HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-8-9, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, August Ooh, 1450
Save Whatever The Jo
MEN know your car or truck best.
MENT Is specially designed to save
you time and money in servicing
your car or truck,
ODS are just right to do every Job
at lowest cost.
longer, because they are made
right to fit right.
We know your Ford of Canada car
or truck best and have "what it
takes" to give the best service at the
lowest cost. It will pay you to •
drive in to -day.
FORD is the best truck for you
Because it's 'BONUS --BUILT
TRANSPORTATION — F47, Half -Ton Pickup, 114" w.b,
is ideal for the many light hauling jobs on the farm or
in town as well as giving transportation with passenger
car comfort.
TRANSPORTATION — F168 One -Ton Express or Stake
body, 122" fits into the picture where heavier
hauling is needed .... A proven favorite of contractors,
drovers and for heavy delivery.
F1135 or F-155, with wheelbase from 134" to 176" covers
a wide field where rugged construction and economy
of operation are essential .... f for every phase of heavy
IN TRUCKING — F-190 and F-215, chosen by contractors
for extra heavy construction work, frieght lines and
machinery hauling, calling for maximum capacity and
More Ford Trucks are in Use Than Any
Other Make Because They Have Proven
To Be The Best Trucks.
REMEMBER, You Always Deal Better When You Deal With
Sit B, t'�ix1.r'w1; wt,R.-.. E'w' 4c .xa'.r'•. et a tv.):'
Mean a
Pr emus
Cana "r a
7"xeg gee t:rw
Power Farming
is the
Modern Way
The last five years have been
the most prosperous in Can-
ada's history. Good markets
and good prices for farm pro-
ducts have given great agri-
cultural prosperity.
Farmers have had the incen-
tive and means to buy goods
and services in large volume
and this has helped to create
more jobs at ,better wages in
industrial areas.
New and better machines have
made it possible for fewer
farmers to produce more in
less time with less work and
at less cost than ever before.
Massey -Harris tractors and
power farming machines offer
the latest developments in
equipment designed and built
for modern farming.
z.,re ,a
AM' 11
Makers of High Quality Farm I1)tiilente7tts Since 1847
, 41Yf,.:.:5 a •„ ',Fi c `a fi i+�V_'e.91!R57
Board, be removed there by elint-
lnating the spread between the west- i
ern growers and kite eastern feeder. I
a. That the handling cuat'ges of the i
Wheat Board be cut to minimum,
4 That lreig+ht Resistance be de- 1
finetely continued as at present,
5. That there he assurance et Rat-
firinnd supply for home 0onsntn- I
Won of coarse grain, before export-
Iug of grain ie allowed. 1'
This is a copy of a reenlist -ion com-
ing nut of a special farm Porton meet-
Ino held July 31st, at the home o
the Lang-ridn family, This resolution
was sent. to Federal Minster of Agri-
culture. the local M. P., Eleton
r•„ -tiff. tike sc'rew'y of Ontario Pett
eretteu or Aar-teaniture, .the Sac.,
Canadian Fed. of Aeric.. the Sec. of
Huron County Ped. of Aerie,. tate
Ser. Ont, Farm Foram Committee,
Aug. 9n d 195e
Judge, J. M. Cackburn, Guelph,
Owing to the wet and windy
weather many of our better crops of
grain have been lodged more or less
and was therefore more difficult to
judge. Purity of variety is a very
important factor in a Field Crop
competition. Trimming head -lands,
Pence bottoms and crop divisions,
also the presence of weeds and Wild
Osts. Vigor and uniformity of the
crop is quite a big item. Taking
everything into rnnsidera'tict the
judging was difficult but we think
very fair. The outcome for our cote -
petition in the East Huron A;gri-
cultural, Society was as follows:
1st. Wilbur Turnbull
2nd. Jas. Mate
3rd. Doug, Hemingway
4th. William J. Turnbull
5th, Jas, S. Armstrong
nth, Andrew Turnbull
7th. Jas. W. Sintith
eth. William Dennis
The Rnriety requires each one of
HIP cnmpetitnrs in the Field Crop for
1959 nP thein' Beaver Oats to exhibit
one tvushel at the Pair nn Sept. 29,
in the Palace. for which additional
, eel-ee win he given for the grain
,t,-tr (,eeeeetnlatinee to the win.
"Pr6. loll Rr^t i""ic to thugs who
ni*l,,,t enito ,^n,,, hig11 p„pr;rh to
win. het ,nav win n mile at ftp
i,;a'n prhihit nn the 29111 nt Sept. See
Trill of the Vat,•.
Caen. Woeenbm•a, Ser.
Chester Rintoul, e. farmer on the
.Golf concession of Morris town-
ship, is singing the praises of his
neighbours who evinced the "good
neighbour policy" in no uncertain
terns when representatives from
nine neighboring families gathered
at his farm for a haying "bee," Mr,
Rintoul 11719 been confined to his
home for the past nine weeks,
was worrying about his erne, but
those worries are dispelled now, as
with baler and .traotor the neighbour
amen haled 31 tuna, 1,'15,4 baffles, stor-
ed it in the barn. in five and one -
held hours.
The ladies came along ton, and
while the hien worked in the fields,
they prepared the cooking, others
helped around the barn, Two of
therm, Mrs. James Marks, and Mr.
Rintoul', daughter, Helen, assisted
. in the fields by driving traoto's.
Neighbours who assisted were,
,Tas. Davis, .Toho Jordan. 1-Tarold Fast,
John Pipe, Mervyn Pipe, Mr, ate
Mrs. James Merles, Edward Pollard,
Sam and James Alcock operated the
' Tt's kindnesses like these, shown in
an emergency, that go to make up
i the Titer things of life,
The eitlzenshtp meeting of the
Vic, T. will be held on Tuesday, Aug.
16th al the hone of Mrs, Cora Mc-
Gill, 4th line. Mrs. -Stanley Cook
will he the speaker, Roti Call "Name
a gond woman citizen and why you
consider her se," A sallute will be
given to the Flag by the Junior girds.
A patriotic reeding by Mrs, C. Logan,
The motto will be taken by Miss
Agnes Mason and a quiz conducted
by Mrs. C. R. Coultas, Refreshment
committee, Mrs. Geo. Michie, Mrs.
Ken. Wheeler, Mrs, M. Mathers,
Mus, G. ,Tahnston and Mrs, C. Pardon.
Mrs, M, A, Fraser had the mis-
fortune to fell end break her right
leg, we hope for a speedy recovery,
Bod,min Farm Forum, Snm,shine
Perot Forum anti 3rd Lino of Morrie
Paan Forum met on jetty /Met, to
(Beene bhp nnrrent feed grain crisis,
and by nhneninc,nn vote, Ido herAhy
1, That steps he taken to rp4nove
the specie:atint in reed greine used
for dottiest -IC purposes,
2. That the existing harriers that
are prehihittng the farmers from
htteing diretttq froth the Wheat
Goderich Business
"Huron's Centre of Modern Business Training"
..Engiries received by us for office workers last year „exceeded the
nuetnher of our Graduates.
Courses offered and textbooks used are approved by the Canadian
Business Schools Assoclattion,
Students are tutored to write the examinations of the Association
and Diplomas issued to Graduates are reeagnized across the
The School is registered and instructors approved by the Depart-
ment of Education.
Telephone 428
Principal's Residence 166W.
t—ori r e-,r.,rwr,.C>
The usual services of Sabbath
School and worship were held on
Suntley Mar tine, Aug et 6th. with
the minister, Rev. Ales J. Simpann
in the pulpit On Sunday next, Aug.
13, a former Minister. Rev. W. A.
Willie.ms of Merlin will rotcluct the
Mrs. Simpann, Sr,. Tnronte is
spending several (IRIS at the Manse
with her son Rev, J. and Mre,
Mr, and Mrs, Robt, Cameron and
Belem is, arconpanled by friends,
all of Sarnia, visited with Mr. and
Mrs. Allen Cameron,
Miss Marion Michel le holidaying
in T,1etowel with her grandparents,
Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Kritzer
Mr, Fred Martin,'q,hnrmesvtlle. was
a week -end visitor et the home of
Mr. end Mrs, Peter Raker. He was
accompanied home by Mrs. Martin
who has spent the peat week with
iter parents here.
Mr, and rifts, Wes, MoTlachern, Ayr,
vie'lted at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Peter Baker over the week -end.
On Monday evening, the executive
of the newly formed W. T. met in the
School at Cmanbrook and made out
the eoliertnle of programmes for the
year. The efrct meeting will he
bele in Sept„ and will go to Verd-
wlch In visit the powdered mitt' plant,
Alt hullos me invited,
All persons having claims against
the estate of Adam Shol'dice late
of. the Township of MtICillob in the
County of Huron, Retired farmer,
who died on or about the Eleventh
day of July, A. D. 1950 are notified
to send to the mnderstgned on or
about the Ninth day of August 1950
full particulars of their claims in
writing, Immediately after the
Ninth day of August the assets of
the said Testator will be dietributed
amongst the parties entitled thereto,
having regard only to clalms of
Which the IJxetlmtars shall then have
Dated thie Twenty-sixth day of
duly. A, D. 1950.
Brussels, Ontario
Solicitors ter the 't)xectttor,
J, C, Lamont, Miss Grace and Mrs,
A. B. Lonnsbury, have returned from
a. two weeks vacation in Manitoba,
where their home was for 13 years.
They visited with relatives and
friends at Hazelrtclge, Oakbank,
Winnipeg, Postage La Prairie, Bran-
don, Melita, Clear Lake and Neetpa-
we.' Mrs, John Kreuter and Mrs.
Cameron Cochrane accompanied
them to Winnipeg. All reported a
very nice visit.
W. M.S. of Presbyterian Church
are quilting again this week in their
room above the furniture store.
Mrs. Maud Alexander is nursing
Mrs, McClnskie of Atwood in her
home here in Ethel,
J. C. Lamont, Miss Grace Lamont,
A. B. Lounsbury and Mr, and Mrs.
Woo, Hollinger, spent the holiday
Monday in Goderich,
Miss Muriel ICraoter of Ottawa is
some what improved from the attack
of Ftu and is returning to ber work
this week.
Ont., (formerly Mrs. Grace Lamont)
Mr. J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Ont„ Mr
and Mrs. George Lamont and two
daughters, Georgina and Penny, of
Hazleridge, Man., Mr, and Mrs,
Arthur Lamont, Bonnie and baby
Tommy of Portage T,a Prairie, Man.,
Mr. and Mrs, Leonard Lamont and
daughter Heather of Brandon, Man.,
Miss Grace Lamont, Ethel, Ont. An-
other welcome guest at the party was
Mrs, Dave Lamont of Melita. Man.,
an Aunt of the faintly and who en-
joyed using the camera on the re-
united family.
While on a visit to Manitoba re•
Gently Mrs, A. B. Lounsbury had .the
pleasere of enjoying a family re-
union at the home of her son and
daughter-in-law Mr, and Mrs. Arthur
Lamont, Portage La Prairie, This is'
the first for over ten years that the
family have all been together, Mem-
hers of the family present were the
mother, Mrs, A. B. Leunsbetry, Ethel,
The Voice Of Temperance —
His father drank himself to death,
His mother left him a gond bus-
iness. His WIPP stood all she could—
Now she has left him. He is neg-
lecting his business. FTP says he Is
just like his father. His friends
say he is more like a beast because
hp Packs Pertain dereneies that his
father pnssesspd. He is an alenhN-
Io. Tt is a question whether heredity
or environment shnalcl take the
blame of his clown fall. His father
set him a bad examtpie — But itis
environment under the Ontertn liquor
act has enrrounded him with a full'
complement nI liquor nutlets — a
brewers' warehouse — a liquor store
and two beverage rooms, He Is
a product of his environment.
Increase of outlets leads to in.
crease of dnu•nkeness. Advt.
1947 Hudson Sedan reconditioned motor
1937 Ford Sedan
1948 Fargo 1/2 -ton Pick-up
1948 G. M. C. 1/2 -ton panel
1947 Chevrolet %-ton Pick-up
1942 G. M. C. 3 -ton Stake Truck
1948 Ferguson Tractor and Plow
2 Used Ferguson Tractor Plow
3 New Ferguson Tillers
L. &W. Jacksan Motors Ltd.
Your Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson
System Implements Dealer.
"Service with a Smile"
Phone 161 Listo ve]., Ont.