HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-7-19, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST ya . ei g_11msatttltilii imwr:lnt,ma, BeBsure your ra n Be silt t mr Steering Be� Tres spy re yo � Be sure your Lights are in perfect a or2ditiol' and you are able to seep quickly When the unexpected happens. Be sure your Be sure yourAcceieration is in good condition road. are in top condition. lives. for any type of Tire failure costs Y give maximum illumination and circuits are reliable. is clear Cinj not obscured by ornaments, stickers, part•els or dirty glass. is dependa.ble and you don't get trapped by on coarsing tr•affkc. Remember the life you save rr-1: .e yr :air orvn, PHONE 66 FORD - MONARCH lv- ere IsTowEL CRANI=sROC)K 1l"eduedny, nuly 26th, 1.950 alteleilieliellatenVdltlegag l4i111A1kBattalae i .iN elite ,11 the re.mla1 vviee ou eunday ,,,chin, h: linen: 1't•f shytencelt r't;uroii the mee,ter -poke est "The Ii •p«.•,;unit '1'h9 f" ha, ed cu Lake 28 er, 1:1, 91r„, I 11 1 :unernu, lonolon. 1s ri:,ifinv a' the home of \lv,. 1leilnnald 1.1t' Al, s lir1) neall, ;Tt. Thomas, ,lits a1 the home of 91 ;Cit 19m.,110/et and 91. lamed lir. :iii l Ai I' Jas. Cameron and 4n ._-serer Carole, tiarnla. and 9ir•. Morgan Cala. Lmtalun, visited with Mr. and 911'4, Allen Cameron. Mies I.tco-1 It khel is confined to ,h,• Listowel Hospital where she underwent an eperatl0n on Monday. 81r. and 9lre W. J ferric spent he week -end at Nigara Falls. )Intended for last week) Sabbath School and the regular ,rt•vice of worship were he10 un San - lay, :fitly loth, with the minister, Rev, Alex J. Simpson. in the pulpit The Old Testament reading was Isaiah =3 and the New Testament reading Acts2. The ministe.r',r ser- I mon subject wa>,,"Men and brethren, what shall we do?" Ants 3 verse 37. 81r. and Mrs. Winston McO.acllern 1 and little daughter. Hamilton. vlstted 1 at the hone of Mr. and Mrs. Peter .Raker ' Mr. and Mrs. Osear Hoehn, Con- estoga, spent the week -end with 81iss Entylene Steise. ;, L•'r: ^'1 .,..-,`: TEIT ... �..:'!_:_ _ , .r .:74EZ 3,:-rllm w acl'Irt xsr-.z .IS. a ,e... M4.7em, o P � HOMO MILK We can now supply you with HOMOGENIZED MILK It is rich creamy and smooth for az real treat, try a quart B tUSSELS CREME Y a; 3 r;,,gtr ,..'+ii,:?7 ''.:- t+v.r ,}a' „ 4'..” v t,r.•/e..', t. • , " iii c'-'..,t�1���1111,1 i�1 ifji 111 ;1,1111 !il • Irl 'y''', 11 a II Illl�u,, r yp4da ,i�di�, ;• Ill I ��tf�+' I ' L1 i` f')t�%,{ •,: ,t Fr 1 n l )p� y II � ` l I `A1 P * 1 ./J � l N P �1 MAKE SANDWICHES SOMETHING SPECIAL l ; You can, if you see the House- hold Food Alumnae in The American Weekly with this Sunday's (July 30) issue of The Detroit. Sunday Times. See recipes for Pyramid Sandwiches, Barbecued Sandwiches, Layered San- rlwiehe•s and Club Sandwiches. See Sunday's Detroit Times for direct- ions on how to snake sandwiches which are really SOMETHING Sr1C1AL! p/7.1 r. IN MEMORIAM 1^: cit turd—In coving memory of Trp. lto» 1'. \Chittard, killed in action u lttilc, on July else, 1944. 21 uured unlong the nation's heroes 1'> -s ,.at int ed one, Beneath a simple wooden cross, his crown, And we who knew and loved him Iters ran say: ., simple lore, a simple trust, a simple duty done, Sadly missed by Mother. Dad and Brothers and Sisters, 1qr a i "s•� t.�T Personals: Miss Margaret Cumen- '•n Ing and Mrs. Cumming. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Teeming; Mrs. Goo. McArthur and dangnter Mar- garet with friends in Moose Jaw, Saolt.. and other western cities; John Ritchie, 1fth of Grey, is ill at his home: Mr. and Mrs. James Cameron and daughter Carol with lir- and Mrs. James Coutts. The rego.1» meeting of the W.M.S. was held on Wed., afternoon ,Illy loth. Mrs. H, Johnston, presided for this meeting. The meeting opened by singing hymn 249 fnlInwed by the secretary's and treneurees reports. Mrs. S. Johnston the supply sec- retary reported that the hale of clothing had been shipped abroad. It was derided that we would enter rain the Baby Rand on August 23rd, The Walton Group under the lead- eeship of S(rs. F. Kirkby then had elinre.e of the meeting. She was assisted by several members of the zrrr,np theeno-hott the program. Myron 1 2:1`i was sting and the meeting closed with 1 prayer of intercession, Mark TTamilton recently purchased to registered Dual Purpose Milking Shorthorn craws, 2 calves. and 2 herd sires (year old) all from ac- credited herds- at Caledonia, Ont, We all wish him the very best suc- eees. 11 t. i t�.. q a1 tt,tl}',t ,t 1 �S 1 ri A fH III til>S' t ,e �Q the Feld rtd in the ome MODERN EQUIPMENT (cakes Easy Work of Nurvesting The ease, speed and economy of harvesting nowadays typifies the change in farming that has come with new and better equipment. Through progress in implement engineering the b'.ircierl of farm work has been transferred from muscles to machines— with decided advantages physically, socially and economically to those engaged in agriculture. Latest machines like the Massey -Harris self-propelled combine have established a new appreciation of the importance of mechanization and a realization that farming with modern power machines is easier and more profitable. PotlitS5ETZZATPLIS CO '+ °,FIR; , LIMITED Makers of High Quality Farm Implements Since 1847 .nsmar®ems, Piano Tuning Por satisfactory results have your piano expertly tuned or overhauled. Free estimates, .Same priority given In the country, 12 year's experience, Names may be left at Max Oldfield's Hardware Store, Phone 68 Brussels. Kerr. Hill, Toner. Travel Agency Mr. W. P. Bergman has recently opened a Travel Agency in Wingham located next door to Wingham Motors, Ile has had many years ex- perience In handling travel problems and is in a position to arrange your trips, matte reservations and secure ••tickets for you anywhere by Land, Sea Or Air, Also Cruises. Conducted Tours, Hotel reservations arranged, If you contemplate making a trip by Rail, Ocean or Air Plane, phone or write, W. F. Burgman Travel Agency, Wingham, Ont., and he will be pleased to make all ar- rangements for you, Phone Office 125, Residence 164, 11r. and Mrs. Oscar Gnrsalitz, l' lira. were renewing acquaint - era and attended the eel, v r- 10 Tinos Church on Sunday. -lir rand Sirs. D. TTuether.airs. G. 1 'Nether and Gerald, Mr. and Mrs. Murray Huether and Brian are hol- il.tyin_ in Timmins with Mr. and Mre. Dave Miller and will come Inoue by •he Manitoulin ]'stands. Mr end Mrs. Jim Cameron and Carol. Sarnia. visited with Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cameron. ('ranbronk, Jnly 10, 1900 On July 1.11. 1950 at 9 p. in, the Poard rat• Directors of the Oran. brook ('community Centre met at the hone of 31r. Lloyd Michel. Mr. Lloyd Mtehel presided and Alex J. Simpson acted as secretary. The many varied reports of the standing committees were received and indicated the immense amount of work and enthusiasm which has ' resulted in the present structure 1' AO well edvan,'ed and now awaiting • the interinr to he completed. The Sect•elary was asked to make ap• plicaliml for an inspection by the Department of Agriculture in prepar- ation for the Government grant. An agreement was drafted where. , by the Cranbronk Community. Centre And the School Board are to share ' the cost of a pressure system that will provide rioting water from the well of Robert Engel, The Purchasing Committee was given power to order the necessary building supplies for the interior and to curry nn the construction and to report back later, Several ladies at the invitation of the Board also met and Mrs. ,Tames Bremner presented the following Minutes : — Mrs, Gordon Knight occupied the Chair and Mrs. James Bremner acted as Secretary. It was decided after con.siderahle discussion to obtain the feeling of the ladies of the District with regard to forming a. Women's Institute, " Arrangements were made for e pie and ice erea)n social to be held on Thursday, ,lluly 27th on Mr, Jobe McNabb's latvn, The tickets sold. on a purebred pig will be drawn that night, Admission to the grounds 25c pie, ice cream and beverages 200. Motion to adjourn was moved by R. W. Whitfield, NOTICE TO CREDITORS All persons having claims against the estate or Adam Sholdice late of the Township of McKillop in the County of TTuron, Retired farmer, who died on or about the Eleventh day of Jttly, A. D. 1080 are notified to send to the ntnderelgned on or about the Ninth day of August 1050 fell particulate of their claims in writing, Immediately e.fter the Ninth day of August the assets of the said Testator will be distributed einongst the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to claims of whieh the Exert -tore shall then have notice, Dated this Twenty-sixth day of July, A. D. 1050. CR.AWFORD & HETHERINGTON Brussels, Ontario Solicitors for the lllxeeutor. 1948 Dodge Coat:h (tike new) 1947 Hudson Sedan 1937 Ford Sedan 1948 G. M. C. 1/2 -ton panel 1948 Fargo 1/2 -ton Pick-up 1947 Chevrolet 3/4 -ton Pick-up 1942 G. M. C. Stake Truck 2 Used Tractors 2 Used Fer,;uson Plows 3 New Ferl;•uson Tillers Jackson itgors Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Your Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implements Dealer. si "Service with a Smile" Phone 161 Listowel, Oint. meminxasemas "'^P i4Liae,' 'maxy.y. e ry:.':mwltt'tttat.mm9haraase0•:•m, FOR SALE — ICitchen cabinet, in good condition. Mrs. Cliff Hoegey Phone 48-r-27 FOR RENT — Apartment to let with all con- venience. Apply at Export Packers, FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phrl. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. 0di-s. H. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. IN THE•KITCHEN Bathroom and laundry , clean, fresh running water eliminates house. hold dntdgery ., just tura the tap, no more water -carrying from the pump. TRUCK GARDENERS Are enthusiastic over a DURO WATF,R SYS'rs9f , . assured of plenty of moisture when needed, IN THE BARN Your cattle and all livestock a r e quickly watered, saves time and labourbesides di have FIRS PRO. TZCTION for all your farm buildings. 1• t, 7117,50 F.0.9, London, Canada 94,7,4 EMCO Fixtures and Fittings Yon can easily modernize your kitchen , , . bathroom and laundry , , , enjoy the comforts of Irving. SEE US TODAY for COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR SALE BY C. SE G. Krauter Co. Brussels, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London • Hamilton - Toronto - Sudbury - Winnipeg Vancouver and METALS LIMITED Calgary Edmonton - Vancouver ee-52