HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-8-2, Page 47717 T71'ti'.TRAINECi SERVICE .,e,' Or truck hest. :- iiC ORY•APPRCVED EQUIP 1•: Sclacixi1y designed to save you tirr,: 9'1.6 money in servicing track, ,. FACTORY .APPROVED METH - ^03 tc: Just right to do every job 2t lowest rest, 4. GE^',U1NE FORD PARTS last tenger, because they are made right co f•t right. We know your Ford of Canada oar or truck hest and have "what it takes" to give the best service at the ta,vast cost. It •,v'il ;.ay you to drive in tn•day. 110 °V - RC H 3y PHONE 66 THE BRUSSELS POST 1ln ,t k a eT r 1. f FORO is the, best luck for you Became it's TONUS --WILT LIGHT ,:'AUL TRANSPORTATION — F47, Half -Ton Pickup, 114" w.b, is ideal for the many light hauling jobs on the farm or in town as well as giving transportation with passenger car comfort. HEAVIER LOADS TRANSPORTATION --- F168 One -Ton Express or Stake body, 122" fits into the picture where heavier hauling is needed .... A proven favorite of contractors• drovers and for heavy delivery. HEAVY HAULING F1135 or F-155, with wheelbase from 134'to 176" covers a wide field where rugged construction and economy of operation are essential f for every phase of heavy trucking. FOR THE BIGGEST —TOUGHEST JOBS IN TRU( g1,NG — F-190 and F-215, chosen by contractors for extra heavy ccnstsu tion work, frieght lines and mach r ry hauehig, eaiI:n kr 1?.:agirnten capacity ani endurance. • More Fond TT cx tar bl Use Than .t4 qr Other it i i'i'i Bd d-r.'E!_ys it 9 jlR n „]� ''9':4L) •"rel To Be Th,? i'7:.' itt To°.Y 'ks. REMEMBER, You Always Deal setter 'vv -Len You Dull: With 77 FORD - MONARCH (BUILT STRONGER TO LAST LONGER) t �:•u.s,... �:�.:� r. w»c-....w., 5.r ...,i...�.,VvT4;'..s... tr0 ! LIS 1 CA EL y 11ic1:d rh•ely the lucky ticket on a 1 imumeen • a pure-bred pig, with Roes Vudden t Ethel be incl the winner. The pig II hail b -en tutted by 11'illiam Turn- m radowbrook Farms, con, 10, , r l,township. Proceeds of the it tsc and rh«; ermine;, wliieli nt ed 4111., eu inward the r_a ruutnunity centre of (trey sw ;peat at Cranbrook. 1 1 .A l irnr nil mh,-r of ladles met at tlt-. craoliroolt school, 'fnesdsy, Aug. is, re' rh moron f organizing a 1 It , ton' Institute with Mts. Crosby , S,,=h,ru of Ptrrdtv•rh in charge of t ilio ntee'ing opened with singing i iO Canada. followed by the Lord's y I Prayer in unison. Sirs. .Tis S. Armstrong. Brussels goer a ter- interesting talk nn the 1 origin :nal progress of the institute in the hist :+3 years. followed by a I i sine er. n.g of old favorites led by Mrs. , Leslie Lake, Mrs, Stanley Wheeler of Brussels l a l lrriss',l the ladies regarding the 1 loris; and pririlegesof officers and mothers of the Women's Institute. 1 I •Mrs Sntheran took charge of the 1 Rection of officers which resulted as Wednesday, August 2nd, 1960 1947 Hudson Sedan t•ntconditionecl motor 1937 Ford Sedan 1948 Fargo 1/2 -ton Pick-up 1948 G. M. C. 1/2^ton panel 1947 Chevrolet %-ton Pick-up 1942 C,. M. C. 3 -ton Stake Truck r� 9Et'.,y,katt'*&'i°-EIE ."tr,,, st' it 3I.EiL-3 M,7,744.1 -ai�ncti�,^s�sacrsm,sn �, ��ss «nw c.�+cFsr„cr:•rras+sza RIEWITHIS Moan a FruspErums Una. l a Power Fanning is the Modern Way of ('rf Psperoms Fib°nail g 3✓< The last five years have beer the most prosperous isi Can- ada's history. Gori i r1. r.rs and good prices for fardu pi:fl ducts have given great agri- cultural prosperity. Farmers have had the incen- tive and means to buy goods and services in 1nrge volt nc and this has helped to create more jobs at better wages in industrial areas. New and better machines have made it possible for fewer farmers to produce more in less time with less work and at less cost than ever before. Massey -Harris tractors and power farming machines offer the latest developments in equipment designed and built for modern farming. MASSEY-HARRIS COMPANY, LIMITED Matters df High Quality Farm implements Sioce 1847 C?'Sr,did`9BRO01( f k.tN tieJUK NEWS, Mr and '(lr-. Jas. :McCallum, St, Thomas ;uta F. A. Hunter visited ;tta• Sunday with Mrs. Ontstea.d and 1. 11. and Mrs. Cordon. - Mrs. Frank Ruetz of Mildmay visit- ed with Mr. and Mrs. C. Steffler for wt.ek, lir L. Zimmer of Cleveland, Ohio, and .\Ir. 11, Irmgburst of Windermere, 1;n-1 I • a1bid on Mr, and Mrs. L. C ,ril..n and attended the lawn social Reece 1l - abb's on Thursday )tight. Supday visitors with Mrs. ()Instead t o Jtr+_ I Wunder of Toronto and 11r. 11 1're•ton of Port Hope. Urs. A. Ilesliey formally (Miss Anna Hunter) of Pasadena, Calif„ ;:ed daunMrr Juunie (Mrs: I-Ierman Latter of Stauholie. Iowa. are visitors with I,. 1T. and Mrs, Gordon. Mrs. Omstcad ,•spects to return with them, Mr. and Mfrs. Stuart Noble and daughter Pat of Guelph, and Mr. and 'firs, Jock Nahlo and daughter. Site, of Hanover, have been visitors with Mrs. Jas. Noble. - Mr. 'Ralph Noble and Miss Lena Nabi••, 11, N•, visited in Stratford nn Thursday. Snhbath School• and the regular morning nervier were held .in 'Knox Preebyteriau Church on Sunday, ,Tnly ,10th. Mr. and Mrs, A. Martin, Detroit, 'lir, and Mrs. Lorne Ca.mernn, Mad- elem. and Billie. London, visited with Mr and Mrs. Mien Cameron. Mr. Trwin Dann. who hate spent the prim three weeks at the hemp of his brother Rang, has gone to Delhi, Mrs. Fred Martin, Thame.sville 1,1 1ii.1l,avhtn at the hone of his parents. Mr. and Mrs. Peter Bailer. Mr. Dan "(Nether, ea* of the vil- 1a:re, suffered a siroke on Monday morning. Mr. and Mrs. TTnnther spent Sim in Kitchener where they visited with their daughter Mrs. Lyle plvn.ns, and In Stratford with Mrs. Emma Young and faintly, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Mother and children attended the Bolger re. nntnn to (}nderich on Sunday. President Mrs. inc, Bremner lot Vire Pres, Mr,. Mar McIntosh 2n.1 Vi:-- Pre. . Mrs, Leslie Switzer <:,,. :tits &r100 'Knight TN:ai ier Director Mrs. Allan, McTBaggart Tit:•«'e'ors l\Tsri(^io "own ,'• (1'inn TTvetlter, Mrs T.. M'rhi�l > Mrs. Wm. 'Bremner Mrs Blair McIntosh 's of Stjner Cnnlmittees: i...;, •mel C-,naa?vldia l It da,stry — )Trs. Harold Keys, '.Aire. Maurice C :+cern. CI'i,enshin and Ednnation — Mre Murray Hnether, Miss Muriel McDonald. Community Activities and Public Relations --- Mrs. Cliff. 'Rennie:ban, MTrs. Stanley Campbell, Historical Reeearch and Current Events — Mrs. Martin McDonald, Mrs. Robert Campbell, Heine Economics and Health — Mrs, Archie Smith, Mrs. P. Litowski, Resolution — Miss 'Isobel Clark. Pianist: — Sirs, Cliff, TCernagban, Mrs- Martin McDonald. The new president. Mrs. James 'Bremner than took the chair to con- duct the business for the new In- stitute. Tt was decided to adopt the name of "The Cranbrook Women's In- stitute” and to sleet the second Tuesday of each month in the school until the Now Cmmmunity Centre is completed. Tt was decided to purchase 1n0 folding chairs from the proceeds of the Ire Creast Social and sale of tickets nn the pure bred pie which was held at the home of John Mc- Nahh. The meeting closed by singing The Ring, followed by lunch and a social half -hoar A very eueeessful ice (ream so. oral was held tphtirsday evening at the horny of Jolts McNabb, one mile south of Cranbrook. A :pro- gram presented by local talent was well received by a large audience. During intermission, tittle Marlon H R 1948 Ferguson Tractor and Plow 2 Used Ferguson Tractor Plow 3 New Ferguson Tillers l0' 11 ,"kPT1t-ll Mr, and I\Trs, Robert Craig, Mor- ris tnwnshilp have purchased from Mervin Gooier a residence on Morris Rt.. Blyth. Their son William has assumed ownership -.of the Craig farm. Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Sti thorpe and family have moved to Mitchell where Mr. Sibthorpe recently our - chased a • barbering business and residence. Mr. and Mrs. James Lockwood have moved into their new hone on Dinsley s1., which they pur- chased from S. Sihthorpe. NOTICE TO CREDITORS �a ac,4 Mwrsson Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Your Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implements Dealer. "Service with a Smile" Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 n. ,aetx aieat .r1.;54t - All persons having claims against the estate of Adam 90oldiee late of the Township of McKillop in the County of Enron, Retired farmer, who bird on or about the Eleventh day of July, A. D. 1050 are notified to send to the undersigned on or about the Ninth day of August 1950 full particulars of their claims in i writing, Immediately after the Ninth day of Augast the assets of the said Testator will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only fo al:aims of which the Executors eha11 then have notice, Dated this Twenty-etatth day of i July, A. ID, 1000. ORAWFORD Re 1110 11131UNGTON 13russels, Ontario Solicitors tot the Meador, Travel Agency Mr. W. F. Burgman has recently opened a Travel Agency in Wingham located next door to Wingham Motors. He has had many years ex- perience in handling travel problems and is in a position to arrange your trips, make reservations and secure tickets for you anywhere by Land, Sea or Air. Also Crutmes, Conducted '"ours, Hotel reservations arranged. If you contemplate making a trip by Rail, Ocean or Air Plane, phone or write, W. F. Burgman Travel Agency, Wingham, Ont'., and he will be pleased to make all ar- rangements for you, Phone Office 125, Residence 164, IN THE KITCHEN' Bathroom and laundry . clean, fresh running ;rater eliminates house- hold drudgery . . , just turn the tap, no more water -carrying from the pump, TRUCK GARDENERS Are enthusiastic over a DTIRRO WATER SYSTEM . . . assured of pisuty of moisture when needed. IN THE BARN Your cattle et,d all livestock a r a Quickly watered ,. saves time and labourbesides you have FIRS PRO TECTION for all your farm buildings. $11750 F.O.B. London, Canada • EMCO Fixtures and Fittings You can easily modernize your kitchen , .. bathroom and laundry ... enjoy the comforts of living. SEE US TODAY for COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR SALE BY C. & O. Krauter Co. Brunelle, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED Ionise . Hamilton - Toronto • Sudlany . Winnipeg • Vancouver and METALS LIMITED Calgary Edmonton • Vancouver EC.