HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-7-12, Page 6"t1E aft1U1643 roar �II.e1ir.� Before Going On Holidays Take along a good supply of Kodak Fihns. On return bring in the taken rolls, and have them developed and finished with New Larger Fotopack Prints, You will be pleased with the work. For Sunburn Noxzema Skin Cream 49c, 69c, and the hospital size $1.39 Rexeme 29c •• 60c Gypsy Tan Oil Gypsy Cream Ointment Form 75c Daggett and Ramsdell's Cold Cream . , , , 45c Sun Glasses from 39c a pair and up Children's Sun 25c Glasses Bathing Caps 25c, 50c and 75c Come in colors of white, green and yellow. Face -Elle Insect Repellant 50c See the New Package in Cream in Tube ... Assorted Pastel Shades 25c Rexall Insect Chaser 59c Foot Comforts Scholl's Corn or Callous Pads • • 35c pkg. I Blue Jay Protecto Pads ,,..30c Rexall Foot • vv Powder .. , 35c Saniped Corn Solvent , • ,.. 35c West's Tooth Brushes in Heavy Wet Proof 50c Other Tooth Brushes At ..25c and 35c each Choloradent Ammoniated Tooth Paste , ... 33c , F. R. SMITH � InaDSTATIONER UGGRexall Drug Store I'ELEPHONE No. 83 . BRUSSELS. *19001.10.114 Announcement Having purchased the coal, coke and cement business of J.H. Fear, Ethel. I would appreciate your continued patronage and will endeavour to give you good service at all times. Robert Cunningham Ammemommemor HOMO MILK We can now supply you with HOMOGENIZED MILK ft is rich crearny and smooth for a real treat, try a quart BRUSSELS CREAMERY Phone 24 WOOD'S -- Brussels, Ont. HOLIDAY TIME IS HERE Let us supply your requirements such as — Ladies Summer Dresses Slacks and Jeans Jerseys — Shorts Men's and Boys' Sport Shirts T Shirts Socks and Underwear Sport Jackets Wednesday, July 1211, 1950 Library Notes Nbooks recently purahaaed by the Board ew include tIle following: Kennedy—The peaceable kingdom Goudge—Genttian hill Pinchot—Hear this woman? Stone—Ube passionate journey Shlllaborger—The king's cavalier Graham—Cordelia 'Ehrlick—The big eye Bristow—Jubilee trail Castor—The spanglers Kennedy—The feast Gdbler—The Plymouth adventlure Schoonover—The gentle infidel McNeilly—Each bright river A new H. C. L. A, library is in, too, with books for young and old, so Plan to make use of the library when you want to relax and read. Two timely hooks in the H, C. L. A. collection are, "How to build garden furniture by H, J. Hobbs, and "The baby book of knitting and crochet" bylIathieson. Library Hours— Tuesdays 3-5 P.m, 7.30-9,20 p. m. Saturdays 2-5 p. M. 7,30-10 p. m. CRANIBROOK the offering the President led in the closing prayer. Rev. Dr, Turner, Ingersoll, con- ducted the regular morning service in Knox Presbyterian Church speak- ing on the subject "The Christian and His Faith" based on the text Matt. S:12. Mrs, Florence Michel contributed the solo, "For You T Am Praying." The July meeting of the Women's Missionary Society was held at the Home of Mrs, M. Engel with ten in attendance. The leader, Mrs, Clara Omstead, opened the meeting with the call to worship and singing of Hymn 156. The topic "The Church in Korea" was given by Mrs. Mac Engel. M'rs. Omstead read an article from the May Record written by Rev. Luther and Mrs. Young. Portions of Psalms 25 and 27 were read and Psalm 41 was read by Mrs, Lynn Evans. The president, Mrs, D. Hue - titer led in prayer and Hymn 796 was sung. During the business period the minuutes were read and ap- proved and the roll called. The Sept. meeting will he at the home of Mrs. John Schnock. Thanks were express- ed by Mrs. Omstead for cards re- ceived and the supply secretary re- ported on the sending of the bale, A birthday picnic was planned for, to be held in August on the manse lawn and program and refreshment coo; m,ittees were appointed. Following ROGERS BROS. WW1 10#31 911YYRPIT 26 S 75 e.ts..e r.ee4.s 44. 1sesissre.• khat, sot a 1110E Own (a.. SiNerphe. • Ken Am** slid. Aso tee. A *naps C..fA.'. Was t.s e.l, a apsas e. Leger *0 •• see it W. *We. ...'sw .al .ss saw* swfassowlep is swot*** wrl.d osons seirn► does set Situs ham. s* twb e. osis E:rs ilk r1: saCAC ouR4: W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels The Ladies' Aid held their meet- ing eeting which was presided over by Mrs, A. Cameron, The minutes were read and adopted and several items of business were dealt with. The fin- ancial report As given and the President pronounced the benedict- ion, Lunch was served at the close. Mr. Irvin Dunn, Oxshaw' Alberta, is visiting at the home of his brother, Mr. Earl Dnun, Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Smalidon, and grandson Dickie, and Mr. Tom Small - don, all of St. Thomas, spent several days with their brother George Mod.) Smaildon and other friends. Mrs. John Fischer is spending a few clays et the hoarse of her brother, George Smaildon. Mr. and Mrs. 'Wes. McEachern, Ayr, visited last week with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Baker. PALMISTRY AND TEACUP READINGS — Given by experienced and noted reader. For appointment Phone 39-r-23 or write me Miss I, Sellers, BluevaIe R. 13.2. SLYTH TEACHER ACCEPTS POSITION IN MORRIS Miss Joan Whitfield, eldest claught- er of Mr, and 2Ira. Lewis Whitfield, Blyth, aucl a_graduate of Stratford Normal School, has accepted the Position of teacher of S.S. 5 Morris township, Diss Whitfield succeeds Miss Isa- bel McDonald, Blyth, who has ac- cepted a position on the teaching staff at Brantford. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We have regular shipments of Anthracite Coal -- both Nut and Stove Size arriving Monthly. Several cars of Chestnut and Stove Coal will arrive this Month and we are now unloading a car of the good, shiny Midland Alberta Lump Coal. All our Coals are screened again in our yard before delivery. for your protection as we operate a retail Coal Business only, we are always ready to serve you promptly and efficiently at the lowest possible Cost. Order now and be assured of your fuel, for neat winter. BRUSSELS COAL YARD Phone 77 i 1 — REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Also Rebuild Mattresses Pick-up and Delivered Stratford Upholstering Co. 43 Brtntshwick Street Stratford, Enquire at — D. A. RANN Furniture and Funeral Service Phone 36 or 85 Brune*, Ortt. MY COLEMAN •. MAKES ITS OWN GAS ''';IJ -)-GKANrAnAa 'INSTANT -GAS" STOVE everyone to talking about! Come in and let as show you why. SEE IT_TRYIT —BUYIT at BEFORE BUYING YOUR ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES SEE THE GENERAL ELECTRIC LINE AT Oldfield's Hardware We now have one 60 cycle 9%2 cubic foot Refrigerator in stock. This machine has a separate compartment where butter, can be kept at just the right temperature for easy spreading. Shelves in the door for small articles often used. Come in, look it over. Always a complete stock'of Flo -Glaze and Sherwin Williams Paint. Given to you fact- ory fresh' no stirring necessary. Telephone 68 MEMORLALS FOR SALE — WINGHAM MEMOIZIAl. SHOP Renfrew cook stove, "Cookrlte" in famous for perfect condition. Artistic MemorialsApply at The Brussels Poet at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choices granites to chose frorn Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOTTON "'hone 2$6 Wingham, Ont Gregg's Hardware Phone 17 Brussels, Ont. Wool Wanted All Wool shipped to JACKSON'S is graded in Seaforth andjail settlement made from them. Ship your wool to H. M. JACKSON SEAFORTH Write for sacks , and twine Phones: 3-W and 34 twarmamommemaaffraw CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone U4 Seaforth FOR SALE — Singer Treadle Sewing Machine, neary new, can be converted to Silk electric. Apply at The Bnusseld Post Summer Holiday Specials Women's' Misses' and Children's Sun Dresses, with or without Bolero $2.29 up Misses Better Sun Dresses in pink, green turqoise and blue, sizes. 12 to 18 $8.95 Women's and Misses' Wash Dresses Large assortment of styles and patterns to chose from, sizes 12 to 20, 38 to 44 $3.95 — $4.95 — $5.95 Misses' Print Skirts, elastic waist sizes 12 to 20 — $1.98 Misses Elastic Bathing Suits, in black, - royal, yellow, mauve, turquoise, and white $4.95 up. Large selection of Men's and Boys' Gabardine Slacks — $4.95 up Boys Slack Suits, sizes 8 to 16 years $6.95 Large selection of Men's and Boys' Sport Shirts, short and long sleeves $2.49 up - Men's and Boys' Bathing Trunks $1.98 up. Boys Wash Suits, sizes 2 to 6x and 8 to 14 years — $2.98 up. Men's and Boys' Rivett Pants — $2.89 up Men's Nylon Dress Shirts - $8.95 Large selection of Men's, Boys' Women's and Children's Summer Shoes At Special Reduced Prices THE ARCADE STORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Phone 61 _ Brussels, Ont.