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Wednesday, October 4th, 1950
$1.50 per year - $2.00 U.
1 Large Lux
1 Large Ivory Snow
10 Ib. Bag of Cooking Onions
1/2 lb. Pkg. Sliced Rindless Bacon
1 Pkg. Stoned Dates
Mon. Oct. 9th Being A Statutory Holiday
Our Store Will Be Closed All' Day.
Open All Day Every Wednesday
Fowl -Supper — St. John's Anglican Church
Tuesday, October 17th
Supper served from 5.30
Followed by a Play — Comedy -Drama
"Ernbert, Get Wise"
Presented by St. George's Dramatic Club, Harriston
At 8.15 p. m. sharp
Admission : $1.25 and 75c
The Ladies' Aid of Melville
Church are holding a Bazaar in
the Library on Sat., Oct. 28th.
Alexander Melville Dunbar
'There passed away very suddenly
at his late home in Ethel, on Satur-
day, Sept. 23rd, Alexander Melville
NOTICE Dunbar. In his 67th year, Mr. Dunbar
The Council of the Township of has been a life-long resident of this
Grey will receive tenders till Sat., community.
Oct. 14th, at 4 o'clock p,m. for Snow _
Plowing on Grey Township Roads Re is survived by his wife, the
during winter of 1950-51. State fernier Alice Jean Barr, and three
price per hour. Consult Road Supt., sons, John, of Toronto; James, of ,
or any member of Council as to re- Wroxeter, and Douglas, at home, i
quirements, No tender necessarily and one daughter, Mrs. E. (Mary)
accepted. Security will be required. Richards. Jr. of Ethel. Also sur -
1. H. Fear, Clerk. viving• are three sisters, Mrs, Eliza
Lamont, of Eti1el; Mrs. R. A. McLean,
of Seattle. Wash., and Myrtle, of Tor-
onto; and one brother, R. E. Dunbar,
of Olympia, Wash., Two sisters,
Ethel and Mina predeceased him
seine years ago.
Funeral servires were held from
his late residence on Tuesday after-
�' i none, with the Rev, A. J. Simpson
Mfel 6; c in charge.
Pallbearers were Frank Sleight-
holnne, Joe Pearson, Leslie 'Earl, Jas,
Pestwl, W. C. Stevenson and Chas.
Fle wrhaavers were Geo. Dunbar,
Stanley Dunbar, Clifford Denham,
Nelson Slighthohne, Chester Earl,
awl Geo. Pearson.
Interment was mode in Mount
Pleasant Cemetery, Ethel.
The Gospel Meeting will be held
In the Orange Hall on Sunday, Oct.
Sth, at 8 p. m.
Guest speaker : Mr. Clifford Smith
of Shelbourne, Ont,
Everybody Invited.
Melville Church
Rev. A. J. Simpson, Cranbrook
10 a. 01. Sunday School and
Bible Claes
Rev. C. L, Miitchell
, A candidate for the'vacancy,
11 a. m. Morning Worship
7 p. m. Evening Service.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Morning Worship — 11 o'clock
The Crown of the Year,
Church School — 12 o'clock
Evening Praise — 7 o'clock
A Hearty welcome to all,
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
18th Sunday After Trinity'
Oct. 8th, 1960
St. John's Church, Brussels—
11 a. ne Morning Worship
' Sunday School •
St, David's Church, Henfryn--
2 p. m. Sunday School
2,80 p. 711. Hely Communion
St. George's Churoh, Walton --
7,80 p, m. Holy Connahnion
Seaforth, Ont.
• • •
Now Playing
Thurs. Fri. Sat. Oct. 5.6.7
In Clneoolor
Randolp Scott Jane Nigh
Bill Williams
Meet Jim Danger, Peace Officer,
courageous, level headed, quick on
the draw as he brought law and
order to the toughest town on the
Chisholm ,Trail.
* *
Mon. Tues, Wed. Oct. 9-10-11
Van Johnson Elizabeth Taylor
Don't miss this romantic duet of Miss
• Taylor and Van Johnson In this light
hearted love story, serious one mom-
ent and hilarious the next, It contains
a near confusing plot.
Next Thurs, Fril, Sat, Oct. 12.13.14
Loretta Young Van Johnson
There fs a laugh every minute in this
love story of the professor and the
widow who enrolls at the same
college as her daughter.
* * 1
Crile City I':t',. Slterbroalf., t7ne.)
,Scene. ('llur 13r:n11.. of Sherbrooke,
Que. passed away at his late 1•esi-
denc" nn Wily. Street, Wednesday.
kept. 27111, following a lengthy Illness.
Mr. Scott was, manager of the
r sem all Bank of Commerce, Def.
Cerin Street Branch, and had been
a resident n1' Sheribrooke for ase
proximately four years. when forced
thronth i11 health to give tip his
Born in Brussels. Ont., son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. Peter Scott, the
(beeneed was educated there and
spent about 35 years of Ills life in
the banking hnsiness, HP first start-
ed in the nld Standard Bank and was
stationed at various limos re Calgary,
Ree'na, Sault Ste, ffarl', Toronto
and Lethbridge before coning to
Sh erbi'oke.
A member of St. George's Club,
the Sherbrooke Country Club and
the Sherbrooke Cnrl4ng Club, Mr,
Scott was also treasurer of the new
Shebro ke Hospital Fund. He also
was. until recently, chairman of the
executive of the Community Chest.,
He is survived by his wife. the
former Isabel Straeben, one deugh-
tel, Mrs. A. Peter MarVannel,
(Marian), of Lacombe, Alberta; one
son, James of Sault Ste. Marie, Ont„
and two grandchildren, Ann and
James Srntt, of Sault Ste. Marie. One
sister (Aileen, Airs. Fred P,nreneli,
of ,Perth, Ont„ and two brothers
Stewart of Hamilton, Ont., and
Brune of Vancouver, R. C. One
brother Frank was killer) in the First ;
World War.
The remains rested at Johnston's
Funeral Chapel on Melbourne St„ i
where a funeral service was held on i
Friday afternoon, Rev. Roca Adams.
Interment was made in Brussels ;
Funeral service was held at the ;
graveside ne Saturday afternoon here I.
with Rev. A, J. Simpson, of Cran-
brook officiating,
Pallbearers were Walter William•
son, Walter Sentt. Joe Wilton. W. H.
Beil, Geo. Evans and Alex Anderson.
The United Church
The Sacrament of The Lord's
Supper was dispensed at morning
worship on Sunday, Oct, 1st. The
minister spoke on the text; "He was
known undo theme in the
breaking of bread," The anthem,
"Gently Lord, 0 Gently Lead Us,"
was rendered by the choir. Mre,
Edwin Martin was at the organ, The
evening there was the Sacramental
nature of material things, the Scrip-
tural getting, Genesis 9:13, I do set
any bow in the clouds, and it shall
he for a token of a =Tenant be-
tween me and the earth. Thanks-
giving Services o1 Sunday, Oct, st11,
morning and evening.
;,'`F3',1 ;'.,, r'� i ; iii'. .. , .. -•,
Thur. Fri. Sat. Oct. 5-6-7
Fred MacMurray, Maureen
O'Hara in
Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. m.
Starts 12:05—After Sunday
Mid- Night
'Robert Montgomery, Ann Blyth,
Jane Cowl in
Iylon. Tues. Oct. 9-10
Tyt'onne Power, Orson Wells
OFFER $200.00
2nd OFFER $70.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
• OCTOBER 11.2.13-14
Clifton Webb, Jeanne Crain,
Myrna Loy, Betty Lyn in
Technicolor. .
t;ens-..1:; i'l�wi411ca11 c:a•ngtaigu .till
several 11111111 r1 dollars in arrears.
IV 111 all timer, that have made
promises of donations please leave
their denati,n al the Treasurer's
office H. B. Alden and oblige. The
Finance Committee don't like re,
make several calla. Plrro;e 10111•
enr•ronsly to a worthwhile prnjec7
!ind I)Udli inlprcrrr out, home town.
, town can serer eu ahead unless
ate all apt together and Glc oar part.
1.',714 111,1111' Brussels F, (letter plan' fa
live by improving Victoria Park so
muni) that we are proud to show it
to ant of town friends.
The Finance Committee,
Winners of the lucky draw conduct-
ed by the Brussels Arcade Store in
connection with their display at the
Brussels Fall Fair on Thursday and
Friday were Mrs. Lou Armstrong,
blouse and Mr. Donglas Hemingway
0 dl'Pes shirt,
CARDIFF — In Listowel Memorial
Hospital on Sunday, October 1st,
to Mr. and Mrs, Mack Cardiff of
Ethel, Orrt, — the gift of a son —
"Kenneth Alan.", The baby pass-
ed away a few flours later.
I talre this opportunity to thank
all these who were so sympathetic
and kind during the illness and
death of my husband, Also for the
many beautiful floral tributes.
Mrs. A. Magee.
Mrs. Alice Dunbar and family wish
to thank their many friends and
neighbors for the extreme kindness
and sympathy shown them, and
to those who sent florat'"'tributes and
helped in any way during their
recent sad bereavement,
Mrs, E. Richards, Jr.
HURON COUNTY TRAPPERS 1 Good Weather Favours
\ meeting of the Huron County
eeeinpere \esodatlo11 will be ht''lrl on
Saturday, October 7th at 8.00 p, tn.
h. the Agriculture Board Rooms,
Clinton. Mr. 11. Meadows of the
Department of Lands and Forests,
(hit, will be the special speak' -r,
and will dismiss some of the changes
in liren,inu and zoning laws. Every-
one w''lrone.
The annual meeting of the Brus-
sels Braila of the Tipper Canada
Bible Society will be held in the
Blind Presbyterian Church on Thurs-
day evening, October 5th et 2 p.ni,
Mr. II S. Saunders of Toronto.
wilil address the meeting. ,
Howard — The family of the late,
Mrs. Penn leeward wish to express
their thanks to theft many friends
and neighhers for their kinrleee and
sympathy shown them during their
recent sad bereavement; for the
beautiful floral tr,butes, and 71100 -
who so kindly leaned their. ears.
Special thanks to Rev, Andrew Lane,
the nurses and Dr. Myers.
Tenders by the hour for the con- ;
tract ni' snowplowing, Morris Town-
ship roads will, be received by the
road superintendent Ih•an MnArter.
R. R, 4 Brussels. up to 6 P. m., Oct.
16th. Most of the work to be done
on the three south concessions.
Lowest or any tender not necess-
al''ly accepted,
George .Martin, Clerk.
Auction Sale of Household Goods
on Oct, 21. — Mrs. Edna Spelr. (j
Renew your subscription now, If
your label is not correct kindly notify
the Brussels Post, Phone 31.
ElieenteMeteefe R ss • leer . -es
Ethel United Church
Anniversary Services
Sunday, October 8th
11 a. m. anri 7.30 r. m.
Mornipg Service :
Minister — Rev. W. J. Watt, B. A., B. D.
Evening Service:
Miinister —• Rev. H. J. Snell, Exeter.
. Special Music by the Choir.
Anniversary Serv%Ces
will be held in
- russels United Church on
Sunday, October 15th
11 a. m. anri 7.30 p. In.
Speaker :
Rev. H. W. Avison, D. D.,
Galt, Ont.
Special Music by the Choir.
Ren `0 REID
will be at his office in
CTO `i ifs. R l stn
Nine a. m. until Noon.
Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted
Complete Eyesight Service.
Brussels Annual lull Fair
The Liull. Club Bey, u,,1 1111'7,
Band, under bandmaster Rubinson,
1er1 a parade 'r1 pupils mei ', weer..
from 19 schools of Bruder le.
Morris and Grey, to the Pair
grounds at 1 P. u1. 4'01' the erne
eluding day of the fair,
Reeve R. B. Cousins and his wife
preceeded the band.
11 was a colorful Procesioil of
et stand children and decorated
floats, being the largest parade of
any fall fair here, -
Judges. Rev. J. 11, Kerr and iter.
A. Lane, Brussel, and Cllr. \Yak,•
ford, Idstowel, awarded prize::.
based on starching, banner and
costumes to the following schools:
S. S. 10 Grey: S. 5. 3 Grey; s, S.
12 Grey; S. S. 5 Morris and S. S.
a Morris; in that order. Prizes for
the floats went to 1st. S. S. 1 Grey;
S. S. 6 Morrie: S. S. 4 (trey and
tr. S. S. 12 Grey. Other school
lapin,- part in the parade were!
Brussels PniB, School. S. S. d.
Grey; S. S. q Grey: S. S. 7 (Trey:
S. S. 11 Grey: S. S. 1 Morris: S. S.
11 Morris: S. S. 9 Morris; S. 5, 4
.Morris. and S. S. 3 Morris,. The
parade was ander the direetiol of
K. Ashton of the Brussels School,
The Ml'icial eeren)ony was eon -
ducted from the judges stand. L. E.
Cardiff, M. P., in his opening re-
marks urged that the people of the
c 1111t tnity suPPort the efforts of rhe
fair hoard that each year the fair
might improve. He stated that the
diligent efforts of the board would
not bring success without the whole-
hearted en.operation of the people.
Reeve R. R. Cousins. 'n brief re-
11151ila iv'leoned the crowd to the
Feb- and enngratulated preside -M.
Jacic Wheeler and therdirectors for
their work.
President of the Brussels I
Fair Board, Jack Wheeler, hoped
people would enjoy themselves and
urged all to be careful that there
would, he no acrtdents to those cross -
ins• the race tracks,
while exhibits inside. the Palace
were not a.; many as nn111e years there
were many articles that had not been
previously shown, which was a
refreshing change after seeing the
same things exhibited year after
year. Several local merchants had
interesting displays,
Secretary. Geo. Wesenhurg. stated
that plans were all ready under way
for a bigger and Netter fair next
Lack of space prevents this paper 1
from publishing a complete prize
Boys footrace results: Ages 6 to 8
John DPRnyter, Ross Pearnck, Mur-
ray Bray: 12 to 14, George Gill, Ken.
meth Menet:, Harry Snlith. Girls. 31
to 3. Margaret lhockie, Joyce Handl-
ton. Hate Drdtnel•: 9 to 11 E. Walm-
sley, Peggy Coltman. Brenda Breck-
ruritlgo. 12-14. Doris Tintenn.am Eileen
Smith. Mary Willis.
Bicycle Races; George Gill, Jack
Grewar; Girls, F.rlene Walmsley,
Jean Gill.
Calf and Swine Clubs
Thirteen Calves were brought out
for showing at the Fair by members
of the Brussels Baby Beef 0101,.
The club show was conducted un-
der the management of Fred Wil-
son, assistant agricultural repre-
sentative for Huron County.
First prise in the junior heifer
section of the ,huh show went to
Ronald Smith. followed by Connie
tan Vliet. Pieta Van Vliet, Jean
Fraser. ,Tim Bolger, and Marilyn
Tn the senior heifer calf sectinn,
first paize went to ,Tan Van Vliet;
followed by C:hai'lie Turnbull, Flora
Turnbull. ,Tim Herr, Leona, Johns-
ton, ,Task Knight. and Dnnlyn
Hemingway. The cllih show was
judged by Lincnin White of St. Marys.
When the two groups of calves
were brought out together for the
showmanship competition, (ilmvlie
Tnrnbnll won first prize for show-
ing re1111L followed in order by Jan
Von Vliet, Ronald Smith, lean
Fraser, and Pieta Vin Vliet.
In the Brussels Swine Club first
place awarded to s. pan' shown by
Jan Van Vliet, Others showing, in
order were Pieta Van Vliet, Leslie
llpixht, Coolie Van Vliet, ,Tack
Knight, Laurie Elactc, Helen Johns -
.'IO. James Kteeht, ,Tobe-Ho.Ore" r.
.Tit, Bolger. Doris John:ton. Grseme
ilellnnairl, ellen Mete, .Toll, Maier
1'brn9e., Pone.
Grey Grain Club
Leslie Knight ,Ilarold Knight, Glen
0711 i-, Charlie Turnbull, Flora Turn -
hull. Leona Johnston. Also showed
Jim Bolger, Marilyn Bolger, ITeIen
Beaver Oats Field Crop Conlpetltlett
.lames Hair. Kenneth and .Tames
Knight, Wilbur Turnbull,
Trector-Driving Contest Times
Jerry Cardiff. 3 minutes 12 second,;
Dick Dennis, 3 nlir.nt,:5 1n oeeoridI,
Rill Taylor; Creerge Mtrhie, neer-
t1m5: Ivan Ficrher. :1 minutes
seeonds: Gnome McDonald, over
time; ,Tim Knight. 2 'minutes 19
sernnd; John Spivey, overtime; Ross.
Knight, 1 minute 32 seconds; Wf-
Liam Barry. overtime.
Beef Cattle
Shorthorn. bulla. 2 years or over
Melville Taylor. Belgrave: J. W.
Smith. Brussels: W. E. Turnbull and
Son. BricsPla: Bull 1 yr. old. An -
11 Gana. Lunkuet,'; :Arnim, hunt
' al7. Turnbull. (1,,11at. Taylor; ,Trtllfcrc
h.:a . Gaunt, Turnhn)l. Smiths..
Champlin: hull, Taylor: Cow 3 yra
and over. Turnbull; t=aunt. Heifer
e yrs Gaunt. Taylor, Smith; Heifer
1 yr. Gantt: Turnbull; Gaunt. Helfer
alb. senior, Gaunt; Taylor; TUTU -
1,111 1.
oru.1,1111. Heifer calf, junior. Smith;
Turnbull: Turnbull. Champion female
(limit: P=eru). one male 4 Smelt..
(:'tient: Turnbull; Teylor. Get of sires
Grunt; Turnbull; Taylor.
:S',erdsen .\nr_ms, F. G. Tend and
See. l.ncknow, only exhibitor,
Hereford, George Kennedy, Luck
now, won a1I prizes, except second
for Junior heifer calf. won by .Than
Grade Cattle
Pen of three steers under 900 pounds!.
Gorden: reairshe Brussels. 1 and 2.
Pen of three steers over Oen pounds.
Gordon Knight, 1 and 2. Rest hull In
beef breeds, Todd. Rest females in
heefhreeds, Gaunt. Batey beef, tinder
75n pounds, Andrew Turnbull, Bra^,-
s«:ds: Mrs. .7. Johnston: And?ewer
Heavy Horses
William Dale, Clinton. T. J. Mc'
ldirhael. Seafm•th and Dick Garland.
Walkerton were the winners in the
heavy house classes.
Dairy Cattle
Holsteins. Simon Hallahan, Bel.
grave, only exhibitor,
Ayshire. Clarence Conk. Ethel,,
only exhibitor.
,Ters.ey.. bull over one year; N. G.
Resent. Harriston; Irwin Trewartbta,
Seaferth, 2 and 3, Bull under ane:
year. Trewartha. Cow three years er
,ever. Trewartha., 1. and 2. Heifer twre
years old. Trewartha•7 and 2, Heifer
one year 4)01. Trewartha 1 anti 2 Bay-
inr3, Calf under one year, Baylor.,
Trewartha 2 and 3. Herd, Trewartha.,
champion female, Trewartha.
Harness Race Results -2,28 Class
Cattle. G. J' Campbell, Seaforth 7 2 1
Patch Henley. R.Kirkhy, Walton 2 8 2
Silly. L. .T. here, Seaforth .,, 3 1 S
Helen Trcne Harvester, Roy
Colville, Terswater 4 4 4
2.22 Class
Peter R. Harvester. 3, Bannerman.
Stratford 1 1 1
Lee M, Direct, E. Fritz, Hanover 2 2 2
Miss Chips. J. Little, Clinton .. 4 4 S
Caner Vn11, C. Pollard, Goderioh 8 6 ti
Miss Gallie Grattan, J. Feagan,
Godemich 6 8 la
Miss Taicianna. A Smith. North
Bruce 7 S 'h
R. Lnr'lrhart. J. Broome, Seafortb. -.
A heavy track resulted in rain
tiyety slow times in the harness
raring, hot close finishes were the
order of the day. and good racing
entertainment was provided for the
Melville Church Service
Rry :Nit. Sutherland of 'Dutton took
the service last Sunday. His text.
was Ps. 122. 7. Peace he within thy
wails and sp0lte on the great power
of peace and prayer. A well render-
ed anthem Was snug by the choir,
Mary Lott McFarlane taking the:
0010 Dart, TN the evening Mr. Sut1e-
erland spoke to the young paopbsr,
as they are the church of tomorrow.
Hie text was Aets 1-8, "yo Abell be
111y .witness„" A solo was sung ‘1134
1 'Graeme McDonald.