HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-8-2, Page 1?OST PUBI.JSHING HOUSE
5 Li(y. Pail of Corn Syrup 59c
. pt. jar Pure P -Nut cutter • • 39c
1 1. Tins Mother Parker Coffee • • • 91c
3 Cakes Kirks Castile 19c
Deliciously Different —
York Ice Cream Bricks ' • . ' ` . 2 for 45c
Store Closed All Day Monday
al0000000aummusums.....0.-manx000.mummelea, mama
" 0,6t 1 '`
y� F3E
Open All Day Wednesday As Usual
1 mile south of Listowel on
Music by Ken. Wilbee and his 6 piece orchestra.
This is a New Barn with a wonderful hardwood floor
and colorful lighting. People of Brussels area are invited to
try out this new dance spot.
Booth in the barn
Admission 50c
To fall in line with other municipalities in the province
the people ask that
And I hereby proclaim the same a Public Holiday and
ask that all persons observe it as such.
R. B. Cousins, Reeve.
Honey For Sale —
Fresh Clover Honey 20c a lb.,
in your own container.
Wallace Ross Apiaries
Seaforth, Phone 135v
Gospel Meeting will be held in the
Orange Hall on Friday Night at 8
p. re., The preacher will be the
returned missionary from Angola,i
On Sunday, August 6th, at 8 p.m.'
John Martin of Hawkesville, Ont.
will be the preacher.
Melville Church
Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook
10 a. l4'. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m, Divine Service
No Evenfug Ssrvice.
The Unitedt limb
minleter Rev. Andrew Lane
Ori oinlet Mr. Doneld ()unbar
Morning Worehlp — 11 o'clock
No Suntlay School or Evening
Service During July and
Church of England
Parish of Brussels'
RSV. h. H. Korr -- Rector,
9th Sunday Atter Trinity
Aug. 6th, 1950
In John Churoh, Ihrwaseis
11 a. m. Moruing Prayer
Sunday Sohool
St, David'® Church, elorifterm—
2 p. m. Sunday School
0.30 p. m. 13venin'g Prayer
St. Oeorgs'e Church, Watton --
7,30' p, m, lovening Prayer
Tenders for the contract of clean.
ing and repairing approximately
160 rods of the MII.LS DRAIN in
'Morris Township will be received by
the undersigned up until 2,30 p. m.,
August 8th,
Tenders will also be received for
the contract of constructing the
PURVEY DRAIN up until 3 p- m.
Aug, 8, which consists of digging,
laying tile, and backfilling. Tenders
will be received for either whole or
part of drain. Plans and specificat-
Inas may he seen at the Clerk's of-
fice, Lowest or any tender not nee-
cessanily accepted. A certified
cheque for ten percent of contract
price must accompany each tender,
Geo. C. Martin, Clerk.
Seaforth, Ont.
* * *
Now Playing
Thurs, Fri. Sat. Aug, 3-4-6
Randolph Scott Louise Allbritton
This Is another Western involving a
well known gang of outlaws, the
leader of which Is painted with eym
pathetic brush until the law catches
up with him' and it proved once again
that, even for Scott, crime does not
* * *
Mon. Tues, Wed. Aug. 7.8-9
In Technicolor
Jean Simmons Donald Hu▪ ston
Here Is an idllie South Seas Romance
told with tenderness, subeltty, sim-
picity and humor. — Adventure as
never before.
* *
Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. Aug. 10-1112
Johnny Welssmul•Ier Virgdna Grey
Welssmuller protrays the leader of
a Jungle Safari, seaching for the An-
clent Pyramid of Zimbalu — Adven-
ture, exciting and tense situations
arise when the explorers narrowly
escape being trampled by an elephant
Abbott and Costello
,K ' r i 4 ° '4
PEO I.,9 WE +.
Wednesday, August 2nd,
1 ire.s, I,; rubs Enjoy Rccr iw",; ThanIe Froin
1i(.ir Cee/ .1, 1,1iclav at C'rehwyn Camp Canadian Reid Cross
04 y. :4 4. 444 0 9
:U if
With 'Ir.,' .}.t air, .1'444 „rk
O p
1.•tun t:l 11 m,d ,',ruin, I.r
b0.; .v tttc 1;ru...el' ,'ul• ., '7;• et,,ee, Br
' tTesede, A't7r
,..,. ,1., hi l4 yi!dr.. a,s. F',,ai •rt. :ant` r„+iced ;a hitt.,' .,f !I;,/i.,
p "1141',7:11 froln the Maili•,ba DIVI,1o4 of Th..
iii • eat. 441n4p, 4,'111'14 ha 110.••4. 0'41%11-r1441 fieri,
.,, I r r YF -;r.;, is tn;tted fai fht+4'l-:; f„r !ta tinnotbmnn.ttn-
tile +0,0. n'inno in tht tied itiver
Crl'..' ?It II'14..;1ni', ii:11 sent
,.I '4' Ft d.(1 11x44 rubber
1 ,1 i t,1'..,. ,4 .:..4't 111':: of
=.,1,, n ncrch r rise gold on May
1,. V. and ;:0th. as was 1Ivert.l,ed.
t4oetitl he Maw. The leiter r,tatcd lit
v, part "It hos team a :nnnTe of mnrb
,iii atInl 1,, tin..(' affrttrrl by t0€ -
i , ,1, e wen as to the Ilea Crow.
to Irnow that people throllghnnt the
Dotninion are interested in their
welfare and have given such eym-
h, 1 aeri' r t' 1',,. 11,,O, . ,.i hi. 4. '#.r t., :' ;,. 'n11,. . 1t d' Weil' .ley nn
.I. .O1 Air'. A- Ileal. lat wootto1 Mtul.. ,I ., ri4•1 and 1,,
u. w �d,`t a,p.t7457-..+bat of lit•.
:Uie.•• ,1. A. .Jrn''lhn• I,:, . he•,•n r,l_ x011 Sir4. ,Incn111. :141' .Taenhd i:. :
joying a trip tlu'oi,li the, A1nt'itnnr,,, l'eleclp1l of the. 1;','11,.'1 v .nhnui 1
(farina her vaercldnu, anti his wife le a (44444 l 0444
a, o ra l'he e 11,1 r. 0 or.. babe .1 happy
Dr. Donald 1ToRar, end Mee, Sic. #itne In rariou.: aetivitiea int•ludi0!
1'am Term to, 's• •e \1..'k mid rioitor, ',1tn•'Intl”''4'100014'0, "'it'll
with his mother Mrs. '2. T. McRae. +holy. 9ca111'4, n0,1 1111' olrp'rtun'ty in
Air a(d 1ira Pdg.ti- lBnllin_see and
family 0f I'Ianmilton are visiting
friends In and around Senesces.
* *
I T)r it 1i;. liobt•r!s+nt and Mrs,
Rnbertenn, ('.n11ingwned, 01'e viseing
at t11' home 11 r: Isabel :Irm,trong
and .lir. Duncan McKinnon.
• rg ,g
Robert Kennedy, elder 44(11 of 34x.
and Mrs. R. W. Kennedy. Is visiting
this week with his uncle Dnn-
ald and Mrs. Kennedy, Toronto
* * 04
Mie. Jovc4, Cardiff of Stratford is
spending her vacation with her
, grand-parcuts Mr. and :Airs. Newton
04 *
13111 Martin, son of err. and Mrs.
Wm, 3Tart0rand .Tini Edgar. youngest
son of Airs M. Edgar, were holiday-
ing In Windsor fast week.
4 * * *
Mr. Chas. Ban Norman, who was
travelling in the western provinces
1 for the past two months, returned
from Vancouver, Tuesday of this
* * *
Mr. and Jr.3sJ. T. ITarvey and
Judith Ann, Toronto; Aire. J. A. Me.
Ginnis, Diane and ,Jon, Maple have
been holidaying with their patents
-Mr. and .Airs, W. S. Scott, William
4 y 4z
Messrs. Geo. and Mac Baelcer, Lon-
don, were week -end visitors with
their mother Mrs. A. Banker.
Mrs. Jack Lowry and children, Car.
al, Billy and Sandra, spent last week
at Bayfield.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Steins, Sandra
and Jerry, 3lelvllle and Mrs. Steins
and Richard all of Detroit were vis-
itors at the home of John Steiss.
Mrs, Alex Routledge is in Stratford
Hospital where she will undergo
treatment for her eyes,
• * w
Mrs, M. Brigham of Blyth spent
Sunday with hiss Resefe Moses.
Mr. and Mrs. John Pace, and
Mr. and Ml's. Pace, Paisley; Rev.
Roes Pace, Mrs, Pace, Dennis and
l lee of Orion. Iowa and Mr. and
Sit.. Alan Pc'nt,.Chesley, were week-
end guests with Mr. and Mrs, H.
�'u„A.n,al_, T {EAT➢t,
t.t 'TOWEL
Wed. Thurs. Aug. 2-3
Broderick Crawford
Joanne Dru, John Ireland
New York film critics Circle
Award for the Best Picture of
the year.
Fri. Sat.
Arthur Franz,
Aug. 4-5
Jean Heather
Cartoon Shorts
Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. en.
Starts 12.05.
Mon. Tues. Aug. 7-t
John Lund, Diana Lynn,
Don, DeFore, Marie Wilson
OFFER $180.00
Mon, Attendance Cao( Alight.
Wed. Thur. Aug. 9-10
Jane Powell, . Ann Sothern,
Carmen Miranda, Barry
Sullivan in
tarn badges and award,. Thrix fen ;
4,a, somewhat ta-Hailed at the
he0lnnhtg h,',rause id' the rainy
r0Ith•'r tint they 1101(ing forward to
i 4'.o highlights of the camp -which
indole an "Indian Night" and
"414.x'' NIT114," 40 440'40 parents are
f ih•us:-.el+ boys who are eats at
(»4 p Crcli 4yn 4r.• Nell y! 'Pagtiart.
1 dale MeTaggart. David Elasl.iu59,
1 Rime Edam', Doug Leach AP.an
IMidge. 11arnid TIrirdge, MOM. I,Ogan,
tack Higgins, Ten Bridge and Davin
Engagement Announcement
Pathetie and generous help. Ynn,
may be assured that your gift, die. •
h'ihuted threne'h the Red Cross. has
very greatly assisted flood victims."
9 50 por year - 2.0
This ai the biggest teature tsar Bargains ever
offer -ed in .Brussels. There i.5' a newer more
modern Arcade Store in the making and to
make roorn for the carpentem,, oar stock
/meat be cleared,. To make czp 'riin the stock
goes 013 a hurry, the prices a7', s going of own
to rock bottom. He? are 1,w.7t. fPi4.f of the
many bargains.
4 Women's Shortie Coats Ro =. $:19.95
Sp'cial $9.95
• • 1 5 Women's Spring Coats Reg. $27.95-
Special $9.95
1 There seems to be cenlsiderahle m.
tenement on lht. grant 411.14 the rlree , 25 women's and Masses' Cotton Sun Dresses
i 'Township Council made to the (Trey I sizes 12 to 44, Special $1.98
1 Township Community Centre lorated 1 .e-_.__
$2,000 GRANT
at Cra.nbronk. During th4 first
I world war. TTnron Comity ie4upd
debentures for Red Cross work and
paid to each munir•tpality !ii -s„ share
At the 4101 of the war. Grey Town -
0100 Council divided 10,• amount
of the surplus and all the lied
Cross soei.t11'4 in the town.s11ip re-
ceived their amount except Crap.
brenit which was 8348.00, The town..
',hip used this moue,' for 32 vaars.
The township always borrows from
tier hank and the rate of interest
from d to 41.( per cent or an
a4 rngt of 000r a` per rent. Tf yon
took the Interest earnings of $54S,nn
for 32 years, it would amount to
T0.0hierant is Pranhrook's own
Mr, and airs. James Miele.
Pinwale. Ont. annonner the engage
nt N their only daughter Barbara
Jean to Mr. (leorge Ross Andersen.
of lir :411d lire John Andersen.
11 11111 e The marriaca will take
Place on Saturday. August lath. in
T elgrave rnited Church, -
Melville Church Service
Rev, Earl Moore, nrenpied the
pulpit of Melville Church last Sunday
morning. He took fon' his test
Acts 2 chant., verse 1, "The day of
Pentecost" and spoke of the great
newer and work of the church to
tiring men to Gore Mr. Moore was
ordained in Melville Church and was
always interested' in Young Peoples
amid Sunday School work, The con-
gregation was very pleased to hear
Earl preach and will be delighted to
hear him again, Solo was also song
by Greame McDonald.
Mrs. Frank Kerney
Deatil ratite on Sunday 111001!ng.
after a long illness to Mrs, Frank
Kerney in her 79th year. Formerly
Plspeth Smith. her birthplace was
St. Marys. Following ber marriage,
she lived in Wingdla.m for nine
years, then moved to a farm on
the 4th coneeeeInn of Morris. Per
the pest few years, they lived
in Brnseels. Surviving are: ber
lluelmnd end ane son. Harold V.
Kerney, poetmaster, at Brussels:
twn Meters. Miss Mary Sneth 12
London. Mande In Western Can, i
ode and two brothers, John and
James The funeral service was
,-0nrlueted by Rev. A. T, Simpson of
Knox Presbyterian Ohnrnh, Cren-
hrnnit, assisted by Rev. J. H. Kerr of
St. John's Anglieen Church nn T11ns-
dey e.fternnnn at her late home at
2:00 n'elook. Tnterment was made I
in Brussels cemetery.
Morning Star Rebekah
Lodge Has Picnic
The lawn at the home of Mrs.
David Haetinge was the scene of
an enoyahle pdrnic held by the
members of Morning Star Rebekell
Lodge last Wednesday afternoon.
C nnfnl'tn.hle rendre and ta.hlee were
arranged on a shaded section of the
lawn, and the attei'neen lues silent
snctal chat and games, An inter-
esting contest was introduce( by
MTs, Jertr Lnwe. A letter of greet-
inge end gond wishes containing a
signed message from each person
Present was sent to Miss Jessie
Little with is a patient in Welles-
ley elbapital, Toronto. A picnic
lunch followed tee eftertiden pro -
The Annan] Drum Reed Service
for 5011e CT of the Canadian Legion
will he held in Clinton on .Sunday.
August 6, in connection wtth "0111
Home Weei ."
Fa.11 In at Pulslie. School (}ronnde art
2 p, t s, Service at 3 p• In.
Berets and medals.
R. S. Shaw, Sec.
John McNabb, Reeve.
Members of the Higgins Clan gath-
ered at Wroxeter. Wednesday for
their first family reunion in 25 years.
The fancily hag resided 1n. Huron
("entity for the past 110 years. Even
'lie fifth generation was present
for the reunion, being represented
by Karen Pletch. R. J Rann of
TINS Rai, wag the oldest member
present and seven -month-old Karen
Pleteh was the youngest, Mrs
(0'' e Al'arwiek was the oldest
grandmother 011 the grounds and
eir and 113'o. Graces, New York.
'•ame 1110 grPeleet distance.
151ec1.ed fni• 1961 were: president.'
Nelson TTiggins! eeeretarv_treasur-I
i1 1Trs, Stewart Higgins, One
h0idrrd members of the clan were
present at the Wroxeter park. A
teleeeem of beet wishes was re-
ceived from the Prizm* ,Minister of
Canada. let Hon. Louis St. Lnnrent.
Mrs, Henry Last
There Danced away at her late
residence Ross Strret, Welland, on
.T my 19th. Mary Jane Cusick, wife
of Henry Trast, Services were held
Saturday, July 22nd, from Little'e
Funeral Home, Galt, and interment
made in Mount View Cemetery. Barn
on the sixteenth concession of Gray
.sixty fn11, years ago, she leaves to
mourn her husband Henry Last,
four sisters Mrs. S. R. Bell (Annie) 1
Vancouver, B. 0„ Mrs. R. W. Hoy,
(Isabella) Walton, Mrs. Skin (Alice)
Whitby. lire. L. R. Smith (Amelia)
West Lake, Oregon; two brothers
William J. Cndeere, Sask.. epee Jnhn
California. one sister and one
brother predeceased her. Those at-
tending tht funeral Prem a dietpnre
were Mrs. R. W, Hoy, Walton, Mr,
end Mrs. Curry, Toronto, Mrs. P.
Coollcan, Ha million. Mrs. Abbey,
London, with whom the deceased
lived for eight yearn prior to her
marriage, while Rev. Abbey wee I
rector In St. Jolut's Cimrnh. Brun
eels forty seven years ago. The
floral tributes were many and beaut-
iful. Six nephews of her husband
were pallbearers and six nieces
flower bearers. •
Piano Tuning
20 Women's Sun Drosses with Bolero
szes 12 to 44, Special $2.95
42 Women's and Misses'
Better Catton Dresses in spun rayon,
California crepe Reg, $6,95—.SoPrial $3.50
15 Better Summer Dresses flowered jerseys
in the lot Reg. $14.95 — Special $6.95
4 Ladies' All Wool Gabardine Suits
Reg. $62.50 — Special $39.95
2 All Wool Misses' Dressmaker Suits
Sizes 14 and 16, Reg. $35.00—Special $9.95
16 Girls Sun Dresses with Bolero, sizes 7 to
12 years, Reg. $2.98 — Special $1.98
18 Pair of Boys Wash Slacks, pre-shrunk
sizes 6 to 16 years — Special $1.00
Men's Wash Slacks pre-shrunk, Reg. $4.95
sizes 30, 32 and 34 only — Special $2.95
Men's Sport Shirts $1.98 up.
Boys.Slack Suits 8 to 16 yrs.—Special $4.95
90 Pr. of Misses' Shoes, white straps, red
and blue loafers, crepe soles, sizes 11 to 3
Reg. $3.95 — Special $1.98
30 Pr. of Children's 'Crown Sandals with
rubber soles, sizes 6 to 13 — Special $1.00
30 Pr. of Women's Shoes, broken sizes
out they go at $1.00
60 Pr. of Women's Shoes, white nurses
oxfords in the lot — Special $1.98
30 Pr. of Men's Brown and Black Oxfords,
bmown and white in the lot. Sorne of these
shoes sold as high as $9.95 — Special $2.95.
60 Pr. of Men's Full Grain Work Boots
Panto soles — Speciial $4.95
Girls Z lune Overalls, with blouses to match,
sizes 4 and 5 years only — Special $1000
All Sales Final -- No Alterations.
,eta1M070,01->.,... ,
Hundreds of other bargains not listed. owing
to lack of space.
For satisfactory results have your 0,0rEPIRWIRI
piano expertly tuned or overhauled. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole F��,,,, _°*
Free estimates, ,Same priority given `<ejf
In the country. 12 year's experience, I Phone 61 ._ — Brussels,' Ont„
Names may be lett at Max Oldfield's
Hardware Store, Phone 68 Brussels,
leen, 1.1411, Tuner,