HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-10-4, Page 8TWO SPECIALS A Dependabb H©t Water Bottle Regular Value $1.50 for $1.19 Hudnut's Special Offer Giant 16 oz. Family Size Egg Creme Sharnpoc -- Plus Capp for Shampoo Both fer $2.00 Now Save on Noxzerna — Special Boudoir 6 oz. size 93c Jar for 79c rough hands For ccmplexion and Companion Baby Cereals, Pablum and Pabena Vitamin and Mineral Enriched pre-cooked Cereals. For variety in taste with same Nourishment - Two Sizes 25c and 50c Good Valves in School Supplies — Loose Leaf Ncte books, Drawing Paper, Brushes, Inks and etc. F. It. SMITH 3T,�TIONER Rexall Drug Store I�1tUGG15d' mad Phone 24 THE BRUSSELS POST __. WOOD'S Brussels, Ont. For Home Sewing and Sewing Classes A fine line of Woollens including — Authentic Tartans Fine English Broadcloth (Chesterlaine). For two years this has proved to be the biggest seller for fine cozy Dresses and Children's Wear. Suitings and •Coatings. New Dresses Arriving. For the MILKING HERD Mix your grain with �fzt a Purina Cow Chow Supplement toy®�,� maim a real 16% milk -making ration. ei'�e•R.%� PUMA COW (HOW DRY CO To help build dry cow' op for reduced calving troubles and extra milk ahead, feed Purina Buhlk-Lae end ats alf a d half! Wednesday, October filly 1950 Bawls s" C eamuyl PHONE 22 BRUSSELS I AUCTION SALE Now is the time to chose your .p I Winter Coat. vizammameassiminewsumangsmireammaimenims The Voice Of Temperance --• the good nature of the other passen- gers. The alcoholic just does not fit into the respectable community. We niay have understanding and sym- pathy for his plight — but it is time that it was generally acknowledged that a man has no right to encroach on the forbearance of others just because he is intoxicated. Intox- ication is no valid excuse for any anti -social conduct, The trouble with the alcoholic is that he involves others in his plight. If he is a curler he lets the other three members of his rink down. If he is a bowler he can be the same sort of a nuisance. In company he humiliates his family by his loudness. At a banquet he is apt to be disgust. ing. In a street car he impo%es on VELEPHONE No. 62 BRUSSELS. 411;6-¢ `I tri six — M.EMORI LS WIPiGHAM MEYMOtUAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choiceu granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOT ON oeie 256 --- Viringham, Oait FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. • FOR SALE - 100 Rock x Light Sussex Hybrid Pullets, ready to lay. Bernard Thomas Phone 11-r-11. etaatirasse WEDDING RUNGS W. G. LEACH The Store for Beautiful Gifts Jeweller Brussels We Invite You. To See The New McClary Refrigerator lu order to close the Estate of the late Marian -Manners there will be I offered by Public Auction on Saturday, the fourteenth day of Octobor, 1950, at the hour of 11 o'clock in the afternoon at the premises the following valutabllee Iproperty; Lot 130 in the Village of Brussels on which is said to be situated a ' dwelling house. Terms: 10% deposit and balance in thirty days. Subiect' to reserve. bid. Dated at Brussels this Fourth day of October, 1950. F. Kemp, Auctioneer. Harry Champion, Administrator. --------- – AUCTION SALE Of Household Effects and Property Albert Street Brussels en SATURDAY, OCTOBER 14th Sale commences at 1 P. M. 2 upholstered settees 2 upholstered rockers 2 three piece bedroom suites plete. 2 rocking chairs 2 arm chairs 1 day bed with mattress 2 tables 1 extension 7 kitchen chairs 1 range with warming closet or wood) 1 sideboard with mirror 1 hand washing machine and wringer 2 commode chairs, 1 adult, 1 child's 1rug9'x12' 1 piece tineoleiun 6' x 12' 1 cream separator 1 heater (coal or wood) 1 croquinole hoard 1 high chair 6 piece toilet set 1 set child's skis 2 antique clocks 2 electric irons 1 antique iron tea kettle 1 screen. door 2 6 ft, cross -rut saws 1 ire cream freezer 1 chair step lathier 1 coal -nil heater 1 16 gal. iron kettle 1 galvanized washing tub 2 iron cooking pots Quantity carpenter's tools 1 grindstone 1 set of ropes & blocks 1 scythe, garden tools and shovels Small quantity of limber 1 child's bab-sleigh 2 ladders, 1 doz. grain bags Quantity oO sacks 1 copper boiler 3 axes 2 lawn mowers Quantity of dishes (sonic .antique) Cooking untensils, sealers 6-1 gal. Jugs. Many other articles too numerous to mention. Terms Cash Property—Consists of 2 storey house, stable and 2 lots on Albert St., Brue- se1s...Terms 10%n down, balance with- in ithin 80 days, Subject to a reserve hid . Harold Jackson, Aucifoneer. Dean Davison, Clerk, F. Kerney, Prop. PIANO TUNING For satisfactory results have your piano expertly tamed or overhauled. Free estimates, Santo priority given in the country. 12 years experience. Name may be left at Max Oldfield's Hardware Store. Phone 68 Brussels. 'lien. Hill, Turner. Now is the time to be thinking of your I winter heating requirements. Stoves are going to be scarce. Come in and look them over now while the stock is complete. Coal and wood ranges with Or without reservoirs. Fess Oil Burners — Quebec Heaters. Esstane Gas and Electric Ranges. See the much advertised Warm Morn- ing Heaters, with the automatic damper control. We now have one slightly used McLary coal and wood range and one used McLary electric range Also—stove boards, fire screens, stove & furnace pipes made to your specification. Order your D. L. & W. Blue Coal now. Stove size on 'viand, nut size expected shortly. idfi Telephone 68 s Hard ar Brussels Years Ahead in Design and Beauty Over 9 Cu. Ft. Capacity in less kitchen space. See It Now C ECC'S HARDWARE Phone 17 Brussels &Meng:' eH 1., Iry ite Shellubricatlon Shell Household and Snell Petroleum Produe;a Porta ana Accessories Gonerel Repair Livestock Spray •°hone 77-r-6 Brussels, Ont - AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE Aniassmsuacmcmensussmuusalwassmonsuine J I CASE FARM MACHINERY 1 — Model VA Case Tractor 1 — 16 run Power Seed Drill on Rubber 1 — 7 ft. Double Disc 1 — 81/n ft. Stiff Tooth Cultivator 1 — 8 f t. Packer 2 — 7 ft. Power Mowers on Rubber 1 Horse Manure Spreader on Steel 2 — Tractor Spreaders on Rubber 1 -- Elevator on Rubber 2 -- 2 Furrow Tractor Plows one on Rubber one on Steel 1 Used Model C Case Tractor on Steel (Cheap) These machines all purchased before price increase. Can be purchased at a Great Savings. iversia Motors a J 1 Case Dealer Dealer For Chevrolet and Oldsmobile Phone 56 Brussels, Ont. lamisimsonsumnsamominisisumesImuslimisimeseiamemsomissr corn - (coal 2 mirrors DENT'S SHOE REPAIR A good selection of WORK GLOVES for the fall from cotton gloves at 35c per pair to $2.50 for linesman gloves. Rubber Boots for the whole family. Agent for Armitage's Dry Cleaners Dry Cleaning Dyeing tend Berlou Moth- proofing (Guaranteed for ten years) None Better. CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone $M P.afawtlt Se€ OurFallPrices andCompare Women's and Misses', Trimmed and Untrimmed Winter Coats made of the finest English Woollens half chamois interlined and guaranteed celanese lining Special $37.95 up. Misses Corduroy Skirts in wine, green, blue, sizes 12 to 18 — $5.95 Women's and Misses' Nylon Pullovers and Cardigans in wine, grey, pink, pale blue sizes 14 to 44 — $5.49 up. Women's and Misses' New Fall Dresses latest styles and fabrics — sizes 12 to 26 TA $12.95 up. Girls Wool Plaid Dresses sizes 10 to 14 — $5.95. Girls Cotton Plaid Dresses sizes 8 to 14 — $1.95 up. Girls Loafers — latest fall styles sizes 4 to 9 — $3.95. Large assortment of woollens and Plaids $2.98 a yard. THE ARCADE ST'RE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 Brussels, Ont. vat. rewrote.. .111.4 • •sentn,ormattamommvver POULTRY — EGGS —FEED C. W. BRAY'S PROUCE told Storage Lockers Each Crocker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels,, Ont.