HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-8-23, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, August Wird, 1950 Save Feeding Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. Blatchf®rds (FIII-the-Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS F (Birds Relish Fellets) For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22^r -IO William Edward Corlett William Edward Corlett, R. R. 3, West Monkton, cliecl in Listowel Memorial Hospital on Thursday after a lengthy illness. He was born in Thamesville on Dec. 25, 1570, a son of the late Henry Corlett. and Mary Ann Doherty Corlett. In December 1897, he married Martha Jane El- gie, They fawned in Thomasville, Glueph, Rockwood and Walton areas, and they lived in Windsor for a time. Three years ago he re- tired from farming. Mr. Corlett ' was a member of the United Church. He belonged to the Mas- onic Order. Surviving besides his wife are four sons, Prof, A, V, Corlett, Queen's University, King-; ston; Harold C•, London; William' Lorain, Brantford; Glen E., on the. ;homestead at Walton; also one daughter, Mrs. Fred (Edna) Sad- dington, London. Ono son Charles and case daughter Grace( prede- ceased him. He Is also survived by three brothers. Albert and Herbert of Thamesville, and Charles, Tor- onto, and one sister, Mrs, Ger- trude Thurston, 'Thomesville. One brother and two sisters, prede- ceased him. There sae 12 grand children. One grandson, the 19 - year -old son of Prof. A. V. Corlett, was drowned in Labrador with a surveying party on July 27. The body rested at the home of his son, Glen Corlett, lot tri, concession 14, McKillop township, where a funeral service was held on Sat- urday at 12 o'clock noon. Burial was Held in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Thaniesville, at 4.15 D. m. BUSINESS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C. C. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Wiliam St Phase 4- Basseels, Oat DR. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Telephone 45 — Brussels. Ont. J. A. Monagahan, R. O. Optometrist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specliaiizing in Eye Examination and Itihle Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:30. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 No extra charge for Use of Funeral Home. B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director & Embalmer. SELWYN BAKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurance McKillop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable For further particulars — Phone Brussels 43-r-1®. - __. c ALBERT CARDIFF Agent for HOWICK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. bWK Qur rates are lower. Phone 21-r-4 Brussel*, Ont. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR AIL KINDS Automobile and The inmeance Accident and Sidman Agent for Great West Life Insurance Ca Phone Office 96 -- Brussels, Out. D. A. Ratan dlc Co. FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE licensed Femoral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or $5 — -- BRUSSELS.. ONT. Dennis Duquette Pboee 5'l -r-1$ R. R. 4 IlMi Licenced Aactiooeer for Haran Comb No Sale too BIR — None too Smell Have employed an experienced assistant for the Big Ow. R. S. Hetherington, K. C. WINGATI►M and BRUSSELS ILRUSSELS Tuesday and Saturday Al day — Oftiet open every slay Pharr 2Ox ` Successor to E. D Bell Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron Comte) SATISF'ACITON GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE Fee Etaagemeeta Pbone 31 '"floe lk sse$u Polt" ass dis For Worma lea sic r lake or phone Lem Royriltul. e keolied atter iemseslfataly Or ware to R. R. 3 Wallas. MINTO COUPLE CELEBRATE 40th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY We feel certain that during the years since August 17111, 1910, when Ben Fallis of Minto Township. and Sadie Rowe of North Bruce Town- ship were married they have ex- perienced no greater surprise than the one which was sprung on them on Sunday. August 13th, About 12.30 as they sat listening to a broadcast of hymns a car 'rolled up the drive, and out stepped Mrs. Pettis eldest brother, By the time he and his party from Paisley were greeted a sermul car rolled in, and her youngest brother, and party from North Bruce stepper; mit. 13y the lime this ear reacher; the parking int a third car from Port Elgin hear- ier another brother and his n•u'ty arrived. Tly this time some- tvlint snrm•icarl, the ro,,nle sensed tiring was being nal over on them. 'When six or eight other cars roller; i„ each conveying half a dozen to swell the numbers. they fully real- ized tont s well planned perfectly timed, monster aurnrise party had moven in on them, Tliev came from Prirt Digin. Peialev. Tlnrlerwood, tPalmerston, Arthur, Fonthilt, Lis- towel and Brussels. 17eving driven lung distances, and being slightly Hast mid-day, they began to feel hungry. Soon tables were erected in the sharia of the lovely manles, which skirt the c naninns lawn. A ann.nly of iemnting abundant fond ^^^"p91511 in the ti'iinks of the ears was conveyed to the .tables. A huge 1 ""riding rake anmeared nn Rha scene, and graced the table. where the bride ^nrl groom of nester vearc sat Fifty relatives sat in for this snronhinus 1 repast, When all .had satisfied their e.pnetities the feted comle' were made reelnienta of a beautiful gift from an Mi of the several family units renresentecl. The regiments trier; haul. but telt they yra,•a to sneak wards, which could ademint- e1v evnraacarl their thanks for these lovely gifts, and their ^raid Rude to those nrecr„t for this whole wand_ cunt .rap}nra. n„ 0,20 seventy had neaaerl Ritmo all the t..rn.tilp ani n foil afternoon of "nthn'aisatir visiting was toned oaf he a dainty nirnir• Ttinah about 7 n m. The rnmmanv then ddamerserl fspling they had narticlnated in, and contributed• ho, n very happy and tuna. to he remamered avant in tip 11yec of two of their members. There ...ere 90 Rowes ani 17 Fallis' itresent. 1lhatir Iwo dnneiittara, Mra, George Rr15'r r.Teani n4 rgrnccala and Mrs. vcrrc Ti'nldare (Alma), rat Minto, and their eight granrlrhi1rdren were all nresent. Mise Minnie Smith Tn Winghanl General TTospital. on 'Friday, August 1.lth. there passed away one who was well known and highly esteemed in the enmmarnity in the person of Miss Minnie Smith, following many month's illness. Miss Smith was the last surviving mem- ber of the family of the late Mr. and Mrs T. Sinitli. She was born in Grey Township and moved when young with her parents to Wroxeter. Two brothers, Oliver and Arthur Smith predeceased her, also a sister, the late. Mrs. John Douglas, Of late years she made her hone with Mr. Bert Hlthhnrd of Lakelet. Miss Smith was a member of the Presbyterian Clhurch, Friends here remember her many years spent in the village with affection and re- spect, Funeral servioes were held on Sunday afternoon from the .home of Mr. Bert Hubbard, with Rev. Rally of Listowel Presbyterian Church in charge. By request Mr, and Mrs, Gordon Wright of Lakolet, sang "Does Jesus Oa.re?", Pallbearers were nephews, Bill Kress, Austin Martin, Hugh, Bill, Charlie and Jim Smith. Flowers were carried by nieces of the deceased. interment was made in the family phot in Brussels cemetery. Miss Smith was a dauthter of Thomas Smith, who owned the Smith panning mill on one 6th, con. of Gray, and .was well known for his fine art in carpentry. Classic edd Ads. FOR SALE — Seed Wheat, Cornet No, 695. Harvey Bryans Phone 51-r-6. FOR SALE — 1950 AAustin, four door sedan, used as demonstrator, mileage 475. J. C. McNeil, Phone 77-r-6 Brussels, FOR SALE Two storey house, with two lots and stable, all In good conditions, Further particulars phone 89x -r.5, HOUSE FOR RENT — At corner, of Albert and William St., Brussels, Apply to Nellie A. Jardine, Brussels, Telephone No. 1. FOR SALE — Pullets 12 weeks to laying, various breeds, Frank Mitchell FOR SALE — TTot air furnace Plot." Large size, clition, ,T. C. McNeil Wroxeter, Ont, "Wingham Red in perfect can - Picone 77-r-6• LOST — 10' x 12' tarpaulan between Ethel and Brussels, Aug, 16th Finder please notify Melville L, Lamont. Phone 21-r-13. FOR SALE— Solid Oak Dining Rooni Suite, 0 pieces including tea -wagon, 1 kit - alien cabinet table, 1 two -wheel trailer, all in best cunclitlon. Phone 31x. HOUSE FOR SALE — A good house . with barnand garage, 2 acres of land in the Village of Brussels, Con. 9, Grey, Immediate possession. For full particulars, write to Mrs. R. Shine, West Monkton, Ont, FOR SALE — 240 T-Iybricd pullets, about 7 months old, laying S0 per cent, also a bunch of little pigs ready to wean and a Norge oil stove heater, as good as new, Joe Holmes Phone 15-r-5. i FOR SALE— -------- -- _ —..T. - % H. P. Electric Motor like new. A set of platform scales, capacity 150 lbs. also 1 Oak Vinegar Barrel 40 gal. apply to L. W. Eckmder Phone 13 Brussels FOR SALE — A number of houses in Village of Brussels. Also farms all sizes. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussels, Ont. FOR SALE — Hyglenic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list, Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $L00. Melt Order Dept, M 33 Nov -Rubber Co., Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. n,rrr,MO'Re 0, CS WiNGI-?.AM A7ENMOK1M. Stfr r' fan,eus for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in ebeieeet grankes to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty AU modern machinery R. A. SPOTFON VIA -- %Vine:am flat LIVESTOCK WANTED— "Up to $5.00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Service. Phone Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For im- mediate service telephone oollect — Brussels 85-r-12 or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. • NOTICE — J. C. LAMONT, FEED MILL — ETHEL Will start weekly delivery service for small orders, Wed., Aug 16th. Small charge to help defray expenses, Custom maxed feeds, 'whole grain, Shur gain feeds, -Sun-racy, Master, Purina, National and Swifts, Butter- milk, Molasses, Cod Liver 011, Raw Linseed 011, Salt, Used lumber of all kinds, square .timber, New Type Aluminum Roofing, (immediate delivery), Aluminum and steel pro. duets. Small orders considered any Mme, if there is a load going near iL J. C. Lamont,Ethel. e Stine Company' with She LotioNedg Special Arrangelrient CNARpE PA! sp FREE CIF WE pGpIN OFFER pf Services The Personal taill�IER MR"B. ill And consultant tlstlonaAY Lo Onn In the Loved fitting 01 DR" ht 11 1t.E SIDES Underline this date on your calendar now, to be sure you visit our store and obtain the invaluable personal assistance of this recognized authority on shoe fitting and foot comfort. Mr. McKerihen can offer you helpful advice and will gladly co -operate -.with your own physician in fitting you. Recent laboratory tests by professir.nal authorities fully confirm die ct .•Lie:: r I assistance given by DR. 61 .. , _ . _ . Shoes. Dear Customer : We are privileged to have with us on In Our Shoe Department 9 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. THURSDAY, AUGUST 31 ste DR. M. W. LOCKE CLINIC consultant shoe specialist direct from the MR. O. A. McKERIHEN Mr. McKerihen will be pleased to give expert advice on your shoe problems without any obligation, nor is there any charge for this service — we invite you to drop in to see us and take advantage of this special event. DUNLOP'S SHOE STORE. WINGHAM, ONT. — EXCLUSIVE AGENTS FOR GENUINE M. W. LOCKE SHOES. Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Mamie Spreaders. Lime and Fertiliser Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Peckers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Diem, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hemmer Mill.. We also ave repairs for Oliver Coekahan Tractors. MORRTIT & WRIGHT iseslessalt Dealers for miser Iaupls e.Ms Telephone 4 and it3. elyth, Ont BIG CROWD ENJOYS FROLIC AT BLYTH After two postponements due to inclement weather, Blyth Lions Club succeeded in holding its annual frolic in Community Centre Park on Friday night. Bingo and other games, as well as en out -door .concert. attracted a large crowd, Drs.w for prizes was made by Bruce Smith, president of Blyth branoh of the Canadian Legion with President Vernon Speiran, of the Lions Club, as master of cere- monies, Winners included N. P. Garrett, Blyth; Martin Granby, R. R. 4, Brussels; P, H. Browning, Exeter; Mrs. Robert Montgomery, Wing - haul and Lonald Barnard, R. C. A. F. station, Clinton, DUCTALLOY PLOW SHARES — For Tractor Pows now available for nearly any kind of plow. Ductalloy means they are tougher than steel yet they have the wearing duality of cast iron. A new one free if you break one. We have 3 -furrow plows on rubber, manure spreaders and wagons. All repairs for Otaco or Tudhope Anderson Implements - See Geo, Wesenburg, Caution and common sense are essential. Bicyclists! Keep to the right. Do not weave or swerve. Motorists! Slow down until past. ONTARIO DEPARTMENT OF H I G H WAY S - GEO. H:DOUCETT, M