HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-9-13, Page 4r� TIP
11'1 ''ra{r�
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\Veda('Alty, September 13th, 1060h
l,a,lics' mtcrm,•diate Group ::'W. 0.
t 1..1 softball c:hanlpu.p as
(tarried to Dublin try the Irish nine
„t. 91tu.I,V 111.411 at 1i,turia Park, 1.,',.',1__-._-Ei.uo
1.. they mscd u- qt.. 1e. ,1 eirl , 1,y � 1
tau l lu.. v ,. the font th -ane of a I a
beat tut L Biu , h taod, the yg
Or,. i • '1 but 11,11111t1 1•.11111• b.r,•Ii l'
uklr 1111qt. .: clr.•ht, 1',,t-13, 141-7 and
10-9 >,
! 1t.t! viii ++•.iIi 111)41-(;
- tne•t uil.r,ch
1 I ,.tt•,•,rt•;..: is 1111, 1.1.r.;t rms," +',f the
irival, .
Dato.lt, started the soorine in the
thirti a. Mary Bos singled but was
Iforced when .inn Weed eet ie first.
-T,,!..‘'' Stapleton =1t Ind ani hath
irunners scnred when Betty Case
ads )need on 1 misplay i'w •Mike'
A rd er,nn, Tia r V\'nude faitnel while
IParhara Dale flied nut. •
the good values in used tractors traded in on the New Ford Tractors. Through our
volume of business we are able to offer these better values in farm povot r.
e here is plenty of economical power for you in these tractors. There are at present eight
,.sed tractors to rfv:tose from and you will find a tractor t"o fit your job and your
eck!utlrotv't•7 selection.
''`Meeh unit has exceptional dollar- value. See them for yourself at our farm equipment
knot. Wallace Street.
tRerriernb^r : You always deal `ter when you ideal with
(., ,,,,,.
f'rs.t rnu in the fourth on an error
Isabelle Speir counted Brussels
by Amt Wood. The Lrnns want
FOR,�O „`.'f[; LISTOWEL ! in front in the fifth frame when
(BUILT STRONGER TO LAST LONGER) 1 enson mingled. searing Johnston , but t
uP�a(Dsy„ i17i r�a.,aifP t9 it 9 �L3s`""-' 1 Tf�fi m'Kt'e3 wtri £orerdna tn•ttn tseconad TontIsabelle
v'_-srisisitriPin"s.'HfaVPf�i'arrrta'a`` t', :s u rY�s" peir's bounder, pelr spored when
��: - ;�.=-,°a"a��•-�•+-^-^'''''a—• a
: -a a w M m s+ n "Mille" Anderson clouted a hamar.
Drnilda 'Willis bit a onebagger,
'Ml.'11 RESCUERS ARE Fast Wawanosh, saving the life of i ss being furred on Nora Stephenson's
'HONORED AT WINGHAM i her playmate Billie Rearde. Minutes of Council Meeting, held a' * 4' * * * >$ *
grounder. A walk to Audrey Ander-
' J. D Beecroft of East Wawa- l September and, 1950, ; Mies Mary Lane B. A,, has left inn and Annette Caniphell's double
resontation of a posthumous ! :melt mode the presentation to May Moved by Kenneth McFarlane, 1 for Toronto, where she will attend i scored two mare, but Anette was lett
sward and parchment certificates ( and Florence Dawson, sisters of the .I „er.onded by W. E. Bishop, that we i the Ontario Collegewherof will ion, stranded when Ruth Jewell struck
dor aet.s of heroism were awarded heroine. I instruct the Clerk to notify Mr. W.* * "The
at a. special meeting of the Wdcgham For acts of bravery during the H. Love and Mr. Harvey Dobson, Miss Madalon Ryan, member of the The seventh was a big spree for
town Council Friday night- i rescue of both, three members of the , that the Council request an official
Canadianof Commerce Staff is Dublin when "Toots" Stapleton
?resented on behalf of the Royal Wingham Fire Brigade, Nelson audit on the honks of the Ethel Cem- in hospital BankrecovCommerceCommerceering from an appen- . doubled. Betty Case singled, "Toots"
L'ana.dian Humane Association of a Nichol and Len Rheinhart and , etery °before taking them over or
l dertomy. l tallying. but Case was tagged while
bronze medal was given to two mem- Robert Arbuckle, uncle of the paying Sir. Ince for his lawn mower, * a q ; two misplays were merle nn I lay
hers of the family of Mr. and Mrs. resented boy, were given parchment The audit to be made by Nlontedth & I Miss Leola Densmore of Torontoi Wends' hit. Berbera Dale tapped
3 it o Dawson, East Wawanaeh, certificates 'Monteith of Stratford. -- Carried, is spending two weeks holiday with ,
a one -baser and shored on Dolores
Saved Playmates Councilor Norman Welwood, Moved by Geo. MacDonald, second-
her parents Mr. and Mrs. A, Dens- 1 Dole's double. Dolores tallied on
" e medal was given in recognition chairman of the fire committee and
I* eel try
T{en. 14eFarlana, that awing are mCosteilo•s single, while the next two
ti. heroism shown by the late Reeve 5. D. Beecroft made the pres- to the Road Superintendent not ' * * * batters fanned.
-. iQ Dawson 14, who gave her entations. The awards were one of baring time to fullfil his duties as Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Eckmier, left I To the eighth Stapleton, Case and
such this farming operations taking
Wednesday to motor to San Gabriel,,Barbara Dale went the rounds to put
California. where they will spend the Trish in front 10-5,
&de-'anuary 8, in a willow aware in three recognized In Canada this year,
Thursday, Friday, September 21 & 22
Huron - Perth Regional Shorthorn Show
,School Children's Parade — Pony Races — Ponies to ride.
Harness Races -- Foot Races— Baby Show
Two Field Crop Competitions
Baby Beef Club — Swine Club
Girls' Garden Club
Don't Diss the Thursday Evening Musical
Program and Bingo in Community Centre
Grand Stand Performance — Bands in Attendance
Friday Night Dance — Cardno's Hall
Adult Admission 50c Children 25c
(Grand Stand 25c — Cars 25c — Children in Parade Free.
Russell Bolton, E. B. Goudie,
Presidbnt. Sec.-Treas.
Chev;te;r•fie1ds and Occat ion, 1 Chair*.
Also Rebuild Ma€tresse4
1e ;' Ptt'a: t'z F)0, G
1 n
43 Mrdirslaviek Street
.,-r, r'?i4' ii.7-e at .,..,.
Furniture and Funeral Service
]?hone 36 of 0,6 +r.„vaus*L'h fit.
full time) we are asking for his
resignation a ted submit this motion
to The Dept.. of Highways, asking
for their approval of same. •- Car
ret .Tohn1Tr•\nhh Reeve.
Moved by Perry Ward. seconded
by I t nnelh McTnrlane. that we noti-
fy Jas. HowseO.L,S. of Listowel,
Ont.. to examine and report on the
area described in the drainage
petition signed by Nelson & Wesley
Hanna and others. — Carried.
Moved by W. E. 'Bishop, seconded
by Pettey Ward. that we inetrnet
the Clerk to advertise for tenders
for Snow Plowing at e price per
hour 011 Ort. Pith at 1 p. in—Carried,
The following accounts and meet -
,nn adjourned till Oct. 7, at 1 p.m,
Township Roads 81672.86
Mun. Drainage 1934:88
Old Age Pensions 20.00
Ethel 2800
Ethel Cemetery 11.40
Relief 18.00
Tex Bounty 8.00
Postage 7.00
J. I7. Fear, Clerk.
Almost 4,605,ene homes and shops
will be burglarized this year. Don't
let yours be one of them ! Read
-•Sem, hod). in the Rouse” by Arthur
\\'• \Valiandr•r, further police com-
missioner of New York City, in 'Phe
Annerirtin Weekly. celebrated real-
life maga: ine with this Sunday's
(September) issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times.
rd room cottage, henhouse, barn
and garage adjoining Village of
Brussels, Hydro, Township Taxes,
.7 C. Long. Real Estate Broker,
Brussels, Ont.
• • • • • a m • • 0
0 • • • • • 0 • • • • • • • • 9 • 9 • • • • • • •
The married woman wants peace of mind and security for
herself and her family—money for food—shelter--clothes--education.
The business woman wants peace of mind and seourity at
Aek for our pamphlet especially written for 'women
entitled "I Want Insurenoe". It will interest yort•
Pail Confederation, Life
IOAS D r r r c i Association r o R o e t o
j. C. LONG
three weeks.
a n 0
Mrs. A. R. Loekie of Zephyr, and
her brother Mr. Peter Morrison of
St. Marys. were Sunday visitors at
the home of Will and Miss Bessie
* * 0
Murray Davison, son of Mr. and
Mrs. Dean Davison, is in Listowel
hospital where he underwent an
operation for a.ppendlydtis nu Tues-
day night
s c. nt
11e and Mrs Charles Truing of
\\-adena, Pssk., and Charles and Mrs. Annette Campbell, Leona ,Tnhnstor.
Trvin:e and little sun Duncan of Lon- ural Jerry Stephereon all flied nit.
Stapleton nn the mound for the
T,•iah, whiffed three and walker}
rice. Andrew Anderson. Mr tate
Lion,. issued two passes and Panned
Nun. ha.ttrrs.
T"mni"ea Tlint•nrlIPrP. a r De
The last half of the frame saw
three Brussels rims scored, Ruth
Jewell walked, Johnston's hit was
dropped Jerry Stephenson flied mit,
Tsahelle Speir was retired while
the first two runners counted.
"1liltr"" Anderson riled out, Donelda
V`ill'a was forced after singling,
and Nora Stephenson was left
stranded. i
The Dublin ladies were held
scnt•eless in the ninth. For the
Limns Audrey Anderson doubled
and tallied on Roth Jewell's twn-
beeger. M earl the eror'ng, after
dun were visitors last week at the
home of their nnrle and aunt 3 J.
and Mss Jessie, Straehan.
C * Kt
miss Mary Procter spent the week-
end at her home in '.Morris Twp.
Miss Procter is n ehldent of Strat-
ford General Hospital and is taking
simeial training in the Sick Children's
1Tospital. Thisteltnwn. She made the
one hundred and twenty mile trip
from Toronto to Goderich in a
Piper rub Aircraft Minted by Cbarles
Themes, Tiruseels.
Gray • Hackweil
Eerie autumn flowers and pink
and white tiroamers rlerrn'aterl the
home or the brides father for the
wedding at 2.111 o'elock Satnrdey
afternoon of Bernice June, youngest
(tenet ter of Mr. Joseph TTaekwell,
\\Tenon. to Mr, Donald James Cray;
eraielson of Mrs. James A. Gray.
111 Bennswirli St., Stratfm-rl. Rev.
11 11. TT:mimond nffieiated and Miss
Mary Dennis of Walton played the
,wedding mush' During the ceremony
'\iissee June .and Anrh•ey TTarkwell,
wane .'Bemuse end P11 Walk Beside
Von, Given in marriage by her
father, the bride looker) lovely in n
white satin gown fashinned with
fitted bndiee, net yoke embroidered
with pearls, and 1112, point sleeves.
The full skirt extended into n train,
A matching headdrees, ener•nsted
with pearls, held iter fingertip cell
and wise carried a bouquet of red
roses. Mrs. Campbell Way. Walton,
was matron of honor for her sister.
She wore a blue eat+in gown with
headdress and mittens harmmnni1-
ing with her gown, and carrier) It
bouquet of pink mese, Geraldine
Dennis of Welton was flower girl
in a pink taffeta frock with matcit-
ing poke bonnet and mittens, She
a.rrie d a nosegay. Mr. Howard
Mete nghlin, Trtronto, was heat man,
For travelling the 'bride donned a
bine threcepiece suit, with which
alio wore navvy acoeseories end a
gardenia Corsage. On their return
from a wedding trip to Northern
Ontario Mr. and Mrs. Cray will
make their home in Stratford,
Guests attended the wedding from
Toronto, Rochester, N.Y.; Listowel,
and Stratford.
1! H F.
Dublin ----- .. 002 111n 4$11 -- 10 15 S
nrnssels ....:.. n5n 145 031 -- 9 11 11
Brussels Lions - - Annette Camp.
hell Tb: Ruth Jewel 11: Leona
Johnston rf: Jerry Slephensnn c;
Tsahelle Spe'r 31); "Milne" .lndertun
cf: Donelda. Willis el; Nora Steph-
enson 2h; Audrey Anderson p.
TIohfln Trieli --- Mary Pm: es* Ann
Wend 2h; K. Stapleton p: Betty
rase e; Kay Woods if; 'Barbara
Dole 3b: Dolores Dale rf; Betty
rnstelln lf; Hazel Hamilton 1b:
Tarte Connolly 1:f., in Atli.
The September meeting of the
Vi'nme-n's Missionary Snniety of the
Prr sbyterian (Thumb, was held at
the hemp of Mrs. ,T. -Wright, with 12
ladies present.
Mrs. F. Richards. the President
was in chergs, assisted by Mrs,
\\•ritrht. who rend the Scripture
Daring the business period It was
decided to hold the annual Tltanit-
nffering of the Snniety on Sept. 19th,
et 2:80 in the Church. Mrs. Rev.
A. .T. Simpson, will give the address.
Roll call was answered with a verse
from Seripbere ennteining the words,
"Thos Saith the Lord."
Mrs. G. TAranter end Mrs Staniey
Dnnhnr r end interesting nhap,ters
trent the Study hooks on Japan.
The president rinsed the meting
with prayer.
Lunch was served by the hostess
assisted by Mrs, 11, Otmnincgtha.nt and
Mrs. H. Gmreelite,
ad Car
and Truck Service
Every Service Available to the Car Owner
Greasing - Washing — Gns
2 New Ferguson Tractors
1948 Dodge Coach
1947 Hudson Sedan
1947 Oldsmobile 5 Passenger Coupe
1940 Plymouth Sedan
1937 Ford Sedan
1948 1/2 -ton Panel G. M. C.
1948 Chev. 3/4 -ton Pick -Up
1948 Fargo 1/2 -ton
1'.942 G. M. C. 3 -ton stake
"Service with a Smile"
,i-iT q `+ fI
lyf zil 4�rr,i sib - tea,] P
h. Oa & .lotus Ltd.
,•, �n� b '1 ro � �b�9 i.� ..r
And Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson
System Implements Dealer.
Phcne 161 Listowei, Ont.
Rev. A. ,I, .Simpson conducted the
regular morning service on Sunday,
Sept. 10.
Dies in Alberta
Mrs. Rebecca Dennis, received
word from Foremost, Alta., of the
sudden death of her brother, Thomas,
Barrows, itt his 72nd year, Mr, liar•
rows spent last winter with his
sister, Mrs, Dennis here,
Mrs. siert Martin and son Jim and
Mrs. Martin and two children, Detroit
were week -end visitor's with Mr.
'iSvcE4'�Tr,'t' + ireS r*Si BiR *: i%m�Fz'
end Mrs. Alien Cameron,
Mrs Wm, Leeming, Seaforth, is
with her punt, Mrs. Wm. Smalldoa.
Mrs, Lloyd Michel returned home
from Listowel hospital on Sunday
and Mrs. ]Jeri Dunn and baby
daughter clone home on Monday,
Mrs. Fusel Huether is visiting with
friends in Stratford and ICitcheuer.
NING WATER in your
stables at the turn of a
Many prosperous farmers
today have installed a
SYSTEM . . . especially
designed to provide run-
ning water for the house
barn .. , stables ..
chicken house , truck
garden and besides it's
fire protection for all your
Increased profits ... con-
venience , saving in
time and labour are ad-
vantages you can have
with a DURO PUMP.
See us for full information
N,MCO fixtures and fittings
are designed for style and
utility for modernizing your
kitchen bathroom and
laundry. ECONOMICAL,
tool Come in and see how
easily you can have modern
conveniences and improve
the value of your home.
C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels, Ont.
limotto. • Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg • Vanoometli
Calgary - Edmonton - Vancouver - E