HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-6-14, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST IN THE KITCHEN Bath,. a,t 1 v 1 t 1 rjt ti1r tun,. net r•t..� t..tr. the TRUCK GARDENERS 4t tt tc ,yeet 3 I) ti to ATER $TS.rEM a -t 4 u1 II.t, ct 111"' re ,eh., le, a,:I IN THE BARN vent t its fIttt. LI '!t a tee\ i•e. en -yew - tam 5717.50 F.O.B. London, Canada EMCO Fixtures and Fittings You ear easily modernize your kitchen .. bathroom and laundry ... enjoy the comforts of Heine, SEE US TODAY for COMPLETE INFORMATION FOR SALE BY C. & G. Kreuter Co. Brussels, Ont. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO. LIMITED London - Hamilton - Toronto Sudbury - Winnipeg - Van METALS LIMITED Calgary - Edmonton - Vo,tcouver 1 MORRIS TWP. COUNCIL Morrie 't'ownship Council Meeting. Jute. , item, \The remelt" nc •t in the 1'ownslltp Hail tt the above elite with all ttl,.,nbee> pct sent The Reece pre. I sided It a010or ,.h•• last lei -ting 1 erre veedant a l ptett en motion of V sem Al—.'k :eel leellie Parrett. .11, tot ey Wee pe;; secoudett tel' (ea: ( ,tt ,,. that Brussels 1 .e.e e ulnu•id eeei+•ty be siren a j ureet et 050.I'. that Blyth he 1 erten e event .e' }rite end that 1 he ,.icon a el•.t1t of l.1, eke, I ia;gn .t .. t .. r i I :\i,,,,-(1 t y Wm. I vac lt, se. ended ,c 1 1 l,, Poxrat that the tender at tee. tee.te.el t„ lie ley and touMIl: ileo ',urinal tr. C,,,,,ler Drain and ,,•1 u . i pai r ind improve ellen ° p tl 1. :'f (levier Drain for the sum of leu. be u .: t tr i Thi- swore( be dom. in 't clime with plan, 1,1 eel, and P"i-hr t ttI.W+..cf eak.,1 • a .n. unn• toll of I teltno1 will he the min- Toast Thomas, Joyce Thomas, :Bary th, inter. Wilt's. Marie Wright, Clarence IA The ,Tune meeting of the Mermen's \in.rhan. Taoyd Machan. Jerk Stiles, Mi"tonary Snelpty of Knox ChurchBy Ct rtifteete — nous held at the hone ell the 'Pres„ I Mrs. Flora Chisholm, Freeman \Trs. Dan Hurtlter. Opening ex- 1 Bitch. n. mi,,,,, Freeman Kitchen, 1 eccrises consisted of a meditation J, an Kitchen, Mrs. Wm. Lucas, ti nn Ts,thia 4n, veree Si and the sing Fred [.oras, Laura Lucas, Mrs. tog of Psalm 25. Mrs. Mother PrP George MrCutche0n Mrs. Thomas eiderl and read Psalm 11 Psalms 124 , Miller nn,l 125 were read by Mrs. John 1 Selmeret And 11rs. Allen Cameron. A i r( flee was 1110111 by the leader fir the chervil in Kora The ger. COaVer and EC -52 t;NR°S DUPLEX ROOMETTE BRINGS YOU CRANBROOK 15e cougrel;ation ut linin Pres• byte date t'il,ttc lt, l'ranhrnok e lebrat- ....0, tie Entenit; cath Aunitereary, sweet y. epee t al mernieg and \ening services. y R. td. \1:• Helene of feeler ielt. wee latest speaker, delivered M. -miring. messages and left many ti, rights of present day problems. .1t the morning eetviee, special thilgtO tt1S presented by the Com lined choir, of Ethel and C rIllWOok, which consisted of an anthem by the hole, solo by Bob Cunningham and duet by Teti and Mre. Ftlebanls. 1t ev ethic, werehtp, quartette teen Bruseels Melville Church 71i0s Jaw' W,0•1:, Mrs Iteral.1 (tibsun. 0raid Gibeon and Wm, King con- rtbuted 1100 numbers hurl Alien June \V,l: sang a colo. On Sunday. Juste la, Sutlay school will be held in Knox t"htn•ch at. 10 +:^aler eeryiee of worship nt •0 which Roy. Mr, McCort The United Church The Vented Church of Canada cele- brated its Twenty -Fifth Anniversary 00 Snndat 30110 51th, In company with all the other Pnited Churehc in Canada, Brussels eongregaIion observed titls Silver Siebile t-. The hynnts used at the morning worship were those used twenty-five y(•ars ago in the great service temente- elating TTuinn in tho Arent Garden., ha_ the city of Toronto. An epprnpri• ;rte 'tuthent was rendered by the their. As the highliht of the ser- ve!, twenty-five years ago was the relebretinn of the Saerantetlt of the 1 01's Supper, AO Wag it on Sunday last. Part of the Sutttlay serving was the reception of the following into +be membership of the Churelt here. 13y Ptofeseinn of Faith -- Leis 11ope. Ruth 1Ten11neway, Jean i a. J. 10:•11 Lacarre McNair, Shirley Meehan. Joan Meehan. Lena. Miller. - i skein P"rter. Shirley :`+tenitenann. or 1', charge, Carried. \t° ved by t lea, Ceultee. to -000,11d I.y tient Altatek that th.0 Road Lia• i ilitc Insurance h- r:tewed w -4t11 the i C eel tl .\cculeltt Tn prance Co. and leai ttm to -(crit 1„, incr used to $5t1.fno, slut unn and an,5ne at n premium eeet of $220.41, carried, Mowed by \\tet. Peaenck. seconded by Baillie Parrott that Icy -Law No, 7. i cell, eithorizing the treatnrer to borrow up toe unn from the pante, be passed :tc read the first. sc'r0nfl and third times:—Carried. Bevel by Chas. Cnttltes, seconded l y Sam .\1(„e•k that the road bills as presenter) by the Road Superin- tendent be pail. — Carried. Mowed by Chas. Cpnites, seconded by Wn7. Peacock that the following resolution hr pass1-d — "Whereas tt 1.-';. •.-;:1 advisable to have the rate ,. „f the P,rn=sets Telephone eysteen ta',ol. and Whereee webe- Iieve that a private phone should he higher than a party line phone. Therefore be it resolved Chet we 'be eemeeil of the Tnwnship of Morris feel that the rates should be increased along the lines outlined at the Brussels. Morris & Grey Tele - ' phone anneal pleating. -- Carried. . Moved by Sant Aleock. seconded by llathlir• Parrett that -we endorse c-- the resolution of Grey Township in regard to Improvement of No. 86 highway. -- Carried. Read, work, play cards, relax. Pullout wash basin and toilet facilities of your own. Warm or cool... a touch adjusts the temperature to your liking. Sleep -inviting bed pulls out 3n a jiffy. Go to bed any time you feel like 111 Something new in round-the-clock travel enjoyment is yours in Canadian National's smart duplex roomettes. Here's all the privacy and convenience of a bedroom—at only IO per rent more than lower berth fare! By day, lounge in comfort on the soft, restful foam rubber seat ... read, or just relax as you view the scenery un- folding outside your picture window, In your duplex roomette, you have your own toilet and wash basin .. . your own temperature control. When you're ready for sleep, pull out the deep -cushioned foam rubber bed... sleep soundly in air-conditioned com- fort. In the morning enjoy a leisurely wash and shave in your own roomette. Next time you travel, ask Canadian National about duplex roomettes, now in service on these routes: Montreal' Hali fax,Mo n treat -To ro nto 5,To ro nto- Chicago, Winnipeg -Vancouver, Mon- treal -Chicoutimi. 'Pontcservice ,-PAr ectite NATIONAL 'Wednesday. June 14111, 105U AINESEMIENOYMMINNWINSittetaiSCHE Mewed by Baillie Parott. seconded by Sant Alcock that the meeting art• entre to meet again on July 8rd at 1 p n1 — Carried. The f3P,nw1n0 accounts were paid: e`t•n,.Wesenhery, Brnasels Fete (3'-i,tt 8711 en Mee T; Blyth Fair Grant 40.00 etevetrt Praetor. Belgrave Fair Grant 20.~0 P.rydrre,. salary end post:,ee 254.05 GREY Twp. COUNCIL •.,-an•••• read for minute.. which were npt1rrlrel. and called the roll. which was respnnleel to by giving a . "arse of , l'lpfurr. c,ntalnins "sae rifiee" The word chosen for July w -as "eternity," the meeting to be at the Inure of Mr. M. 1111 rel The report of the Presbyterial held re• e ntiy in Kincardine was given by hiss Alien. J. Forrest Mrs. Alex Steles presented the topic "Canad- ians enter Japan." Mrs, Huether 'led in prayer. Hymn 5119 was sung fnlllowed by the Bendict.inn. Mrs. Allen Cameron eonrhucted a brief meeting of the Ladies' Aid. Minuntes were read and adopted and the purchase of paint for the veranda end steps at manse was agreed on, else a broom and wax far the church. The hostess served refreshments at the close. Mr and Mrs. Oscar Hnehen, (Inn- ' eetnga, visited with Miss F.mylene • Steles and attended the anniversary services 1n Knox Church. Mr and Mrs, Bert Martin, Mr., and Mrs. ,Tim Martin and Children, De. troit, were weelt-en1 yisiters with 1 Mr and Mrs. Allen Centemn. FARM FOR BALE — 1D0 acre farm, excellent house and a good barn, 41 acres sowed with mixed grain, 42 acres In grass, 5 neves of bosh, good water, hydro, Nihon -Ps of Council Meeting held .lane 0d, 1050. Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, seconded by Percy Ward that John McNabb and Lien. McFarlane meet Elena council regarding Beauchamp sur- plus -- Carrier'. Moved by Kenneth McFarlane, sec- onded by Percy Ward. that we in- struct the Clerk to notify the En- eineer to re ndjust the report nn the Blecitert Drain an the road portion as part of this is County Road, — Carried. That the report on The Jackliu Drain be provisionally adopted and Clerk have By -Laws printed and served. — Carried, That Live :Stock Valuator be paid $4.00 per trip in carrying out his duties — Carried, Moved by Wm. E. Bishop, seconded by Percy Ward, that we give Brussels Fall Fair a grant of $100.0—Carried. Moved by Geo. McDonald, second- ed by Percy Ward, that the Connell . aive as a grant 1.0 Cranbrook Cnne enmity Centre of the stun of 82,000.00, — Carried. Moved by Geo. McDonald, !wend - by Ken. 1T'Farlane. that the Clerk ea11 for tenders for wnrh on '• all itelcipel Tile Drains in Town. c7R�' E'!' 1948 Pontiac Coach 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Dodge Sedan 1946 Monarch Sedan 1941 Oldsmobile Sedan 1941 Dodge Sedan 1941 Pontiac Coach 1940 Chrysler Sedan 1940 Studebaker Sedan 1940 Chevrolet Sedan 1939 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1937 Ford Sedan 1936 Chevrolet Coupe 1948 G. M. C. 1/2 -ton panel 1945 Maple Leaf 214 -ton Stake Truck 1942 G. M. C. 3 ton Stake Truck 1948 Chevrolet 7J -ton 1930 Ford Panel Truck � R tzaig � r toi,K'� j\wr�%' es T t� 2 New Ferguson Tractors 1 Good Used Ferguson Tractor New Ferguson Mowers New Krause No. 9 One-way Disc for Ferguson or Ford Tractor We e son Ledo Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Your Ferguson Tractor and Ferguson System Implements Dealer. "Service with a Smile" Listowel, Ont. Phone 161 BLUEVALE Miss Emma Johnston, local leader, with her class of six, Verna Wheel- er, Joyce Jacklin, Roma Brecken- ridge, Wilda Breckenridge. Marie Wright and Cavell Ruttan attended Achievement Day at Seatorth on Saturday. The Aix girls qualified in the project "Clothes closets ep to date" and five girls in "Meat in the Menu' project. No marks were trdypn. - Marks Birthday sirs. Burns 7Toffatt entertained :1 number of young girls on Saturday afternoon to celebrate the 12th birth- day of her daughter, Ltniile. bin tarried. Personals: Mr. and Mrs. Jack S B Elliott, e•.lief evroom 13.20 moved by Gen 1TrDnnald. sern11t1. Davi..^s. Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, eL nn TTiS::_dra_^.e, th . pn:aannemploy. - Lot 20. Con. 14 Grey. For further in- . ,,,1 • i. tio•n. 7TrT••at93ne. that e Elmer Sellers: R. E, Mcliitinney and meet stamps and 110'-. es 25An formation apply to Peter Litowaki, tray tit the several parties interested Harvey Messer. Toronto, at their uppR. R. 2 Brussels Phone 43-r-7. $ Road Liability its s-otnentton with 0.rrnents of Geo. summer homes here: Barney Mish• W (1110 an. h 101.85 Post. envelopes 6 00 P,ri orle Motors, repairs to sprayer 12.75 Dept. of TTeelth, Tnsnlin 8.72 t2_g® g Del erty Bre,:.. repairs to �R� 'y l.1 y rygtB sprayer o 4, �� \'U'y G Lloyd Meehan. spraying 51.10 Ey ('la.r•nce White, spraying 39,90 Started. Pullets (r. ,Tnmie nn. snraylr.g 8.50 Motchaven ,Tack Lowe. spraying 117.05 Floyd Campbell. trucking file 84.55 All Ages P.c1;;rave CreOp., warble fly pou-,1r-r All Br. e'Er' S, rip; n;,d starter unit 13247 • * 31 * Rom. 1T. 503-10. fox bounty 1.50 To order at any age or date to Reef. .T„hll ton, fox hount.3 1.00 suit your needs. John Bn,tn151. fox bounty 1.50 DELIVERY IF REQUIRED Wm. Vaniaaup. fox bounty 4.50 ' * a a Lloyd P011?(. fox bounty 1.60 Frank C. Mitchell & Son FI' 1 Mewl, fox bounty 7.50 ,Tenn .\ Taylor, fox honrty 3.00 Wroxeter Phone 76 111,,11 ()II Co.. gasoline 09,20 t rblisuu 113l.) trill to Stratford re .\s,,, -'o100 ,\isocia.tion meeting 1.00 'Garrey. Johnston, Reeve. (:,,n. 1 Martin. Clerk. The Voice Of Temperance — in Oirlartn. bt,t•ers;re rooms ere ,1Tnwed lo reutaI] open till 2 a, m. What peseilde sensible reason can be given for sorb a late rinsing hour? Tttr .mortar of it is that Lite Peer the eleeine 11011 the- mm•,• advanced the afate of intoxicatier..e! the beverage. wenn ,'310w31. TTI England the puha are open only for four hour periods -toll then they are closed for two hnnr periods, and 10.30 p, m., they are (dosed for the day. These shorter hours set smile limit to the degree of drrinitness that beverage room rlrinking can produce, The Theron Temperance Federation protests against Ontario's late closing hour bonnet. tl gives ton meat time foe over indulgence with its consequent drunkenness and degradation, tseseememereaseseeeseteeenteesteeetesteenessouse Renfrew Cream Separators and Milkers.. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders, Lime and Fertilizer Solvers, Spring -tooth Barrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. Oliver Tractors, both wheel tractors and crawlers, Plows, Discs, Spreaders, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Smalley Forage Blowers and Hammer Mill,. We also ave repairs for Oliver Cockshutt Tractors. MORRiTT & WRIGHT thapiessont ®eaters for 64l3vsr Implements Telephone 4 and 98, Blyth, Ont. Wazzeeymskl. the em01111+s tine them. -- Carried. Moved by Geo. McDonald. seemed• ere by 1\' E Bishop, that we instruct the (Merit to - write the Mnnieipal Board smppo•ting the action of the Teruseels. Morris and Grey Telephone Co.. in their adjustment of rates at their meeting held May 20th, 1950,— Carried. Mn'ed by Percy Ward, seconded by (ren. McDonald, that in con- pll-tuee with the request of Ralph Tllnntpeon, Thomas Kerr and others to have the South Maitland River deepened and widened and carried to a suffirlent nutlet for the area describer) we instruct the Clerk to ratify G. G. Reid, 0. L. S., to ex- amine and report on same.—•'Cargied. Moved by George MCDonald, see- anded by Ken. McFarlane, that all approved accounts be paid—Carried. Mnved by lienneth McFarlane, sen• ended by W. E. Bishop, that we ad- jour~ till July 1st at 1 o'clock or at the call of the Reeve, — Carried, aw, Toronto, with, Mr. and Mrs. lloy Turvey: Mr. and Mrs. 1. Mar• shall and .two daughters, Listowel. with Mr, and 'firs. George Thorn- ton; Miss Jennie McEvnr, Wing- hani, with Mr. and Mrs. 'Dari Flamil- ton: Mr. and Mrs Eldred Nichol with relatives at Hamilton; Mrs. Nellie Lillow with Mr. and Mrs. J. al, Lillow at Stratford. Rev. John Pollock of Wtngham neeupird tete pulpit at Knox Pres- byterian Church Sunday morning. He delivered a special message in peeping with the 75th anniversary of the Presbyterian Church in Can- aria. - He spoke nt the value of the church in the community, and ]tow it has stood the test of time. At the Hailed Church Rev. 3, A, Burden used the text "0n this rock T will build my Church anti the gates of hall shall not prevail ageing 11” His subject was "We face file future." The service mark. ed the 25th anniversary of the Ttnited Church, The following accounts were paid: t .......�--d Roads $1063,66 fi H. P P. C. 17.36 $i Don. McKinnon, stock worried 45.00 7, Valuator 12.00 G. G. Reid, Drainage 565.03 Warble Fly Powder 180.00 Furl Smalltion, Tnapt. 270,00 Shtant Stevenson 5.00 Hnspitalization 101,25 Brussels Post, Print By -Laws 00,00 Clerk's Fees, Drains 75.00 Merit's Pees, Old Age Pension App. 15,00 Municipal World Supplies 20.71 Pall Fair Grant 100.00 Relief 18,00 Wood TLewn Cemetery 75.00 Imperial Oil, store 28,60 Postage 7,00 3, n. Peat, Clerk, 151 :Y15 t' ta';.. 3• •. BELGRAVE E Belgrave United Church W. M. 8, 'rhe 1f. M. S. met on June 7, in the chnrch auditorium to celebrate the 'twenty -Fifth Aunlversery in the Auxiliary with 29 present, The Ties -Went, Mrs. Earl Anderson, was IT: charge and spoke a few words of welronle to all who were Present especially to the former members who were there. The secretary's and treasurer's reports were received and adopted. 11,33. Harold Prneter vnluntered to be Baby Band leader for the remainder e1 tit, y• ar as the leader, Mrs, N. Walsh has mowed away. The worship service opened with the unclog of TTynn 104, "The Churt•Tt's One Foundation." The port of cher Leader wap taken by 117:. Gee. Martin with the President, Mrs. E. Anderson and. Past Presi- dents. Airs. lames Michie, Mrs, H. Wheeler and a past Treasurer, Mrs. .Tes. Miller taking part. Mrs, .T. G. Procter and Mrs. Geo. Johnston sang as duet, "Near to the Heart of God." The past Presidents who had taken part and Mrs, Miller gave a few t emarks as well as Mrs. ,T. Wight - men of Listowel. Mrs. 0. Black of Britton, ATra. Jas, Michie on behalf of the society spoke a few words of apo preeiatlon to Mrs, H. Wheeler for her fainted work during the years anti presenterld her with a life Mem- bersbip certificate. Mrs. Wheeler although taken by sna'prise thanked the society for their kind gesture. Rey. W. J. Moores was present and <polte a few words, Following the closing exercises all rel hoed to the basement where a dainty lunch was served, This included a birthday cake which Mrs. Jesse Wheeler had made, — REPAIRED and RECOVERED — Chesterfields and Occasional Chairs Also •Rebuild Mattresses Pick.4.Ap and Delivered Str tor, _ Up olstering o 43 Brunshwick Street Stratford, Orae. .Enquire at • De A. RANN • Furniture and Funeral Service Phone 36 or 85 Brussels, Ont.