HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-4-19, Page 69TS `TRAGRANCE IS SEALED 6t,. VACUUM Our New Serial Story Riders for the Hoot- Owl Pool by G. H. SHARP le= 1t was about nova when Webb Winters got to Bob Andeesoft's place, No smoke showed frons:the chimney of the log cabin. There was no sign of life. The barn door was shut, It had rained the eve- ning before and the ground hadn't dried yet, so that Webb Winters could read the sign unprinted there in the drying soil. !larks of shod hooves. Boot prints. An uneasy feeling took hold of the rancher as he rode up to the barn. Ile had a feeling that some- thing was wrong. He was sure of it when he opened the barn door and fond Bob Anderson's horse -there in the stall, the manger empty -of hay. Bob wasn't the kind of mall to neglect his horse. Webb Winters left his ]corse and walked through the mud to the cabin. •He had his hand on his gun when he slowly opened the door. As the light came through the open doorway into the shadowy cabin, the inner Rae that Webb Winters had been trying to shake off suddenly became real. Bob Anderson lay sprawled on his face near his book, There was a pool of sticky blood on the floor and the rancher's lifele's hand gripped a six-shooter. Near an overturned table, on the float were dishes, spilled food. Webb Winters squatted beside the dead man who had been his friend and neighbor. He touched - the lifeless shoulder. "I'll pay 'em off, Bob," he said aloud, his voice husky. He examined the dead mans gun. Four empty shells. Bob Anderso:t'a had died game. Died with his boots on and his six-shooter smoking. - He took a socgan from the bunt: and covered the dead body and left the cabin. He went back to the barn, turned Bob's horse loose hi 990 Knitters—bole! A beautitul new !medallion to make a beautiful spread, sear: n; cloth. LCs really easy ao latittets get busy At last you can knit household accessories—and easily! Pattern tete has directions, • Laura Wheeler's improved pat tern makes needlework sc simple with Its charts, photos and concise directs n . Send tWC1tty lit(' cct.ts ($c) in coins (stamps cannot be aceepted for this pattern to fio's .1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. :Print imi t1 pa mCi 'umber, your rattle and address. ISSUE 15 ••-' 1050 the pasture. Bob wouldn't be need- ing him any longer. Then Webb Winters mounted and bit a long trot. Two hours later, he pulled up at a small ranch at the foot of the timbered butte called Indian Butte. A short; wide -shouldered man with a week's stubble of graying black whiskers on his square jaw came to the door. He had puckered black eyes and a tight-lipped mouth. "Put up your horse and come in. Webb." "Ain't got time, The, l rode over with some bad news. The dirty sons got Bob Anderson last night. They got him like they got Ed. Young. We'll meet at my place after dark tonight. Send somebody over to set up with Bob. Get word to the others, I'm going to town to get a box. See you tonight. So - long." * d Webb Winters rode on. It was one of those gray, cheerless days spotted with occasional showers. IIe kept thinking of Bob Anderson. Bob was a good neighbor and a staunch friend. Webb and Bob bad punched cows together, off and on, for the past 15 years. They had wintered together in line camps, stood guard together on stormy nights, painted the town red when shipment time came. It .was Bob who first suggested that they quit blowing their forty a month and take up ranches. That bad been three years ago. They had located on some good land that the Triangle outfit had been holding. The Triangle claimed a lot of land they had no right to, They tried to run Webb and.Bob off. When their bluff had failed, they had offered to buy out the two cowboys, But Bob•and Webb had told big Ab Abbott of the Triangle that they'd not sell at any price. The jowcled, paunchy, whisky - soaked Abbot had replied that be would het them a thousand dollars, and collect the bet in hell, that he'll own their tranches before he was done. Now Bob was dead. Shot down in his own cabin. Another small rancher, Ed. Yong, over on Gteasewood Creek, had been killed the sante way. Only, Ed, Young, who was an Oklahoma cowboy and handy with, a gun, had been shot it' the back. The Triangle now owned Ed. Young's place. They, would hire one of their men now to file on Bob Anderson's place. As Webb Winters rode toward the little cow town named Rimrock. at the foot of the mountains, he kept thinking of Bob, Big, blue- eyed, tow -headed Bob Andersen), who had never .picked a fight in his life, but who, when Itis slow anger camas once aroused, would fight any man alive. Webb would have to break the news to Mae, Bob's girl. Bob had aimed to get married alter the fall round -up was over. Atte ran a little eating place at Rintrocic. She'd take it mighty hard, Bob was the only man she'd ever gone around with. He rode ep the street that was lined with hooses and stores and. saloons. Dusk was falling, Lights showed in windows, end the odor of food told hint that Riunrock was sitting down to supper. Ile stopped at the sheriff's house, "Bob Anderson," he told the sheriff grimly. "was killed last night. I figured you'd want to loot: at him before he's planted." The sheriff, an old -tinier, looked hard at this tall, bronzed cowboy. Webb Winters had a square face, blunt of nose and jaw. His eyes were gray. his hair black and straight as an tudian's... !lis eyes now were hard. his mouth pulled taut. "What etre you aimiu' to do about ir, \\'ebb:" asked the sheriff. Webb -Winters matte no reply. He just stood there in the doorway, grins -lipped. hard -eyed, "Come in to supper. Webb. The ntissns will set a place for you." "Can't do it, thanks, There's Mae to sec, and I got to get Bob's box. 1111 keep me huntpiu' to 'tend to things." The sheriff nodded. "1 savvy, IIaul: Roberts had not been twenty -live years a peace officer without learning the trays of men. Ile knew only too well tine feud that was growing between the Triangle and the smaller ranchers. IIe knew that the smaller ranchers had or- ganized. They were known as the Scissor -Bill fool. Trouble was cooking, and cooking too fast for his peace of mind; • (Continued Neat Week) 4604 SIZES 12-20 30-42 ,f'saaa.-') 4111.4 It wraps! It buttons! It's gay, slenderizing and comfortable! It washes like a !lanky, and ot-ens flat to iron, Get busy right nos on this new Princess Wt'apabout! Pattern 4604 comes in sizes 32, ls, 16, 18, 20; 30, 32, 34, 36, 38, 40, 42, Size 16 takes Seta yds. 35 -inch. This pattern, easy to use. simple to sew, is tested for fit, Iles com- plete illustrated instructions. Send twenty-five cents (25c) in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this' pattern, Print pletuly size, name, address, style number. Send order to Box 1, 123 Etsglc' teentll Street, New '1•orontt, Ont. CROSSWORD PUZZLE 9. Black 10, Tender 11, (Met 10, weary 17. Point oC land 22. Assam silk St Repair AGR0Ss 3, Legume 21, Greek latter 1. Road piece. t, Fenes 26. Go qutckl3 G. Urge.rrocsinge 37. Golf pole 2, Wit tag /04,r96• an's ort 12. Tumult , Man's name 11. 'Htngttelt letter fab.) 14. Musical 7• StAw one atorn Instrument E. Sttae (ab.) 16. increases State (ab.) 16. Anglo-Sesoa money 19 1, , t 2e 21 Real n :lire 2 n 1, Von diet Atilt . Auto engin e Part 32 star - ias' Boyers/en55 1etore 50 Astatic 00111141 29. Beetles i3, Pineh 44, htxtortod money 51, Small tabiea !6. Nimploy 49, ArttBcial anglege 41 nelealvee es rat the stamen f,bmuy 66 rasa sn Inaor plans Si.67 51,01105 "herefor. 69. Intend 6c. IT 'man race 41 'o sly t,nwN 20, Reward 10, Make mistake 11. Matter (law a9. Hgg White 37 Tavern 6. Mares S. Teo 1. Provoked (Soot.> 2. Religion. Worn 6, keen hurriedly - 6. Prong 7. Pier 0. Capital of Latvia 0. Scant 2. Meadow 4. Native motel leo'. ward, <,,iise e,*re Answer elsewhere 01 this page. Queens Handiwork—A mullion -stitch needlepoint ring which took Queen Mary, 82 -year-old mother of King George VI, eight years to make, is displayed by 'Patricia Hardie after its arrival on the liner, Queen Mary. The rug is the queen mother's personal contribution to Britain's effort to gain U.S. dollars. Miss Hardie will take the piece on a tour following which it will be sold to the highest bidder. CHRONICLES LaINGERFARIH Gwondol.i.t'te Fog .. . rain . . . mud! ()ace again the miracle of early spring has brought about a change that seems almost incredible. A :week ago so much snow—and now big patches of bare ground, although there are still plenty of snowbanks in evidencce. For a few days it was such a nice, slow thaw that flood conditions were not really serious. .Ditches rose higher than the cul- verts and flats became a miniature lake as the warm sun melted the snow, but with the going down of the sun the water level dropped; ditches became normal and the creek a pleasant, gurgling little stream. But the mud , .. oh, dear! Now it is raining, so what happens today remains to be seen. Generally we think of mud as belonging to the country, and clean, dry roads as belonging to the town- but not in this district. Our nearby town is still busy with its sewerage .system—and so help toe, 1 never saw such mud in all my life. 1 go to town as little as 1 can. The main streets, that were ripped up last fall to lay storm sewers, are so full of pot holes you wonder how malty springs and bolts you will lose fropl your car before you get home, and a120, if any part of your own anatomy will break loose, Part of the trouble these days lies in the fact that we don't expect to contend with mud any more; letos1 roads in well populated districts are nosy either gravelled or paved, au& most farmers have long since Made a practise of baying their lanes gravelled too, so that thud, such as we now meet in town, seems much worse titan it would have done twenty years ago. 1 remember when WC had out first car—a I\.todel T— we always went back to the horse and buggy in early spring because the lane wasn't gravelled and the car couldn't get through the mud— although I do remember a few occasions when Partner pulled me down to the road with the team. We didn't want to take a chance nu breaking another axle since we had already had that happen once. Side roads were also good places to keep away front—some of them are now., for that matter. So now, however rough the main roads may be, in comparison with twenty years ago we have little to grumble about . , only somehow we still have a tray of grumbling. Maybe I wouldn't be thinking about the roads so much if it wasn't for the June 'Bug. Ycs, I'lu going to tell you 111)011 it—or perhaps this will explain things. The other day a friend df mine said to me—"And what have you been doing this week?" "Oh, nothing -mach;". I answered, "cecept that I've made three pairs of pyjamas and bought a rar1" .'\c utally the June Bug and the new ear are one altd the wee thing, Yost see it is a little English car with a short, stumpy apppearance Illat Partner said reminded him ,of some kind of bug. "Yes," I agreed, "june Bug—that would be a good - name for it," Bob suggested Firefly but we thought that was a little too fancy -•-and somehow June Bug seems so Much mors expressive, But I ask you --what's the good of a nice, new car in. this wcather'r A few trips to towns and it looks like a bttg all right—a bug that has been hibernating ail winter and just puslt- ed its way up through the dame, sticky nista. Another thing I have to eoutettd•with is the steering eolnttnt gearshift—something entirely new for me—also the extra creeper gear which most of these English care are blessed with. Before we got the car I was ser- iously thinking of getting an elec- tric sewing machine. Varicose veins and treadle machines don't go too well together, and I do use a sewing machine so much. So, when we were dickering over the car, undecided just what !rind to get, Partner said —"For the love of Pete, why don't you settle for a sewing machine and save yourself this worry!" May- be he has something there—the trouble is you can't go very far with a sewing machine. Not that we expect to do much travelling but it will be nice to have something that's really dependable—or should be—so that we can go out without worrying about tires or whether a bearing ;will burn out and leave us stranded at. an uncomfortable distance from a garage. And in get- ting 'a small car we are also think- ing of the money we shall save on gas. Here is Daughter's latest exper- ience. One of her tenants, smolcing 'in bed, set -fire to his mattress! I wonder how many disastrous fires have been started in just that way, Anyone who is too sleepy to keep awake long enough to' finish smok- ing a cigarette surely doesn't need a stroke very badly in the first place. And o'1 course the same thing happens in private homes just as easily as til a rd'ntiug house. e HOW CAN 1 By Anne Ashley Q. i'Iow can I matte celery more tender? A, Allow the celery to lie in Water for about seven or eight hours before serving, and it will be very tender, Q. How can I clean an iron? A. An iron can be readily clean- ed by nixing rottenstone with sweet oil, spreading it on a board, and running the iron back and forth until it is bright and: clean. Q. How can I keep milk that is to be boiled from curdling? A. A pinch of soda stirred into the milk will prevent its curdling. Q. How can I remove ink stains f1'oul a silk dress without injun.ing the material? A. Try placing 'the stained part over a saucer and covering it with powdered borax. Then pour per- oxide 'of hydrogen over the borax. Do not pour water over the borax. WAKE UP YOUR VER BILE— Without Calomel—And You'll Jump Out al Bed in the Morning Rain', to Go The liver should pour out about 9 pints of bile lube into your digestive treat every day, II this bile is not goring freely, your food way not digest. at may lust decoy m'tJto dr estive tract, rhea gar bloats Un. your etovmoh You got oanetipated, TOP feel sour, bunk and the world looks punk. It takes those mild, gentle Carton's Little Liver Pills to get these 2 pints of bile Sort ing freely to snake you teal ' up and up: Qat a hookas° today. Effeotivo 1n brat.::: bile flow freely. Ask lar Cartrde Little Liver Pills, 375 at any dragsters. Upside down to preveifl' pceltft g. RU!S (mit ramity( •-•r "Dear Anne Hirst; I have read your column admiringly for some One. I would like to offer this bit of advice to egotistical and posses- sive husbands. I 001 an ex -one, and speak frau experience. "While in the service, I married a sweet girl, That was any first marriage. We had a beautiful daughter, 1 "My drinking and cheating (that I thought was snort) led ns straight into the divorce court, I was satisfied, I thought. I was making money, and I was popular. "I met another sweet girl, and we fell in love, We married. We were blissfully happy fora while —until, again, I couldn't stand Prosperity, I started my old rou- tine again, I thought, 'This girl loves me too much to think of leaving me—I can get away c'itlt it.' "But she, too, left ate. Later, she gave birth to my sots. (He was a year old in February, and I have seen ltifn three times). Too Late? "Again, I thought, this freedom is what I want, (How stupid and cocky I was!) Just so long as I, could have fun, I never thought of anyone else. 1 loved a farce, too far gone in my ways to realize it until it was too late. "Now it has been 18 months since she left me. I've kept, the memory of it. I've just existed. But so help me, I've quit drinking, and I have refused all invitations, "I've been living on a thread of hope for a reconciliation. "If my wife reads this, I want her to know that I love he'; deeply, and that I've paid dearly for my past affairs. "I hope that the wayward hus- bands who think they're smart to travel in the sante path, will stop and take a good inventory will aslc themselves, 'Is it worth it?' Let me be the first to answer, it is uotd "There is only one tragedy worse than death, and that is lone- liness. I know! R,G." + t, a It takes some of us a long, long * while (and more than one experi- °' Core) to be taught that the only °i real life is the good life, * You were lucicy enough to win e the hearts of two fine girls. Each * of them gave you a child. Instead a of appreciating all their love and * loyalty, you took the easiest way '1 —you played fast and loose with b° them both, You broke both * hearts before you realized how * selfish and arrogant you had °' been, 4' Now you are paying. °' When a man finally sees hint- * self as he is, there is no husband ° lilse the husband he can be, Sin - • sere in !tis reform, all he wants is * the opportunity to prove it, to '' make up for all the anguish be * has caused. I, for one, believe * you are sincere. * If your wife reads your letter e today, 1 hope she will 'believe + you, too. * * Anne Hirst's column has brought more than one separated couple to- gether again. The primary purpose of the column, though, is to pre- vent trouble. Write BEFORE yon part, and let Anne Hirst help you prevent such tragedy. Address her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ontario. Don't call it the pru'suit ut bappl- • 11Css if it's only a flight from reality. • And ih.'s RELIEFis LASTING Nobody knows the cause of rheuma- tism but we do know there's ora thing to ease the pain - : it's INSTANTINE. And when you take INSTANTIN= the relief is prolonged because INSTANTINE Contains not one, but three proven medical ingredients. These thredingredients work together to bring you not only fast relief but more prolonged relief. Take INSTANTINE for fast headache relief too . . . or for the pains of neuritis or neuralgia and the aches and pains that often accompany a cold. Get Instontine today and always keep it handy 12 -Tablet Tin 24 Economical 48 -Table* Bottle 69i Jane Ashley's Crown Brand Recipes FREE Write Jane Ashley, The Canada Starch Company JAM ed, P. O. Box 7Z9, Montreal, P. Q. ch id