The Brussels Post, 1950-6-14, Page 2You will be delighted with
this fragrnt tea
(912L102 T2E0E
Riders foe the
by G. H, SHARP
(Continued Froin Last \Veek)
The bedded herd was a huge, dim
blot. The sound of deep 'breathing
steers mixed with the distant yap-
ping of a coyote.
\Webb and Hank Roberts rode
around in one direction, the two
other riders going the other way.
"We got 'em," Webb said in a
quiet voice to the two men he met.
And he toot the guard watch
handed him.
Out across the sleeping herd, a
cowboy wasg s iu i
a lonesome
lulling song.
There is an indefinable spell
about night guard, It creeps into
a cowboy's heart like a plaintive
melody. It is on starry nights,
when the herd is quiet, that the
cowboy dreams as he rides, singing
his song to his cattle. Always his
song carries that note of lonesome-
ness that is the cowboy's lot. These
night hours are when he remem-
bers bits of things, things that go
to make a cowboy's life.
He rides around at a swinging
walk, eased in his saddle. He
thinks, perhaps, of town and its
brief pleasures at shipping time. He
thinks of home. a home he left to
drift along a lonesome trail. Past
pleasures, past regrets. The stars
overhead and a good horse between
his legs. A sweetheart who waits
for him. So he sings his song to
his cattle.
Old Hank Roberts had chosen
his e hour for or talk. Wise in more
than one way was that grizzled old
sheriff of Rimroek.
"If 1 cared a heap for a woman,"
he began, "I'd do all I could to
make her happy. I wasn't more
than about your age. Webb, when
I met the girl 1 married. She was
teachin' a little old cow -country
school and boardin' with some
ranch folks. I was workin' for the
old Circle C at the foot of the Little
Rockies. The outfit had sent me
out to rep for 'em with the Circle
PAtts 14404
Pretty as a little dress Alin bel
One straight piece right down to
herr,, 'shirred at tcp.shirrerl at the
wait us- Ilr'.ri in with a huge .ash.
just a la ru.i!t::;i d tics!
Pattern 45.12; sires 2, 4, 6. 8, 10.
Size 0 sunfrock, 2 yards 35 -inch
fabric; bonnet. Si yard.
This pattern, easy to asst, simple
to sew, is tested for lit, ITas
complete illustrated instructions.
Send twenty-five cents (25c) in
coins (stamps cannot be accepted)
for this pattern. Print plainly size,
name, address, style number.
Senil Order to F,ox 1, 123 Eigh-
teenth Street, New Toronto, Ont.
t i JE 23 - 1950
Diamond. I was on my way to
the outfit, which was camped north
of Milk River, hazin' along my
string of ponies, when I stopped at
this ranch for the night.
"It was a Saturday night; no
school of a Sunday. Now, my
night horse was a plumb gentle,
biscuit-eatin' feller. A. black -and -
white paint horse called Blackfoot.
I laid over and took her horseback
ridin'. Monday morning' I rode on
to where the Circle Diamond wagon
was camped. But I was shy a night
horse. Blackfoot stayed there at
the ranch.When
V1 gotmarried
m aed
at the end of the round -up, the old
gent at the Circle C give her that
fat paint pony. Yep, we got mar-
ried. I quit spendin' my money
over the bar, quite gamblin'.
"The old gent talked me into run-
nin' for sheriff and I got elected.
Settled down and stayed thataway.
Yep, when a man cares about a
woman, he's got to quit his fool
cowboy ways and act like he was
human. Take a young feller your
age, for instance, with one of the
finest and gamest little girls that
ever lived, a -sarin' for him so much
she can't sleep nights for wor-
ryin' about him. If that feller was
smart, he'd quit tryin' to go bronco.
He'd quit herdin' with outlaws and
he'd quit buskin' a losin' game.
He'd sell out and marry that girl
and take her to a new range and
make a home for -her. He wouldn't
go chargin' around all over the
country packin' a gun and huntin°
Webb Winters stared straight
ahead when he answered the sher-
iff. "You're talkin' through your
hat, Hank. Talkin' loco. You don't
savvy the layout. Mac don't care
about me like that, Man, she was
goin' to marry Bob Anderson. Bob
just naturally worshipped her. He's
kep' me awake many a night
tellin' me how he was goin' to
make their hone so that she'd be
content to live on a ranch. Bob
and me had planned on addin' a
big room to his cabin. A big stone
fireplace and some Injuu rugs and
bear hides on the floor, Real dishes
instead of the ones Ile had,
"I helped him pick the furniture
out of the catalogue. Fancy dishes,
a whole set of 'em. Crockery and
new cookin' hardware. A real stove. '
A sofa and easy chairs for the big
room. A talkies' machine with a
fancy horn. We put in half the
nights last winter markin' out in
the catalogue what he'd need. The
catalogue and the list is in Bob's
cabin right now, I never saw a
man care for a woman like Bob
Anderson cared for Mac.
"Then the dammed skunks mur-
dered him. Bob is dead. l'in goin'
to live long enough to pay 'em off
in their own kind of money-. Bob
was my pardner."
Webb Winters had spoken quiet-
ly. Too quietly to suit old Hank
Roberts, who knew how to read
sten. He caught that note of final-
ity and he knew that nothing he
could say or do would alter Webb's
plans. He made one last effort,
"Webb, son, did yon ever ask
Mae to marry you?"
But you thought a heap of her?"
"So did Bob. Hank. lie just
plumb worshipped Mae,"
"And you rode off and let Bob
do his eourtin'. I don't reckon it
ever struck you that it was you, not
Bob Anderson, that she cared most
for, 1 don't reckon it ever got
through that thick skull of yours
that she w'JIS ntarryin' flop because
she figured that you'd never come
around, courtin',
"Webb, that girl is worryin' her
heart out these days. She looks
peaked and she cries when she's
alone, Iter eyes give her away.
Sha thought a heap of Bob Ander-
son because he just sort of wor-
shipped her. Bob got killed and
she'll never quite git over it, be-
cause he always treated her so
great. But it was you she wanted
to marry all the time.
(Continued Next Week)
kitten made its disappearance at
about the same time their car de-
s eloped
e-celoped a strange squeals. It was
the lost kitten, hungry And with a
,res -1 bitten tail.
"I Know It's .A Dream—BUT DON'T WAKE ME UPI"
® � , -
n- oti.r e P. Clet,t,l.e
Since last week 1 have learnt a
little more about painting and a
lot more about birds. When I left
you last week I was painting the
hall and also watching three little
robins in a nest over the front door.
My, how those little birds grew!
Ten days and they were all feath-
ered out and getting ready to leave
the nest. And by that time they
had become nice looking wee
things with bright speckled
breasts. They kept Mother and
Father Robin busy from ,awn to
dark satisfying their hungry needs
and the parents knew with unerr-
ing instinct just what the little
birds could digest. For the first
few days they were fed tiny pity
size worms and grubs, then, as
the birds grew bigger Mr. and Mrs.
Robin brought bigger and better
worms, twirled around their beaks
for convenience in carrying. After
tier babies had been fed Mrs. Rob-
in often got into the nest behind
them, pecked away for a few min-
utes and then fly off again. What is
she doing, I wondered? To find out
I watched more closely. Now what
do you suppose was happening?
'Nell, believe it or not, Mrs. Robin
was housekeeping! Her method was
to hunt for the droppings of her
offspring, then pick them up is
her heak and fly away wall then!.
1f only chickens could be trained
that way! Another thing 1 found
out ... when little birds are feath-
ered out Mrs. Robin leaves them to
themselves all night. But conte the
dawn, she is back again with an
early breakfast. And indeed. these
robins grew so fast there was no
loan in the nest for mother any-
way, When they were about eight
days old the young robins began
making chipping noises and some-
times they would stand up in the
nest and flap their sturdy little
wings. One time one little fellow
hopped on to the ledge, but soon
got nervous and cuddled down in
the nest again, That is, until today.
Today was their big day ... and
mine, too. The parent robins, hour
after hour, flay around from tree
to tree, and back and forth to
the ledge near the nest, chipping,
chipping, all the time—calling to
their babies in bird language —
('once, it is time you left the nest.
Spread your wings, little fledg-
lings, Conte out here in the open
—we will take care of you. We will
show you where the best worms
are found and the safest trees and
bushes in which to hide until your
wings are stronger."
So one by one the little fledg-
lings, chipping nervously, flew down
to the nearest tree. When the first
one made the grade the parent
birds left the less venturesome ones
still in their nest while they en-
ticed the first adventurer away from
the house—away from slinking cats
and a playful pup, That done, they
would return again and start chip-
ping as vigorously as ever, The
little birds that were left in the
nest would answer shrilly its re -
tern. It took suite a lot of coax-
ing to get the last one to Leave
but finally it took to its uncertain
wings. Now they are all away; the
cost•, rather shaggy nest is de-
serted, and, believe it or not, I feel
unite lonesome without my little
birds. But then. I have also finished
the lower, hall, so I wouldn't have
had them constantly under observa-
tion much longer anyway.
Yes, soon I shall be starting on
the upper hall—in England we used
to call the upper hall "the landing"
--if that is of any interest. How-
ever, before I start out with the
paint brush again there is a twa-
wce!:s' wash that has to be at-
tended to and other work to catch
tot, on.
I mentioned having learnt a little
more about painting—that was in
the mixing. For the floor of our
hall I had chosen an enamel that
called itself "leather brown." May-
be newly tanned leather would loop
that colour and be attractive in
some rooms bur on our hall it w,is
f4_44,tetWikJ 4
Combine crochet and embroidery
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Simple crochet, ernbroideryl Pats
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Print plainly pattern !number, your
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horrible. I did one strip and it made
me feel billions to look at it. And
then, company came to call and that
finished m painting forh night.
yp t that mglt.
Ilut I went to bed and worried about
it. I felt I couldn't live with that
paint and like it: But what to da
about it . , . the only other shade
was dart: brown which I didn't
want. Next morning I looiccd over
my paint supply with a view to
trying a mixture—maybe a bit
of black would do the trick, Or
this gray porch paint—what col-
our would grey and brown pro-
duce "Well, there's only one way
to find out," said I to myself. So
after stirring the quart of grey
enamel I dumped half of it into
my quart of leather brown. Result
—a nice, soft shade of brown, about
the colour of fumed oak.
It is rather fun nixing colours,
never being certain what the out-
come will be. But halfway measures
are no good—if you start mixing
you have to mix enough to finis'!
Your job—or put up with a patch
work effect. �! —
By Rev. R. B. Warren, B.A., B.D.
;Malachi Pleads for \Vholcheartel
Malachi 2:10; 3:7-10; 4:5,6
Golden Text: Have we not all
ane father? bath not one God cre-
ated us? Why do we deal treacher-
ously every man against his
brother. by profaning the coven-
ant of our fathers? Malachi 2:10,
Malachi is the last of the Old
Testament messengers. This lesson
dealt with three of his most bo -
portant themes. The first is divorce,
He urges: "Take heed to your
spirit, and let nate deal creacher-,
ously against the wife of his youth.
For the Lord. the God of Israel,
sash that he hateth putting away."
The Christian Victory magazine in
a recent editorial. after calling at-
tention to the fact that in our
times "only live per cent of mar-
riages remain love matchc gives
the following essentials for suc-
cessful married life: (I) Marital
faithfulness. Adultery is the ones
cause for divorce that Cod per-
mits (Matt. 19:3-91. (21 The hus-
band must subject itis wife and
fancily (I Tim. 5:8). be unselfish
and love his wife: the wife must
faithfully keep house and "give
none occasion for the adversary to
speak reproachfully" (1 Tim 5:14)
and she must submit to the headship
of her husband (Eph. 5:21 23). (3)
Both should submit to the Lordship
of Christ (Ro. 12:11-21. (4) Mari-
tal relationships nnist be maintain.
ad, as the Scripture conu'.anrls in
I Cor. 7:2-5; and children should
be welcomed into the home (1 Tint.
Maiachi accuses Judah of robbing
God hi tithes and offerings. The
tithe was a tenth of the increase
and was practised by Abraham and
Iamb prior to the giving of the law.
Today, while enormous and in-
creasing sums are paid for liquor
and tobacco, the church Struggles
to suport its missionaries, hospitals
and educational institutions. The
challenge still holds, 'Bring ye
all the tithes into the storehouse,
that there may be meat in !nine
house, and prove the now here-
with, saith the Lord of hosts, if I
will not open you the windows of
heaven, anti pour yo0 put a bless-
ing, that there shall not be roses
enough to receive it." He closes
by pointing to the Sun of right-
cousnesa (the Messiah) who slm'I
arise with healing in Iris wings.
7/014A Famiey a -�
"Dear Anise Hirst: Two years ago
I gave my husband a divorce, so
he could marry a woman Ise went
with all the
time we were
married. I
thought Ise
would tire of her
and come back
to Inc and the
"Instead, they
are happier now
than ever! All
my friends tell me about their new
home, their car, and other luxuries.
When he has our children, they
can't do enough for them, andd the
youngsters like the wife fine, When
he conies after then, I nearly dial
"I still love !tint. Surely he must
think of Inc, Lite mother of his
"Do you think I could tallc to
hint and get hint to come back to
"After all, this woman tools him
from us. Why not give her some
of her owes medicine?
S. K.,,
* To want to "pay this woman
* back" and wreck her marriage, is
* the first reaction of a disappointed
* wife. Brat even if you could ac-
* complish this, surely you are too
* fine a person to try.
* You took a chance in divorcing
* your husband.
* You lost.
*a d Wla •
hy. not admit it, and lose like
* You could not'o crsuade
n your
* husband to conte back to you;
* you know. You have learned
* how entirely happy he is with his
* new wife. To attempt to destroy
* that happiness could only leave
* you with new humiliations, and
* an inconsolable regret that you
* ever tried, .
* You say you love your bus-
* band, 1 do not doubt that. But
* isn't it the real truth that you
* want him back—wheher he wants
* to come or not? If he has wanted
* to, he would have told you long
* ago.
A device which will permit poor
eyes to read ordinary newspapers,
magazines and books is now in the
final testing stage, This new in-
strument known as" "projection
p oyection
magnifier," was developed at the
Franklin Institute Laboratories for
Research and Development. The
projection magnifier weighs a little
more than 17 pounds, measures 21
inches high, 14 inches wide and
27 inches deep and contains two
40 -watt bulbs, with a pair of 100 -
watt bulbs as alternates. When a
page is placed on a movable tray
at the bottom and a lens. lowered
against it, an illuminated magnifi-
cation appears on a ground glass
slanted' at the correct angle for a
reader in a chair. If vision is very
slight it i* still possible to read
by moving closer to the screen.
* When we know true love, we
r want the other's happiness more
* ;than we want our own,
* Your husband is happy now.
* Can't you quell your jealousy,
* and come to rejoice that he, at
* least, is getiug what !ie wants out
* of life?
* When you accomplish this, you
* will know the consolation of
* peace, Rid of this harrowing
* jealousy, you can approach life
* with the assurance that you are
* a better Christian, and through
* new faith in yourself, conquer
* your loneliness and make a good
* life for yourself and your chit-
* dren.
* Seek help in this through your
* church, I think your minister
* can help you in your struggle,
* and bring you peace.
When you have been hurt almost
beyond bearing, your emotions will
not let you be fair. That is why
it is wise to ask Anne Hirst to help
you find peace. Write her at Box 1,
123 Eighteenth St, New Toronto,
Here's Prompt Relief Beyond
Belief from the Pains of
)l r Try Prompt -Actin,,
Easy -to -Take
.•°��" to relieve the agony
other ARTHRITIC and
RHEUMATIC disorders.
DOLCIN is fast -acting, reliable, hornl-
ess to the heart or anyother organ, cad
eavbs no unpleasant after-effects. Get
DOLCIN today -to belt. you find comfort -
'tag relief from ARUM= and RHEUMATIC
paint At all drug stores -reasonable in,
cost -bottles of 100 tablets -the new 200 -
tablet bottle -and the economical' 500,
tablet bottle.
Here it is!
The Best Paint Value
In Canada Since 1939
Home Paint Co,
Offers you the kind of value a -nu got
* EFORUC the war-remenberr-tltiot-
ening paint that Hewed on nneetltly-
coveeed solidly -and staved bright end
colourful for yearn! (MOM, Natal nr
Quality enamel at the Name Inn uriro.
Name 5051 own eel.
our. There are 15 to
choose from. Or send
for colour ',hurt.
HpeaFIREEaa PainttleB push
these thick, smooth, long -bruise ;Wilt
brushes are used 5,5 master
decorator, throughout Can. $1.50
aria. Value at
With each 8 gallon order
Send today for a 5 reollon trial ceder.
Cash with order Will NOW C.O.U.
yu,r, iy!Chelsea Bun Loaf
A treat you can make easily wifh
new fast DRY Yeast
Now you have Fleisclumann's
Fast Dry Yeast, forget about
the oldtime hazard's, of yeast
baking! Always. at hand—
always • full-strength and fast
•rising! Keep aanonth's supply
in your cupboards Mance this
delicious Chelsea Bust Loaf —
cltt in slices for buttering, or
separate the burrs.
Make 3 pans of burls from this
one recipe—dough will keep
in refrigerator for a week.. .
Scald :V c, milk, % c. granulated
sugar, 154 tsps.. salt and 4 e
shortening; cool to. lukewarm.
Meanwhile, measure into at barge
bowl 1A e.. lukewarm water,1 tsps
granulated sugar; stir until sugar
is dissolved,. Sprinkle wills 1 en-
velope Fleiachmmarrn's Royall hast
Rising Dry Yeast. Let stand 10
mains,, THEN stir well. Add. coated
milk mixture and stir fn 1 well -beaten
egg. Stir in 2 e. once -sifted bread Boor;
beat nuts£ smooth. Work ht 2t/a c, once -
sifted bread flour. Knead on lightly -
floored board mill smooth and elastic_
Cut off 2,6 of dough, knead into a smooth
ball, place in greased bowl, grease top el
dough, cover and store in refrigerator
until wanted. Shape remaining Vs of
dough into a smooth hall place in greased
bowl and grease top. Cover end act in
warm place, free Strom draught. Let rise
until doubled in bulk. Cream 3 the, butler
or margarine and blend in Win c, brown
sugar (lightly pressed- down), Pix tsps.
ground cinnamon and 3 tbs. earn syrup;
spread about Ya of this mixture in bottom
of ,y greased loaf pan (gti2a x 81h") and
sprinkle with pecan halves. Punch down
nsen dough and roll out into an 8"
square; loosen dough. Spread with re-
maining sugar mixture and sprinkle with
c. raisins Loosely roll UP like a icily
roll. Cut roll lulu 6 slices. Place in Inc.
oared pan. Green tops. Cover and let
also until doubled in bulk, flake in moder-
ate oven 3S0°, 25.30 reins. Let stand in
,pen for f mins. before turning out.
hers saw, *sr
a 'a^•y �s FRESH,