HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-7-19, Page 5THE BRUSSE45 POST W edue hit OO1N1' ENAMEL -Jlj Br f} ! • r-,(,, JY:,J(. tougli el,otic finish In your choice of 14 eye. catching colours Ideal for por..h or interior floors. Johnson's Paint & Electric Store Brussels. Oat Purim PLl16 fi288tC s v:out EOOltil6 A606D tltltAtEf3'Ilg'F' vow..rw,.,.,uinnan.....>m.., .,,-.•,4,...u..,.m.,«..,- mvuvmu..uanv+..,+nu MUM.M.P....m,v,n...>.cr,.ew, WM.O.wn BUS1NFSS CARDS C. A. Myers, M. D., L. M. C, C. PHYSICIAN creed 59,JRGEOP Wolu rn SL .... Phone 4&. Elem./oho Ont. DR.. R. W. STEPHENS Graduate University of Toronto PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Ttalsphocte 45 -- )Brussels. Ont. J. A. Monagahan, R. 0. Oprornie'trist, LISTOWEL, ONT. Specializing in Eye Examination and lute Fitting of Glasses Office in Listowel Clinic Building Hours: 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. daily; Closed Wednesday p.m. Open every Tuesday and Saturday Evening 7:00 to 9:30. Other evenings by appointment Phone 534. Walker Funeral Home Day or Night Calls Phone 65 FOR SALE -- s N 1 !>o•,' , t r •r :t'4..rt FOR SALE - * 'i .inui. rows. tt �h • a('_ Laidig I1ais,t of Toronto la Uni.11'.•1„iuiu11 irhune 24-1•12 ir,ttin><. With his mother. FOR SALE -•-• q pita weaned, apply Co Miss Mande '1'1luufpsuu. Toronto. is Lawrence 1144 tel• Phone 83-r-14 visiting with relatives here. Al 148 Lard rrc) 2,1etia.tr Is holidaying with Mr and Mrs. Nelson Freetb.y in Brantford. * * * Mrs. M. Whrei,r:fg• and l 111ght(ar florin -Ile ars hnlidaying with relat- ives In New York. * * * e1Lses Sheila and Pamela Porter are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. (14r44m e Tiorho. win la * * tl I p/4 L/P lie WE KNOW i * * * * * xl * v Nevi i-, eenf1ned to his 1°hums Sit t iu,lc, 181411 lumbago_ FOR SALE — 1 0h1111k., of itigs 'd'. al:u•It•:. Pl111. 33-r-20 HELP WANTED — Gir1 for office work. Apply at. the Brassels Creamery. FOR SALE -- 'Puller'; 12 W1,01(4 to haying, various hrc eds. Crank :lliteltell Wroxeter, Ont. FOR SALE- (hleli 11. cream and black enamel cook stove, for coal or wood, Cheap for quick sale. Phone 41-r-4. Robert Taylor TO RENT — 6 room apartment, newly decorat- ed, with soft water, immediate possession. Apply at The Arcade Store. LOST —• 1 License Piste Rally Marks PIANOS — 8 used, 0 new Furniture Store, refrigerators, suites, etc. Free S-6135 Phone 15-r-19 • at Schuett's Mildmay also 60 and 25 cycle davenports, chorine Delivery. FOR SALE— I3ray pullets, started chicks — and No extra charge for Use of Funeral Honw . B. G. Walker Licensed Funeral Director L4 I?rairaPoaltvmu+w. SELWYN l:;AKER Agent for — Hartford Wind Insurance 1VIcKiilop Mutual Fire Insurance Co. Our Rates Are Reasonable 'Por further particulars — Phone Brussels 43-r-110. ALBERT CARDIFF Agent for HOWICK MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. IOWK Qur rates are lower. Phone 21-r-4 Brussels, Ont. Chas. T. Davidson INSURANCE FOR ALL KINDS Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life insurance+ Co, &moue Office 96 Brussels, Ont. D.A.Bann&Co. FUNERAL ERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE Licensed Funeral Direrter and Enisb alrne:•r ONE 39 or 85 . : IRUSSE1-5, ONT. Dennis DtligUeI:Ue Phone 51-r-18 R. R. 4 iiaewein Licenced Auctioneer for Huron County No Sale too Big -- None too Small Have employed an e, perienced assistant for the Big i saa, R. S Hethering :on, la- C. WINGI•IAM end BRUSSELS AT ERUSSEI$ Tuesday and Saturday all day --- ()filet opera every ray, Picone 207 — Successor to E. D. BA Lewis Rowland ?Licensed For Peron County) SATISFACTION GU A 'IrEED -- PRICES I'l EASOf A BIli Fro' Eingagernents (Phone 31 "'Tae Brussels Post" awl ,i1844?. ii' cm' iu1lraraoi16om etc.„ w'rit* cc phi Lem'. Koski:wait will he looked after Immediately Or write to R. R. 3 Walton. Q11 Fee c FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER ce EGGS. iBY INCREASI 0 UALITY AND QUA+'i'TITY YOU L,*'WER COST AND INiCREASi, PROFITS. ammalawaxsonwancrotnartmemaysaanz- te Ale ' (F111-the-3asicel) ,. EGG MSH and EGG PELLETS g®irdlf Relish Pallets) c. For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22.r-10 some mixed — prompt shipment. September -October chicks order now. Agent Wm. Glen Bray, Ethel. FOR SALE CHEAP — 1 Whippletree, 1 Dowbletree, and 1 sat of single harness. Walter Rose Poultry Farm Phone 83x-•-4 Brussels, Ont. - FOR SALE — A number of houses in Village of Brussels. Also farms all sizes. J. O. Long, Real Estate Broker, Phone 84 Brussels, Ont. REFRIGERATORS — 60 and 25 cycle 7, 10, 12 cubic ft. machines at Schuett's Mildmay Furniture Store, Free Delivery, Also ranges, chesterfields, pianos. Trade ins accepted. FOR SALE — Hygienic Supplies (Rubber Goods) mailed postpaid in plain sealed envelope with price list. Six sample 25c,' 24 samples, $1.00, Mail Order Dept. M 83 Nov -Rubber Co., Box 01, Hamilton, Ont. LIVESTOCK WANTED— "TJp to $5.00 each for Dead or Disabled Horses, Cows, Hogs, at your farm. Prompt Service. Phone Collect Brussels 72, William Stone Sons, Limited, Ingersoll, Ont, ATTENTION FARMERS — We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For im- mediate service telephone collect — Brussels 86-r-12- or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE — Renfrew cook stove, "Cookrite" in perfect condition. Apply at The Brussels Post FOR SALE — Singer Treadle Sewing Machine, neary new, can be converted to sa electric. Apply at The Brussels Post apk0lr'u SESONaduns Renfrew Crean) Separators and Milkers, Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers anal Hammer Mill.. • We also ave repairs for Oliver Cockshutt Tractors. MORRITT & WRIGHT :1:0;zh10(11 Dealers for 4tailfee implements Telephone 4 and 08, Blyth, Ont. "Old at 40,50, 00? ' =� Mau! You're Crazy ?loud rout 0801'1 1ou0pud8 pro 4100418 at 70. Try pooping up" MO 011100. Contains to0lo for wank; filo own feeling flue 001e141 to bo8y'e leek of Iron 18111011 mane r00n and wotnon 0011 "old," 00800 T00l01I'Ob1Ote for pop 4'0004100400110441, t, g vOry ,10y, Now "4104 ammneinted" 1100.0014/ 000. For 0410 at all drug 010(08 0(OtgwaIr0. Mrs. T. Wineberg and children (41' Toronto were visitors last week with Mr. and Mrs, M. Wlncaberg. * Mr, and Mrs. Hopp (Nettle Davis) of Rochester, N. Y., wore visitors . with George and Mrs. Davis, and also attended the "Davis" re-n•ninn In Barrie. * * * Mr. and Mrs. J, Schultz left last week for :lforrishurg, where Mr. 44ehelta will commence his ditties as principal of the High School there in September. * * 'Miss Florence MeNanghton who has been visiting with ]lir. and 'Mrs. j R. North. Tong Branch, Karl the mis- fortune to frill and hl'eak her iag and Marl to be taken to Western Hospital, Toronto.' * * * Recent visitors with Mr • and Mrs. Herb Manning were Mr. and Mrs. Jerk Rra:ckenbnry and Carol of Flesh:erton: Mr. and Mrs. H, Leaver and three daughters of Dryden, Ont,, ay, uuly 26th, 1900 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Morgan and ETHEL son. Moorefield: Mr. and Mrs. (41:1, - net Dowling and two children and Mr. Herb Cunningham of Palmerston and Miss Dorothy Cunningham of Toronto. Brussels Legion Donations T- Me*-aorial Plaque A sixth group of contributions to ii'nit0sels Branch of the Canadian Legion M44ninrial Fund appears be - 1w Art Sinclair Roy 448111441.0 Ross Stephenson Phyllis lirToggart Bnrden Breers P. N. Cnrrie (inrdnn Krill, FP Ti'm'e Bateman Bole Bateman Ton, Stevens 0,111. 11 ("pillar/1n Mrs. F Seller's P 11-01 111 all Neil Ma1Tntnsh Norman Ticlrsnn Gnrdnn Nichol Cliff. Tinsehltn B ili McNair Gorden Workman Mrs, Thos. Davidson Harry Bniger ' H arvey D011 111S Miller aril Gillis T. B. Bennett C11n1e0 Storey Jack Cox 7111 Pennington lees. Robert Wiison Mar Stiles Hiss ni,.•„11, Tinstittgs Mrs. Ethel Brewer :Airs, R. J. MrL.anchlln Gi110mr Willis Geo. 'Malts Sr, .Tonics W. Smith. Mrs. Roht. Thmson Stanley 1MnoT)nlald .Tames MmLeren 01114. TCernogbnn F7111441' Y01111g Toho MrA1'ter Bil] meArter 'Rob 111!mllie Alex Clarke Lawrenrcp Plant Nora Shaw Roht. Johnson R. A. Spatton ,Tenn Oldfield Jerk Wheeler Mr's F, Grainger Douglas Carter Jim Kirkpatrick Wm. T•Tprris lad. Granton D. B. Rine J. A. McLeod Thomas Kempton r.. ,r. McOretght Pen Cassidy Edward McCreath Jh014 13ryans Harvey Telutsten (Intended for last week) ,john Wilson, who underwent an appendetomy in Listowel hospital is reported p1'agressiug favorably Mrs, Alice E. Crabb, London, spent a few days with Dr. and Mrs. Ward- ; law. Dr. and Mrs. Si'ardlaw have re• turned from a week's holiday at imul1tnn and Honey harbor, guests of Mr, and Mrs. R. P. Ople. , Guests at the home of Mr, and Mrs. TTaroid Swift are Mr. and Mrs. henry Curtis of St, Thomas, The -Women's institute picnic -rhednled for the town of George and Mrs. Pearson was held in the township hall. because of bad weather, with only a fair atten- d:)nee. Gaines and contests lander the leadership of Mrs. Alex Pearson, Mrs. H. McIntosh, and 1 Mrs. Alex Speiran were 41,11011 enjoy- ed along with the usual •picnic lunch, Bert Godden, C. N. R section fore- man is having two weeks holidays. Mr. and Mrs. Godden are visiting friends at St. Marys and Stretford. Larry Hampetnn. Hamilton, is holidaying with his grandfather and ! grandmother, ITr. and Mrs. Percy Stephenson. Ane and Donald Pestell, are spending the week in Toronto, wttih their aunt Mrs. Noble McKee, BLUEVALE At the 11107111111g service at Knox Presbyterial., , har,.h here Sunday. Rev. Dr. C. H. MarTlnnald used "Sel- fishness' as the main theme or his sermon. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Lou 11rid,h,n14, Tllarrisiml, Mrs. Crane Small. •Pnlmerwtnn. Mr, and Mrs, Nelson C prdiff and Miss Jessie Strneben. •Brussels, with Mrs, P. S 1Mac1Gwnn. Mrs. ,7. J. Sellers, Morris. and Alan (lorniss, London. with Mrs. R. F. Garniss: Mrs. Dnhbie. Fort Frances. with het• daughter. Mrs. Johnston. and Jdn1: Mr. and Mrs. William Griffiths, Montreal, arc spending their vaca- I40n at the Sanderson hone Here: Miss Florence Fowler. Senforth, with her brother. Ebner. Tmtm- ilerry: Mrs. Emily Elston. String. ham. with Mrs. Nellie Llllnw: Mr. and Mrs. Fred Brewer and family, London, with their hrnthe's 1100 Mise 1.11P11n Brewer: Mrs, M. L. Aitken, Misses 112aa'y and R11hy IMPS with Mr. and sirs, Pnnald Street at Ltsitowell Mr. and Mrs. Raymond l:lilott with Mr. and Mrs. Stanley 1t711Lott and tatn11y at theft cottage at TPperwash Bench: Mr. and Mrs, Einre' Sellers. Guerin and Timmie at Poplar Bearh. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Elliott. Blin.e- vale road, newlyweds were the guests of honor at a largely attended social tunctdon in the Community 37411, here on Monday night. An address was reed by T. Gordon Mundell: and tleorgt Fischer presented Mr. Mrs Elliott with a substantial sum et money. Lunen was served, and ;lancing enjoyed to the music of Tiffin's orchestra. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Wood and Mrs, Greenwood, Stratford. B7r. and Mrs. Orville Jones and family. 110.,. 1781114' Scott and 3liss Doilglas. Lncknow, with Mrs. Curt- is and Miss Laura Kirkton: Mr. and Mrs. Alan Garniss, London, with 111•. and Mrs. W. G. Mundell; Mrs. Spaaline• Yen, SUM 11 and Fay 11ndidaying 011 Genrgian Bay where Mt. "o'eo has a contract with the Dime rim ent. of Highways: Mrs. Curtis with her daughter. Mrs. Procter. and Harald. Morris. GREY (Intended for last. week) The second meeting of the Girl's Garden Club was held at the home of Mrs. Jas. Pesten. on Wed. Eve, Judy 5th Nine members were pre- sent. "Ethel Gardeners” was chosen as name for their club. President, .lean Stoics was in charge of the meeting. The secretary, Margaret Conley called the roll, which was answered by "How My Garden :rows." Reeord books were brought up to -date, "Canada's Health Rules". were reviewed. Garden insects and needs and methods of controlling them were discussed. Making of a 1,rtuce salad was Remonstrated by teen Stei •s and Ann Pestell. At next meeting girls plan to ex•ohange bouquets of flowers. NOTICE — Don't neglect your Lire Insurance, protection every one needs it, even you. Consult your local Sun Life representative Harvey Stephenson, Brussels, phone 4112c. MORRIS The Historical Research meeting of rhe R-. i was held on Tuesday. July 18th. at the home of Mrs 1M. )fathers. The usual opening exercises and business was eon dnrted by Mrs. Stanley Conk, who had charge of the meeting.. Ruth Pror•ter and Lois )Walker entertained with piano duets, The 'sill 44811 was answered by des- rribing nr showing the oldest article posseed and this brought -to the fore many things such as shawls, benlet4. }n•oorhe,. di0111'' and many ether artiele4. all of which were one hundred or more years old. Mrs. Du - Val of Wdngham, gave a splendid talk ern Historiea1 Legends from the Pyr. of Pauline Johnson. Mrs. Stanley Cools demonstrated in her capable manner "Ironing a Man's Shirt," A trio of grandmother's Mrs. N Higgins. M. H. Wheeler and Mrs. Jas. Michie contributed 2 numbers. Luneh was served by hostess as. -need by Mrs Carl Prnnrer, Mrs. Ray c"1', o'1'ord and Mrs. Earl Ander- son. The next meeting will lie held at the home of Mrs. Cora ;1MeGill 4th line on Tuesday. August 14tH, Mr. and Mrs. Berker of Kitchener are spending the summer with Mrs, R4/ella Armstrong. ' Ars Livermore of London Is a guest of Mrs. Ethel Cloakey 5th line. Mrs. Curtis and daughter Margaret and Mrs. Laura Kirton of Rlnevale, were visitors on Friday at the, )tome of James and Mrs, Michie. Miss Eileen Holmes who has been visiting relatives in Flint and other places in Michigan for three weeks returned home recently. Renew your suhscrpition to the Brussels Post• now. f�1a, W WHOPS f.. v6h7Ni nioactrir fit YTOSII I0 CORN r+, JOIN THE HAPPY DEKALB FAMILY, NOW!