HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-10-4, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST NOTICE To Honey Producers in Southern Ontario... The Ontario Farm Products Marketing Board has received a request for the approval of a proposed marketing scheme under the provisions of the Farm Products Marketing Act, 1946, to regulate the marketing of honey sold in Southern Ontario. A mail vote by ballot• of producers of honey has been arranged so that the Board may determine whether a fairly representative number of producers are in favour of the scheme. The ballot with return envelope has been sent to all producers. If you are producing honey in Ontario from ten or more colonies of bees, and are over 21 years of age, you are urgently requested to mark your ballot for or against the scheme and mail it at once in the return envelope provided. VOTE AS YOU LIKE ONTARIO FARM PRODUCTS MARKETING BOARD Parliament Buildings, Queen's Park, Toronto, Ontario BLUEVALE The eonaregatton of Knox Pres- byterian Chin•cll here welramed their minister, Rev. C. H. MacDonald. D.D., to the pulpit on Sunday morning following one month spent in Vic- toria Hospital, London. and one _ month recuperating at his home here. He preached on "God's Promiise to Abraham." The choir ander the leadership of the newly engaged organist, Mrs. 0. B. Moffatt, sang an anthem. Personals: Clifford Hetherington i; a patient iti the hospital at Sault St, Marie and was unable to attend his father's funeral here; Dougall Strachan and Mrs. P. S. MacEwan attended the funeral or their cousin, J. Cline Scott at Brussels on Satur• day; Mrs. C. R. Brinker and sou Carl. Sandusky. Mich., with her niers, Mrs, W. M. Adair, and Mr. Adair, and relatives in Turnberry; Vernon Higgins, Toronto, with his wife at the home of ;lir, Riad Mrs. J. C. Higgins; Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Conites, Listowel, with Miss Isabel Couites; Mr. and Mrs, Murray Wil - Cl s.ssifii edr Ads. FOR SALE — A Singer Sewing Machina, in good coudltlon. — Phone 15. FOR SALE — 30 pullets rooks, laying, `';'in, Harman Phone 81-r-10 FOR SALE — A mortar and pressure system pump, in good condition. Phone 105x son and two sons, Listowel, with Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mann: Dr. and Mrs. Arthur Shaw; Toronto, with his mother, Mrs. Arthur .Shaw; Donald Darling, Toronto, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Dar- ling; Miss Ethel Beattie, Seaforth, with 01is. R. F. Garniss and'hitss Olive Scott; Mrs. Alisha:w, Toronto, with her brother Roy and Mrs. Tur. vey; Mr. and Mrs, W. M. Adair with friends at ICincarcline; Mr. and Mrs. .0..T. Elliott, their sot Harold, Mrs. Elliott and family attended the funeral of Mrs. Milton McVittie at Flint. Mich, Armed Aggression must be met with Trained United Strength CE urgently°��I��ta f en to 'sloe thc''r >"e' 49@' o5. arolit•mg � Ccs nava ,uiil' Do your port to Royal n At once , . . the R,C.A.F, needs good men to train for important jobs as Aero -Engine, Air- frame, and Radio -Radar technicians. Previous experience is not essential, Which- ever branch you chose, you will be given a thorough and valuable training on modern equipment, under Skilled instructors. You will be well paid, and at the end of your service you will be entitled to a pension or substantial gratuity, * * * * Ace at once—You owe it to yourself to find out abodt this opportunity in Canada's ex- panding Air Force. help Canada do her part! ACT NOW CONSUIT Tilt CAREER COUNSEIIOR AT YOUR WREST R.CA.F. REcRUfrmNt; cute or mail this coupon ku ir ogee TRAINING COMMAND, R.C.A.F., TRENTON, ONTARIO Please mall me, widows obligation, Jull pariienlars regarding *Ii' mans requirements and openings now available in the R.CA.P.' NAME (Please Print)..,, ..... ..... ... .. STREET ADDRESS CITY PROVINCE EDUCATION (by grade and province) r.. u .. ......... ... ... a•.r4•042414411444•4A0141.14,14414 44 , FOR SALE — 100 Red x Rocks, 7 months old, laying. Dill Wheeler Phone 58,r-24 FOR SALE — 193S Buick coupe, 1n excellent condition. Apply to .Joe Baker — New American Hotel, e'OR SALE— Frame building 16' x 24', also hardwood, limb and bodywood, Jas. Stevenson Phone 60-r-4 PULLETS FOR SALE — Harred Rocks — Sussex x Reds laying. Frank Mitchell Wroxeter CARS FOR SALE — 1947 Dodge sedan, 1 sedan, M Al condition. 1941 Oldsmobile Hydranratie Sed- anette, a beautiful car. Apply at Wood's. Store Phone 24 WANTED — Man or Woman with book keeping experience to look after hooks and stock room, also mechanic with license. - Apply to, 0. S. Elliott, Brussels, Phone 83. FOR SALE — hygienic Supplies Dubber Goods) .milled postpaid 1n plain sealed envelope with pries list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $1.00, Man C.rder Dept. M 33 Nov -Rubber 0o.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. LIVESTOCK WANTED "Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hoge, at your farm. Prompt Service. Phone Collect Brussels 72; William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. Wednesday, October 4th(, 1950 .r .� .., .• v 4 v ..•„• .r 1 8OVR-FOLD PROTECT•OIN • • * • • • • • • • • 1• • •• • •' • • • • • e • • . e • • e �1 �fGI1S a monthly income to your A monthly income to you in tb• dependents if you die before reaching event of your total disability through sick. retirement. This monthly income is nese or accident.A monthly income to you for doubled if you meat with death by life at retirement. aooideaL Ask for our pamphlet "Pour -Fold Protection Provides". It WtJI interest you. Con ederation Life Association Tonoc10 IIEAD ossrne ATTENTION FAeIMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals anti pay highest prevailing prices, For foe mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 504 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE A new Three Furrow Tractor Plow tin' sale- on rubber at a reduction, for quirk sale also a manure spread- er. T have Ford Ferguson plow points. Also available - are Ductalloy plow points for nearly every make of tractor plow. Order your minerals and Vitamins, from George. Wesenburg, Phone 5CY-r-9, J. C. LONG Melville Ladies' Aid Melvin Ladies' Aid Society met at the moan, er Mrs. Janes S. Arm- sI!'oiig for their October meeting on Monday evening, when a large group of woven met to trausact the business of the society. The convenor of the Sunshine Fund reported hay ing sent eight boxes of fruit to sick members of the congregation and read three thank -you notes, A com- mittee of two was appointed to ar- range rrange Inc a floral tribute to be placed in the church on Memorial Sunday. Detai'is or the work of renovating the manse were given by Airs. J. Galbraith and some of the accounts were received end Paid. Saturday, Oct. 28, at 2.30 p. m., le the date which was (Rosen for the society's fall bazaar. All committees such as, se\ving, knitting, baking. nrn•elties, country store, sandy, tea room, decorating and advertising are selected and working. The roll call was answered by each member handing in a handkerchief for sale at the bazaar. Each person has also pledged herself to donate en apron., Twenty other articles were received. Committees will be asked to vaine their own merchan- dise. At the close of the business meet- ing. the hostess was assisted by'Mrs, J, Gibson, Mrs, G. Evans and Mrs. D. • McLeod in serving a delicious lunch. Mrs. Glias. Davis proposed a vote of thanks to Mrs, Armstrong for her hospitality. WANTED — Fine opportunity Inc Sales Ladies and Salesmen. Pleasant business. Supply every home witliprnduets of gnrantendfinality, attractive and well liked cosmetics, extracts. spices and rrood products which will assure hig profits and retain your enstnmers patrnnaae. Write today for free details. FAMTLT:TX PRODUCTS OOMPANY, 11000 Delnrimier, Montreal, Que. FOR SALE — 1>A storey instil brick house with large living roam, dining room and ltitehen with lniiit-in cupboards and sink, 3 gond sized bed rooms with • mother closets and 3 -piece bath, hard and soft water upstairs and down, ether nonvrni(4nces and hard wood floors throughout. Gond cement base, naent. Bern approximately 40 x 50 with driving abed attached and 8% acres or land, Priced reasonable for quick sale. Possession within 30 days. Situated in s good locality in the Village of Brussels. Apply to Barry Bowler, Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packer's; Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawiers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers anvil Hammer M.. We also ave repairs ler Oliver Ceekshett Tractors. Mf_WIRTIT & VIIRtGtrr o.a.,4+.{•AAMM1 fiedtera for Oliver Implements Telephone 4 arid 93, Myth. 4lttt Representative THE FIGHT AGAINST HARDENED ARTERIES Brussels I Tire greatest tiller and crippler in the United States to -day is hard- I ening of the arteries. New medical Mrs. John Howard hinhly respected citizen of Ethel. 1 Mrs. ,Tolni Howard. died at her home following a long illness. She was in her 72nd year. Mrs. Howard was born in Grey township on Nov. 27111. 1878, and was a daughter of the late Margaret McLeod and Hugh ATcTCay, She was married to Mr. Howard on Jan. Roth, 1898 in Logan township. They farmed on the 14th concession of Grey. later moving to, Ethel where they have since i'es('ded, They quietly ec.lebrsted their golden wedding an- niversary two years ago. She was e former member of Ethel United Church a "tnerni er of the Women's Missionary' Society. She is survived by her husband unci two danphsters (Niit.te) Mrs. Sam Stewart of Monittont (Mildred) Mrs. Jas. McTaggart, Moncrieff; one sister, Mrs, Tarry Mnskett. or Van- enuver. B.C.. and three brothers, George of Vancouver. B4O„ Angus or Stressuhrmrg, Sask.. and Roderick of Witi'ghaan. A public funeral service was held on Monday Rt the family residence at 2 o'cloclt, Tt was latendsd by many reletivcs. rcli friends and neighbors. The service was conducted by Rev, \' lrew T,nne. Palrbearers were: Messrs. Harvey Dobson, Herman Whitfield, Wilfred Whitfield. Poster Smith. Jahn Mc- . Neir c•..:suit• and Wm. Patterson, , Flower bearers were: Messrs. Leslie Mcn7iu.y, Donald Tthiel, Lind- say McKay, Ormsi Senith. Percy St.rtphenaon, Sam Fraser, R,ny McNay and George Maltay. Those in atterndance were from Heeniersr, Wiarton. Burford. Toronto, Guelph, Stratford, North TCepple, Seaferth, Mntiltton, Brusseirs and Winghnm, FOR SALE — General store on highway, white brick, with dwelling, also 4 room apartment above store, Post Otflee and stock and equipment included, Price $10,000. Owner fl! health, General store on highway, with new house, gas pistils and good stook. (hopping mill in good Village, 40 H. P. Detsel Engine also good teed business In Connection. Price $5,800. J. 0, Long, Real IDattate Broker, Phone 84 Creosols, Ont. 1 methods may aid physicians greatl7 in tigittl tg the ailment. For a list of foods to eat and avoid to keep your arteries healthy, see The American Weekly with this Sunday's (October 10) Detroit Tiimes. onameomeeir•SPOIN.1111 ONO feedin Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASF PROFITS. - ®e Nousemilis 5 5 • with (Fill -the -Basket) EGG MASH aid EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) .. For gale by Ethel Produce Phone 22^r-10 ' Ma, --me....,...1.,-.,33.0.EMS.11. mss 60eeraoeoees+®oeoe.rseee®seee••••eee pleasure e at 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ct 0 • 0 o r e • 0 00es "DURO WAEIISYSIEM tom) • • 0 • yee•eeeoe0oe•0se000oe30 Convenient fresh running water in your kitchen . . . bathroom and laundry makes to lighten housework. Yours with a DURO PUMPING SYSTEM. Hun- dreds of satisfied DURO equipped farms are enjoying this modern farm convenience. Ruining water at the turn of a tap with a DURO PUMP, de- signed especially to meet every farm requirement. ESQ° ... i11115',ta ea MAIO You can get a shallow or deep well system to meet ALIO your farm needs , , , house , . . barns . truck garden and it gives you fire protection as well. Etnjoy the comforts of modern giving , protect the health of your family, EMCO Fixtures and Fittings You can easily remodel your kitchen , . bathroom and laundry with .Emco E'ixtures and Pittings economically. SEE US TODAY POR COMPLETE INFORMATION f Olt SALE BY C. & G. Krauter Co. Brussels, Oat, EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London Hamilton . Toronto . Sudbury + Winnipeg - Valmont and METALS LIMITED Calgary + Edmonton + Vancouver