HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-9-6, Page 1POST PUBLISHIW HOUSE
' edni,:splay, September 6th, 1950
$1.50 per year - $2.00 U. S.
1 lb. Maxwell House Coffee
1 Pt. Mason Jar P -Nut Butter
1 Doz. Mason Pt. Jars
2 Sunlight Soap '
3 Redbird A/latches • • • • '
1 lb. P -Meal ; ack Bacon
Open All Day Wednesday
Fresh Peaches, Plums, Celery & Tomatoes
Arriving Three Times A Week.
St. John's Guar;
The September meeting of the
Women's Guild 'Ives held at the home
of Mrs. Wm. McMurray on Tuesday,
Sept. 5th with a good atttendance.
The mgeting opens] with a hymn
"Conte ye thamk0u1 people, come"
followed by the general thanks-
giving in unison and prayers for the
sick and shut-ins by the President,
Mrs, G. Davis, The twenty-third
Psalm was read by Mrs, Rev, Kerr.
The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were given by the seoretary, Mrs.
Wm. Fischer. Plans were made 'for
Lions Club dinner of Sept, 11th, and
committees named for the booth
at the Brussels Fail Fair on Sept. 29,
A fowl sapper was discussed and a
later meeting will be called to plan
for same. Dues and cent -a -day were
collected. Mrs. Kerr closed the
meeting with prayer. A dainty lunch
was served by the hostess, assisted
by Mrs. B. Mitchell.
Mrs. Louis D. Thompson, R,M,T„
has resumed teaching 'piano. Mr.
Thompson, will not resume teaching
until Sept, 19th,
Will pupils kindly cone at their
nseal time. Telephone 79x.
The Gospel Meeting will be held
In the Orange Hall on Sunday, Sept.
at 8 p. m.
Guest Speaker. Mr. Robertson of
�I Everybody Invited. '
Melville Church
Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook
10 a. in. Sunday School and
Bible Clasn
11 a an. Divine Service
No Evening Service.
The United CL umh
MtithataP Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunoar
Morning Worship — 11 o'clock
Ratty . Day
Church. School -10.45 o'clock
for procesasion to the Church
Evening Worship — 7 O'olock
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
v'tev. J. H. Kerr — Rector.
14Th Sunday Aster Trinity
Sept. 10th, 1950
se. John CAurah, brussels
11 a. m. Morning Prayer
Sunday School
St, David's Church. tlentsyn —
2 p. m. Sunday School
2.30 p. 111, Evening Prayer
•L •QsOr ee Ohurch. Walton -
7.80 p.'m. Evening 'Prayer
Summer vacations are a thing of
the past Tuesday saw most of the
youngsters hack at their desks for
another term.
Only one grade, grade IR, is being
taught in the Buussels Continuation
School this year with Mrs, J. Wilton
as the teacher, Tho other high
school students from the area at-
tending at Win•gham, with some, we
understand, going to Seaforth.
The Brussels Public School has one
new teacher on the staff, Mr.
Phillips, who replaces Mr. D. Dun-
bar as teacher of grades, ITT, TV and
V. Mr. K. Ashton and Mrs. M. C.
Oldfield continue as teachers, of
rooms 8 and 1.
Twelve beginners went off to
school for the first time, some with
eager anticipation and others wttb
wary reluctance. These are:
Susan Martin
Patsy -Chisholm
Wayne Davison
Bobby Higgins
Elmer Jermyn
Cwendolync Martin
Sandra Lowry
Barbara Bray
Terry McWhirter
' Raymond Bronson
Barry Currie
Carol Bryans
,Some mnnh needed improvements
have been mode at the Brussels
School. Extensive redecorating has
been done. New lighting, which was
a postive neocessity, has been in-
stalled.. Pupils of the junior room.
grades 1 and 2, have been moved
from upstairs to one of tlfe 11011550
rooms downstairs. formerly occupied
by the continuation school students,
Seaforth, Ont.
-Now Playing
Thurs. Fri. Sat, Sept. 7-8-9
. Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug, 31—
In Clnecolor
Bill Williams • Jane Nigh
Ralph Morgan
An entertaining and thrllting race.
horse story with a fine touch of
human Interest appeal,
5 * a
Mon. Tues. Wed. Sept. 11-12.13
In Technicolor
Clifton Webb Jeanne Crain
Myrna Loy
Humour mixed with homely senti-
ment, with just the right amount
of Pathos is the formula for this
frothy family comedy.
* q *
Nert Thurs. Fri. Sat. Sept. 1415.16
In Technicolor
Judy Garland , and Ray Bolger
This timeless story, dedicated to the
yuong in heart, tells of the imagin-
ary Land of 00 and the adventures
therein — full of color and song
Se sure to see It.
• *
In Technicolor
Larry Perks and Babara Hate
in tee let,rurdime Ladles W. 0.
A, A. Softball finals held in i4-al'orth
un Mnudey night at the Lions Park,
Dublin a -aged !!rowels 10.7 to take
I. 011e game lead in flu- srrtos.
ihddln has won two and Brussele
1l was a grain elan! home run in
the last of the ninth by Toots
Stapleton that wen the game for
the Dublin team after the Brussels
squad hall taken the lead with a
four ran roily in the top of the ninth.
Stapleton ]tat] eight strikeouts
and walked three while Anderson
on the mound for Brussels walked
00218 and 'struck 0111 one.
The fonrth game will be played
nu Thursday at 13r•,nssels.
Anderson and Stepbensnn, Staple-
ton and Case,
Melville Ladies' Aid
Melville Ladies' Aid held a special
meeting 011 Tuesday evening, August ;
29th at the home of Mrs J. H, 1
Galbraith to honor thee' president. 1
Mrs. Walter Porter, who is leaving 1
soon for her new home in Whitby.
Ot the cense of flip business session,
Mrs. J. S. Armstrong spoke kindly
of :firs. Pnl'ts "s n'teusiastc work.
in the church, and Mrs. M. Palinntvne
matte the proseetatinn of a crystal
flower howl to Mrs. Porter who
rlrankerl the members for their
1 houahtell remembrance.
The society also received the
resignatinn of their first vice-prest•
dent nn account no ill health. Mrs
J. S. Armstrnnr• was appointed to
finish the year as nreclden't and
Mrs, Charles Davis accepted the ens-
Binnof vice-president.
Plans are 911)10at emenlete far a
bazaar to he Held 1n Nnvember and
?4 finishes netielee anrons pillow
slips.. and pyjamas, and novelties
were Memel,* in and rlisnlaved. A
h,a„'1kp,•"111,-.F al,nwnr Ta nannnpd for
'11n nP\f nlPeting.
T11P en111111ittee in 011a1e'e of the
repevetinn of the manse rennrted
that the e,evl„ eleslot'Pd mems are
enrnadetetl rnphnal•ds inst1l1Pd tr.
the kitchen, and inat'lllntinn of
town wafer tnishPd. All ,nate,°•
tion week for tele new fernecp is
.•finlshprt eeeent in flip heapment.
Cleanine. and Poinlir,a of the wend.
w-rn'k and ante nnnerine in the
second floor mons are still to hP
dnne Thp c nmmlttes was enlareel
to Sadat in the (hemline of errors
and Milner.
A committee was formed to serve
the Tenns Club when they resole,
dinmer mcetinee in Ceptemeer. Fnl-
lowine lunch seriod by the assist
the hostesses, 'Airs. ,T. S .1rmatrnme.
Mrs. M. Bnlle.nteme. and Mrs. C
Motheson, a vete of thanks wee
made to the hostess by Mrs. C.
.f" A re-elren,2,1 ''q"it T>r ?A 111+1100"
g W .I, 1.I E i,
David Brian, Claude
Jarman Jr.in
THU. FRI. SAT. SEPT. 7-8-9
Jackie Robinson (Himself)
A picture every baseball fan
Cartoon Shorts
Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. nt.
MON. TUES. SEPT. 11-12
Loretta Young, Celeste Holin
OFFER. $200.00
2nd OFFER $70.00 •
Mon.' Attendance Card Night.
Re -Register Now for Foto -Hite!
Now Cards and New Ledger went
into effect Sept. 5th.
WED. THU. S PT. 1344
Bing Crosby, Barry Fitzgerald
Ann Blyth in
"TOP 0''4 Mr:
!has elarear" t Petrie, IBet, 3 Bine-
., f, 11:1 re . iv'rl 111 toldowtug letter
trolu tl:- lninr•il,41 of the Western
()ulnt'i. (tonsecn'ru1ury of :Music, in
]r, air .11arearet
1 001 100 by the report of the Reg'
is11'. !' that you have been recommend-
er) 1't,r a, medal of special merit, for
your outetanding talent and prepara-
tion in your last piano examination,
von:- work must have been of very
high calibre. With best best wishes
for your continued enncess.
Yours sincerely,
(Signed) Harvey Rabb.
Marearet's work was ebosen from
the examination results of the end re
year in 'ler grade,
Margaret ie a daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, John Perri, and a »npil of
Mr. L. D. Thompson.
Will the sender of the letter signed
"A Sportsman" kindlly come in and
give, or sent to this afire. his name.
The name will not be published, or
revealed, hitt will Simply he kept on
file, Anonymous letters cannot he
puelirlird by this paper. 'We will he
glad to ihai-e the letter appear in
The Post next week if we have the
11:1 MP of tier writer for our files.
This village lost one of its oldest
011(1 most highly -respected citisens
when David C. Ross died at his 1101ne
Friday, September 1st, in his 37th
year. He had undergone an operation
for appendicitis oboait a month ago.
but failed to recover his strength.
Timm in Harperhay, he was' the sen
el' David and Fanny Ross. He spent
his life in the tailoring and retail
business here. Sixty-six years ago,
nn Sept. 16, he was married to Maria
Sane .lanes. who survives with a
family of two sons, Dr. George
Ross of Winghaan. and Dr. Vernon
Ross of London. and four daugh-
ters Mrs. R. ,T. (Luella) McLnuchlin
rd Brussels, hiss • Gertrude of.
Tnrolto, Mrs. G (Doris) Swart -
men of Sioux Lookout, and Mrs.
1r. (Marjorie) Blain nf. Tnrontn.
Of a family of eight, ones brother
Thomas, of Cheslr(itt es the only
livin.a member. Others were James,
Robert. Mrs. S. E. (Eliza) Smith
Mrs. A. McKay. Mrs. Thomas
(Planrhr) Hayevoft, Mies Annie.
aro two ehi1r11'Pn who died in in-
fancy 'There are seven grand-
children, Mr. Ross was a member
and elder of Melville Presbyterian
Church elle! later of Brussels
'united (']!such, and for some years
had been nn bolnrary elder '11
that °hnreb. HP was an Odd Fel-
mew. a member of Western Star
LorTge, No. 149. An ardent sports-
man in his youth, the was a mem.
her of the nruesels "Clippers,' men
were the Dominion baseball ellnanp•
tn11e . Tie Continued his interest in
hneehnll, bawling and (nrline for
many years.
The funeral was conducted from
his late home on Monday afternoon,
at 2:110 o'clock with Rev. A. Lana.
Palihe:mere were six nephews:
Gordon, Harvey and Norman Ross of
Kincardine, James Ross, Cltesley Red
Rta111Py and Clifford Dunbar of
Tnternleuit was made in Brussels
11"" United Church
The 801111011 in the United Church
on Sunday morning, Sept, 3rd, was
"Supreme Profit," based on Mark
1.46 What dote. it profit a man
to gain the whole world and forfeit
his life --- or whet should a man give
in exchange For his life. Real life
is (ti»1199111nYltillip 1111th God and to
lose God is to lase life the ser-
mon disclosed, Sunday, Sept. 10th
is -Rally Sunday. Everybody in his
place please,
Engagement Announcement
Mr, and Mrs. James Clark, R. R .2,
Brussels annonloe the engagement
of their only daughter Helen Isabel,
to Mr, Wm. John Crelg, son of Me
and mire, Robert Craig, R,R. 2 Blyth,
The marriage to take place In Crate
heroic Presbyterian Church on Sat-
tlyd07, September 1.691.
h3',1ISe ,_4S LI')N4 CLUB HOLD
amer11 Pr,,lic 1,Y th.. 101.01
Linn: Club w;ls hole Imre ee Wee.
=lay et 11-t week.
The Brussels sels Lion Boys and
Girls Bend puradnd to VirtoI.Ia Park,
under leaderrlhdp of Bandmaster
Robinson, to open the afternoon
A girls' softball wane between
Dublin and Rr,tispIo rr.su)ted in a 14-4
spore for the home town girls.
Rapes for the youngster's were rtee
with (4111mM:ism with winners as
(Inclunder 6 : -- Terry McWhilep.
Donna Jean Smith,
Boys under 11 Rn"ney Kevs,
Sentt MecTeggart.
Girls 6 In 9 ; — Mary Beth Jowell.
"'''lt inn Stales
Pays 6 to 9 : — Greeo•v Johnston.
Pet pi' TTemtnaway.
(1'rlc 9 to 12 • S1114in TIRO,
F^ten• Wamsley,
Bev: 9 to 12: — Itorray Hnovpr,
T. •1e' (11'Pn'a 1•.
Linn, Wm Fnnlr. Wm T.pitr.11 ata
.7 R. :lrmstrnne ('mldur•t,d the
Tilt- frnlin rnnttnnp, in the PrPr
w'tli a men's softball a'nme play
ell between Sunshine and Brussels
'Dui ten Pc ,1 s(1. team 1 1 me s.
seeee 19_13 The emessnls tp el
aider] ]ry 11 battery from Elnlire with
Rea. Watson and Carson Watson for
The Teens Pews and Girls Band
nvr'trle,l 1 n ter p11•l( azaie in
rep PrPnine 000 entertainer) with
a sniteelid m'ng.-ammp
A small midway nrnvirlPrl !ones
of °hence and a member of l)11t0r'li
that ,e11xhtpd the yeen^'ethrs
Tee 0181' nenrilar 1101115 of Bin £n was
con0nrted by 1)1Pmhers of the Limes
cool, 1Tnaie for d1r.•.int was 11111'
rir1P0 for by Teen ZL'ilbp-n nerheetra
Linn J. S. .1,•-mstrone and Wm.
Martin enurlartrrl the drawing of 1110 1
1110103 numbers tickets, 'lb -v We,*.
assisted by several yonn3 girls
i'Tnlders of the Mirky fieke's were.
Wm. Snell.. laSy-hnv chair; Trma
Watt. 1913th. cedar chest: Sark 71111,
Byrne. blankets: A. Gudden. Fthel.
6 prs. nylon hose: 3T n•rav Lone%
pen and pencil set: Mrs. G.
Stephenson, asb-tray Kenneth
Pone, grneerien; F.Owerd Watson.
Myth. flash light: Mrs. Roy Cnnsete.
line -seek; W. J Berrie, rintihin hat',-'••
1' TT. Stephenson, ash tray; nor -
don Knight, groceries; Petty Mie.
Donatid. hassnele Darts 1T,Dnmtle
canner: Russel 1C I ht, groceries.
The Lions Cld.h members appreci-
ate the snppert 00 the people of the
community in their work.
United Church W. M S.
'cm 91 n„t,' 111 1111(1ll 91,14113
11 tlf, ] ,111„d ( Il 1 r' 1 ail 't n TAe1
inu :;sets 7, the President,
i 1
besetting, presiding,
1'h•. f, iu,.: of the w''1. 11ip service
was "The Sprit of the Croo-s '” In this
lel•t'l1'1' the l'tc.'.ir]ent lv1s a50189Pd hY
Mrs. Mali1:in0, Mrs. Luun and Miss
dt Do !toe
Tho new study hooks "Japan begins
1.elliu" and "The Frilled Church re -
2'1,0»s Japan" were introduced by
Mrs. L, Nichol and Mrs. S. 'Davisnn.
i1nt11 -.1rltssed the clestrnetinn and
:,lfi'1.ring caused by the war, and
fold of the effarts of the United
1)luh•c•h to send fond, cdnthing and
111,0('3 for the relief and recon- I
s1ructiol of Japan. i
bike this oppnrtnnity to thank i
(11 I/loge who were so kind during II
my stay 1n hospital. Also the staff of
Winghaan General Hospital and Dr.
Wni. Sonoli and family.
Me!vi(le W. M. S.
tit.,; wore resumed
1 , 11"1:1*, 1:1,1!1 by the MiSate38 r;?
I,11,11 el Melville Prnsbyteriaa
(:bomb, 1.1 h1'11 they 11101 111 the Prim-
'try class rami. Miss Greve Stewart.
the president, was in (Marge of Geees
meeting and was assisted In the
devotional period by Mrs, 0. Hem-
ingway. who read the Scripture
lesson. I'r.ty'-r was offerer] by ref,
President. 15 (.alis worn reported, ,nn
interesting paper nn the Church '.'r"1
Korea was prepared by Miss Moses
and reed by Mrs. Matheson. Sona,
Of the mtssirnlnries mentioned were'
Dr. Allen, Dr. McKenzie and Eir
Pont. Prayer, preaching. giving anti
e Bible in Paoli home was stressed
as essential Thn roll call was ere
'11.04d by a verse from at. Ynhn's'
aosnel. Mrs. Wm. Smith read a
1Ptt1n• from Rev- Maleohn Ransom cal
ter. Chereit of Ohriet in Tunnels
(' lila Thr n) ting was! 01oa810
11'itl1 td10 rinoing of a hymn, and 1•
P' 1tin • the Mizaph hnhediatdon,
uses, reese-e.eleser ewes, N.li —---astihrssessetieaxxerecees erre esesererestasere.reetirme.
The Bazaar of the 16th group under the W. A. of
Walton United Church
Will be held on
Friday, September 8th at the
Walter, Community Hall
at 8.30 p. m.
There will be a Good Programme followed by the
Bazaar, also a lunch booth.
Admission : —
Adults 25c and Children 10c
Brussels Public School Board
At a recent meeting of the Brussels School
Board, it was decided that the rates for
teaching pupils from families living outside
the Village of Brussels, be as follows —
1 pupil $25.00
2 pupils $45.00
pupis $65.00
4 pupils $75.00
Fees to be paid in advance to H. Bowler,
Sec, -Tr 'as., Brussels School Board.
This ec uld be YOU
Drivers! Parents! Citizens! The Week -end lies right ahead
and roads will be crowded with traffic. Every accident to
motorist or pedestrian brings heartbreak and suffering to
some one, young or old. • Safeguard others •— safeguard
your own passengers. Remember ... It's HURRY that
GE0. H. DOUCETT2 Minis! or