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The Brussels Post, 1950-7-5, Page 1
THE BRUSSELS POST - $1.50 per year saw H" s. ,t oST PUBLISHING HOUSE Yhy Pay More MARGENE! MARGARINE f**0110,0001.10 of t'ItsnlnApup.-d 35c Ila. f10AT3 oar rHEo/RT Buy 3and get one r��Tf+WYr�eJe. •'C 111.E - MAPi,R lE{1F TOILET SOAP Large Size Ao2; 33c 31c Giant Pkg. 79c ,» CEWAR'S c OCETE Open All Day Wednesday Melville Church Services Rev. Mr. Sutherland of Dutton oa { (meted the pulpit of Melville Cheerch 1: et Stoney, his morning text was taken from Pr, 45:16 and spoke of the great heritage of the church, in , the evening he spoke from the 10tH chapter of ist Cor. and to link our- selves with Christ as a divine com- mend. At the morning service an. anthem was sung by the choir and in the evening Gibson Willis was guest soloist. GREY .lir, and Mrs. Geo. Hart and grand- son of Atwood, also Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ford and son John of Detroit, were visiting friends in Grey TwP„ this past week. -sem ...^^..•. u=**=*:" Gospel Meeting in th O g Hall on Sunday, , at 8 p. m. Speaker, Mr. John Martin of Hawkesville, Ont. Everybody Welcome. ....Robert S. McLaren returned miss- ionary from Angola, Africa on Sun - August 6th, at 8 o'clock. Come and hear him. Everybody wetocme. Wednesday, July 5th, 1950 Brussels, Morris and Grey Telephone System Brussels, 9une 27, 1950. The regular monthly meeting of the Commisalaners of the Brussels, Morris and (trey Municepal '"elephone System was held in the office of the System on the above diate, all mem- bers present. Dor. D, M. MacTavtsh Is the new commissioner fm' the Village of Brussels. The minutes of bate previous meet- ing wore read, Moved by Mr. Michie, seconded by Mr, MacTavish, that the minutes as read he adopted. Rates for the telephones were dismissed and letters from Mr, Jas, A. McDonald, Supervisor of Tele- phone Systems for the Province of Ontario were read. Mr. McDonald, said he did not think the Board would approve the rates suggested In M. Martin's motion and that in any case the rates must he determin- ed by a meeting of the Commiselon- ers and the Board can take no further action in the matter until the Cmnmisstoners decide what rates they wish aPpl'oved, It was moved by Mr. Michie and seconded by Mr, MaeTavish, that the Telephone rates be as follows: All partyiine Telephones be 517.00 Frozen Foods I Telephones nn private lines 518.00 Business Telephones $20.00 - Carrie[]. IThe fire insurance on the Tele. I phone building and equipment was looked Into. and it was moved by l r. Michie, seconded by Mr. Mac- Tavdsh, that the insurance nn the building he increased to 55.000.00 and the insttrance on the equipment ihe increased to $10,000,00. -Carrier. Two film strips showing the preparation of fond Inc freezing will be featured at a community meeting sponsored by the Majestic Women's institute to be held i n the Brussels Pulbltc Library on Monday. July 10th, at 8 p. m. Day -light time. A cordial invitation is extended to all the men and woolen of the community. CARD UF THANKS I wish to take this opportunity of thanking all those who so kindly remembered me with cards, visits and treats during my three weeks in bed following any accident. John Edgar 1 Tt was moved by 14Ir. Mac'pavish, 1' a .ennded by Mr. Michie, that Mr, c Martin's resignation as Commission- er for Grey Township be accepted. - Carried Lions Club Band Tattoo Largely Attended The music of massed bands, smart nc:cjorettes, told colourful costumes all combined to make the Band Tat- too, of the Blyth and Brussels Boys and Glide Leone Club hand a success. Six bands participated in the mon- ster tattoo held In the Agricultural Park. Bru'esels, last. Wednesday night under the direction of Band- master A. C. Robinson of London, The London All Girls Band, let. Div. R.C.A,S.C. Band, London, and the Blyth and Brussels Band, massed, played excellent numbers, The Ban- ockhurn Pipe Banti and the Hanover Hig11 .School Girls' Trumpet Rand each presented several thoroughly eniayed pieces. Tno swirl of the pipes is always received with favour and the performance of the Hanover Trumpet Band made a decided hit with the large audience that gather- ed to enjoy the tattoo. The intricate drills performed by this band. 00 well ea their playing, wen well deserved applause. Three young London bleeps, who are in training to become majorettes, performed in e manner which speak. well Inc their future. Lion president, R. G. Hnselwor,4 spoke briefly - and intrnrineed Band- master Robinson. Mr. E. Sedlnn of Wingham was to 10 hays been guest conductor of the opening number hat he was net present. Miss Irma Watt end M. Rnherts. assistants to 110 Rnhinsnn 00011 enndneted a number by the maesed hanrl>. A dance in the Cystal Palace fol. lowed the tattoo and a trend crowd tripped the light fantast'r fn the music of Henderson's Orchestra Band Journeys to London On Friday night Brussels Lions Club Boys and Girls Band went to London, by lens, to take part in the Band Tattoo given in Labatt's Park lir Michie and lir. MacTavish met there. later and Mr. MacTavish was named chairman. , It was moved by Mr. MacTavish, Brussels Legion Donations Donations To To Memorial Plaque , Brussels Floodlights .1 fifth group of eontrihutions to 1Ng0cela 1'Ylaodligltt ean01'aign is Brussel.; Bonet' of the Canadian running under par. Would all Y:h+>se Legion Menoriel Jh3lnd appears be- who have made promises pleas, low: i kayo their donations a1 H. 13.#Ren'. Frank Cardiff Alex Herron Ili'.1 Turnbull Leelle Oliver Roy Champion Clifford Riley TT. M. Garniss Robert Forrest. Art Ruttan Harry Wright Mrs. John Snell Mrs. J. Pitcher Glen Snell Wm. J. Nicholson Orwell Simpson , Alex Shaw Wm. Peacock Lee Breckenridge James Johnston Walter Smillie Robert McLennan Carl Johnston Victor Warren Mrs. Gen. Elliott, Se Menne Jaekenn Glen Smith Thomas Miller Ern'e Smith Reg. Watson Mrs. 130 -3. Nieha11 lien. Nichol Walter Bewley Aloe Coleman • Stewart Nlehnl nut Jewell Mrs. Louise Porter Ken, Coleman BORN Mr. and Mrs, Jack McDonald are happy to announce the birth of a son Paul Duncan on June 21, 1950 at Dr, Myer's Nursing Home. drug store, as soon as possible. thank Brussels Public i School Promotions To Grade 8 Promoted 1 I. .. 1. en l,tentally Prong R item tat in saute grads. Ai Ycrsn>t, Sheila; it I>nrid:-.o11 Doreen; P you. The fnllowitlg is a list of fur- I)aN wenn. Larry; P they donations. Louis Waxman Henry Ilona (1enurr." ITingtton Geroge Bridge Stanley Rutledge Alex Pearson .... Islston Pe: rsou Bill Perrie 1.00 Waiter nese Poultry Farm . 10.00 Chars. T. Dev)lonll ........ 10.00 , Fr Ink Smith. 25.00 10.00 ills- Diskant Orri- Elliott D. A. Rant Claire Long Cbrls gnfth)R Chth -.. rr't:,r1. Fnnth•nl Cmnh Fnh H tharina)nn Edgar. Bruce; ; P 9 10,)0 1 !•lIl tt. lady; P 5," i r t I::u Jack: P .50 1 11 ec•i+ elry Agues; 1' 10.00 Inn>"ul. Elva: 0, P. 5.101 K,1 hi ly. Robert: ert: P 5,00 1,molt, Douglas; P 100,1)0 ;14cl,eon, Jack; P' Porter. Sheila; P Smith. Lorraine; P Sullivan. Maureen; P Willis. Mary; I. To Grade 7 70.08 fowler, Ken,; P 5.00 Bridge, Glen; P 50.08 [:'lark. William; P 10,00 Davidson, Audrey; P 100.00 Exel. Henry; P 100.00 Imesott. Ronald; C. P. 10.00 vru+ egnes:P Agricultural society seconded by Mr. 1\Iiohie, that the rate for extension telephone be BORN $ 8,00, -Carried. YOB'\>IG---In Wingham General Hos- East Huron _g'r�cax ; DANCE 1 pital, on Monday, June 26th, to Mr, e ran 'e ens ala ems. i1 Melville Church Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator. 10 a. M. Sunday Schoolble lanaa II Service at 11 o'clock Rev. Alex Simpson Sacrament of Holy Communion No Evening Service, The United C' urch OF CANADA Minh:tor Rev. Andrew Lasa Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar Morning Worship'- 11 o'clock No Sunday School or Evening Servioe During July and August. Chur ch of England and Mrs. Norman Young. R. R. 2, Brussels, a. son. NOTICE - A reception dance will be held at Walton Community Hall for Mr. and Mrs. Marks on Friday, July 7th. Music by Wilbee's Orchestra, Every- body verybody welcome. Peder of Brussels Rev. J. 91. Kerr •-- Rector. 5.t11 Sunday After Trinity Duty 911., 1950 $t. John Chvroh, bruins!" 11. a. 0. and 7.80 p. m First Agntversary of the re -opening of the church, and the 90611 of the founding 0f the parish, Rev. M. ir. Oldlh;am will be the special preacher, $t. David's Church, Hanfryn-- 2 p, en, Sunday School 2.30 p. m, Evewing prayer it. Qoorge'i Church, Written- No Seeviee NOTICE - Tl1e Ethel Mill will be closed from Monday, July 1'lth to Saturday, July 20th for holidays. Customers , please stock up early and avoid rush on last few days. J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Ont, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth1 Ont, Huron County Health Unit The Huron County Health unit I Board wishes to announce the trans. fer of Miss D. Wick, Reg, N., froin 1 Clinton district to take over duties 1 as public health nurse for Goderich. I Miss Wick is e. graduate of the Woolen's College Hospital, Toronto, and received her peddle health train- ing at the University of Toronto. She has had previous public health ex- perience in the Victorian Order of Nurses. Toronto, and has been on the Health 'Unit Staff for the past year. An additional nurse, taming July 15911. will be placed in Goderich to serve an outside district and will I assist in the town when necessary The Health 'Unit maintains a branch office at the Goderich Town I Hall which will be ,used by the two public health nurses. ✓ * * NOW PLAYING - MON. to. SAT. -- FOR ONE WEEK JULY 3rd to 8th "Me and Pa Kettle Go To Town" with Marjorie Main Percy Kilbride Their newest and most hilarious ad- venture -When they do the town It's done for -Pa becomes public enemy No. zero -Ma goes for Park Avenue Glamour, * R M ' Mon, Tues. Wed July 10.11.13 • 1st Show' at 7 P. M. "TWELVE O'CLOCK HiGH" with Gregory Peck an Hugh Marlowe Thls vivid pictorial dramatization of the variou's events In the narrat- eve of a heavy bombardment group 1 operating In England lin 1942, the 1 early days of the aerial war, when I things were not gohig too well. * * * I I I CAPITOL THEA.TR9 LISTOWEL RE.'WM' t11 Wed. Thur. July 5-6 Walt Disney's "SO DEAR TO MY HEART" Technicolor with Bobby Driscoll, Beulah Bondi. Next Thurs. Fri. Sat. July 13.14-15 in Technicolor "SAND" with Horse .sense and love -This *tura by the same producer who made the popular "Smoky", is one that leaves [Tittle to be desired In the way of good outdoor adventure. * * *' OOM1NG: "JOHNNY ALLEGRO" with George Raft and Nina Foch i m Fri. Sat. July 7-8 Robert Mitchum, Robert Preston, Walter Brennan in "BLOOD ON THE MOON" Cartoon Shorts Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. m. Mon. Tues: July 10-11 1 Lucille Ball, William Holden in "MISS GRANT TAKES RICHMOND" TUESDAY PHOTO NITE OFFER $140.00 In Crystal Ballroom Brussels on Wednesday, July 12th. Jack Henderson's Orchestra D ancin 9 ,D. Tat. t© .N a, fit, Refreshments Adn3issi©r - $1.00 per couple Everybody Welcome. Tetall 5050,-a[I * 0 a 1, w • el 01 n,-.i•,,e� m r. 007•x'' ore-, e.^,- a 0 sr * , IIiTng::aA't. Neil; P list iii. li allium:, P Myers, Elizabeth; P Bann, Jane; C. P. Smith. Father; P. aulilvat. Dorothy; P S l',-'1een..Toeln: P Th,a•nln11. Itnhert; P 1+,,d Et't ate; C. P. To Grade 6 i cin Isen; P y1Il Franklin; P 1 n• tames; P Ii:.:,atls. Jat.k; P 1 ,_o1:. Douglas; P th t'un•lt no. Margaret; P hiss Dorothy Stephens. Toronto. eletntelteou. Robert; P is holidaying with her parents Dr. McNair. Dianne; P a 1T o.i tit- t' J P eel t v tt Bird 11,101 1'1 ,-.r.:1: 1 n•tit ,.1 rl,,1ihnrtolt ot`er 11,4 1r,lbl:rt: Sock rod• I Mr. and 0A's. 1'lam•dre Layenek of ! W:terd,,wn are holidaying with friends in town. v and Mrs. Stephens. McNeil. Shirley; P * • 0 * 11'T:tggart, Dale; P Mr and Mrs. Harold Currie a.nd Stephenson, Kenneth; Warren of Hamilton spent the week- Stiles, Ted; P end with Mr. and Mee. H. 3. Bryans. * * * Mr. and Mrs. Earl Whittarrl and dem:later Janice of Merritton were week -end visitnrs with (Tr. and Mrs. I40e Wl1 ttard. * * * Mr. and Mrs. 0. hell. Mar Bali. and lir. and Mrs. H. Racie and baby, Hamilton, visited with .lir. and Mrs. Chas. Doll. * * * MIrs. E. Plum, loft last Friday for Newfoundland, to be with her daughter, the former Virgule Plum whose child is critically ill. * * * Mr, and (Inc. Wm. Coleman left on Tuesday for their new home et Wa- Wa. Ont., where airs. Coleman has accepted a position as teacher, We Waxman, Marlene; P Wilson, Helen; P Thornton. .Margaret; .P To Grade 5 Bridge. Allen; P Davison, Arnold; P Davison. Murray; P Ellaeott, Helen; P Jewell, Mary Beth; P Kennedy, David; P Lane, Ronald; P Leach, Catherine; P Lowry, Carol; P MvQnarrie, William; P Myers, Frances; P Stephenson. William; 1' Wilson, Frank; P Kitchen, Harvey; P To Grade 4 Bridge, Harold; P Excel, Everdine; P hide the very bests David; P wish BI11 and S y Hastings, e,..�-...-•.,:a ..,.,.• -""",.....-m.,..<.....®.m-.=g-=•-=--• - ,' lock. Lowry, Willie �, ,... ,t m; P -- --- a, rA 4r Imeson, Linda; P ANNUAL SPORTS DAY (Sponsored by Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion) AT VICTORIA PARK, BRUSSELS ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Starting et 2 P. M. with Soap Box Derby on Brussels Main Street. Continuing, until Midnight when a draw will be made for: .y New Super DeLuxe Dodge Coupe. Brussels Lions Club in attendance. Rides for young and old on the grounds. Baseball Games -- Races for Children. Modern and Old Time Dancing. Bingo and other games. Admission to grounds 25c - Public School Children Free SOAP BOX DERBY (Sponsored by Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion) ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Vehicles roust be home made with wheels not over 14 inches in diameter. Two Classes - Ages 12 year to 14 years. Second Class- Under 12 years. (Must be boy and girl entry) Under 12 year class may use vehicle used in previous race if necessary. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Joyce and Mr 1010000, Dwain; P and,,Mrs. Stuart. Lee and baby daught 1 McCutehe0n, Mel.; 0.'E� •• er Lynda of Toronto were week -end 1 Myers. Irene; P guests with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. 5 Armstrong. * * * Mrs. Jack Speer and Miss Laura Spear returned Friday from a week's vacation at Piiilade+lphia and Atlantic City. -miss Speer has accepted a position at Weet-it/MUr Hospital, London, * * * :4h'. and Mrs, Hugh Kennedy of Montreal, who have just returned from a trip to the Nellie coast, were visitors during the week -end alt the home of his brother, R. W. Itennedy, and other Brussels friends. * * * Holiday visitors with Mr, and Mrs, Mon, Attendance Card Night. 1st Prize $10., 2nd Prize $7.50; 3rd Prize $5.; Wed. Thu. F. July 12-13-14 4th Prize $2.50 - For Each Class. Sally Forrest, . Keefe. Judged Best Vehicle $5.00.- All entries to be made with Brasselle an "NOT WANTED" Geo, Backer by July 15th. ! _. ... _ 1 7 Stiles, Barbara; P Wood, Blayne; P Riddick, Patricia; P To Grade 3 Bray, Charles; 0. P, Coleman, Karen; P" Cousins, John; P Davidson, Joan; .P Excel, Eric; P Johnson. Wayne; P McBride, Jack; P McNeil, Tames; P Porter, Pamela; P Rutledge, Brian; P Stephenson, Elizabeth; 7t Stephenson, Treadle; g Stiles, Allen; P Warwick, June; P E. Higgins were Dir. W. J. Abraham 1 Wesemberg, Larry; P of l3ourlanvaque, Que., and his grand- Adams, Grant; R daughter Bonnie Lloyd 01 Kirkland Chisholm, Evelyn; P Lake and 7. R. Abraham of Winnipeg, To Grade E Man., and Mrs. Willits of Toronto, and Mr, and Mrs. Tom, Abraham of Delmore, * * * Holiday vtsittors with Mo, George Manning and Mr. and Mrs. Herb Manning, were Mr. and Mrs, Harry Paterick of Hamilton, Mrs. Patertck is a sister of George and Herb Manning, and George went back to Hamilton with the Paterick's for a vislt, * * * Mr. Joe Fair of Listowel, formerly Band Master of that town, who is 87 years of age, Came to Brussels to enjoy the Band Tattoo, that was hold last week. He commented very highly on the talent which is being developed by the local band. Ac- companying hilt was Mr. and Mrs, 3. Bray, Donald; 0. P;. ' Bryans, Patsy; P Davidson, Brent; P Davidson, Jacitle; 2. Excel, Ada; P Garnisa, Murray; Kirby, Paul; P Logan, Jimmie; P • McTaggart, Hatheryn; �! Waxman, Tedd�t� P " Wesonberg, Sues �t}R' • Wilson, Garry; P. Wineberg; Ro6h0l1e; V Bryan, Phyllis; i' �J JUNIOR GiRL9 S,OF.T.Gr', SOH :1UL ' Clinton a brussels --Jade )J Brue'seas, at Clifford•404Y *1 Hanv yr at Binstel3- *f A, Sehinbine and Mr, Hall, music ` Brussels eat Palnuoretoxt-411 teacher of Listowel. 1 IrOghaln a9 Brendle -keit.