HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-10-11, Page 1THE BRUSSELS Wednesday, October 11th, 1950 POST PUBLISHING HOUSE - WHY PAY MORE - 1- COLGATE MED. DENTAL 'CREAM 2 - REGULAR PALM OLI V.E ONLY 25c CASHMERE 2 BATH SIZE AND 1 CASHMERE BOUQUET LOTION 49c 37c 36c 37c 3 for 28c GREWAR'S - CROCETERIA Open All Day Every Wednesday Fowl -Supper - St. John's Anglican Church Tuesday, October 17th Supper served from 5.30 Followed by a Play --- Comedy -Drama "Errabert, Get Arise" Presented by St. George's Dramatic. Club, Harriston in BRUSSELS TOWN HALL At 8.15 p. m. sharp Admission : $1.25 and 75rc The Ladies' d of Melville Church are holding a Bazaar in the Library on Sat., Oct. 28th. NOTICE The Council of the Township of , Grey will receive tenders till Sat., Oct. 14th, at 4 o'clock p,m. for Snow Plowing on Grey Township Roads during winter of 1950-51. State price per hour. Consult Road .Supt., or any member or Council as to re- quirements, No tender necessarily accepted. Security will be required, J. H. Fear, Clerk. • The Gospel Meeting will be hold in the Orange Hall on Sunday, Oct. 8th, at 8 p. m. Guest speaker Mr. Clifford Smith of Shelbourne, Ont, Everybody invited. Melville Church Rev. A. J. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator. 10 a. m. Sunday School and Bible Class Rev, Norman McMillan A. candidate for the vacancy, 11 a. m. Morning Worehip 7 p, m. levantng Service. The United Church OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane ANNIVERSARY" SERVICES SUNDAY, OCT 15th Morning Worship - 11 o'clock Rev, H. W. Avison- of Galt• Church School - 12 o'clock Evening Worship - 7.30 p. m. Rev H. W. Avison of Galt. Come and Worship Church of England Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr - Rector. 19th Sunday After Trinity Oct, 15th, 1950 St. John's Church, Brussels- 11 a. in. CFamilytDayDay Service St. David's Church, Henfryn- 8 p. m, Evening Prayer, St. George's Churoh, Walton - 3 p, m. Harvest Thanksgiving Service. The Special Speaker • Flight Lt. Harding of the R.O. AF, Clinton, PAPER DRIVE The local Boy Scouts are having a paper collection on Friday, Oct. 20th. Will you kindly 'have bundles of papers tied securely and out ready coni the boys to pick-up. The United Church Thanksgiving services were held in the Ignited Church morning and evening Sunday, Oct. Sth, Sermon themes for the day -"The Crown of the Year" and Thanksgiving" were basee on texts from Psalms 65 and 100 -"Thou hest set Thy Crown upon the year of Thy goodness" anti "Enter into His gates with Tllanks- g'iv'ng •" Anthems presenter] by the choir were-: "Songs of .Soy," and "Whose lu,se Love Befriending" in the morning and "Prayer of Thanks- giving" in the evening. The- vesper was, "Now God be with us." NOTICE Brussels Floodlight Campaign still several hundred dollars in arrears. World all those that have made promises of donations please leave their donation at the Treasurer's office H. B. Allen and oblige. The Finance, Committee don't like to make several calls. Please give generously to a worthwhile project and help improve our home town. A town can never go ahead unless we all get. together and do our part. Lets make Brussels a better place to live by improving Victoria Park so muoh that we are proud to show it to out of town friends. The Finance Committee. REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont, Now Playing Th urs. Fell. Sat. Oct. 12-13-14 with "MOTHER IS A FRESHMAN" Loretta Young Van, Johnson, There is a laugh every minute In this love story of the professor and the widow who enrolls at the same college as her daughter. * s Mon, Tates. Wed, • OCT. 16.17.18 In Technicolor etTS A GREAT FEELING" with Dennis Morgan and Jack Carson are back again with a new gal friend - Doris Day -.. In the kind of comedy musical that will make you lauph and sing. • * * * Thur, Fri. Sat, Oct, 19-2021 Van Johnson John Hodlak In "BATTLEGROUND" Thls Is the Way it Was. This Is what the men saw, heard, felt and did through the cold` dark fog. ridden misery of the defence of Bastogne, Key point In the Battle of the Bulge. tIlltMlICRWMOW CCMth10 -+ BRUSSELS COUNCIL 2 October, 1950 The regular meeting of the Munici- pal Council of the Village of Bt'useels was held on the above date. All members of Council were present. The minutes of the last meeting Tara rearl and adopted on motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by R. W. Kennedy. On motion of W. Spear, seconded by A. McTaggart, the following en - counts were ordered paid.: W. H. Bell, salary $130,00 Brussels Postmaster, postage 2.00 A. Higgins, trunk, streets 40.09) G. Evans, roller, streets 5,00 A. Oakley, streets 02.50 0. Spear, labor 16,90 R. Nichol, labor 5.85 G. A. Bridge, rent of tractor 43.35 W. Baeker & Son, relief 5.08 Bennett Grocery, relief 8.37 Brussels Creamery, relief 5,54 S. W, Lowe Grocery, rellef 32.62 Brussels Coal Yard, fuel, relief 5,50 0, R. Campbell, salary 45.00 Brussels Hydro, street lights and hall 109.60 Salvation Army, grant 10.00 G. Evans, Fax bounty 4,00 The assessor reported that the 1050 Assessment Roll was completed, Tt was moved by A. McTaggart, seeouled by W. Spell• that the Court of Revision on the 1920 Assessment Roll he held on Tuesday, October 24. 1900 at 9 p.m. - (Tarried. The Clerk was instructed to adver- .tise the date of Court of Revision in the local paper. The business of the meeting being completed the Cmnreil adjourned on motion of R. A. Bennett, seconded by W Spe?r. NATIONAL IMMUNIZATION WEEk The TTeelth T.0eenee of Canada is spnnanrtng October 15 -21st as Nat- ional iminimization Week. last year. 79 Canadians died from diptheria. a disease about which a great deal is known, a disease which can be prevented. D1Ptheria Toxnid is almost 1o0"r effective, Leet year. 292 Canadian children lost their lives to whooping rnngti Whooping Cough also is largely pre- ventable. Tin mann' parents wait until the child 0000 to school. Protection should lie started before Six months of age. Reinfnreing doses at proper intervals are important to maintain this safety in following years, Your family doctor, or the Huron County Health Unit, will lie pleased to advise you nn immunization. TROUSSEAU TEA HELD FOR MISS FERN WHITE lira. Clarence Whilte held a trnus- sean tea of Monday, Sept. 25, after- nnnn end evening, in honor of Miss F0ru Whits a bride -elect of the week. In the afternoon she was asisted in showing of the trousseau by Mrs, Leonard Lamont, Miss Kathleen Clark the gifts,.. and Mrs. Norman Dodds the linens. The guests were received at the dnnr by the bride's mother, while else, Clarence Craw - lard of Auburn, poured tea, a• dainty lunch was served by ,Annie Hull, Shirley Ellis and Mrs, Ivan McArter, In the evening Airs, Albert Kitchen displayed the trousseau, Miss Irene Logan if Blyth, the gifts and Miss Shirley Meehan the linens. Tea was poured by the bride's mother, Mrs, John White, while lunch ,t�gqas served by Annie Hull, Jean MelCrter, and :firs. Te;an MaA.rter, h 0. 0, F. OFFICERS INSTALLED FOR 1960-51 0.1).C.11. Ernest Lewis 0f the I. 0, 0. F, and his installation team, of Wingham, were present at the regular meeting of Brussels Western Star Lodge On Thursday night, Oct. fith of lastt week when they installed the following officers Harold Thomas .................... Jr. P. G. Russel Hall N. G. Hartley Fischer Y. G. Charles Davidson R. S. R. J. Bowman P. S. Onwell Elliott Trees, Warden Ken Coleman Wm. McNair Gon, A. Rutledge 0. G. E. Gregg I. G. Orwell Elliott R. S. N, G. Stewart Lowe ..... L. S. N. G. R. Bennett It, S. V. G. R. Pearson L. S. V, G. ,T. Bowman ................... R. S. S. H. Stevenson L. S. S. Ross Nichol Chaplain AT HOME Reverend Andrew and Mrs. Lane will be at home. to their friends on Saturday evening, October 14th, 7- 10 p, 1)1, at "The Parsonage" on the oncasion of the twenty-fifth anniver- ee y of their wedding. Melville W. M. S. The October meeting of the Wom- en's Missionary Society of 'Melville Church was held in the school room of the Church on Friday afternoon. '(lie meeting ripened with repeating the words; of Psaim 94. Mrs, Nelson Cardiff read the srriptilre rending and Miss Grace Stewart led hi Pray- er, In the absence 0f Mrs. W. Smith. Mrs, W. Little acted as serretaa•y. The vieiting coiinllttre reported ten calls. Mrs. E. Breslin was a,crompani- • eel by Mrs R. Thomson, as she sang a solo. The topic. "Aiming ing the Ker- eans in Japan" was prepared by Mrs. H. Bennis and road by Mrs. C. Barker. A Letter of thanks for a par- vet cif Christmas cards from Mrs, Rus - .el Self cif clue Canadian Presbyterian Missions in Jansi, India was read In which these cards are pot. Some are given as prizes to Bible students and their parents. some simply to be ilarr'd in hones which are devoid of pictures of any kind. The meeting tensed with a Itynm and prayer. MOCK WEDDING An enjoyable evening was held at tate home of Mrs. Ivan McArter. for Miss Fein White. when her daughter Miss Jean MCArier invited a group of school mates and held a mock wedding. Miss Kathleen Clark acted as bride while Miss ,lean McArter the groom. Rest man we Aires Annie Hull, bridesmaid, Miss Marian 'Hull. father of the bride was Miss Jean Hull, acuter Miss Shirley Ellis. The ceremony cnmiucted by Mrs. Clar- ence. White. Some gifts were re- ceive,l and unwrapped by the bride to be while Miss Jean MCArter read the address. A dainty lunch was then served by 1Vlra. Ivan Mcilrter, the evening was spelt by singing group and familiar son:gg4', WI.,TON The anun:g1 meeting of the Walton Branch of the T"peer Canada Bible Society will he held on Monday, Oat. lfitll at 9.30 p.m. in Duff's 'United • Church, Walton. Mr, H. S. Sanders of Toronto will he the speaker. 34V - ,,Mia t tt� 04141•.-`•�i' t'1l3 CAPITOL THEATRE LIS - fl OWEL WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. OCTOBER 11-12-13-14 Clifton Webb, Jeanne Crain, Myrna Loy, Betty Lyn in "CHEAPER BY THE DOZEN" Technicolor. Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. m. Mon. Tues. Oct. 16-17 Donald O'Connor, Charles ICoburn in "YES SIR, THAT'S MY BABY" Technicolor TUESDAY PHOTO NITE ' OFFER $200.00 2nd OFFER $70.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. WED, ONLY OCT. 18 • Stewart Granger, Jean Simmons in "ADAM and EVELYNE" Thur. Fri. Sat, Oct. 19-20-21 Dan Dailey. Corinne Calvert, , Callen Townsend in , "WHEN WILLIE COMES MARCHING; ILIOME" 1 Sat. Mat 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 pant. t'SLATTERY'S HURRICANE" 1 $1.50 per year - $2.00 U. S. MASSEY HARRIS BUSINESS CHANGES HANDS \L•, Jos. Bremner. has taken ov,-i' the Massey-Ilarr:s business here, Air. J. W. Fischer, who rnnduc•ied the hued• mess for the past 1:3 years. officially relinquishes possession on the 1st of November. Mr. Fischer has not at pewee made any pians for the fut- ure, Mr. Bartley Fischer, who has been in business with his father, started work at the garage of 0. Elli- ott on Monday. Mr. Bremner comes to Brussels from near Newton, MORRIS The October meeting of the Wom- en's Institute for the Belgrave Brandt, will be held on Tuesday, Oct, 17th at 2,30 p. m. at the home of Mrs, Jas. Michie 5th line, This will be Health meeting and the roll call to be answered by Don'ts for the sick room. The address will he given by a speaker from the Huron County Health Untt, The convenor is Mrs. ' Albert Corltes; Lunch committee, Mrs, S. Cook. Mrs. W, Scott and Mrs. A. Coultes. Mr. Riad Jars. Gordon Martin and daughter Patricia Lee of Orangeville were weak -end guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ora, Mtchle, Misses Patsy and Muriel Andel, 1100 were hni{day visitos with their parents Mr. and .11s. Earl .indr•rson, COURT OF' REVISION Village of Brussels The•• municipal council of the 'Village of Brussel will sit as a Coma of Revision on the Assessment Roll for tato year 1951, in Brussels Library on Tuesday. Ortobe• 14t11, at p.01 to heat and determine all 00111 - plaint. against said Roll. All parties Interested please govern themselves ac•corclingly. G. R. Campbell, Clerk. • GODERICH WINS CHALLENGE CUP IN NORTH HURON TRACK EVENTS rc teen 1,11(11) high school stud. •1 t. c0 Nerth Huron go'101,0 here nn Frtasy for the ,n:0nal udary :schools assoe•iatcd trach and field meet to the agricultural park. Firm erloh pupils rapturt-d the ('italic -:a' cup with 143 points: Clinton ass a Mose second with 140 1,1.101s 001 10W4 1 by Seaforth in third spot with Sit and Wingha.m with 73 points. Individual champions were; Senior girls, Ruth Keys. Seaforth, 13 pointe; senior boys. Cameron 'Maltby, Clinton. 15 points: inter. mediate girls, Joanne. Castle, Clin- ton, 19 points; intermediate buys. Clare Maltby. Colinton, 19 points: junior girls, Beth Boyd, Reaforth. 13 points: junior boys. 0. Tehhut, Clinton 11 points. W. S. Hall, prineipat of Wingbam collegiate, presented awards and prizes at the end of the events. t �'i9f is res Noble F. Gerry Mr. Noble Francis Gerrry, one of this town's oldest residents, Bird Saturday In Victoria Hospital. Lon• don, following an illness of three weeks. His ac:P w -,S 15 yrarK, sec•Pn months, Born in Brussels, the son of Benianllu Carry and Emily Fisch - 'nigh Gerry. he had spent his anti{re life item., :a. a ynnn•r mini. he enter - r••1 the hardware 1111:41m is 00 leis ftf1 .: later he (tarried on thrluie1 11r.; In nartnersirip with his brother apil ti•P11 with Thont'r0 ACelkrf• of Rr,.'els until he retired. Tao years •,t•9), iMr.and Mrs. Gerry, the former SI rah Sfe rtrt, celebraferi thelr filth wrlrlin0 anniversary. They had family of fent'. two donghters Mrs. Walter (Orme) Murray. Sea- , fnrtft. and Mrs. Roy (Stella) Al. lh1^_'ham, Saskatoon. Sask.: end two CARD OF THANKS I sere. Frank who was killed in nc- tion in the First World War, and • I take this opportunity to thank TTamld -wile died 9e a young man. all my friends and neighbours for the 1 One hrnthcr Tea and nor elstar many kindnesses shown during my Thut a, both i9 Fitt W{111at51 ai'P atop in the hospital and at home. `110 my surviving members of h s Mrs. Bert Elliptt. CARD OF THANKS To the many hind friends who sena me cards, letters, fruit. flowers and gifts, while I was in Wingham Hospital and since I have been home. I wish to express my sincerest thanks. Thanks too. to the folks, who were able to come to $on me, Airs. Carson Watson. CARD OF THANKS 1 wood like to take this oppor- tunity to sincerely thank all my friends, neighbours and relatives for the beacttiful flowers, cards and gifts that I received while I was a patient.in Listowel hospital and slime' returnine home. Mack and I 'Mould also like to gratefully acknowledge all expressions of sympathy conveyed to its Since the death Of ottr little Bon, 2lrs, Mack Cardiff, NOTICE Mr. Jos. Bremner has taken over the Massey -Harris business. I thank all my customers For their patronage in the 13 years I have been in business here and ask that they continue to give their support to my successor. J. W. Fischer ,...1.111111.01 Anniversary Services Will be held in Brussels United Church on Sunday, October 15th 11 a, m. and 7.30 p. m. Speaker : Rev. H. W. Avison, D. D., Galt, Ont. Special Music by the Choir. a Anniversary Services will be held in Melville Presbyterian Church on Sunday, October 22nd 11 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. Speaker : - Rev. Gordon McPherson of Riverdale Special Music by the Choir. campy. Mr. Gerry was an active membee of St, ,Tnhn's Lodge. A. F. and A. M.. and was the proud moa. 0050(1+.• of a 50 -year jewel of the T. O 0. F. Western Star Lodge, No. 149. 9tr. Gerry was the last surviving n1rmhe•r of the "Brussels Clippers" clhampio n baseball team. The funeral Monday afternoon was In charge of the LO.O F.. and was rnnduot.d by RPV. Andrew Lone of Brussels 'United Church. The pallbearers were W. Cameron. R. J. Bowman, W, C. Kerr, ,Toho Logan. William Little end H. Champion. Members of the loder• also aeted as hearers of the beauti- ful floral tributes. Burial took place in Brussels cemetery. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE NOTE The convention of the Women's Tnetitute for the Guelph Area will be held in St. John's United Church. Stratford on Tues. and Wed.. Oet, 17 and 18. .41I members are weIeone as well as their friends. TENDERS WANT ED Tenders by the hour for the con- tract of snowplowing. Morris Town- ship roads will be received by the road superintendent Ivan MnArter. R. R. 4 Brussels, up to 6 p. m., Ont. 161.11. Most of the work to he done on the three smith cnncossions. Lowest or ;any tender not necess- arily accepted. George Martin, Clerk. t IJRTH HURON PLOWMEN H.9L0 SUCCESSFUL MATCH 1 t'• P:, none, Exeter, win/ 1)f:ee Hector champ^unship at the Zeleit annual Norah Huron plowing =deb., held one utile north of Rhteva18 ••'h' ',day on the Miran of Alex C7e(id- rtgaa in Turnberry township. With n mint evert' of 70.7. he was 0111* notch ahead if the runn•ir-111i In a field of 16 trantormen wlio prem- ed in the match, Gordon Raleaun6 Londeaboro, with a point snore or 75.7. stood• second in the county Mass. and was 1•unnEr-1.1p- to Paas - more for the hest tractor plowing of the day, James Hoge of Sea•fo'th, a vet- eran plowman and perennial' *fir- mer, had no opposition in the open walking -plow class, but turned 171.1t workmanlike Joh behind his Team to demonstrate his right to tria:arr!la- ionship of file horse-drawn rlib'sf.nee The entry 1isa of 39 mode It thea bioa''st pnctw,rr nlalcll hr i:lte Nurfts Unroll Plowman's A-:.,/dation {here' before the war, said 7 E. Crar'diff sec retary, the match 'lrew droves 911,,,, 40 rrnnnat{tor'. TLe mltteh was 0.1rolnrf,-.1--b1' dm ed c.tt':vr headed by 7;11,.,-, Perrino, Walton. president; Ido"" ' Sturdy, Aelmrn, • vice Pr; ,ident. `':•'rcr:ot H:,:"otte, Gnderi '1 Juni re^ c 't- rim! Elston Cardiff, 71.p.. r t ; seJ , secretary -treasurer. Tile 1.9'4,7 i nni•n{ttee 1rr1ndrd Gordo, el r',;.. GrirIP Fonn:an, and Tlnch 771117. 101 h . in charge jf 1 .•1, 10 1 I o110"t 710111 L.n,r.- h r + P Horolo'rwap Thema T,e n're. 114,1111 rill. end TTtt:'l T1111 It Ti 2hi,-IT. Ti•ir1 i1 tr., w':.. t l„tg„•. 11) , Ir - ., , c?•• ar ground F'u. It rncit. Walton. r.r,• •, ly{udlo,alier: and 1?. Angna Cli fr't n• n hal. The d,•a.w.s by F1,11190 Smith Bluevale. Tr^rtrr (flosses B„y and !girls nuder 111. FF•.rr•.,.; 1•1,11 711 .' r .idents. 10.inrll furrows: 1. Arthur Bolton 91. 11 1 D•ihii ,: Ti -.7,0(1•. y. 1?sed,•,•• Tplr3ts H ndriel:c. B•,slhwnod, f Mae the A h0: Rrtfmtlt: 1101 nl•,w•..d Ken. C1Th•n... tint -et: ATtn'rec'rnrlar. Sinton: Tnnaid M.'Donnld. TtraTtrr^,. Novice "1 -. for lioy, and girls 1E and nndrr• 1 Bonald Perrie.P r- s••is: 2. Ala, P:ddy, Glenannat„ Hen Cermet-01e D Ildei: 4. Glen 01- le °. rheic 9)l.: Demetri Keyes, 2.:'for111: R Ken. Johnston. t`linton: plowed. r.loye Holland Clinton' Gerold Parsons. R. R 2 H•,nsoliTurd; ores Hamilton, Blnevate: L.nile Black. Brussels: Gerai1 Tt . RInevale: Jim Bolger. Walton TT", Pirnodfont. Sea.forth: Gerry Ailiorrs. 2-afnrth: Geo. Grummett. :., f.•�*.• Tractors drawing any num e ;,hares, limon residents: 1, T.,.,nc Passmore. Exeter: 2. G-,,rd,m Rap- son. T.nndoshorc: . Gear Brussels: 4. Don Easton. I'.ere- al s, plowed, Rnnaid ..T, AT ,1toca:. Wroxeter: Allan Wainer. Parkhill. �1"ri•rl herb-.rhr.,t rias:.. 1 tinder' 1', John lieflaltr Ts'af 1 t ^_ Neil 11'Garhr. Walton, ,. R'tt'? Keyes. $eaf, rlc 4. Eliriti TT 11 n: 10 :h 1111111.. a 1+.1)t - plmv,'rl. Donal,{ Warner. (lar • field, ftr wMe.h,tt tm•1,1 14nws: I'ItCtma Rltaldk,+• Walton. :nal 8117 t",m`ts. Walton _ir.•n neel:1 :'e'ar+?n. Horse Classes .9'in ,•r Ph a. •,pea. ,Tastes Hog-'. Sett. 1• h. ,redia of. pioNcs. 7Tllron resi- dent.. Gorden Yeoman. W.r=ham, 11e4. 11+ anil nnoar, .Yoder. Clark. Et, R. Gnderich. 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