The Brussels Post, 1950-7-5, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST
Engler - Querengesser
The marriage of Flaxenee Helen,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence
Querengesser, R. R. 3, Brussels, to
.Mr. Lorne Louis Engler, 10 Cedar et.
Waterloo, son of Mrs. L. '.Engler,
Listowel, was solemnized in the
Presbyterian Oluureh, Ethel, Saturday
afternoon at 2 o'clock. Rev. Mr.
Simpson officiated at the ceremony
IP a setting, formed of pink and
white peonies, red and white roses
and orange blossoms, Mrs. Elsie
Cunningham, Ethel, played the Bridal
Chores from Lolhrengl+in, and Miss
Doris Cunningham, Reg, N„ sang
"Because" and "I Love Yon Truly.'
The bride given in marriage by her
father, wins attended bat her sister,
Miss Mildred Querengesser, Wing -
ham, as maid of honor, and Miss
choose the bank which its you
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Canadian banks, like other private concerns,
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Wog `mai .....w14„vet*
Newton, Listowel. Wing/tam,
orieff, Ethel, halt, Waterloo,
don and Toronto.
Leona Engler, Waterloo, sister of
the bridegroom, as bridesmaid, The
best plan was Mr. Clifford Queren
gesser, Ethel, brother of the bride,
and Mr, Jamie Shiells, R, R. 1,
Newton, nephew of the bridegroom.
Mr. Robert Randston and Mr. Mur-
ray Roolston, StratTord, were ush•
ers. The bride wore a gown of White
rayon sheer in floor length style,
w'th embroidered bodice and long
sleeves. A pink headdress held her
long white embroidered veil in and the ushers were Mr. William
Htsey and Dr. Ronald M. Bremner.
Place and her bouquet of red roses I Mrs. Norman Milne sang "Calm as
was tied with long satin streamers,
the Night” and the Churoh choir,
The bride's attendants wore gowns of which the bride was a member.
of nylon net over taffeta, fasbicned
Sang daring the signing of the resist•
with shirred holier and shawl i er, Mr, Roy Grass presided at the
II collars. The maid of honor was in r+,gt+tl.. A reception was held at
I pink and Miss Engirt^ had chosen the .halve of the brides's mother oh
blue. ?their beadrlress and mit- Riverside Drive. On their return
tens matehlei their gowns and they from a lento+ trip. Mr. 'Rowntree
carried nosegays of pink and white and his bride will live in .lionkreal.
carnations. The flower girl, Sharon
t".ardi.ff, daughter ' of Mrs. Clark
Cardiff, Ethel, was in a long blue WA,
taffeta frock, made with peplum
sed puff sleeves. She wore for- I
Wednesday, July 0th, 1260
Men- allOMMIlk
Rowntree • Zimmer
In High Park United Church, Tor•
ono, with Rev, F. E. H. James, of-
fietating,' the ma•relage took place of
Clef MarY, daughter of Mrs, Zimmer
and the late Prof. A Zimmer to Mr.
Alan Keith Rowntree, 5011 of Mrs.
Rovenitree and the late Henry
Rowntree. The bride, given in mar'
riage by her brother, Mr, Paul Zim•
mer, wore a gown Of ivory satin, with
long fitted bodice, full skirt with
lace betide inserted, and lace cape
with small satin collar, She wore
her mother's veil of silk net em-
broidered with bowknots of seed
pearls, and held by a circlet of
pearls and orange blossoms, She
carried an ivory Bible Prom which
fell a cascade of sweet pens and
lily of the valley. Her attendants
were Mrs. Paul 'Zimmer, matron of
honor; Mss. Robert Joyce and Miss
Janet •Woodcr0f1, bridesmaids, gown-
ed alike in wood -rase faille, with
lace bands inserted in the full skirts
and capes and mittens of lace. They
wore caps of faille and lace, and
carried nosegays of pink carnations
and cornflower. Mr. H. Leslie Rown-
tree was groomsman for his brother,
get -tie -eats In her hair and car- i
_ ; tried a nosegay of pink and white i
sweet peas. For her daughter's wed- ',
cling Mrs, Querengesser was wearing
a Panama white spun dress with
hat and gloves in thatching shade
and a blue rose corsage completed
her costume. Mrs, Engler, mother i
of the . bridegroom, was dressed
in navy and blue figured sheer, with
hat and gloves to match and cor
sage of pink roses. Pink and white
streamers and wedding bells dec-
orated the church hall for the
reception, The bridal table, decor-
ated in a pink and white color
scheme with roses and candles, was
1 centred with a three-tier wedding
I crake. The assistants were Miss
Bonnie Godden, Miss Marion Mann,
Miss Donne Bailie, and Mrs. Clif-
ford Querengesser, For a wedding
trip to Toronto, Hamilton, Niagara
Falls, and Detroit, the bride tra-
velled in blue satin dress with red
shortie coat and gray hat. Mr. and
Mrs. Engler will reside at 10 Cedar
.st., Waterloo. Guests attended the
wedding from Stratford, Britton,
M tchay.en
Poultry Farm
Started Pullets
All Ages
All Breeds.
# * *
To order at any age or date to
suit your needs.
* *
Frank C. Mitchell & Son
Wroxeter Phone 76
Renfrew Cream
Separators and Milkers,
Disc, Plows, Manure
Lime and Fertilizer Sowers,
Spring -tooth Harrows
Land Packers,
Rubber -tired Wagons.
Oliver Tractors,
both wheel tractors and crawlers,
Plows, Discs, Spreaders,
Mowers, f=lay Loaders,
Smalley Forage Blowers and
Hammer M41..
We also ave repairs for
Qliver Cockahutt Tractors.
irssferneit Dealers for
OItvst Implements
telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ont.
.t1r. Jas. Lang from Pateet, Texas, 1
Mrs. Robt. Swift of Sau Francisco,
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Malin of Fingal,
North Dakota spent the last couple
of weeks at the home of Roy and
Mrs. Bennett.
'David Kirkby broke a bons in his
left arm when he slipped and fell
while playing ou the roof of a
Mrs.. John Pryce while preparing
breakfast for her husband met with
a painful accident, when she slipped
and fell, striking the corner of the
cupboard and cutting a deep gash in
her forehead. Several stitches were
reeuirecd to close the wound.
Personals: Rev. R. G. Hazelwood
and Harold (Sellers visited in Port
Carling; Aslant Sholdice is in Sea -
forth Memorial Hospital.
Donald (Buck MacDonald, who
ewes a spraying machine, met with
a painful accident, while cleaning
nut some of the pipes on the sprayer.
White wash mixed with some
chemical solution hit him in the
face, and in both of his ayes. He
was temporarily blinded and was
rushed to Wingham Hospital for
medical treatment.
Phe following pupils from Walton
and Union 'schools were successful
in passing their entrance exams.;
From Walton, MackShoidice, Jim
Bolger, Doris Patterson, David
Blackwell, Margaret Achilles, Bob
Stevens, Douglas Kirkby, and Olean
Dundee; from S. S. 12, Grey and
McKillop (Union), Joyce Johnston,
Mona Clark, Clair Buchanan, and
Ronald. Smith.
The Little Star Mission Band was
held on June 26th, in the basement of
Melville Church, This being the last
meeting until September 24th, The
meeting opened with the theme song
"We are a little mission Band." Sec-
retary's report was given by Sheila
Alderson, followed by the treasur-
er's report by Mary Higgins. Roll
call by Shiela Alderson, followed hY
a duet by Jean Cardiff and Jean Mc-
Farlane. Hymn 002 was sung, Sheila
Alderson read the scripture lesson
fallo-wed by prayer by Catherine
Riddick. Mrs, G. Elliott told of the
religion of the Jiepanese, Offering was
then taken, Mrs. G. Gibson gave the
story where the .Carp banner flies.
Hymn 761 was sung followed by the
benerdictian, Refreshments were ser-
ved at the close of the meeting,
1948 Dodge Coack
1948 Chevrolet Sedan
1947 Pontiac Sedan ..
1947 Hudson Sedan
1946 Dodge Sedan
1937 Ford Sedan
1937 Chevrolet Coach
1948 Fargo 1/2 -ton Pick-up
1948 G. M. C. 1/2 -ton panel
1947 Chevrolet 3/4 -ton Pick-up
1942 G. M. C. Stake Truck
1946 Ford Ferguson Tractor
new sleeves and piston
1948 Ferguson Tractor
2 Used Tractor Plows
&'W5 J Motors Ltd.
Your Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson
System Implements Dealer.
"Service with a Smile"
Phone 161 Listowel, Ont.
Mrs.. J, C. 'Ls,mont, Mies Grace
Lamont, Mr. and Mrs, A, B. Loans-
bury, spent the, 'Dominion Day in
Ottawa;+ and also visited neices and
cousins Charles and Mrs. Warren at
Hampton, Ont.
Mrs. ; Wm. . Iio]Unger ' spent the
holidays with .her melee Mrs, Merles'
Warren at Hampton, tint,
Don't neglect your Lits Insurance,
protection every one needs it, even
you. Consult your local Sun Life
representative Harvey Stephenson,
Brussels, Phone 431.
Given by experienced and noted
reader. For appointment
Phone 39-r-23 or write me
1 Miss I. Sailers, Bluevate R. R. 2,
NING WATER in your
stables at the turn of a
Many prosperous farmers
today have, installed a
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designed to provide run-
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chicken house . truck
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Increased profits ... con-
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time and labour are ad-
vantages you can have
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See us for full information
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C. & G. Krauter Co.
Brussels, Ont.
Medea . Hamilton Toronto -'Sudbury - Winnipeg
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London, Canada