HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-9-20, Page 1,POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Y adne day, pie; ember 20th, 1950 $1.50 per year - $2.000' (.1. - ire 1 lb. AsVthr Custom Ground Coffee 89c 1 lb. Johnson's Floor Wax 59c 3 Rolls Westminster Toilet Tissue 25c 2 Pkgs. Kraft Dinner 25c 1 --- 5 String Broom • 75c GEWA'{'S - CROCETERIA York Fast Fresh Frozen - Perch, Fillets Salmon Steaks, Cod Fillets in our York Freezer Fresh Open All Day Every Wednesday Brussels Phone 5 Your Last Chance To get these Famous Patterns in 1847 Flatware. Orders will be taken up to the end of this month Sept. ,to fill in the pieces need. Old Colony, Lovelace and Ambassador. Delivery is promised for Christmas. W. G. LEACH The Store for Beautiful Gifts Jeweller Brussels esseoeuteeete Melville Church Service Rev. :Fir. Pollock, Wingham, took the morning service and his text was taken from John 14:27. Peace I leave with you following the promise of the Holy Ghost. A very pleasing solo was sung by Mrs, Craven of Weiland and also an anthem by the choir, It was announced that services will be held on standard time next Sunday, Sept. 24th. Rally clay will be held by the Sunday School next Sunday morning and the children are asked to meet in the basement at 10.45 standard time. Melville Church Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator. Rev. A. R, Hancock A candidate for the vacancy. 11 a. m. Rally Day Service. 7 p. m. Eventing Service. (Services on Standard Time) The United Ch urch OF CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Lane Organist Mr. Donald Ounnar Morning Worship - 11 o'clock "Christian Accounting" Church School - 12 o'clock Rveniug Worship -7.30 o'clock We join with Anglican con- gregation on the occasion of its Anniversary, (Services on Standard Time) Church of England Parish 01 Srueaeie Rev. J. 14. Kerr . - Rector. 16th Sunday After Trinity Sept. 29th, 1950 St. John Gnarl*, leriasele • +s« 11 a, m. Harvest Thanksgiving Preacher Rev. O'Neil Principal of Huron College, London. 7,30 p. m. Harfeet Thanks- giving, Rev. E. 0, Lancaster of St. Paul's Church, Wiingham 11 a. m. Sunday School St. David's Church, Henfri 2p. m. Sandal S0h001 ,30 p. m. Evening Prwyyer Et Oaerea's Church, Wallow. No Service, ,you CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank my friends for the kindness shown me during my recent accident. Monica Gaynor: NOTICE The Council of the Township of Grey will receive tenders till Sat., Oct. 14th, at 4 o'clock p.m. for Snow Plowing on Grey Township Roads during winter of 1950-51, State price per hour. Consult Road Supt„ or any member of Council as to re- quirements. No tender necessarily accepted. Security will he required. J. H. Fear, Clerk. NOTICE The next Council meeting of the Township of Grey will be held on Saturday, Oct. 14th, Tenders for Snow Plowing received till Saturday, Oct. 14th at 4 p. m, REGENT THEATRE Seaford', Ont. • * Now Playing t Theirs, Frl. Sat. Sept. 21.22.23 "When WILLIE COMES MARCHING HOME" with Dan Dailey and Corinne Calvert Three are so many laughs, with brief Interludes of satire that the audience Is left limp with laughter, The story is loaded with comedy situations, small Town doings and Artily form. altlea. r . * Mon. Tues: Wed. Sept. 25.2,•27 "THE DOCTOR AND THE GIRL" with Glenn Ford Gloria DeHaven The life of a handsome young Doctor - here Is the strange, compelling love story told with simple warmth -aimed straight at the heart. e * * Next Thurs, Fri, Sat, Sept. 28.29.90 "PINKY" with Jeanne Crain WIIIIam Lundlgan Ethel Barrymore Ethel Waters )'Pinky" Is ah extremely personal drama dealing with an aspect of the Negro problem. A moving story told with candor and honesty. Don% miss It. - * * * COMINS .-- "FOREVER AMBER" Adult Entertainment Majestic Women's Institute The :vi W net c W m i 110' Institut u s Wali ut )nut in the Brussels Public; Library f b::t: t ty :atrraoon..•Se1)t 14th with the President, :firs, R. W Stephens in the clialr. The tneeting wee opened by singing the iustitute NOTICE - e In the ru,tsels Pall Fair prlur fiat i)1 the telt Viewer Class 4 Asters III it , deur‘, or Purple - let prize 50e1 .tet „eo• we:, aeeidr'ntally omitted, 5., 114 Meg bring ort Your Asters and win n prize at the Brussels Fall Fair, !)do, folbnved by the Mary Stewart C011ect. The roll cull was answered by a large number of member's and the Belgrave Insitute. The minutes were read by the secretary, Mrs. J. G. Speir and approved as read. Mrs, ,las. Bryans and Mrs. JAL r 5, Arm• strong, leaders of the girls club., thanked them for their gifts. The institute are hoping to have the two east rooms completed next month. "Colour in the Home", a one'day course will he given in October in the Library, with the ladies of even - brook, Ethel and Bluevale in attend- 'ann. ' The area convention will he in Stratford nn Oct. 171h, with one del- egate to be chosen from Brussels Majestic Insitute, A few prize lists were brought in to he handed around and Mee, Harold Speir and Mrs, Wm. Spelr will look after the exhibits. Mrs. Lloyd Alcock volunteered to he convenor for the dance at the Palace next week. It was decided not to have a booth at the Fair. Mrs, Earl Ondenore volun- teered to be convener of the boom at the Palace on Fair night, It was also decided to serve lunch to the judges on Thursday of the Fair. Mrs, .7. S. Proctor, President of the Belgrave Women's Institute and Mrs. Cant Proctor, secretary, then took over and reed the minutes of their last meeting. After a short business meeting a delightful program was presented by the Belgrave ladies. Mrs. Harold Spelr thanked the ladies of the Belgrave Institute for their splendid program, Mrs, Earl Anderson on behalf of the Belgrave Inetitue expressed thanks, to the Majestic Institute for their atter. noon. Lunch was served by the Majestic Insitute and the meeting was • brought to a close with the singing of the National Anthem. TENDERS WANTED Signed and Sealed Tenders will he received by the undersigned until Monday. October 2nd, 1950 tor The rewiring of 4 (four) rooms, and 2 (two) corridors of the Brussels Public School, also a separate estimate on rewiring of basement, All wiring to meet specificatione as called for on H.E.P.C. blueprint re- port number 6568. Work on above project to start, and he completed during period school is closed for Christmas holidays, ie. 23rd Dec. 1050 - 2nd Jan. 1951, (Both dates inc2mive,) Further particulars, and copy of blueprint, may be had from H. Bowler, Sec.-Treas. Brussels SchooI Board, { �O (fig, i, q4'..t.E-W1731 C'r PliTOL THFATRP, R.>r'T0WEL Wed. Thu. Fri. Sept, 20-21-22 • Adult Entertainment Cary Grant, Ann Sheridan ht "I WAS A MALE WAR BRIDE" SAT. ONLY SEPT. 23rd Double Feature Allan Lane in "RUSSLBRS OF DEVIL'S CANYON" phis "CAMPUS HONEYMOON" Sat. Mat. 2:0.0. Eve. 7:30 p. til. Mon. Tues. Sept. 25-26 Dorothy McGuire, . William Lundigan in "MOTHER DIDN'T TELL MD" TUESDAY PHOTO NITE OFFER $200:00 2nd OFFER $70.00 Mon. Attendance Card Mme. Wed. Thur, Sept. 2728 Betty Button, Victor Mature, June Havoc in "EWD, HOT AND BLUE" 1At.1J'�n4'J "'rJ FiAF• atteglie • BRUSSELS COUNCIL September 12, 1900 The Se1)lomber meeting of the Municipal Council of the Village of Brussels was held on the -above date, Ail members of Council were present, The minutes of the last meeting were read, and adopted on motion of A. McTaggart, seconded by W, . Speir. The following amounts were ordered I paid 00 motion. of R. A. Bennett, l seconded by R, W, Kennedy. W. H. 13e11, August salary $130.00 Brussels Hydro, street lights and Hall lights 103.34 Post Pub. I•Iouse, Assessment and tax notices 20.00 Elliott's Garage, Fire Dept. acct. 4.35 Riverside Motors, towing plow 2.00 A. Oakiey, labor 8.45 L Armstrong, labor at park 2.60 H. Workman, gravel 47.00 G. Speir, cutting weeds - 35.75 A. Trigging, truck on streets 11.25 Td. Henderson, cutting weeds and park • 68:76 County of Huron, grading 23.00 H. Adams, machinery on • streets 5, 13, Elliott, relief S, Lowe, relief 800.00 .37 13.93 W. Baelrer R Son, relief 2.06 Brussels Creamery, relief 3.15 G. R. Ceninhell, August salary 45 00 It was moved by R. A. Bennett, seconded by R. W, Kennedy that the Petition for the interim subsidy on roads expenditures for 1950, as prepared by the Clerk he forwarded to Ont. Dept. of Highways, -Carried. It was moved by W..Speir, second- ed by A. McTaggart, that an ad- ditional grant of 0150.00 be paid to the Brussels Library Board -Carried. Lt was moved by R. W. Kennedy, seconded by W. Spelr, that the denosit of B. K. Boothe Const, be refunded. - Carried. A. Higgins spoke to the Councii in reference to the collection of gar- bage to the Village. No action was taken on his proposal for the present. A group representing the Commit- tee responsible for the installation of the floodlights in the Village Park was heard. Tt was decided that no action be taken at present. on their request for a substantial sum toward the cost of Installation. As the business of the nieetlnc wa.s concluded the Council adjourned on motion of W. Spelr, seconded by R. A. Bennett, G. R. Campbell. Clerk. HONORED BY FRIENDS Mrs. Janes and Charles Bryans were hostesses tor a miscellaneous shower last Saturday evening in hon- our of Mrs. Maurice Smith (nee Jeanne Speiran). About sixty friends of the recent bride showered her with hea.ntiful gifts and best wishes for a. long and happy married life. A social half hour was spent after which a da'nty lunch was served by the hostesses and friends. Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Jack White, of Morris Twp,, announce the e. gagen:an•t of their youngest daughter, Fero Isobel, to TCennth Rae Shobbrook, eldest son of Mr. Howard Sliobbrook of Hullett Twp., end the late Mrs, Sho- bbrook, Marriage to take place on Sept. 80111, CARD OF THANKS The Armstrong fe.mily wish to thank their many, friends, relatives and neighbours for their many kind, nesses and sympathy extended: to them during the recent bereavement in the death of their sister, Mrs. Beatrice Campbell. CARD OF THANKS L would like to take this opportun- ity to thank tiiy friends for the beautiful gifts I received eit the shower given by Mrs, J. Bryan% and Mrs, C. I3ryans. Mrs, M etrice Smith Nee (Jeanne Speiran)_ MORR15 TWP. COUNCIL Morris Township )wn»hip Couuc:il Meeting S. pi, 5th, 1950. The Council met in the Township 11a11 on the ahrs e date with all zoom - hers present. The Reeve presided. The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion or Sam A4ocok and 1Vtn. Peacock. Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded by Sant Alcock that we pay the Village of Brussels 9200 for equip- ment for fire protection. -Carried, Moved by Chas, Coultes, seconded by Sam Alcock, that the road bills as presented by the Road Superin- tendent be paid. - Carried. Moved by Chas, Con]tes, seconded by Wm. Peacock that we give Frank Kirkby the contract of constructing the lower part of the Turvey Drain at $10.00 per hour. Work to be com- pleted by the 15133 of October. - Carried, Moved by Baillie Parrott, seconded by Sani Alcock, that the meeting adjourn to meet again on Oct. 2nd, at 1 p m. - Carried. The following accounts were paid; Dept. of Health, Insulin' $ 9,97 R. W. Code, Tnspeetion of King Drain 30.00 Village of Brussels, fire equipment 200.00 Geo. Radford, Docket( Drain 400.00 Frank Kirkby, part of contract price on Ring Drain 200.00 A. B. Farquhar, repairs to sprayer 22.53 0. B Elliott, relief account 13.95 County of Huron, Indigent fees 13.50 Russel M. Kelly,ti le for Gooier Dra258.75 truin cking tile, Gooier Dr, 65,25 Geo. Martin, By -Laws, Govier Drain 35.00 , Nelson Higgins, unemployment stamps and supplies 22.00 Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk, St. John's Guild b 1' 1 s Guild id tit Jubn's thumb rt • s t ,' u 19 m at the hon 1 tics, lien' 11.ltitr,,,,l on Tuesday afternoon, rhe me tipe "pnd with Mrs. Rev. herr leading It, u prayer eervir a fur peuce iu .neordanr•r with the petition for peace-. Prays-rs were also offered for the sick and bereaved. Final ar- rangements were made for the Jtuot.11 at the. Fair. Plums wer,' made fur a fowl supper to he held on Oct. 17, Meeting closed with prayer by Pres., airs. J. Davis. Lunch was served by the hostess assisted by Mrs, D. Somers, TURN YOUR CLOCK SACK T HIS SATURDAY NIGHT i r a : l,+r, ce that nn 'Saturday, SOO ] :c- Vitae, of Brussels revert.; h" S :Indarl r'tn•. Sa put your clods hat l; pug, lunar on. Saturday night 1.. i',n in line with oth0' )uuuic•ipalitles Church services wi ou -trtoderd time. The United Church 1 n0 14ut•:i. r .r;erpt. i7tli the Rev. R. A, Brock of Bluevale occupied list§ pulpit of the United Ohuroh. In the morning his theme was "Can "phaue. Bones Live:' In the evening "Are There not twelve hours in the day?e Mr. Lane was in Bluevale conducting Anniversary Services there. Mres. Edwin Martin was in charge of the music. Mrs. R. B. Cousins and Mists Betty Cousins favored with s de9st,,. "Fairest Lord Jesus',. Next Snndttg; Sept. 24th services will be on Stand- ard Time. TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN - I Take notice that on and after publieatbn) of this notice I will not be responsible for any debts con- tracted by my wire nor do I expect her to be responsible for any of my debts, • 5t 1 Wesley H. Stephenson. CORRECTION - These dames were inadvertently . omitted In last week's issue re- garding United Church. Rally Day sei'vires, Pins and Wreaths in the Cross and Crown designs were pre- sented to the following scholars : Ruth Hemingway, Don. Hemingway, ,Joyce Miller and Pamela Port•e.. The Gospel Meeting will be held In the Orange Hall on Sunday, Sept. 24th at 8 p. m. Guest speaker : Mr. John Mart6 s of Hawkesvllle, Ont, Everybody invited. Walton United Church Minister : Rev. R. G. Hazlewood, B. A. Anniversary Services Sunday, September 24th 11 A. M. and 7.30 P. M. Speaker : Rev. T. W. Hazlewood, B.A., R,D, Humbercrest United Church, Toronto. A Hammond Electric Organ will be installed forthe services., An organ recital of sacred music will be given at 7 P. M. by the Organist Mr. Harvey Brown. ome to russ ON Is F 11 ant The East Huron Agricultural Society has a Bigger and Better Fair this year. Plan to attend. More Exhibits efter Rae t s Clowns Pony Rides Midway Booth Oddities Galore nster School Paraf;e with Brussels Lions Club Band Bring Your Friends and Enjoy A Full Afternoon at Brussels Fair Grounds Hilarious and Musical Concert in the Town Hall followed by Cid Tyme Dance Modern Dancing at Crystal Palace