HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-10-11, Page 6/ ,Q S1.XB1T C 1. lC We would like to tender our most sincere thanks to Messrs' Richie Ashburn, Dick Sister and all the rest of the Philadelphia Phillies, These gentlemen — although they made the finish a mite too close for comfort --finally managed to come through, and thus prevent the sud- den snapping of what must be one of the longest unbroken strings in all sport. . :k k For more years than we would be likely to admit, except upon the witness stand, we have been at- tempting to call—in advance of the season—the eventual pennant win- ners in the National and American Baseball Leagues, Naturally, on rare occasions, we have surprised the customers and ourself, by pick- ing one of the two. ("Even a blind hog is liable to pick up ONE acorn," as the eminent horse expert Tom Bird sourly remarked one af- ternoon when the long shot we had bet on nosed out his three -to -five favorite.) 5 F 5 A single winner — yes, even though rarely. Bat two of them, in the same season? Well, up to the start of this year's race, the closest we had ever conte to that was when, in 1949, we chose the Brooklyn Dodgers and the Boston Red Sox, only to see the latter knocked off in a photo -finish. l * * So now, if you'll pardon us for scavenging around among the dry bones of history, we're going to take the liberty of quoting from our column which appeared here last April. A :k In the American League our sentimental choice would be either the Philadelphia Athletics or the Detroit Tigers; and when we first began peering into our much bat- tered crystal ball, it appeared as though the latter must get the call. But the more we studied the respective strengths of the respec- tive clubs, the more it looked as though we would have to settle, once again, for the Boston Red Sox. On paper they looked invincible. in spite of the sneaking feeling that some of their key men show a slight tendency to choke up when the chips are down and . the going Fashion Note for Men 111.1.1115111.5 sty az: Foster hunting jacket in linen - like fabric woven Of rayon and cotton. Quilted padding on gun shoulder—plenty of pock- ets—tw o zip an 1 three patch l Slacks in sante fabric. tough. In fact if they should happen bo get away to a good start— something they have failed to do 1p the past seasons— they, might win the Junior League by as far as that proverbial strong country boy can throw the provetbial red apple. e p Yee, as we said before, we had definitely decided on Mr. McCar- thy's Red Sox. And then—and then —we happened to read about some selling which kicked our carefully compounded dope every whichway, and then some. 5 x * These doings concerned a gentle- man of the name of Joseph Di - Maggio, who will be 36 years of old age come November—which is plenty of agre to' be carrying on one's shoulders in big league circles. In addition, Mr. DiMaggio has been so troubled with aching gams that it was uncertain that he would even get to the barrier in this season's race. So here are just a couple of things which that poor over -aged cripple did in his first Yankee .Stadium .appearance—a11 Exhibition game with the Brooklyn Dodgers. "In the fifth inning he raced some 100 feet and robbed Brooklyn's Roy Campanella of a triple, and possibly of an inside -the -park -honer, with the most amazing catch witnessed in the Stadium since DiMaggio's job on a drive by Hank Greenburg a decade ago. —DiMag, stationed in dead centre, broke toward his right when Campanella's bat con- tacted the ball. It was 100 to 1 and no takers that the blow would be for extra bases, But DiMaggio never gave -up. With characteristic grace he headed for the bleacher fence in left -center some thirty or forty feet short of the 457 -foot sign, Joe, going like the wind, his back to home plate, stuck out his gloved hand and made the catch." * ..That should have been enough for a fugitive from the hospital, but not.for Joe. "The cheers, which were deafening, had hardly died away when DiMaggio came up to the plate a minute or two later and, after working Roe to a 3 •and -2 count, propelled a terrific drive into the lower left field stands. The ball landed about twenty rows up and, needless to report, the recep- tion which accompanied his leisure- ly trot around the paths was at least equal to the one he got for his incredible catch." :# k * Well, when we read those lines —and we only wish we had been there instead of trying to find excuses for not starting to do a little gardening—we smashed the crystal ball, chucked out the tea - leaves, and started over. We know that the New York Yankees don't figure t© beat the Boston Red Sox, We know that they pulled a miracle last season, and that miracles, like lightning, seldom strike twice in the same place...Still—they're our pick. 5 :# e That, gentle reader, is how we dealt with the American League prospects away last April; and you can imagine our amazement when— just a week or so ago, and with Mr. DiMaggio furnishing a lot of the motive power—those Yankees slid into the first slot.,.However, even then we weren't worried Much about our record because here is how—in the column already quoted from—we had shrugged off the National League prospects. ,# * * What about the National League, you say? Well„ if the Brooklyn Dodgers don't win by at least ten to fifteen games, there just isn't any justice. They should outclass all the others by so much that the race might be all by July the Fourth. Philadelphia Phils might be second, and St. Louis Cardinals third. But the Dodgers appear to be the biggest cinch to appear in sports since the days of Man O'War. • He was the horse, you might remember, who once ap- peared to be home free, and finished Second to a thing called Upset, "Brooklyn by ten" we said—and with only a couple of weeks to go that's the way it was—Brooklyn SECOND by ten, So you can pic- ture our state of mind as we set there listening to that final Brook-- Philly game on that meliorable Sunday afternoon. The situation was indeed grave. The Phillies looked as if they had had it, and it scented that, for once, we were go- ing to be the (teller of a 'trace of winders. But all's well that ends well, as somebody probably already remark. ed. Just when everything looked blackest Messrs. Ashburn and Sis- ler calve to our aid. Evert if only by the merest of thread our tetbrul•en string is still intact; arta or,r many clients who make a hellit of taking f our selections and than betting against 'them, ',tti'dn't loge 'their shirts. That "Morning After" Feeling—Dr. Charles' F. Lombard, grim- aces as a pendulum, swinging at the rate of 10 feet per second, crashes into his plastic test helmet. Lombard tvho underwent the jarring experience in -the interest of science, hopes the newly - developed headgear will reduce injuries and fatalities among the ranks of football players. Once you have them shut in, KEEP THEM THERE—that's the advice handed out to flock -owners by Middle Western poultry speci- alists. By October 15th, these ex- perts say, it is desirable to have your layers housed for the winter. They have records which convince them, at least, that confinement of layers is essential to success with them. * * Give 'ern Plenty of Feed. Layers won't lay without feed. A dual-purpose breed in heavy pro- duction will eat 32 to 38 pounds of feed per 100 pullets daily; Leg - horns, about 28 to 32 pounds per 100 pullets. Sometimes flockowners forget to supply enough feed as the pullets rapidly increase in production in the fall. This may result in a premature molt or a slump in production. , # 5 e Another poultry specialist, points out that heavily eating pullets need plenty of "elbowroom" at the feed- ers. When the grain and mash system is used, at least 30 to 36 running feet of hopper apace is necessary for 100 layers. The simple way to figure this is to provide at least one running foot of feeder space• to each three hens, The hoppers, of course, must he kept full of fresh mash at all times. a M Good Way to Stop "Blowouts" Eversion of the oviduct, or pro- lapses, often leads to cannibalism. This usually occurs when a flock approaches the peak of heavy pro- duction in the fall, and at the time when the pens are full of layers. Quite often the poultry raiser goes out to his laying house in mid- morning and finds one or two hens with their vents completely picked out. 5 is * No ate knows fur sure just what causes this condition. Often the birds can he caught soon enough after the protruding parts appear that they can be washed off with warn] water and carefully replaced. Then, if the bird is kept isolated a few days, it will recover. How- ever, birds are usually not caught in time to he given a treatment of this kind. * a k The best protection is to attach anti -picking devices to the birds at the lime they are housed or to debeak them. Either method will control the trouble. * * * Most poultrymen like to debeak, as it takes less time. The upper beak is cut back about one-third of the way from the tip to the nostril. There are very economical de - beakers on the market, or quite often hatcherymen have them avaiI- able for loan to their customers. x * :k How to Avoid Fall Slumps Early -housed pullets often have tendency to go into a slump in the late fall. But flock -owners who are on guard against such a develop- ment can usually get their flocks through the fall months without such a slump. One of the first signs of trouble is loss of weight. Pullets should continue to grow and add weight until .they reach full physical ma- turity up to 12 months of age. N 5 '# In tl small flock, a good way to keep check on the birds' body weight is to mark about 10 per cent of the pullets with some type of paint so that they can be seen easily. Once a month, these birds birds can be caught off the perches and weighed. Any loss in weight is easily detected without disturbing the flock. * If a weight loss is noticed, efforts should be made to increase feed consumption. This can often be done by increasing the feeding ,of grain in the afternoon or by feed- ing of pellets at noon when the birds are accustomed to nothing but hash, - ,) 5 e Where Floor Space Really Paid As housing costs increase, we find a growing tendency to crowd the birds. You've heard before that crowding doesn't pay, but here is further proof from records of a big Demonstration Flock. * R Records were kept on 14 flocks with an average of 354 square feet of floor space per bird, as con] - pared with 24 flocks getting an average of only 2/ square feet. The uncrowded birds laid an aver- age of 223 eggs, produced $2.23 pro- fit, and made 68 cents per square foot of floor' area. Only 26 per cent were lost. By contrast, the crowded birds BY • HAICOLD ARNETT 1811811. CLE.4NINU PAN. SOLDER A PIECE tW HEAVY SCRi,EN WIRE ACROSS TOP OP A STEWPAN AND KEEP FILLED WITH BRUSH-CLEANIt4G •!.tQUID)TO MAKE BRUSH CLEANING' PAN. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING A(il4N'r1 5v.t5'01:1) MAKE MONEY IN YOUR SPARE TIME eon Lee,img Ludy ...wort:. in your home locality. Experience not ncomeary. we train you. Write The A. J. SIovekth Co., 188 Jerrie Street. Toronto 2, Ontario.. BABY CHICHI; PULLETS, 15 weeks to MOW, &navy breeds, prompt shipment, Edgar 050 - more. Hensel. Ont. BRo1LElt raisers all 'r,ceddtc chicks batched Gram Canadian Approved 10015 13ultortmn free stock. The hind 111Ltt ontls(y, Twaddle Glick llntrlw•rirs Limited, &'begun. Ontario. BOOKKI'EEP'ING--.. - AC000NTINO BOOKKEEPING and Accounting 5ev100. Irving N. Shama, 59 Nesmith Strict. Toronto. nesixtees ornelll'UNI'rtke ESTABLISIHOD general storm arta living quarters In town 60 ,,111°0 from Sudbury on Trans - Canada Highway Two-storey brick building, 36' a 80'. New mhblg, railroad and tourist trade. Sacrifice, owner unable to manage. Please do not Jewett. Onto unless into:Toted, Wrote Advertiser. 12 Elgin SI., S., Sudbury. 111'141\li AM) C1.6.1NING HAVE 1.00 anything needy dyeing or clean- ing? Write to us for information, the are glad to answer your questions. De. partment FI, Parker's 000 Works Limited. 191 Song, Street, Toronto, Ontario. averaged 197 eggs, produced only $1.41 profit, and made 57 cents per .square foot of available space. Thirty-one per cent of them died. 0' ,k :k New Remedy For Blackhead Definitely the best drug develop- ed so far for tlreeeprevention and control of blackhedd is Euheptin T anti Antiliep, now being mar- keted in feeds. This yellow -pow- dered drug (sold as a 20 per cent ratite by feed manufacturers) helps cut heavy losses, mice birds get this disease. In recent years black- head has appeared in flocks more frequently than ever before. 5 :# a Tests at the Cornell University Veterinary College and at other ex- periment stations, however, show that the remedy—used for chickens and turkeys—is not 100 -per cent effective and should be used along with a good sanitary program. The Cornell experiments under Dr. E. N. -Moore also indicated that the drug didn't affect growth very much, and definitely didn't stimulate it. However, he reports that there was eo detrimental effect on egg production or fertility. * b o Deep Litter Trick . A good way to achieve success with deep litter for laying flocks is reported by Miss Dorothy Stabe. She had a chance to compare two different times in the fall for start- ing deep litter, both in the sane house. Although there was only a wire netting partition between the two pens, the litter that was started about September 1 remained dry all winter, while litter in the pen started in late October was wet and had to be changed every week or so. Oat hells were used in both cases. . Miss Stabe wonders if it isn't important to get enough moisture in the litter during warm weather to start a hind of fermentation which, because of the added heat it provides, keeps the litter dry. Use Care When Belying A Lamp Choosing a floor lamp or table lamp is not a job which should be approached lightly, say home ad- visers. Any lamp that will be used for reading, studying, sewing, or other close work needs to be constructed to give plenty of clear, glareless light. For a good buy in such a lamp, here are features for which to look: 1. Size. Be sure the lamp is tall enough and has a shade broad enough at the bottom to spread a wide circle of light and allow for sitting up comfortably while read- ing. 2. Bowl. Be sure the lamp has a diffusing (reflector) bowl under the shade to prevent glare and soften light. The bowl should be of good quality plastic or white diffusing glass of even thickness throughout. 1 Bulbs. Lamps equipped for three light bulbs are most useful because the light can be adjusted to suit different needs. 4, Shade. Select shades broad at the bottom, deep enough to conceal the diffusing bowl and with a white lining to reflect light. A white or ivory shade gives about 50 per cent more light tliait a dark shade which absorbs and thus wastes light, A paratrooper home on leave was having a. few drinks with some pals. "Well, George," asked one of thein, "how many successful jumps did you have to snake before you quali- fed Se a paratrooper?" George didn't evell give himself another sip from the glass before he replied: "All of 'eat." HEMORRHOIDS 2 Special Remedies kV the Makers of Mecca Ointment Mourn Pilo Remedy No. 1 is for Protruding Bleeding flies, and IS sold in Tubo, with pipe, for internal IMpp�lleation. Prico 760. Mom Pile Remedy Nd, tis for External Itching Piles. Sold in Jar, and is for external 1150 only. Prete 750, Order by number front your Druggist. ISSUE 41 --- 1950 • 1,311915 1°011 5 91 11 al'a �clwiniifil„�•nm�•rnd'nahilh: itil`i';"�•a land, mint of It tinder rultt'anun. Good bank barn with water ,0013'm, goad drive /Mod and ole* 0.room rod br1,•1, house, near Stratford J R. ,In,ltron, Royal Bank .11011,1103. Stratford. 1,1. 32n -1517W% 189 ACRES North 17,,,,thope 5 1,131,5 trent city. Tits le good ,oiling, claY loon. well fdwell a + t , 5 9 book rns 5 ervidrteo, Shad, lovhel1y, 1,-ls, ba oni 0011,1 belch, dense. This 0.0,11,1 make gut Ideal dairy farm, moment owner reth•tnc. Also 150. ¢ere Gn ran, ]yr:n Zorr¢, S 11110, (1'am city 0 a,'1va bash, 106,0.0 Ruud 0105 10001, 01.01 arloe shod, gond bank barn with silo, hydro and water pressure system. (rood 1 -storey house 51111 11:30 roof. good reason for selling, John R. Jackson. Realtor and I005000re, Royal Motif 110110ing, Stratford, 7'01^1101-202719', 11111 5.31.10 501150 1)0°01 ',Hover unit, 35 11.1', 50,311 belt 501105 0nd rudmtur, Alan Vrsr•ot grain grinder. 11 -Inch 11,a•Y duty, Walter NV. 1lurkholder, Uarl:bxnl, tlutarin.-i1.I1.1 inti 1101'0(1151* SL .�— 26 Ream lfnib, assorted ea eds. Latest stylus, colors. Postpaid. SOlisfnetlel emteed, '510,' 5053,11Y. 2771 untarlu East, Mnntroal 1d. )AIHti5Nli0 Jiorse deep well clot toe 1011111, never used. Pelee 5120. Arp1Y Sam Cb,u•elte, Sceond liner 11.11, No. Stunt Nb'. Marie, Ont. nexetNU? -- 403 11 ilish Enfield 1-11nt S.a•vluo Rifle only 077.10. #1p1'8111y adapted for deer Ipun3,;. 20" barrel, Clean am,ear:uu•'. Smooth operation. A real bargain. You Can't Inca. order C.C.D. If you do not IIk0 It Morn It at our rxpenee for immediate ,•31011 refund. 1100 48 ,artrlloro 12.50 with i,orrlmur of rilb•. tt•Illiannson Glatt order Cu- Firearms Divi- sion. P.O. 11ux 1301, Ottawa, ant. U0100 5110E REPAIRING 9G1t9lsNeatl LANDIS Stitcher. finishing machine, Sing- • et' intehlnlr machine, shoe pecases. 1ar11,. 5000. 510, 19 (iraa0mee Rd., Tor- onto. LY. 2795, MOTORCYCLES, Barley DavWron. New and need, bought, sold. exchanged Large stock of guaranteed uocd motorcycles. 170. pales by factory -trained meohnnlcs 131• cycles, and complete lone of wheel mauls, also Guns, nnuta and Johnson Outboard 92010,8 Open evenings until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle R Sports, ltlns at -Sanford. Hamilton. ALUMINUM R0051N0- [mmedldte shipment—.510” thick In 0, 7, 8, 0, 10 foot lengths. Pricesdelivered to Ontario points on application. For estim- ates samples. literature, cite,. write: — A. 0. LESLIE Al CO., LIMITED 130 C0113Il0S111NEItS Sl'ltl:ET TORONTO "., ONTARIO ASL'11A11r SHINGLES $3.35 These Interlocking shingles etre just one or our many roofing and asphalt Bargains. 110 Ib. Cult Sh3nglea $3.251 1G5 '0310100 54,90 ncr 100 square feet. 1" Thick Insulated Siding; Brock or Co' Oar Crain design, only $9.41 nee square. GO lb. rod or green (Bantle Roofing, $2.25. Above prices F.O.B., Hamilton. 3lany other bargains In these factory seconds, 010 doubt you ran toll from Or01 grade stock, ALUSI5NUM CORRUGATED SHEETS. only 38.60 per 100 sq. feet. Delivered Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes. All new stock, 20 gauge, various sixes available for prompt .hlpment. Send mea- surements for free nstlmnteo. Get yours now. Stock limited. ROBERT JONES LC31111Olt CO. Hamilton, Ontario t—NEW Model 307-0 Badger half -trach Trencher complete. Lennox Equipment i • supply Company Limited, Selby, 0010,10. RAISE Rabbit. for meat, 00150 and wool. Illustrated booklet, 250, Carter's IUtb- bttry, Chllih\'ncl3 British Columbia. HI -POWERED SPORTING RIFLES LARGE assortment and better rn lues. Write for latest 0.010106 Hating t'0,3,us bargain notces, SCOP!' SALES CO., LTD. 350 Queen Street, • Ottawa. Ontario. "D" CASE TRACTOR, "0" Case traitor. "80" Case tractor, "YAC" Case tractor, Oliver "70" tractor, BR Sohn Deere 11•ao- tm', "V" Case tr'ac'tor, "C" Caae tractor. Ford.en tractor. Apply Elllolt's Farm Equipment Limited, Phone 2100 Stirling, Ontario . • 'LABOR 01 PEKl01) L.1HUUktEltS may be scarce next oaring, Annoy DOW and have one for nest spring, or sooner. 2.ItA. P.O. Box 153, Ottawa. Ontario. 1nE111CA1, Read this—Every sufferer of -Rheu- matic pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Elgin,' Ottawa '$L25 Express Prepaid CRESS' CORN SAL\'10 lror sure relief. Toler Druggist Hells CRESS. NEW, 3 -way wonder tnhl,ta builds blood, tones nerves fast. Great for simple anemia. Helps clear pimples, boils, clears the blood stream. hakes tired folks alive with nen, Vim, vigor. Rush 01 for trial package. Lange economy eine, $3, Money bolt guarantee. Imperial industries. P.C. Box 001, Winnipeg. Dent. I0, UNWANTED HAIR Eradicated from 5110 part of the bods with Saon-Palo. a remarkable discever5 ' of the age. Snort -Polo contains no harm- ful ingredient. and ,vi1l destroy the hair coat. LOLL -BEER LA1)ORATORIES 070 Granville Street. V inflamer, B.O. Skin Eruptions Hero le a clean, stainless, Penetrating antiseptic oil that brings speodY relief from tho itching and discomfort, Not only does this healing atueoptlo oil Promote rapid and healthy healing in open soros and wounds, but bolls and simple Ulcers . aro also relieved. In stun affections the itching of Eczema. is aulokty stopped. Ptmnles — skin crnp- tlon0 dry up and scale off in u yes, fele days. The -same 10 true Of Barber', Itch, Salt Rheum, Itching Toes and Leet and other Inflammatory akin disorders; 5011 con obtain hioone'0 Emerald 011 in the original bottle at any 15000,' dl'00 stares Satisfaction or money beak. p Jut heat and rub in MiNARD'S, and nate the cufek relief you get. Greaseless, fast drying, no strong or unpleasant otter. LARGE Get n bottle 301)05'; beep 0Go"ostleA) it handy, slit 650 5-i6 t, —POST'S 'ECZEMA SALVE — seetei1 the torment of :try ecr.0nt rashes• and weeping shin tr.e:blrn. PO0I'a Eexm rod Salvo will not 3 ,:nppulnt yeti. ltelllllg, beeline", harping enema, acne, t ngwornn, pimples and athlete'. Cont, will respond readily t0 the o 01,11000, °dories,' ointment, regardless of bow stubborn tr hapel00a- they Kayla. 1701013 01.00 1'E,R JAR Sent Pout 1''ree. on Receipt or erica POST'S REMEDIES 880 Gotten St li., Corner of Legal, '(,'colo° 1,(111, 0870 MA 111,10 T.%111d4TS GIVE ty(INDE1t1r111, 1014/.110/ 19• 1 Poe Catarrh 00'6'1.0=01, S51n't1 in- nnmmntlal. B. 2 For llheentatic Pains, B- 3 1••or Spinal EsmrastIon, Bnelti ehg, 13- 4 For flies. 12. 5 For Lh•rr and Kidney. Gall-Blnddbr. 11.0 For Bile. 11. 7 For Palpitating heart. B. 8 For Stomach and Intestinal Clean - log. B- 9 Poe Ileartbnrn. GTrper-nciditY. 10.10 1•'0' 1500,0,10 Condition dem to Beare Irregularity. Will muse Pains cud Promote Sleep. Not nurentte. B-11 For General Nervous Condition. Ono bottle of our 200 selected pills will be sent to Ya.,. postage free. t11reetly tvul nor inborn u"•bv for Mao, 110'1'01, RESEARCH 7.1511'I'Itl) 3085 dlek,on Street, '.11.1.1-729. P.Q. _._.-..-..� NI.IttiEltr 1,1'11010 1 3 (I0, Itli1L 7...1.1i..911. ...ri Tk,l). 1 ..,:eiptive 0,1,,",'. W. J. tlalbr.,lth '•31n1'lydvne." ')I, mer. Cbl. It 1:11•:113'14 :�,/\y 11,r !'all pl+tlhling l''ntil groly e,1. ':I, ine,;e Lin fledge. 19.20. Inzhrs when shl.3.ol flamed ono Coot apart:gyfor 31.00. 01,01 Exhibition. Pna,nlea, red. white or pink, 5 100 51.09. ':corsootls assorted colours, largo Dd"03,1 Tulip 00150-25 for' 01.79 or 100 1100 (0.95. Apple' Trees, McIntosh. Spy. or Dell. Plus. 3-11.. high, 3 for 01.58, Free coloured Darden Gu300 with every order. llronitdsle —1010080ay Nurseries. Bo,vmnnvIlle. lt'l'0R'rti 501'11110 15it all'. , ,e 11'113110 BE A HAIRDRESSER 10115 CANADA'S LEADING 01'11001. Orem opportunity Learn Hairdressing Pleasant dignified profession, good wore* Thousands 0t s'wcr,0fu1 yla'vel grndu ea America's' 11000801 System Illus'roted Catalogue Free 37.300 or Cull MARVEL HAIRDRESSING 5CHOOL1, 358 Ilt„ar St. IV., Tmnnt0 itr nahca, 44 King St , Ilamlllon 72 Rideau '51., uituwn reteriteers AN OFFER. to 08''!01' ;,mtntnr—Liar of 10., condone and fell information sent free. 92,0 1tam,ay Co,. Registered Patent Atter- neys, 273 flank )*test, uttawn, 11THE1t5'rONHAt:011 t.1 Company, f re tent Solicitors,. L',tfbllobed 1800, 356' Bay Street, Toronto Booklet of 1,0000100. Ron on request I'HO•tOl i ltA f II I PE1110136 5 PI er 'it ES Studio saints:. Monts. s x O. holm lf„nv nuauned—'$1.26, ,'ola',r,d 02.00. Bight rs• p"snro rolls 25 rent". irprodurlhm ne;Mita enlarge 30 rent.+. I....10 Ho relae, Hue 82. stolon D.. Tomato. liDI'rATlONAL 1.r:A:itN TIME. STUDY The Stepping stone to Esrontire resilient AT 1101110 If you have lash 000,01 edncatlnn *nit m'actical working ,.•,t'•xlenc•e. Ivo. ear pre. Pare 000 for this int.. resting and nano, cratv0 work, rot. Gree booklet 001Itt Canadian Time Study School, 810 Oscine• ton Ave., Toronto. WANTED 51L•'tliANIC—Excrll..nt. opportunl13. Ea• 00030need man to work on trucks and tractor.. Steady employment. Advancement. for right man. ('0000104 by Sickness anti Accident I,10u1nnee. 'fop wages. Phe,,, 4750, or write HANNA'S tN779,tNAT10N- ..,Ir, SE119 ICE. 018:100,1')).. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BLE Without Calomel — And You'll Jump Out el Bed in the Morning Rarin' to Go Tha liver should pour out about 2 pinta at bile juice into your digestive tract every day. H thi, bile is not floweng freely your food may not dlgoat. It may just decay in the digestive. treat. Then gas bleats up your stomach. You get constipated. You feel sour, bunk and the world looks punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to get theca 2 pinta of .biro Dow- ing freely to make you feel 'op and upI) Geta poolc0ge today. Effective in malciug bile flow freely. Ask for Carter's Little Lever Pills, alt at any drugstore. Wake Up in a WARM Home Every M ORNING Think o1 the toy of having your home WARMevelo MORNING when you wake up regardless of the weather. This remarkable WARM MORNING Coal Heater heats all day and nicht without refueling. Complete with Automatic Draft Regulator as shown at lett. MAI L•OCf41'tI'N76 You need start a fire but once a year. Holds 100 lbs: of coal, Holds fire several days on closed draft. Amazing patent- ed interior construction gives greater heat at less fuel cost, Burns any kind of hard or soft coal, including Alberta Coal, briquets, or wood, Your home is WARM every MORNING regardless of the weather, The only heater of its kind in the world, More than a million in use. Ask your dealer. Write for -free folder. ,llnnurnetm'd and ntst'Ilmt ,l By: Il)O50-STItAell.A4 '('0,II, CO. LTD. nomInlnn Srmare Building, Mold - real 2, flat Montreal Trust I)1dg., Toronto, OM. - Palt'er indg., Win - nines, Mmlltthn, 4012 Mast 8r01 Am., Venom er, ill(. tt, Prairie Dietrihntorot I.NPr191) 011,5IN rdRYltl'14RS, 0.T13.