank drivers, gunner operators, vehicle mechanics. Now is the time to report for training , . , make Canada strong by acting now! HELP L AKM • 1'?; frtHR To enlist you must — 1. Be a Canadian citizen or British subject. 2. Be between 17 and 29 years of age. 3. Be single. 4. Meet Army test requirements. 5. Volunteer for service anywhere. Report right away to: Wallis House, Charlotte & Rideau S1.., OTTAWA, Ont. No. 5 Personnel Depot, Artillery Park, Bugot 5t., KINGSTON, Ont. No. 6 Personnel Depot, Chorloy Park, Douglas Drive, TORONTO, Ont. No.7 Personnel Depot, Wolseley Barracks, Elizabeth St., LONDON, Ont. 62335•O Y T" UNE F A U C T t O N SALE OF CABIN TRAILERS At Central School, North Street, Goderloh, Ontario, ON -,,41,4E NOW/ SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 4th, 1950, at 2,00 P. M. _One Cabin Type Trailer 30 ft. long, regulation width Two Cabin Type Trailers 18 ft. long, regulation width. These Trailers are suitable for the use of Contractors, Munlol. pal Road Repartments or can be used as Cabins. — TERMS CASH — Matt Gaynor, Auctioneer. N. W. Miller, Clerk, County of Huron. Fedi Fi,INCTIONAL FEEDS ,HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, I'ULF.Y NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTE:°l' EGGS. 13Y INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER. COST ,AN),y,, INCREASE PROFITS. _ Blatchdro rte (Fill-the-haslcet) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Cris Relish Pellets) , For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 224.-10 RUM PLL.)PLE. WE KNOW Er • Jim Cardiff, C. N. It., is visiting his uncle ;line Pearson in Wasso, Mieh., this week, he was accolnpan- ield by Harold Keys. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Manning were Mr. and Mrs, E. L. Mittell of Clinton. Mr, and Mrs. Geo, Herron, Belle• vilie were vistors in town last Thurs- day, Mr. and Mrs, W. Weppler, Mr, ,Toe Walsh, anti Mrs. Edna Wilkey of London spent Sunday 'with the latter's cousins the , Misses Mc. C1'ncken, ,Tinllny McNeil, son of Mr, and Mrs. ,tas, McNeil, Rrnssels, was injured when at play in the school yard. jimmy, who to in grade 2 of the Brus- sels public school, fell while play- ing laying received a severe elft in his leg. Dr. Stephens was called and had the bay removed to hospital when it was found the gash required a number of stitches. The youngster was allowed to return home. The Voice Of -Temperance --- Ch.untiug 11n,wster was not an al- rohnlh,, but one day the quit. drinking, Why Here's what he says. First, the hangover, which is not the private pfoprtrty of alcoholics and wiinse "visitation was as certain its death and taxes. and ,last as funny:' Second "i had to admit that drinking, as a contribution In the my of life, was for 1111 a bast," Third "it emit a lot nl money'." Fourth, he found that "alcohol gave we a lift and then let go and 1 was tireder and duller than before." Ile snots it. up "Yes, I Was •a moderate drinker. I did not crave drink. Yet liquor was my master. 1 didn't like the idea. of not being my own toaster," inanwoomagwvormormsffizamer ‘`Old at 40,50,00?7 =-- Mangy, You're Crazy 40tt¢lQp019otit age' R`hotttaode aro floppy lit 70.. Try nndowa 10511000 11'uea 01015 to b6 9 e 1aok 90 lin wh101, many mon and womon 0011 015, Trs oat= Tonlo.T161000 for Dot, younger fooling, tilt/ Vary dot' New "eat eenaatntad" 1110 .an1y 600,' For 6610 at all drug stotte aveune)ttd, MAITLAND PRESBYTERIAL W. M. S. SECTIONAL MEETING Tit,. tie rtunal Meeting of the `riot Division was held in the I'1 ,.Ilrterian 1'hnr 11. Molesworth on 'nor ' Any. Oct. 12th. Mrs. C. Camp- bell, presided. Airs, Smith anti firs• lircthewnl of Brussels wr-n• 1n charge of tie• Scripture and Meditation. Mrs. Richards. Ethel, led in prayer. Ml's. Gordon Campbell welcomed the Mrs. R. Mowbray. Wingham gave tae minutes and also the Te- pol't of the Synodical Executive meet - big. A duet was given by Mrs. Mitc'heil and Mr's. Davidson. The treasurer's. re,. ill or, pared by Mrs. Bell. was ren,! by Mrs G. Reid, 'I'er.stvnt,-r. Miss Forest, Cranbt•ook, gave the offering prayer. Mrs. Allen afacAiil y. Ripley. Presbyterial. Pres- ident, •• n most interesting report of the Pro -Assembly Congress which she ottencied in 'Montreal. She told ni'.11te self•sr.arehing meetings which were hell awl of the re -awakening which is honed for Mrs. Rohnrtsnn. Carne. gave tht• closing prayer. NORTH HURON SECTIONAL MEETING HELD AT WROXETER The North He ',," Corti'nl Cnn- vontion of the Woolen's Missionary 50rl,ty of the T'iliterl Church, was held in Wroxeter 1Tnitrd Church on Friday. Ortnber 12th. The theme or Ulm convention was "The World For Christ." and Mrs. 1i'. .T. Moores of P,,elgrnye, enndurted both morning and afternoon sesv+lolls. Mrs Tlnle of T'rr„•r,t,,r, wag organist. 11r., 1Y A Bre"rnft and Mrs. N. 1'nrtr.rttnoil of li'lngbam afternoon Anxilinry rondartr'd t1,:, morning wnr:1t111 verv're with hymn. 135, •'rin'l•r whose glary fills the Sky," ,n.1. the t*c•rintare from Matt.. Chant. '0 Mrs. Br"''oft led in prayer. Tile nntr,lnttlIPltt or committees fnlhncr d � Finance Com , airs. Sutter. 1Tr<. Wt.^.htnlan 1T1.t. Deed. Pres, 1'in.,nre Cam.. 'Mrs. R. S. MrTanchlin, P,rnssels1 Nnmin1t'ne Cam.. 'Mrs. t•'nrdwirlt, halnnry . 1960, MTs= 1'rrde'wnnd. 1,111 itono•ts from each of the Anxil' iarieo, afternoon snvilinriea. C G. T. T 1'.air'ti P•"txls Ind Pnbv Bands 1 •'', 1. stamina lnr,e'ase in mem- hrrs111p nit•lttes.. Mid many large orale, of r4nthins• lit 10 m`ea`ns VP- Tirmn 121 "Immortal Lowe" was sung. The Tacit -abbe Secretary. Mrs. trot,t,rerht. Pen forth had a large rnl- 1, r,1 e:n of hooks and mmriphitts to 1, -In in the work of the different ole- n•+r+ments of the nranizations. Mrs. IP. T,"worm• SPafo'th, Temper- ance and Christian _Citizenship Sec.. rehl that W. M. 5 liiemhers'-sholild take nn active interest in tits affairs .0 th, rn,nlnnnity for gond. The Trensnrer, Mrs. Satter. Clin- ,ntt told of to itlo'easP'n the glvines aver last year. Mrs. 'McCracken. Phtevnir. Raby rand 5,rrefnry Stress':.d the impnr- fanvP of misstnnnry education in -the heroes wh,,se there are little children. There 'tee 11 Imnds Te Hnrnn. 1272 members. and they raised $405.00. The C. G. T. T, Seeretat'y.'Mrs, C. W. Tiffin. Wingham. states that when there is no society for the teen- n^'e girls they are 1Pt dawn. Trained leaders are needed. There nee ample hook• and helps fnr activities and ttrt ieets. "Know Cod. Servs' Others" is the C. G. T.' T. slogan. The Co,', Secretary. Mt•g.- W. 7. i Greer. Wingham. gave Slime ttm-ely pointers m1 the making nut of the annual reports. The offering was taken. and Mrs. H ayward, Sf, Helens, gave the offer - tort' prayer. All retired to the basement to par- , take of the sumptuous dinner served - hy the Wroxeter ladies. Members of I the 13rrnxeter Mission Rand enter- tained with a `horns. Mrs. H. Ham • - ilton gave the words of welcome and j was replied to by Miss H. Downing, Brussels. Tn the afternoon tite worship per- ind was conducted by Mre. McIntosh ' and Mrs. Rremner of the .union Ansil1'arV, Hymn "Lord Speak to Me. that T may Sneak" was- sling followed • the Srrinture lesson and TTymn "In Christ there is nn East or West." Mt'io, 17.Miiis, Walton. Secretary of Chrtati'an, Stewardship. took 00 iter •-nblert Truk' Thankfulness.. A Skit "Found Faithful" by the ladies, Mrs. Miner, Mrs. Pollock, Mrs. Ettinger. Mrs Wilson and airs. Tlnig of Fordwlrh Anx'liary shoV'ed what a ft,tt• earnest and devoted women mild do to sHnnllate interest in the local ml1ildaries and promote ways to raise allocation. • Mrs. Rnrngc'v nT Gnrrir, sang a solo accompanied by Mrs, Rrothers. 'Miss Sybil CnnrPee. A. T., C. M. of .Tanan, gave a very ednentinnnl address nn nest -Wap Tapan. The ntfo'in5 knit take,., and hymn "CrSetinn';, i „r,1 We Give Thee `Thanks" wnc rung. Prave• by Mrs- 1l'elite, Relgrave. The Ilis^sl011:ivy YTottl11y anal VL` •rl,l 1l'h ivl• Secretary. Mrs. W. L. t:';,•h1,,,,n telt lisp* filo 1Tiegi011al'y Monthly keens the members nll-tn- dnle In all the fields of missionary w1,11c, and with the; line of posters n11p1.0d ordering ea111. ITrs. H. -Kirkby. Walton, Presby- terial President, apnke in anpreelat- �w.,w"r...•mn,n,,.+�.u,warmwew.,,,enwnmuwn,Mw,nuM W 14 used, reconditioned; 6 new small pianos. Accordeons, Guitars, Radio phonographs At Mildmay Store Furniture ion of Missionaries and Social Workers on the Home and Foreign Fields. Mrs, Geo. Howson, Wingham, gave words of appreciation to all who had made the meeting such a success. Union Auxiliary asked that the Convention be held there next year. After the closing hymn "Lead On 0 King Eternal" Rev, II, Croahielm closed with prayer, The ladies from Union who led the afternoon worship period were Mrs. McIntosh and Mrs. Bremner, GREY dnr•cessfttl Anniversary Services, were held at Union United Church , Sunday, October 15th, with Rev. J. ' W. Moores of Belgrave as guest speaker, bringing very, inspiring inr.:Fn grit morning and evening. Special music was arranged by the choir, assisted by members from Walton and Cranbrook with Mrs. Clifford Kernaghan at the organ. Thank -offering for the day was $291.00. Tuesday evening following a fine 1 turkey dinner was served by the ladies to 500 persons. A splendid variety program was given by local artists. Miss Mary Lou McFarlane. Mr. Bob Cunningham, Mr. Lloyd Michel and Mr. Graeme McDonald, Mr. Lyle Gordon and the Struthers family. Mrs. Stanley Speiran enter- tained at the piano during the din- ner hour. proceeds after expenses amounted to around $275.00. :Mrs. Stanley Meehan and Miss Glenna Meehan spent Sunday in Goderieh with Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Whitfield. ARE NOW OPEN FOR IN PRACTICALLY ALL CUTTING AREAS IN CANADA e Especially Heavy Demand in Ontario and Quebec fn CALL AT OR WROIM UR NEAREST NMI tS' AL EMrucrir om SERVICE OFFICE MR FULL INFORM a T11014 DERAL MILTON F. GREGG, Minister. DEPARTMEN1 OF LABOUR A. MacNAMARA, Deputy Minister,