HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-6-14, Page 6Ancient Tunnel Revealed By Cow Looking from his bedroom win- dow one mottling recently a grand- son of Mr. and Mrs. G. II, John- stone, owners of a country estate at Gramponnd, near Truro, .Corn- wall, saw a hole in the lawn in front of the nlalsion which dates back to 172.3. It had not been there when be went to bed. An estate employee descended twenty feet down the Dote on a ladder and, with a lighted candle, advanced cautiously several yards before discovering a valuable pedi- gree Guernsey cow belonging to the estate. The weight of the cote had caused a snbsidence which disclosed tunnelling and -underground pas- sages cat through solid reek below the lawn. Why the passages were ever built retttains a mystery, but they may have heeu a secret -hiding place used in the. Middle Ages when fends and strife of all kinds were prevalent. Some hunted priest or some fugitive from justice, may have lain hidden there. Workmen demolishing a 17th century house at La Meutte, France, in 1930, found beneath the ruins a vaulted room appar- ently built as a secret refuge. They first found a trapdoor under the floor. Opening it, they walked with lamps down some rickety stairs. To their astonishment they found themselves in a comfortably fur- nished room with several chairs, a bed and the dried-up remains of some food. •An airpipe connected with an old well had long before crumbled into ruins. The workmen found six empty worm-eaten chests bearing arms dating front the time of Louis x iv. The farmer -tenant of Chaulber- combe, Old Manor, near Ilfracombe, Devon, discovered in 1865 a bricked -up window and got busy on it with a pick. Behind he found a double -floored room in the middle of which stod an ancient and valu- able bed. And lying on the bed was the skeleton of a woman. It was believed the roost was a relit of smuggling days and that the woman had been captured from a Spanish ship that sank off Ilfra- combe. Many years ago an underground passage was discovered at Arundel, Sussex, running from the castle in the direction of Amberley. But when a ratan lost his life in trying to follow its windings the passage was blocked up, Testing Windmills s Power Tants The Orkney Islands are notori- ously windy. The principal source of power on the islands is the dies- el engine, Diesel ail is relatively in- expensive yet too expensive for the Orkneys. After surveying the is- lands, the North of Scotland Hydro - Electric Board has decided to build a windmill on the windiest spot in the Orkneys, which is Costa Hill. A windmill is now being erected there—one of 1100 kilowatts capacity, which is not exactly gig- antic, yet big enough for research. The experimental plant on Costa Hill will be subject to gales which are exceeded in severity only by those that prevail at times near the poles. The tower will be built of steel on solid rock, The sails will be each thirty feet long. The nacelle, seventy-eight feet above ground, will contain a gear box and gen- erator. It will rotate to keep the rounded or propeller end facing the wind. Little Now Known This experimental windmill is to generate alternating current which will be fed into an eleven -kilovolt transmission network. Its rapacity is less than the minimum local s'imnter-night demand, so that it is not likely to stand idle f:equent- ly. The plant will be automatic. The research engineers mho will watch this windmill will be prin- cipally interested in its annual out- put and its trustworthiness, Fifty or more different kinds of meters will be placed here and tnere to measure generator output and con- sumption of the control circuits, count the number of starts, hours of operation and hours of idleness when winds are too high. Larger Plants Foreseen If this experiment indicates that windpower is more than a roman- tic • possibility, Scotland and Brit- ain, too, will probably be dotted with plants. The more hopeful en- gineers in Scotland believe that windmills to drive 1,250•i:ilowatt generators are around the corner end that 5,000 -kilowatt genera- tors, the probable maximum cap- acity, are not wild improbabilities. It still remains to be determined -whether or not a large windmill, este of 1,250 -kilowatt capacity, for example, or larger, will be efficient even if it can be built. the only stay to answer is to experiment with windmills, operate them in and hydro -electric plants and thus get the facts still needed. She may not have been a photo- grapher's daughter, but she rer- teinly was well developed. ' Historic Canadian Beauty Spot Standing at Tadoussac is this stockaded log hut, a replica of one in which French Traders passed the Winter of 1599. J0 T pY A SlXBITC As one who has for many years held—and spilled—the firm opinion that baseball gives the customers less real action for their money than any other game, tournament chess possibly excepted, we were recently both surprised and heart- ened to notice that one diamond magnate not only holds similar views, but is prepared to do some- thing about it. k * * Hank Greenberg was a smart ball player—smart enough to quit the game before the game quit him; although, of course, the fact that he married a girl worth several millions might have made such a decision somewhat easier for Hint than it is for the average profession- al athlete. For one of the saddest things in sport is to see a former star trying to hang on long after everything else but the urge has departed. As Lorelei Lee's maid said, in GENTLEMEN PREFER BLONDES, "The time to leave them is when you're still looking good." k * * Anyway, the aforesaid Mr. Green- berg is now general manager of the Cleveland Indians—a club that per- forms in a ball pasture which takes a heap of filling, especially when the team isn't going so good, and more particularly in tines like these when the sports dollar is get- ting a bit more choosey about what it gets spent on. At all events, Greenberg leas purchased a jeep for Itis relief pitchers, to save them— and the fans—that long, funereal trek from the bull -pen to the pitch- er's mound. * * * Now, at first sight this nlight'ap- pear to be nothing more than a piece of smart showmanship—like telling the strip -teaser to go into her routine when your theatre catches fire—and designed to take the Cleveland clients' minds off the fact that the Indians were winning just about as many games as they lost, and getting nowhere fast. But Greenberg seems to be really sin- cere in his desire to speed up a sport which gives every evidence of becoming slower and slower to watch. * 5 * In the interests of science, we re- cently did a lot of tedious research —a whole three minutes of it— checking up on the elapsed times of eight major baseball games contest- ed on a certain afternoon and eve- ning. Those eight averaged pretty close to two and one-half hours apiece -2.25 to be exact—which is a lengthy stretch of time for any but the most ardent bugs to hold still, looking at a couple of teams trying to get through 8/ or 9 in- nings of run -of -the -mine ball. In addition to his jeep innovation, Hank Greenberg is also suggesting that pitchers should await their turn at bat in the "on deck" circle like other players, instead of sitting in the dugout 'til the last possible second; also that umpires should be instructed to make the players hatstle when changing sides be- tween innings. All of which would indicate that Hank, for one, really realizes what a menace to, the cash customer th ese marathon contests are becoming. 5 * * Just who or what is responsible for the slowing-up—well, your guess is probably as good as ours, or even better. There are some who blame the lively ball, on the grounds that it gives the batter too big an edge over the pitcher. But Uncle Ed Barrow, whose views on baseball we respect more than those of any other man, reminds us Dramatic Gesture—A wife's "long shot" and the generosity of a tIollywood star combined to give actor Tom Colixtrtl of Lon - ion his big chance for a break. Actress Jeanette McDonald is seen taking down her own caricature from the wall of Holly- wood's Brown Derby restaurant to make room for Colburn. Mrs, Colburn wrote Bob Cobb, Derby owner, asking him to post her husband's pictttre In hopes some producer ]night see it and bring the actor to Hollywood. After several Hollywood personalities had turned down Collh's request to give up their spot on the wall, Miss McDonald consented graciously, anel even volunteered to appear in person to make the switch, in his highly readable reminiscences now running in Colliers that the souped -up horsehide was introduced by the short-lived and long -defunct Federal League. * * * And you don't need to go back nearly that far to recall when they hustled through games in 90 min- utes or so, and one could enjoy a Saturday afternoon double-header of two nine -inning games and still get out in plenty of time to do a little tonsil -cooling before the oases shut down for the Sabbath week- end at 6 p.m. * * * There are others who put the blame on the sports writers who tern out books on baseball at the rate of judging front publishers' lists—something like one a minute. These authors have written so much about "inside baseball" and the like, that' the managers are so busy with their master -minding they en- tirely lose sight of those folks in the stands and bleachers whose cash contributions make their large sal- aries, and larger reputations, pos- sible. What is laughingly known as a duel of wits between a couple of bench managers may mance very in- teresting reading. But looping at a parade of 10 pitchers in one game —as happened in a game reported in today's paper—can be, as the Englishman put it, nothing but a beastly bore. • * * As for our own personal opinion --well, we would just paraphrase the old saying, "All of the world's troubles began when they first taught women to read," by sub- stituting "ball players" for "wom- en." Not so long ago we sat at a ball game right next to another ancient. Two batters in succession had made hits, and the pitcher could be seen glancing, first at the bench and then toward the bull -pen, plain- ly expecting—and wanting—relief, CHILDREN SHOULD BE SEEN —NOT HURT CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING ISING AGENTS WANTED SELL popular 53, Ore extinm,lsher Whole0ale or direct. Liberal profits .5115,5 a territory. EIRE—KILLER 5042 Realm Ave„ Mentreat 0E OUR AGENT, salt Drygoode from our Itluet'nted catalogue. 26'3 commlatben. Re- liable Sales, 204 Spading Avenue. TOrnnto. STOREKEEPERS AND DEALERS Write for Phillipe illustrated Wholesale Cata- lOgee featuring large mien, of ev0ry Aly millers In 1127 geode, small wawa. household Item, etc, Phillips Salem Iteg'd, 72 Craig Street West. Montreal 1. Ilnportere and Wholesale Distributors of (femoral Me'Cloa. dime. RAIN 01001152 THE MOST lnlaortent thing to consider when buying chicks Is the brecdln0. The majority of T0ed5le pure bred chhits aro aired by R.O.P. pedigreed cockerels from high record hens, Reduced prices for June and July. Prompt delivery on day old or 0501(01 three, foul' mrd five week old nen-sexed nut. tete, cockerels, also ley old and alerted' Tur- koW. Older pallets. Free Catalogue. Tweddle Chick 1 l57010rlre limited, Versus, Ontario. LET'S NOT kid ourselves. We all want the moat for car money. You'll get the most for Your money If you order Ton Notch Gov- ernment Approved chicks of Turkeys from Pullorum free stock. Prices reduced for June Day old, two, three. four or five week old In non -sexed pullet., ceekeels. or toms In chicks and turkeys, Older pullets, Free catalogue. Top Notch Chick Solea, Guelph, Ontario. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES START your own big paying btielnoee eharp- Oning lawn mowers. Spare or full time. Exnerienee unnecessary, Machine coats only OI20. Real money maker, Literature free. Islington Machine Company, I0tngton f, On- tario, 135E1N0 AND CLEANING HAVE 200 anything needa ageing or elean- ing7 Write to tie for Information. We are glad tO answer Your questions, Department H. Parker's Dye Works Limited, 791 Tonga Street. Toronto, Ontario. "Imagine," we said, "guys like Dicky Rudolph, Joe MeGinnity, or Nick Altrock hanging out the white flag in such a spot. Why, the man- ager practically had to knock them down and drag thein off the mound when he thought they had had enough." * * * "The whole trouble is," growled our seat -elate in reply, "that most of these modern pitchers go into the game unable to do themselves justice. THEY'RE SO TUCK- ERED OUT SIGNING AUTO- GRAPHS AND PASTING UP THEIR PRESS CLIPPINGS IN THEIR SCRAP BOOKS, TITAT THEY— JUST HAVEN'T THE STRENGTH TO GO MORE THAN THREE OR FOUR IN- NINGS." * * * So, for the time being anyway, we'll,let it go at that—with a deep bow in the direction of Hank Greenberg who is at least trying to step on the gas in an age when everything else seems to be speed- ing tip with the exception of "America's National Game." Soap From The Skies A Cardiff 'housewife had a shock the other day. In one of her top rooms she found a mysterious quan- tity of ice. It carte front an "ice bomb" which had crashed through the roof. ' A quantity of the ice was taken to the city analyst, who examined it and found that it consisted main- ly of soapy water. It is said that rte even identified the brand of soap) Further inquiries pointed to the theory that the "ice bomb" came from an aircraft—a liner on its way front the United States to London. It is believed that the ice formed in the waste pipe of the liner's washbowl while it was flying about 20,000 ft. over the Atlantic: The aircraft began to descend iu readiness to land as it approach- ed England, it is reported, and in the warner air at lower levels over South Wales the ice block in the waste -pipe started to thaw and the core of it was the "ice bomb." WHEN A MOTORIST whose car had plunger] into a swamp near St. Paul, refused to pay the bill for having it pulled out, the towing service promptly returned the auto to the scene and pushed it back into the swamp. WHEN A PASADENA, Calif„ patrolman flagged Clown a motorist' who was zigzagging dangerously across the highway, the driver ex- plained: "Everything is all right. Just shaving." TORONTO MAPLE LEAF STYLE RA ALL CAS Special Vale $110 (Pleas,, Mullion Cap Sia,, When Ordering) — Please Add 100 ft1' Postage and Handling — THE HAROLD A. WILSON COMPANY OF TORONTO LTD. Etgln 0381-299 TONG)? STREET, AT DUNDAS STREET CAMP HO-BA-CITEE 5010 13058 HALIBU'RTON HIGIILANDs Ontario o, On Three Blo(hera Lake; arceseible by boa, car or .train. 1'olat•ucth'o programme of Camp nctivlllee assures your son a Itenllin% happy holiday, Resident Marler In attend- 00ee, slid experienced supervision. 'rents and cabins Recreation Ledge, seed wholesome food, times 330 nor week or 3100 per month. Write fur folder to—Charles Wren, 11 Asi,- land Avenue, 'Toronto, (Int. _-... 14ARN-MONEY A'1' I1031T) SPARE er roll-thno tummy -malting. Learn to make candy at Immo; earn while you learn. p`ree equipment auliplled. Cm'rerponde,ee course. Notional Inatit,te of Cnnfestlonery ReK'A„ DeLerImter P.O., Box 113 Montreal, Que. EMP1.IYM5N5 WA N'r1011 550ER1ENOED, reliable Holland Immigrants available; arriving boon. Write to L, Van- denberg, Box 02, Brockville, Ont., phone 2564 (after 0 o'clock). FOR SALE DAIRY for sale. Now De Laval equipment Apertmonta above. No opposition, 011rlbnuscn Bros. Llone Mend, Ont. TARPAULINS ANY SIZE IN heavy waterproofed duck, complete with t10 rosea, your name stenciled on each side and delivered t0 your nearest station, 8x10, 38.75; 10x12, 013.25; 12x16, $10.71. Spectra slzea made to your order nC I20 0Or 050030 foot. Please ene1000 money order of cheque with your order. A11 Inquiries answered promptly. Cancan Specialty Company, 1110 YOn0e Street, Toronto. UNWANTED HAIR PERMANENTLY eradicated with Seca Pelo. The moat remarkable discovery of rho age, Buil Pelo is guaranteed to 1011 the roots of any hair, and contains no drugs or chemicals. Lor -neer Lab., 070 Granville, Vancouver, B.C. 500 are not too late to get our Broad Breasted Brenta or Beltsville Small White Turkey Poulte during June o4 July. We also have one week olid and two week oldpatina for Immediate shipment. Phone, wire or write today. Hillcrest Turkey iearm, Route 0, Pem- broke. Ontario. . �Lr OPPOR'TUNI'TIES VOR MEN AND WOMEN TA111111IN(1, D(er0mailing. Designing taught In year home, Send for PITO Booklet, 1],,q coot minnows 5015007 Oil' APPLI51Di ARTS, Route No, 1, Box 171, Berlin, Noir scree?. PATENTS Ir10'PH BttaTONt1 A 11013 4 Company Patent Solleito'e 18etunllohed 1390. 860 Bay Street, Toronto Booklet er informatlnn on resue/It, A. 11, LA COLA 55, I5.Sc., Patent Attorney, Patents of Invention, 80 Sparks St., Oltenia. PERSONAL PLAZA EPHIl'JtltAN(:I; HOTEL 602 deride; Street. 'Potentv Mahe reserralione for year Toronto visit, free Parking. 'raacsiERS WANTED r11I. AUt111sTA 'township school Area Board Invites anpileatf0ns Prue qualified toae/wil,duties to begin September 5, 1060. Apply .toting quallfloutllns, salary executed, and name of your last inspector t0 J, E. Knapp, R.R. :.. l'reucolt tint. 0:0.1.100 A(110N'r WANTED SAI ltlr.. tAN required for exclusive house. ware and hardware linea for surrounding territory. Cnmminslon or enha•y to the mat who hum .v, excellent following amongst the retail trade. Iter -1G,,' Sales. 72 Prince At•- thur Street Bast, Montreal, Que. WANTED WANTED Approximately 100 Acres. Suitable for grain and beef cattle. Good buildings and w,,lrr supply. Appraisal by 701005ne' Land Art. Apply Box 51, 123 Eighteenth 5t.. New Toronto. 1SOOR((feil'INC, R AC( (HINTING ennviCE lrYlog N. hhonn, 77 Victoria St., Toronto. WITCHCRAFT Story'w'riter w•lahe0 to buy old Dream aid Fortune Telling Booklets containing de0rrip- tIono of charms and omens. These booklets of popular humbug used to be sold widely; you may have one. Please help In ibis research on common a0pe'a&tiooa, Moyne Robb, Trent Road, Belleville, Ontario, MOTORCYCLES, Rarely Davldeen. New and used, bought, 0old, exchanged. Largo stook of guaranteed used motorcycles. Repairs by factory -trained mechanics. BI Y wheelcyloh and colo plebs Ilse of heel goods, Misecmann, Doane and Johnson Outboard Motors, Opel evenings until nine except Wednesday. Strand Cycle & Sports. I(Ing tit Sm,lord,I3amilton. IRON (RAILINGS Builders, Home Owners INSTAL• yourself. with special kit and in- structions. Write for [older, Modern Rail- ings, Dept. E.. 01 Broadview Ave., 'Toronto. TURKEY POl'L'1'S WE HAVE available frum 4 to 8 weeks old, started, Broad Breasted Menge Turkey Poulte, from Government approved stock, and under Hatchery approval, at reduced prices for a quick sale, H. Yauelt's Exclusive Tur- key Farm and Hatchery. Sub 11, Windsor, Ont. or phone 6.5984 after 5 p.m, IN FLOIIIDA — Country Homes, furnished, lights, good rondo, Beautiful water front sites and 00renge. Small tracts Black land Citrus, etc. Lovely year-round climate. health resort country. Per nano by a Gonadial—conic and nee 150. S. Gibson, Pert Walton, Fla, FOR SALE Hydro and Telephone Poles. Any number. .101m Hlndmarsh, 10,11. 2, Goderlch, Ontario, AMAZING BLIT TnUE — H07 WATER for anybody an) where, coun- try, town or city. No storage tank re- quired; no body of water to beep hot; whet n 050105 of fuel. Just turn the tap. and there 1s your clot water. The 11ANALAH ted ASCOT Inrlantaneous water Heater, will operate with E,0Otane; Propane, Natural or City Gas. 1Vrltr for particulars to BURNERS AND EQUIPMENT 7,T1)., 37 Dettra005 5t., Toronto 3 Ont.. or phone Hargrave 0029. 531(1)I OA 1. CRESS CORN SALVE—For sure relief. Your Druggist sells C'r000. Callow, Salle relieves quickly too. POST'S ECZEMA SALVE Banish the torment of dry eczema rashes and weeping akin troubles. Post'. Eczema Salvo will not disappoint you. Itching, 0001105, burning cc2oma, acne, ringworm. pimples and athlete's foot, will respond readily to the stainless, °do iesu oint- ment, regardless of how stubborn or hopeless they seem. PRICE 01,00 PER JAR Sent Post Free on Receipt of Price POST'S REMEDIES 351) Queen St. E., Corner of Logan Termite GOOD RESOLUTION—Every suf- ferer of Rheumatic Pains or Neuritis should try Dixon's Remedy. 1VIUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid. SC ALI'HEAL The wonder remedy for tho head. If you have dandruff, falling hair or going gra7-0ET SCALI'IIEAL at once. Senlnheal ointment 02.60. Scaipheai Lotion 12.50 or 34.10 for the two u'eatmentm; Poetpnid. Scalphenl Company, 91 Centre St., Chatham, Ont. SMOKING vorrice Is smoking ruining your health? Write for free information on ab- solutely safe method to slop. Replies 01,101ly confidential. Arm -Rua Co„ P.0, 203, Ottawa, Ontario, OPPORTUNITIES F011 11EN AND WO1,EN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING 5010001 Great Opportunity Lonna Ilalydresoing Pleasant dignified pro(eeslon, good wages thousands euecesalnl Marvel 000000to0 Americo'e greatest ey0tem. Illustrated oat. !ogee tree. Write or Call MA nvEL HAIRDRIDSSINO ' SCHOOLS 500 Moor St, w.. Toronto Oranohea, 44 fang St. Hamilton & 72, Rideau Street. Ottawa. Protect your ROOKS end CASH from FIRE and THIEVES. We have a size and type of Safe, er Cabinet, for nay Perpo00, Vinic us or write (Or urIrea, etc., 1n Urnt. W. J.&J.TAYLul E LI M[TEO TORONTO SAFE WORKS' 115 Prong 81. P.. roronta Estsblislu"1 1051 HARNESS & COLLARS Farmers Attention — Consult your nearest Harness Shop about Staco Harness Supplies. We sell our goods only through your local Staco Leather Goods dealer. The goods are right, and so are our prices. We manufacture in our factories — Harness. Horse Collars, Sweat Pads, Horse Blan- kets, and Leather Travelling Goods. Insist on Staco Brand Trade Marked Goods, and you get satisfaction. Made only by SAMUEL TREES CO., LTD. 42 Wellington St. E., Toronto WRITE FOR CATALOGUE A E UP YOUR LIVERBILE— Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Atom' to Go The liver should pour out about 2 pinta of bile juice into your digestive tract every day. If this bila is not flowing freely, your food may net digest. It may just doony In the digestive treat. Then gas bloats up your Nomad' You got constipated, You feel sour, sunk and the world looksunk. It tapes those mild, gentle Carter's Little Liver Pills to got these 2 pinta of bile flow- ing freely to mako you feel "up and up." Get a package today. Effective in makmg bile How freely. Aek for Carters Little Liver Pills, 3515 at any drugstore. Facto xylan es Many styles to &Dose from. Dlreet from factory thread finest! needle. near, Read tion gosrAnteed. Send name, address and nee for 30 -day free Fit E E ! 10000 nd tullrl formntloo, crta- VICTORIAOPTICALC0, BION 273 Tonga Street . De51' Dept. GB 634 Toronto, Ont. ISSUE 23 — 1950 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH CIGARETTE TOBACCO JITTER L418 WON'T, WON'T Hae Watt., IT'S A nee cOUS, RY AND I OWN 7141s WAtk, s0 LEMS SGE' NIM KICK ME OFF.f By Arthur Pointer