HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-6-14, Page 5THE BRUSSELS POST 1V't dnesdty, Jute: 14th, 1980 \\\L�,� tin PURE HOUSE PIT Weather and wear resistant, Available in spark• ling white and 19 beautiful, lasting colours. Johnson's Paint ez Electric Store Buzeh. Chtst. colo rotz i oma AND toim i9'i'i'io - -- ..c.1aduontusq TENDERS WANTED — Tenders aro being asked for the sale of the Presbyterian Manse, Brussels. Highest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Tenders to be sent to Wilfred Simi—treed, R. R. 1, Walton, Ont., before ,rune 17th. For information contact any of the following committee. Wifred Shortreed, Walter Porter, \hilliam Speir and ,Toho Yuili. POULTRY — EGGS — FEED 'S Pi( (.r' '�f•`''S Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 .Brussels, Ont, ..,.. m4..,* a;,; it e l W t l t.` -w til vS e Shellubricattor Shell H,usehold and Snell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray F" hone 77-r-6 Parts ane Accessortge Brussels, Ont, AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE 1 - '-nxmt=111'a MMI --.axe >ares l. FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCE HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE MORE EGGS—BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. (Fill -Phe -Basket) EGG MASH and EGG PELLETS (Birds Rasta Pellets) t. For Sale by Ethel Produce Phone 22-r'-10 VEN WEE, SPRYE Here's a modern power take -off operated sprayer that will fit many farm spraying operations. The power take -off drive is direct to the gear pump . there are no wheels or pulleys. The mono -wheel trailer provides high clearance and supports a 90 -gallon drum, Pressures can be developed from zero up to 400 lbs. There is a wide range of sprayers to choose from in the Hanson line. W. J. PERRIE Phone 58 Brussels, Ont. !Classified Ads. FUR SALE_... Lid•.+.:ir Nairne, small al'Iw,,t nese s,l,fai71,:•. :,pl,ly ;tt ill'll'^`: E•la Post. WANTED - e A attud used p1•es,ure 'yst"1n. ADply lu Albert Vincent, federate„ memo \\'ieellnnt 7215-r-2. FOR SALE -- f.11Nr• Pigs. ready to wean. Apply to Fred Selling Phone 49 -rte 0. Aptor 0 o'clock evenings. FOR SALE -- Singer Treadle Sewing Machine, unary new, can be converted to an electric. Apply at The Brussels Post FOR SALE — —. ._._. Cabin Trailer, sleeps 3, wir 00011(11 y, ice bolt, in ulated, cupboards. very comfortable. T T. MI.C':ut,hey Blyth R (1 for j nice 1 R. 2 FARM FOR SALE -- containing 200 acres on Con, 8, (trey one tulle east of Ethel. For 1 particulars call E. Thompson S3x ! Rruseels. HOUSE FOR SALE — Ten room brick duplex, with two baths and furnace. Hard and soft water, hardwood floors. A. W. Synnott Phone 87-r-2 Brussels FOR SALE — A number of [fond Farms 150 to 200 acres with good hndldings. .T, C Long. Real Estate Broker, Brussels_Ont. FOR SALE— As good as new cook stove with reservoir, also ch4sterfield suite in {{{' new condition. Save money on these articles, Bill Coleman Phone 09-r-3. WANTED— A :few thousand feet reap good llasswbod, Pine, White Ash and Rork Elm logs, we can cut will pay highest price. Phone 77. MocDonald's Lumber Yard. ' FOR SALE — 4 room cottage in the Village of Brussels, will be sold furnished or unfurnished. Reasonable for guide salt'. apply at Brussels Post Phone 31. FOR SALE — 2 pieces of wooden lattice work about d' x 10'. suitable for lawn or e garden; one clothes reel and plat- form; ;cud a wooden batten partition and door for same, apply to Henry Dent Box 49 Brussels FOR SALE — Wrecking 1936 Truck with 1939 motor with new starter and gener- ator will sell any parts, front end, axles, transmission, rear end, plat- form etc, tires 7,00 x 20. Ralph Travis Phone 90-r11, FOR SALE — Bray has 4 hatches weekly this month. Mixed chicks and cocker- els to order. But they have pillets, dayuhl, started, from $14.90. Get complete list. Get your order in. Agent Wnt, Glen Bray, Ethel, FOR SALE — 50 a.cre farm, Lot 25, Con. 2, Logan Twp„ good white lirielt house, base- ment, barn excellent, hydro through- out: 2 miles west of Mitchell, This farm is priced to sell, with possess- ion to snit purchaser. apply to Mrs. Gen. Proctor R. R. 3 Mitchell, CAR OF BRAN — Expected about the 3rd of June— gnod price off ear, J. C. Lamont, Ethel, Phone 80-r-13 FOR SALE — Renft'ew cook stove, "Cookrite" in perfect condition, Apply at The Brussels Post FOR SALE -- Hygienic Bupphee fitubber (foods) mni'led postpaid in plain, sealed envelope with niece Itst, Six sample 25c, 24 samples, $1.00. Mail Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Rubber Go., i'ox 01, Hamilton, Ont. ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay hitgtheet prevailing- prices. For mediate service telephone collect— Brussels 85-rl2 or Elmira 584 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE Real good 100 acre farm with good buildings, ebcal:tent timber bush, 24 acres ploughed, small acreage of Fall Wheat, rest newly seeded, priced to sell, Immediate Possession. J, 0. Long, Real Estate Broker, ' Phone 84, Brussels, Oat; 'FORD TRACTOR ADAPTED FOR ROW CROPS ct rs TWO MASSEY-HARRIS PONY With Plow, Cultivator ONE MODEL V CASE TWO 1941 FORDS WITH PLOWS ONE 1948 FORD TRACTOR THESE TRACTORS ARE PRICER RIGHT Time is money and needless delays are costly. The powerful, reliable new improved Ford Tractor will give continuous versatile perforrnance that will satisfy you as never before. Come. In and inspect the new improved model. IMP LL,,,MlE[il T Power Mowers, Plows, Cultivators, Row Crop Cultivators Spring Tooth Harrows, Combines, Discs, singles and doubles. Remember you always deal better when you deal with PHONE 66 .::.: art rJ>» TENDERS FOR COAL AND COKE Federal Buildings — Province of Otario SEALIOD T];NDE'RS addressed to the undersigned and endorsed "Tender for Coal" will be received :uutil 3 p.m. (E,D,S,T.), Thursday, June 22, 1950, for the supply of coal and coke for the Dominion Buildings throughout the province of Ontario, Forms of tender with specifications and conditions attached can be ob- tained from the Purchasing Agent, Department of Public Works, Ot- awa, and the Supervising Architect, 36 Adelaide St., East, Toronto, Ont. Tenders should he made on the corms supplied by the Department and in accordance with depart- mental specifications and conditions attached thereto. Coal dealers' licence numbers must he given when tendering. The Department reserves the right to demand any sncressfnl tenderer, before awarding the order, a security deposit in the form of a certified cheque on, a chartered hank in Canada, made payable to the order of the Honourable the Minister or Public Works, equal to 10 per cent of the amount of the tender, or Bearer Bonds of the Dominion of Canada nr of the Canadian National RailwayCompany and its constituent companies unconditionally guaran- teed as to principal and interest by the Dominion of Canada, or the aforementioned bonds and a certified cheque if required to make up an an odd amount, -Such security will serve as a enarantee for the proper fulfilment of the contract. 13y order. ROBERT FORTIER, Acting Secretary. Department of Public Works, Ottawa, ,Tune G, 1950, ETHEL Mr. and Mrs. Robert Mo'Lean of Seattle, Wash.. D. S. A„ also Miss Myrtle Mother of Toronto have been visiting friends in Ethel. During their visit a picnic was held in the Park at Formosa on Satnn'cia' after- I noon. Rev. James J. Pearson is visiting among friends at Ethel. FREDERICK F. UOMUTEI Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Hotnuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston' Ont. Skinny men1 woven scan .y 109 15 lbs. wa Get New Pep, Vim, 0Vig1or Cn Up°0000 0 =looeor 00051 5 tiecctt"YYa10l00 11110 011010ori, 010013' "boon -polo" took, Thous0pds 01 oto 1105 150(1110 00 B'l000(3' noearltnCb�1iy'OOoking bbbodies, Thor thnnit (1gb001011go0-bu11olag, 00.91)-bunNog loafs, 001100, Ire t01� 0.9 01(001anta mo11tillg00 Iron, vanmin 03y on olfum, onr1oh blood, Iteprovd npDpoato 000 QIg00a0n 00 1051 01100 Yon 10010 81100gGh 0110 n ur101 0001 p11008➢ 00 Miro 00000 Don'L r000 scrimsg too fel. htOp 51100 you 10 gr{mod 00e 0,10 1002010a, you 0000 f0p normal {t9901 pt 0,00t nMiro, Not0 "got 0000,10t00" glx0 00(5 106 i05 01000 po00000010 ui01011' tiny ee 0110 15(0(0,, eEi: FORD -MONARCH &ice# MORRIS k ,:L:btak nsc� �sarsa„rawczrc�:ss^.imu+atxu.-F,m••,-ay..,.mcrpzsz-,�rR,^^ The neighbours and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Barrett 4th line :Morris gathered at their home and presented them with a, beautiful eori-e table and silver comport on the oceasslon of their 25th wedding anniversary and a very enjoyable evening was spent. The following address was read:' To .lir. and Mrs. Roy Barrett, Pear Friends — We your friends and neighbours are happy to he here with yon this evening to honour you on a very special event, your twenty-fifth wed- ding anniversary This occasion marks for you an important milestone of twenty five years of happy wedded life. We hope that you may be spared to enjoy many more years of health and happines to-gether. With our best wishes, we ask you, to accept these gifts as a tokeu of the 1 esteem in which you are held in this caunnunity, Signed on behalf of your friends and neighbours. J. Carl Procter Rae J. Crawford Frank Little.` The teacher, John Spivey and Pupils of S. S. No. 8, Morris, enter- tained the section Friday ntght at a progressive euchre party. Prize winners were; Mrs. Bernard Thomas and Milton Fraser; for lone hands, Mrs, William Harman, Wm, Barman; Consolation, Mrs. Frank Shaw and Harold Johnston. After lunch had been enjoyed, Gerald Thomas made the. draw for . .five twice tickets. The holders were lst. Mrs. Janes Spivey; 2nd,. Mrs. Archie Barker; 3rd, Mrs, Ross Tur- vey; 4th, Mrs. Miller Richmond; 8th, Wallace Mich. The proceeds of the sale of tickets went to the Junior Red Cross Society. A vote of thanks was tendered the teaohers and pu- pils for the work connected with'a most successful and pleasant even, ing. Mr. end Mrs. Gordon Martin and ' daughter Patricia. Lee of Orange• vine are week -end guests with Mr, Ind Ml's. George Michie, 5th line, The W. 1. will meet at the home of ! Mr. and Mrs, Harold Procter, 3rd line 1 on Tuesday. June 20th at 2.30 p. tn. Speaker will be Mrs. AT, Mathers, ttSll call name an important Chicken lminetry of Ont. Lunch committee Mrs, G. Higgins, Mrs. N. Higgins and I Mrs. (l, Walker, Mrs. Robert C.9raaby and daughter Donna Jean spent a few days with relatives in London'and Thorndale. MEMORIALS WINGHAIVI MEMORIAL SHOP famous for Artistic Memorials at very reasonable prices. Always a large stock in choicest granites to chose from Cemetery lettering a specialty All modern machinery R. A. SPOTTCI None 256 -- Wingbany Oat LISTOWEL LOOKING FOR A WIFE? Bob Perry, Boston radio executive, as chosen for his hobby the finding f wives for men over 30. How did he start this unique activity? How tinea he decide whether a man and woman are suited for each other? Read -Wife Hunter" in The American Weekly, magazine with this Sunday's (June 18) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, paid ffi tlit13 E V9EIS The neighbors remember how sick young Donny was a few months ago, and how worried the Browns were. But they never guessed what a serious drain his illness had been on the family purse. Wisely, the Browns had made it a rule to put something into their savings account, week by week, almost from the day they were married. So when they consulted their bank manager, their credit was good. With the help of a small bank loan, they were able to pay all their bills promptly. Now Donny is healthy again—and so is their bank account.' Planned saving pays off, when bargains, opportunities or emergencies come along. SPONSORED BY ,YOUR BANK •