HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-4-19, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST _ * • • • • • • 1 ,• 7yJ TIME TABLE : CHANGES 1 lassie ect Add: ■ We're 011StGlen Too!. • Leryone knows that Dominion Textile Company Limited sells fine cotton products, But we buy things too. We're customers of other Canadians right across the country. As a company we purchase lumber, paper, corn and potato starches, chemicals, transportation services and a hundred and one other items from different parts of Canada. And the 12,500 employees in our plants, drawing among the highest textile wages in the world, spend many millions of dollars a year on flour from prairie wheat, meat from Alberta cattle, fish from both Atlantic and Pacific coasts, homes made with the use al B.G. lumber and outfitted with furnishings and appliances from all provinces and other goods and services provided by fellow -Canadians. DOMINION TEXTILE COMPANY LIMITED srAl MANUFACTURERS OF a• o,o PRODUCTS i7?If *' 3 N' tis' n r e5¢»- .fwr,V'j A.. nasi 511 i,l(f?z l>�ut !1 T®WANT !AMR tot Canadian men and women have 8,000,000 deposit accounts in 0P j'k If the chartered banks—equal to IC one account for every adult. FOR RENT — Brass Farm. ,Lm, . Stevenson Phone =Gh2 SALE Timothy Seed. Walter Bewley FOFt SALE— ;.:1 pigs, 11 weeks old. Phone 56-r4 Michel Sokclowski 1 FOR SALE— - Phone 110-r-7. ' Ili. yele t t f'.1'.) nearly new. Ray II. ether, Phone 1S -r-4 Brussels 'OR SALE— Quantity or (food Alfalfa Seed. 'Sm. Stratachnhe Phone 49 -r -S. IFOR SALE- 1.,rt Day Old Rhode- Island Red Pullets, Wail k R. sR. Warwick, IlBrussels. '0R SALE -- 7e0 Hybrid pallets, 3 months old, .Toe Ilolmes, R. R. 4 Brussels. 1 Telephone 15-r-5. • Mrs, Frank'Miller, who has been ® i r ("limon ltnspital, returned home • • • e • • • • e • 5 • on Friday. . i .I • Banks value each depositor's business highly safeguarding your money, paying interest on your savings, standing ready to repay ... striving to retain your confidence and friendship. Your bank manager appreciates his obligation to you. Ask him what is a banker's first concern. He will answer, "Safeguarding the depositors' funds." For he realizes that depositors are the very foundation of the efficient credit process by which banks mobilize deposits to serve the needs of this working, growing, enterprising Canada. SPONSORED BY YOUR BANK Effect ve Sunday April 30th, 1950 Full information from ogenf, WINDMILL FOR SALE — Self oiling Chicago Aernrotor, 50 ft. tower. good working condition, cheap, Melville Lamont Phone 21-r-13. FOR SALE— Excellent tire 000 x 16, can be used for spare or wagon. apply at The Brussels Post. FOR SALE — Eveready Milking Machine 25 or GO cycle. nearly new. Wm. Neabel, R. R. 1 Walton. Phone Seaforth 843-r-22. WANTED Old coal nil lamps coloured glass and old furniture. Write Box 50 Brussels. FOR SALE — I3eaver Oats and Galore Barley mixed and a few Beaver Oats and Hay. Jac Pennington • 101ss Florence Ilncltanan is visiting t this week at the home of Ward :and 1 lits, Buchman, Detroit. . Kiuloch Grewar was a visitcir in Lislow'ri last week with his Aunt Mrs. T. A. Schinbine. Miss 1T rgarel McArthur. Toronto, Was a vi iter Awing the past week 1 with Mrs. PPtct' MrArthnr and Mrs, Brown. Mr. and Mrs. Sinclair Hemingway ;,aid children were Easter holiday I visitors with their parents. Mr. and Mrs, G. M. Laycnek, and Family of \Vaterdown seen the Past- er holidays with Mr, and Mrs, las, S. Armstrong, Mr, and Mrs. Robert Joyce were . I CLEARING AUCTION SALE Easter visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Farm Stock, Implements and Jas. S. Armstrong. \ 1\1r. and Mrs. H. M. Clarice spent Township the Easter week -end with the latter's 1 At Lot 11, Con, 7, Grey • Mrs. Thos. Miller Is visiting with of Brussels ' her daughter, Mrs. Freeman Tanney FRIDAY, APRIL 21st — 1 P. M. aul fondly at Blyth tor a Pew,tlays. i Hos s-1 Cycle mare '7 S'ear's old; I Mr, and Mrs, Rert Cousins are i 1 roan gelding 6 years old, !spending a few days at Toronto. - Cattle—I Derham cow with calf at 11gr, and Mrs. J. A. Sehinbine end { ��_ - -- NM1 Derham hei1 ; 5 heifers Mr. Tom Rfo ffa' tt were Sunday I Household Effects miles East ' father Mr. James Fulton. /z %Z miles north and 2 Wecineadaly, April lOblt, 1060 S?+k ye see i�; Costs FUNCTIONAL FEEDS HELP PRODUCT` HEALTHY, FULLY NOURISHED BIRDS WHO GIVE, MORE EGGS—'BETTER EGGS. BY INCREASING QUALITY AND QUANTITY YOU LOWER COST AND INCREASE PROFITS. n 8.a et. oak (Pill• -lire -Basket) EGG MASH ad EGG PELLETS (Birds Relish Pellets) For Sole by Ethel produce Phone 22-r-10 Phone 25-r4. rising two years old; 1 Hereford bull n veers old' 4 yearlings. visitors at the hone of air, arirl Mrs. Pigs -3 Yorkshire sows doe in April; 1 Yorkshire sow with litter; 1 i r+Rrotr',,.' registered Yorkshire boar; 2 York , (-bunks 125 lbs.; 3 York chunks, . The April meeting of the W. M. S. I Implements -7 ft. McCormick -Deer. ; and W. A. of Union United Church ing binder; 1048. Ford Traicter, fully : was held Tuesday, April 1ltli at the equipped; stiff tooth cultivator and I home of Mrs, Gordon 5meirna with i Plow; hay loader; fi ft. cut mower; , 20 ladies present. Am Easter pro- i Horne hydraulic manure loader; turnip sower; scatter ; walking plow; wheel barrow; 2 hay forks; shovels, etc, Farm wagon and ' Tray rack; 23-11. extension ladder; t S ft. step ladder; set of hack band , harness; horse collars; 1 roll fence { wire. ' Household Articles—'O'alt table„ 3 wooden doors, 2 kitchen metal top fables. metal Kitchen cabinet,; 2 Lary Boy chairs. 1 cabinet radio, 1 _- . --- -•-.• table model radio, stair carpet, 3 FOR SALE— floor 1nanps, table lamps, rockers and Cedar posts 1 and 9 ft. long. braces small tables, 2 Quebec heaters, like and stakes any length, a few 25 ft. new, lawn mower on rubber, all. Hydro poles and Sltinmer wood most- enamel electric washing machine, ly cedar $2.50 a cord at the pile, 'ike new. \\'. Turnbull Phone 2S -s-14, Terms - Cash -- - Harold Jackson, Auctioneer. NOTICE — Mrs. Helen Norfolk, Proprietress. Radiator Cleaning and Repairing at reasonable cost. Try BluevaleFREDERICK F. HOMUTH Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles Telephone Harry Elliott 648W-1 Phm, B., R. O. Archer Grewar. Wingham. FOR h. L7.: - Carol E. Homuth R. O. PPr', H, Viola Homuth R. O. nit' d t; ,;1 ir: ;:1a!n rc Registered Optometrists en‘r-•lop r, r •ire te'. atnv. - rt -)te; at u'' a `r' I!glerene 118 Harriston, Ont. Grc:.r , r :. 1,', s _ , ll«m.lton. /I EP?. ; f.? a ' ATTENTION FAI'VV'AERS g, iM We will he pleased to pick up dead r'I 1 GE!'.M or crippled farm anirne's and pay highest prevailing prices. For lin medlite service telephone collect— • Brussels 35-r-12 or Elmira 664 Gordon Toting (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE— Held up your chick buying? Catch up new. You'll need them, Variety P -,ray breeds, new Hamps., New Haurp. Crosses, Columbia Rocks, Pullets, mixed, cockerels, Dayold ..,„,.W ...., w.:.. •n. >: t ,., i„ and Started. Save time. contact Renfrew Cream agent War. Glen Bray, Ethel. FOR RENT — 2 pasture farms being North ib lot 26, can, 17, and. la 30. con, 16, Grey Twp., plenty of water, shade and grass. apply to J. M. Bray Listowel, Ont, Farnous for Arti.tia M.erncniats tv.ag s at to,r .e stock i1. ^Is icee.t granites to chose fru.•,,' -'.'e:Aet.'iry 1"haring• a 'r'ix" All 'modern :machinery Ib. A. S_''OTT a •,,, :t54T Wingham, Or.' 2'ruin entitled, He is Risen, was in ruler with Mrs. Thomas Ward as leader. Meeting opened with quiet' music. call to worship and Hymn 34., Roll rill was responded to with an Easter ,thought and minutes• were' read by Mrs. E. Speiran. Mrs, C. Lalte reported sending a box of fruit to a hospital patient dm•ina the month, Mrs. Bremner, President, urged all who could to attend the Presbyterial in Clinton. Devotional Pealed. followed and Scripture by Mrs, P. Ward. Hymn 86 was sang and Mrs. Bremner move an a- nronriato reading Gethsemane in the (-nark Hip•a. Meeting closed with Hymn 112 and prayer.' W. A. follow- ed with Mrs. McTntosh ieader. Hymns 104 and 157 ware sane. It was de- n ted to snarl a donation to fund f^r crinnled children and committee in charms of Play reported progress. T:tlneh was se1've,d by hostess assist- ed 1,v VTR. Jack Cnx and Mrs, Glen Rntlrwnll. FOR SALE — Rea1 gond 100 sere farm with good buildings, ebcel:ent timber bush, 24 Oliver Tractors, acres ploughed, small acreage of Fall Wheat, rest newly seeded, priced I both wheel tractors and crawlers, to sell. immediate possession. t Plows, Discs, Spreaders, J. 0, Long, Real Estate Broker, Mowers, Hay Loaders, Phone 84, Brussels, Ont. I Smalley Forage Blowers and Separators and Milkers. Disc, Plows, Manure Spreaders. Lime and Fertilizer Sowers, Spring -tooth Harrows Land Packers, Rubber -tired Wagons. FOR SALE— J have a practically new cultivator for sale also double disc and spring tooth harrows. if you want a Rubber I Tired Wagon. It will posy you to see me, Your Rawleight Dealer, ' Geo, Wesenburg Phone 56-r-9, 1 PAttmERS— Save money try Na Chairs Liquid Fertilizer may be used with dry fer- tilizer, or replace it. Any drill will do. Try a test field — 750 to $1.00 per acre. Recommended — Free Samples to reliable farmers. Free lmftOrmatiea and folders. Apply to J, 0. Lamont, Ethel, Hammer Mill.. We also ave repairs for Oliver Cockshutt Tractors. MORRIT7' & WRIGHT Illifiginott Dealers for Whet Implements Telephone 4 and 93. Blyth, Ont. The Natinnel Film Board ,presents, "The feeling of Hostility", with many other films will be presented in the Ethel Twp., Hall on April 2Sth at 2.80 and 1.30 p. n1, Everyone is wel- come. Tell others and bring a friend, DIED GRASBY — In Grey Township on Monday, April leth, 1950, Mary ,lane Jlrydges, beloved wife of the late John •Grashy, inher 82nd year. Funeral was helld from the home of her son-in-law John Riley, Lot 1, Concession 1, Grey Township on Thursday, April 13th, 1950. Ser- vice at 2 p. m. Interment in Brand- on Cemetery. articles For Sale Typewriters, Addarte Machines, Regsiters, Bought, Sold tit 'red. Safes, opened, coni.. one changed, used safes .3. W Locking, 389 - 24th St. W., Atone 2096w Owen Sound , t. ,,,rwt..' w.ttOr 1-w,r111,; ..ut wO151r.altetltp. Nt.e maty!, .•rt Mane nettcpir Inoustrrru, ,1149 Ontario, Street. ytratrorea. b•+-.. "COWS- $2.50 each HORSES- $2.50 each HOGS ..50 per cwt. according to size a� consfiltko Pleono "coned: BRUSSELS -- 72 INGERSOLL -- 21 Willi mt� kS •onge" ons; Ltd. opituse TI -IIS IS OPPORTUNITY Y WEEK for you TO PICK AND CHOOSE Your Choice 30 GOOD USED CARS — Used Cars that have been PRIVATELY OWNED Low mileage and clean, and then again we have equally as good a buy in the CHEAPER line of Transportion There ;s the DIVIDING LINE Yes We have them from 1949 to 1946 1941 to 1929 EVERY CAR HAS BEEN TRADED IN ONANEWONE 1949 Mercury Sedan 1949 Pontiac Coach 1948 Pontiac Sedan 8 Cyclinder 1948 Pontiac Sedan 6 Cylinder 1948 Chevrolet Sedan 1948 Chevrolet Standard Coach 1948 Monarch Sedan 1948 Ford Sedan 1947 Ford Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Coach 1946 Pontiac Coach 1946 Nash Sedan 1940 Studebaker Sedan 1938 Willy's Sedan 1938 Chevrolet Sedan 1937 Ford Sedan 1937 Ford Coach 1930 Pontiac Sedan 1930 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Chevrolet Sedan 1929 Ford Coupe. IN NEW AND USED TRUCKS The G. M. New Trucks are available at all times. USED TRUCKS ARE LIKE THE USED CARS We' have some REAL BARGAINS 1949 1 -ton G. M. C. with rack 1948 1/2 -ton Chev. Pick Up • 1948 1/2 -ton G. M. C. Panel 1948 1/2 -tote Chevrolet 1946 1/2 -ton Ford Pick Up 1947 Mercury 3 -ton Truck 1948 Chevrolet 3 -ton with Dump Body 2 CHEAP long wheelbase Used Trucks. L. &W. Jackson Motors Ltd. Your GENERAL MOTORS DEALER Your Ferguson Tractor .,and Ferguson System Implements Dealer. Phone 161 Listowel, Ont.