HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-6-28, Page 1r)OST PUBLISHING HOUSE iu It n,, 1 Clark's Pork -Beans 20 oz, size Alymer Choice Golden Corn 15 oz. Tip Top Choice Quality Peas 15 oz. Corn Flakes 8 oz. Aylmer Choke Quality Tomatoes 20 oz. Kraft Dinner 71/2 oz. sizes Your Choice of Any Two CRENAR'S 7, 0 C p 11A 1. Saturday, July 1st Being A Statutory Holi- day Our Store WW Be Closed All Day. Phone 5 Brussels Brussels Lions Club Officers R OF THANKS low: I would like to thank everyone for Installed For Coming Year • Frank Mitehell the treats, cards and visits while I The last copper meeting of the Mrs, E. Mitchell was a patient in Seaforth Memorial season was held by the local Lions Ted Mitchell Hospital, I would like to express my Club on Monday evening with press- Ray Brnnsmt thanks to those who helped with Tient Lion It. J. Bowman in charge. Dave Drap.M' the work at home also. 1 Secretary Lion 3, Schultz read the 6Vnt. Hnllinaer Orval Harrison, minutes a the previous meeting, Mar Carrlifr called the roll anti the correspond'eaenonnta=emesteseeenteaneeeeneeeeromcmemee Duncan McNichol Wednesday, June 28th, 1950 E'russels Woman and Child Brussels Memorial ,fart owly It scabe Death Decoration Service 0 het' and l ..it 1111 l! a Kreuter yogi lupllett' 1x10111, sen o1 ?,Ir. and 1 large number of relatives an+i Aire. Calvin Kramer, all of Brussels, in tends were pr+•sut as I 111 4n I,al a uarrutc e.�rape frelU death, or m tray U 11111 y .rfternoon to �:r'rirnty, Injury when the truck in attend the memorial decoration er.r- wltic1t they were riding went out Of t'i1•e of the 111 1,0.O.F., and Can. tr conol and u' 01111reed in the ditch. adian Legion,1.1 The accident °.cured on the 8th 'Members of the .V !1I, rn Star concession of Grey. when Mrs. Kraut- , 1.0,0.F., and Brnee i- Branch of the er ,;ae retumho- bent. from JIthel Canadiart Legion, iterl by :he Noor at 0.30 on Saturday afternoon. Boys anal Girls Band, under the The cane, was atl.rbutl•d to loose direction of Bandmaster Robinson, gravel which the truck hit in front , marched to the cemetery where of the farm of Wm. Bishop on the they were joined by ladies of Morn - 0111 Con. of Grey, • iter Star kedieicah Lodge end the :lire. Kreuter suffered bruises and Canadian Legion Auxiliary. leceratdons. The little boy was Prior to the service the graves n1 fortunate in escaping with only a brothers. sisters and comrades were hiking up. decorated. The truck was badly smashed and Nellie °rand H. Thomas had the escape from death of the oc- charge of the service, also taking cupauts seems almost miraculous. part in the LO,O,F. service wer. _._ . - chaplain Hartley Fischer and Robt. Bowman, who read the names of Brussels Legion _Donations deceased brothers. Noble Grand To Memorial Plaque A fourthgrntip of contributions to Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong and Mrs. W. ser - Brussels Branch of the Canadian Edea'. eonrin1ter1 the Rebekah ser- 1,egionllemorial Fund appears be• vi".Brother McFndtlin spoke briefly. Comrade L. Workman, of Brussels Legion was in charge of their service and Rev. A. Lane delivered an inspiring nddreee. The Last Pnst marl Reveille were sounded by bnaler E. Serlrlen. Sing- ing of the hymns woe aneompanied by the Lions Band. who merle their first apjearauee in their amort new uniforms on that nrcasinn. , mice was deal with. Art Ruttan Gospel Meeting in the Orange ,Lion Roy Cousins reported on pre• Sem Alcock Hall on Sunday, , at 8 p. m• parations made for the Band Tattoo. Kenneth Ashton Speaker, Mr. John Martin of The Lions Boys and Girls Band Harold Kerney Hawkesville, Ont. - I will now he glad to accept engage- Mrs. Joe Wilton Everybody Welcome. 1 ments in surrounding communities, Lloyd Wheeler osaenreanacomer.essmeeeeeeee,meeemesemeneemeo j Douglas Leach contributed a vocal Bert Pease GARDEN PARTY . . solo accompanied at the piano, by . Walton United Church on i Lion L. D, Thompson. Thursday, June 29th i Lion. A. Wood was winner of the Program 1 guessing contest. R. C. A. F. Choristers I Officers for the coming term were from Clinton I installed by Lion A. Lane as follows; Supper served from 6 to 8 I Lion Tanner L. Michel Admission 75c and 40c I Tall Twister ,.,.,,., Jas. S. Armstrong .tea. I Board of Directors C. Long, •- *-^"�� 0. Machan, W. Porter, D. Whitfield The local Association of the ' ist Vice Pres. Bill Turnbull Girl Guides and Brownies ' 2nd Vice Pres. Selwyn Baker Will sponsor an afternoon bridge Srd Vice Pies, Harvey Johnston and 500 party i Tr'easnrer R. G. McBride to be held at the home of Secretary D. M. MseTavish Mrs. D. A. Rahn on President Gordon Haziewnnd 5 h Linn R. 5, Cousins expressed the Wednesday, July 1 ' regret of the members to Wm. Cole - at 2.30 o'clock i matt and 3. Schultz who are leaving Admission 50c Brussels and thanked them for the Weather permitting the party wnrk they have done as members of will be held on the lawn—other- the local chub, to watch they hath wise in the Library. ' replied fittingly. 1 Melville Church Rev. A. Simpson, Cranbrook Moderator. 10 a. m. Sunday Schol and Bible oClass Rev, W. Sutherland, Dutton, Ont. A. Candidate. Morning and Evening Service at 11 and 7 o'clock The United i'1 urch qg CANADA Minister Rev. Andrew Fane Organist Mr. Donald Dunosr Morning,,wotship -- 11. o'clock Rev. 0, B. Woolley of Luoknow in change. NO Evening Worship or Sun- day School during Jisdy and August. Evening Worship at Ethel 8 p.m. Rev. O. B, Wo11ey. j NOTICE — II, , , There will be no rural nail de• •i livery on Dominion Day, Saturday, IJuly 1st. I Engagement Announcement Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Queren• IIIgeese,, Brussels, announce the em gagement of their eldest daughter IIFlorence Helen, to Mr, Lornie Louis Engler, Waterloo, son of Mrs. L. Engler, Listowel. The marriage to take place early in July. Church of England. Parish of Brussels Rev. J. H. Kerr --- Rector, 4thlunday After Trinity July 2nd, 1950 $t. John Church, Elruseels -- 11 a. m. Morning Prayer Sunday School I. David's Church, Henfiy's-- 2 p, in. Sunday School 2.30 p.m. Evening Prayer It, Oterge'S Church, WIKN1-- 7,30 p.m. Evening Prayer . NOTICE :— The The Council of Twp. of Grey will receive tender on Several Tile Drains till Saturday, July 1st at S'clock p,m. Plans- and profile at Clerk's Office. No tender necessarily accepted. J. H, Pear, Clerk, Ethel, Ont. Jim Alcock Glen Huether Albert Woods Barbara Allen Heather Allen Bert Hemingway J. Carl Hemingway Maurice Cameron Dcnglas Hemingway Leonard Lamont Clarence White Tian Armstrong, Jr. Russell Knight Gordon McGayin Dan McKinnon Charles Davis Archie Moses Jim 9Toses P111 Fischer Elmer McQnarrle ,John Berrie Llnyd Pease P111 Pease Gerald Gibson Oscar Nichol Mr, and Mrs. Alvin Logan HURON FOOTBALL LEAGUE JUVENILE STANDING TO -DATE Played Goals Against Pts. Ethel 2 3 1 3 Winthrop 1 2 0 2 Holstein 3 1. 4 1 Brussels 0 0 0 0 Ethel Fyreflys will play Mildmay juveniles at Ethel on Friday night. TENDERS WANTED Tenders will he received by the I undersigned for the construction of the Ring Drain In Morris Township up until 3.30 p. m., daily 3. Contract consists of digging open drain, digging tile drain, laying tile and 1 hackfilling. All work to be done according to the Engineer's plan, JS Profile and specifications. , Lowest or any tender not neoes sarily accepted. Geo, Martin, Clerk, REGENT THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW PLAYING — Th.urs. Frl. Sat. June 29.30 July 1 "Down To The Sea In Ships" with Richard Wlldmark, Lionel Barrymore A drama of New Bedford and the Whalers, In which Barrymore, peer of the Bedford Whaling Masters, re. fuses to retire at 80 or,' at least not before he can rnould his Grandson In the •,tradition of his farrdly. • >* * MON. to SAT.— FOR ONE WEEK JULY Srd to 8th "Ma and Pa Kettle So To Town" with - Marjorie Maln Percy Kllbrlde Their newest and most hilarious ad- venture—When they do the town it's done for -Pa bebomes nubile enemy No, zero --Na goes for Park Avenue Glamour. * s y COMING: I "TWELVE O'CLOCK HIGH" with l IDean Jagger ,�'�''t��3t°' Gregory Peck n am :v{ CAPITOL THEATRE LISTOWEL l ,Girlies' Auxiliary Hold Surxessful Garden Party A t tty t,,tnfabl evening was 4peel on 11111>.Wil of .,Mrs. D. Bast- ,,,, Jun, 21.it, when tale holden Audlliary to the Canadian IJeld a garden party. Around 300 enjnyerl the lovely stip. 1,.T pr. lined by the ladies, A pleasing program was presented as follows: vocal solos. Darlene Brothers, Mary Lou McFarlane, Clark Johnston and Cactus Mack, 0,0.111 rimers. Bill and Bob; Misses Karen Buschlin and Jean Cardiff: 11to born solo. ;Mise Joan Thomas; piano solo, Mrs. L. Brothers; girls' double rtuartette, Brussels sehonl 'indents. The pros.-erl0 will go to the re-, modeling of the Legion Building. 'l'lle Auxiliary would like to thank all those who helped in any way tot ,lake this evening °such a success, i HURON FOOTBALL RESULTS 'Poul Games Played W Rrnsseie 7 4 Walton 7 4 Winthrop 7 Rt. t('r,hnnh it 7 Ethel Atwood Milemay Holstein 0 1 e 3 7 5 Standing of Teams L. 3 4 4 4 1 2 Helsbdn Walton Trueeels MIlrimay Ethel St. Colnmhan Winthrop Atwond T. Pts. 8 1 9 1 5 S 3 7 1 8 2 2 10 BORN ]Ir. and Mrs. Walter Bewley are happy to announce the birth of their slaughter, Mary Lynne, on Saturday, ,June 17th. WED. THU. FRI SAT•• JUNE 28-29-30, JULY 1st Larry Parkks, Barbara Hale hi "JOLSON SINGS AGAIN" Technicolor. A sequel to "The Jolson's Story" and one of This Year's Top Musical Entertainments. Sat. Mat. 2:00. Eve. 7:30 p. m. Mon. Tues. July 3-4 Lois Butler, Bill Godwin in "l'4ICKEY" (color) OFFER $110.00 TUESDAY PHOTO NITE OFFER $100.00 Mon. Attendance Card Night. Wed. Thur. - July 5-6 Walt Disney's "SO DEAR TO MY HEART" Technicolor with Bobby Driscoll, Beulah Bondi. 'Ss levw"ti k VOW East H "ri " o -rico ltural Society DANCE In Crystal Palace Ballroom Brussels on .I Wednesday, July 5th Jack Henderson's Orchestra Dancing 9 p. in. to 1 a. m. Refreshments Admission - $1.00 per couple Everybody Welcome. ANNUAL SPORTS DAY (Sponsored by Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion) AT VICTORIA PARK, BRUSSELS ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Starting at 2 P. M. with Soap Box Derby on Brussels Main Street. Continuing until Midnight when a draw will be made for; New Super DeLuxe Dodge Cgupe,, Brussels Lions Club in attendance. Rides for young and old on the grounds. Baseball Games — Races for Children. Modern and Old Time Dancing. Bingo and other games. Admission to grounds 25e — Public School Children Five SOAP BOX DERBY (Sponsored by Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion) ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 19th Vehicles must be home made with wheels not over 14 inches in diameter. Two Classes — Ages 12 year 'to 14 years. Second Class— Under 12 years. (Must be boy and girl entry) Under 12 year class may use vehicle used in previous race if necessary. 1st Prize $10., 2nd Prize $7.50; 3rd Prize $5.; 4th Prize $2.50 -- For Each Class. Judged Best Vehicle $5.00.— All entries to be made with Geo. Baeker by July 15th. $1„50 per year <• $2.00 U. e C viday peri tJrtlla Saturday, July 1st is Dominion Day and as all stoma will be closed for the holiday the following merchants have agreed to remain open Friiday Night for con• venience of the community — East Huron Produce Oldfield Hardwarde Brussels 5c to $1.00 Store Pearson Shoe Store Gregg Hardware Johnson Electric and Paint Willis Bakery Stretton Hardware and Electric Elliott Grocery Backer Butcher Shop White Star Bakery Bruneski Barber Shop Lowe Grocery Wood Store "Dry Goods" Martin Barber Shop Rann Furniture Store Bray Produce D. M. MacTavish Store The Arcade Store W. G. Leach "Jeweller" Bennett Grocery Pegelow Harness and Shoe Repair S I T E 5 OF NE FACTORY: =� t 17 MIME. MAKS, e There's going to be a new factory out on River Road. It will make a big difference to the town-- another own—another payroll, more jobs, more.. opportunity, more business for merchants.. When the local bank manager was asked. for facts about the town as a possible factory site, he got them—fast. After a while things worked out. Now the town has a new industry. ,The bank manager has a new customer. Soon he will be servicing the factory's payrolls, extending seasonal credit, making collections, supplying market information ... doing all the things a local bank manager is trained to do. It is a part of his job to help his community grow. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK