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The Brussels Post, 1950-4-12, Page 6
You will be delighted with this fragrant tea (912 '25_ I E03 LAN E RIPST "Dear Anne Hirst: Nine years ago, I married a man eight years younger than I. I -Ie conies from a nice family, He is good to me in so many ways even help- ing hue clean and iron He is so thoughtful, never forgetting birthdays or any other annivers- aries. "But - "Every once in a while, he goes out with another woman. "Ile assures me it doesn't mean anything. He says he loves me, and always will -hut he just wants to have fun. "I don't dance or drink, and ant not very strong; on account of a serious operation. "just u w o he is taking a mb another woman nut once or twice a month. I told him I knew aboutand it,f would leave him. He tell, me he will go, and I could have tite house. "I have a hoy by a previous mar- riage No boy could havebet a -ter father than my husband is to hint. He is a go.,d boy, with matinees, and touch of his training 's due to my • husband.. a "What shall 1 do ? i ell hint to go? Or to stay? Mrs, J." A Crisis Apparently, you have made up °` your mind that you will not put ° up with your husband'- taking ° any other woman out. He is as * determined, 1 gather, to persist * in the habit. 11is assurances that ' these women mean nothing to 'a hint, you evidently will not ac- °' rept as true. * Do you believe your husband >t is being unfaithful? s I suppose you know that in- s` fidelity is very difficult to prove -and you v.ould have to prove it, to get a divorce. ..You sow must decide if you * want to live with your husband r„ as he is, or leave hint and live alone. You faced such a period * of loneliness before, after your " first marriage. You know how it 4740 SIZES 12-20; 441 eS4%. 44E4 Por the prettiest gradt.atr, the loveliest wedding guest, the girl he loves to date! It's the a:wcetest, simplest dress you ever sewed, with deep -cut petal neckline. and sleeves; graceful skirt! Pattern 4740 sizes 12, 14, 16, 18. 20; 40, Size 16, 344 yards 35- inch. This pattern, easy to use simple to sew, is tested for Iii Has coin - vide illustrated instructions, Send twenty-five vents (25c) in ruins (stamps cannot be accepted; for this pattern. Print td- i[v size, manta, address, style number. Send yonr order in 13, a 1, 133 Irighteelith Street. Stew 'i'oronto, Ont. ISSUE. 14 - 1950 " can tear a tvontat' apart. Are you * willing to invite all that again? * Will you decide that these lit- " tle excursions of your husband's * are innocent? That the;: merely • satisfy his desire for au evening * of dancing, a few drinks with a * companionable partner, and no. * thing more? That they are not " sufficient reason to deprive your- " self of a husband who more than * satisfactory in every other way? ° It.:Ts; up. to -:you. Yobr husband 'promised to • cherish you. Cherishing a person means being thoughtful t,nd kind, o protecting her from any avoidable * suffering. Your husband is fail- * ing you in this. Have you ex- * plained to him how his behavior * hurts and mortifies you? Are '' you sure he knows how much? • Until you entirely ret,et your b normal strength, e auel't there te * ways and places to spent ail your e evenings together et ter so you could G r both find pleasure tit them? . You " two have many tastes in common. • \Vhy not count them over, and exercise your ingenuity to ar- o range more opportunities to en• joy thein? Theatres. movies. ° spectator sports, dinners away from home, evenings spent with '• friends --can't you ratify your * husband with these? • You should he able to wear+ * hint away front these other 'wont - * en. Think it over. calmly, and try again. He seems to me too * good a man to lose. If you have a good husband, hold on to hint. Use all your charm and tact and common sense to keep him happy at home . , , Anne Hirst has had long experience in straight- ening out family difficulties. She will help you, too, if you write her at Box 1, 123 Eighteenth Street, New Toronto, Ont. Winston Didn't Say It First hong before Britain's war -time Prime Minister incorporated these words into his impassioned chal- lenge defying the then conquering hordes of Hitler, they were used by the Rev. James E, Finley in con- nection with an earlier concept of human liberty. In Finley's autobiography out of print generations ago, we find he has written, page 110, "Its the fall of 1796 any father set all his slaves free. He had been for years con- vinced that it was wrong to hold Itis fellow men in bondage, and thus deprive them of thcu natural rights; and lte'was particularly im- pressed with the belief that there could be no civil regulation author- izing the possession of human be- ings as goods and chattels. that would justify a minister of the Gos- pel in living upon the SWEAT •.",ND BLOOD AND TEARS of his fellow beings. "I was a fool when 1 married you," said Mrs. Brownleigh, angrily, "Yes, darling, but 1 was in love and- dirin't notice it," replied her husband. - Princess Margaret Sets The Fashion Princess Margaret in rapidly gaining a reputation with her !hut: at, a Royal fashion lender fere and abroad. Nothing but braise is heard for her flair for choosing just the right hats for her p'.tblic and private engagements, At a millinery display in London Mg long ago, she wore a small black fez with a butich ot- ermine tails set high at the back of the clown, Within a week, the fashion was being followed there, is South Africa and other parts of the world, The deinand for ermine tails was enormous. Just lately, the Princess has been showing a preference for small, cloche -type hats in dark shades, which perfectly set off her fair skin. Some sat- the King is always asked for his approval before Prin- cess Margaret appears in a nets hat. That may not be true, but it is said the Royal milliner's designs invar- iably follow the Royal rule that the hat must 001 obscure the side of the face, This rule ensures that crowds who wait to see slit Queen, the two Princesses and other wom- en members of the Roya' Family shall not be disappointed r•hen they -pass, • Not all the hats worn by the Royal trio are new, although they usually look new. They constantly renovate old (tats into new hats by altering the shape slightly or by re -trimming them with ribbons, Bowers and feathers which are care- fully preserved for this purpose. Princess Elizabeth has always favored small chats. One of her most attractive is an oft'' -the -face terban of coronet shape tvl..iclt she softens with veiling tied in a bow ee the back, -Another favorite is a turban -beret of felt atfi•ac"o-' y cut 1. to leaf shapes. HP .r Specialty salt p_ y :The nen maid was maddeningly slow in1 all her novenheuts. One day her u , e tl 1 ter was moved to protest. "Maty she said, "is there anything you can do fast? Mary thotiglit it over, then re- plied: ' Ves in I get tired last." 141)4 537 • ,/'sav;' _••,; wv..eewt VV 612QA, 1lcrr's thrift! You call knit the large doily --illus two small doilies front only TWO balls of cotton, Star a set on buffet or table! Some mighty pretty knitting to tend to! Doilies for every nee. Pat- tern 537 has directions, " Send twenty-five cents (25c1 in coins (stamps cannot be accepted) for this patter, to Bos I, 123 Highteenth Street,- Net Toronto, Out. Print plainly pattern number, your name and address, CROSSWORD PUZZLE Il. Rook •n, Doctrine 04. Yale 6. Rall 6.8b,g'tise rive, '11, Kind of ten 0. Statement of bolieC Al. !treat, Lak° . Provgeento 4. Implement+ C. Arabian seaport 8. Small bird 1, At all (Scot.) S, Bleat 50, Plural ending 50. Musical note 8. Butch meter 17. allectrlaed particle 18. Fellow 1a, Mohammedan judge ACROSS a, Poiat 11. Itltt::once between the 1. Brow 4. Cense 4t, Palnsolar year 5, Be omo v ]lone ring IL Leam s S. Abaci b others a1, plant Flowering ItG. Leaved ib,/ T. Abal'a brother plane a. strike 24,'Iwttchina 7. Man's 26. Juno bug nlclrname as. took of fialr IC Style of 'o. Part or a arehl tooture flower 38. Discharge a debt 3,11. t'lxclamatton. 10, 7Oztinot bird TS. %dine 745. girl'e name I8. Cubio centi- meter (ab,) at Smooth the feathers 22. wind aptrally an, !toad covering 25. Mineral sprint 20. Moya morally 5. Mae entrance 00. tlraltolotts humbug Atq(. Kind Oil mkt 08. Mee'" name x?, Preentite Prom teetlfYlbg 19, tieetury plant 40, .beep gait i$. Cereal groo s 40. Anger 46, Operates 07, Permit hs. white 60. Ago 11. 13uat1e 52, Sphere 64, Perform 60,110 !form 1'10. far* 60. Along 84. :Manta/ 81. Slow-moving solum Mtwt4 1 r6Nire1 21 !mottle animal 6 7 b re lI 18 p�ts> i -its! ro; 4 Answer el•e"v,-Tiefe on !iris nage, Real Bargain A map of the Battle of the Nile, drawn by Lord Nelson for the in- formation of Lady Hamilton, has been bought u ght fm• the equivalent of i5 cents in 0 Brighton paw•r. sltop. Dr, C. It. Ethridge, a distant rela- tive of theadmiral. ad nh ,d, has added it to his collection of v m t ' r h. 1 r a m hers of Nelson treasure:. A note on the map say,. "This was drawn by Lord Ael- Sen's kit hand (the only remaining neer in nn presence this Friday, I'ebruary. 10, 1003, at No. 13 Picca- dilly. the louse of Sir William Hamilton. late ambassador at Na- ples, , bo was present," It is signed "Alexaude:• Steph- en•. 'The doctor's collection ranges front cloth?ng and a lock of hair Io furniture from Nelson's ship, the tc, the admiral by a defeated enemy. l'icterc, and a sword surrendered New And Useful New Egg Better Nylon used for pinion gear, ut ttcw egg beater. No sign of wear r.fter 500 lours' continual opera- tion, says maker, Has chrome - plated die cast frame, drive wheel, plastic handle. stainless steel blades. Greaseless Popcorn No grease, butter, oil needed with ileo type popcorn popper, say ma- ker. With heating element totally enclosed, resting on four legs, pop- per ihas tipper round popcorn sec- tion with automatic rotation of agitator iii bottom. For liveg-room rsc, Iron Rest 1 -lot• irons eau be stored imme- diately after' use on new haotgim! iron holder, eliminating standing lion on end 10 cool with. danger of tipping, l)etachabile fireproof rest tits flat on ironing board, allowing resting iron without lifting Cord wrap-around part attaches to door. wall for space -saving 5100 age. says maker. ° Speedy Power Saw Speedy, rasp, tree -felling, cut- ting claimed with ,f?nglish power saw "R e• •n t tut' u nary'�' n design, portable, weighs 42 Ib„ cuts 24 in, diameter in 4 2- .see,, say• malar, Run by one man, has 4 h,p, two- stroke engine said to have long -life icall1rs for polar, tropical ordin- ary wen1her. Gives double ruts up to nlmnst (10 ie. Flame Guards Self Explosions front re -ignition in oil, gas -hurtling furnaces after fail- ure airure of flame said impossible wills new robot control. Small direct cur - lent flows through flame itself operates relay unit controlling elec- tronic fuel supply valve. If flame dies, fuel eels out instautat'eausly maker says. * Pet Parking New "Park -a- Vet" portable teth- ering device for dogs, etc., is said humane, preventing animal from being hint Jn lunging to end of leash, getting tangled up in leash. Plate has corners diggit,g into groom', with leash attached to rod with angular pull; special recoil spring makes for give when least. yanked near its full extent. Many-Facdd Doll New British doll has sgeeial stir fare for face so child can snbst:- tote different fcathrea with chalk, (i4IINDLYESSON C By Rev. R, Bartley Warren ' The Power Of The Resurrection" I Cor. 15:1-8, 20-21, 67-58 Golden Text: "Thanks Be To Who r• \4th ri oCtetl" s' 1 U. The hn e \ t u i Y Through Our Lord, Jesus Christ." Of all the niraculq�is events in the annals of history, by far the most outstanding in the Resurrec- tion of Jesus Christ, Men had been brought back to life before, as in the days of Elisha and during the• ministry of Jesus Christ on earth. One man, Lazarus, had been dead four days when he came back at the Saviour's call. But all these en- countered death again, and suc- cumbed, Then Jesus Christ Him- self was nailed to a cross, and He died,. too. But on the third day, the unbe- lievable happened, 'Without assist- ance from the outside world, Jesus Christ arose, He laid aside the death garments and went forth from the tomb, The Roman sol- diers, on guard to prevent His life- less body being stolen by His 'disciples, therttselt•es became as dead men, "Death cannot keep Itis prey - Jesus, my Saviour! He tore the bars away --Jesus, MY Lord. Up from the grave He arc•se 'With a nighty tritunph o'er IIis foes; He arose a Victor froth the dark domain And He lives forever with tite saints - to reign. he arose! he arose! hallelujah! Christ arose!" His rising from the ch'au is the • pledge that we, too, shall rise. This is a great comfort when we bid farewell to our loved ones in deatih. We shall rise -again and tate future life will be glorious if we welcome the Saviour into our hearts now. lTe who has strength to overcome death can deliver us from the power of sin in this present life, Through Christ, we can be con. mirrors, - - They Knew Hirn "I have come to join my hus- band," said Mrs, Smith, arriving 'at the Golden Gates, - . "Delighted to meet you, 111a-5111,' replied the keeper. "What was your husband's name?" "Joseph Smith," - "1'nt• afraid that will not be sui- ficient for us to identify hits, You dee, we have tiuite a lot of Joseph Smiths up here. Are there any other moans by which 1 can idcnt'fj• bi?" "Well, before he died, lie told me that if 1 ever kissed another luau, he would turn in his grave," "0111 I know the chap. lip here we, cell hint Whirling Joe!" WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Without CAlomol-And You'll Jump Out of Zed in the Mottling R44111' 10 Ge The liver should one out about 2 pitta of biro bus Into your digestive traot every day, If 11,1 bile is net flowing freely your food may not digest. ft may just deoxy in the di eef.ivs haat. 'Chen gm bloats up youratomaoti, You gat oen5tipato1. Von fool sour, stink and the world looks Aunk. Liver Pills those oo get these 2 pini off bitelilowl6 Mg freely to make you feel "up and np," Geta packego today. l:aestivo in m 1.7.,; bile flow freely. Aek for Cartri'a Little 1 o°r PIIIn. 7511 at any dtngatoro rr iii. 1NGERIRM Gwend.olir,e P. C teolce There is no sign yet Out "spring is just around the corner," and yet there is a different feeling in the air. Vllice the sun shutes, the robins and crows are out looking for it, although there are liege drifts iu every direction and many farm lanes are still impassable. Ours would be, too, if Bob hadn't plowed It out. But maybe the snow won't lest much longer as tite weather- man promises us a high of 35 for today. We hope it won't warm up too suddenly as that means a lot of work, digging and shovelling so that the melting snow can find its way down to the creek without flooding the stables and cedar. That is a job. that has always fascinated me. Time was when I used to love to get out with a shovel -and rub- ber boots -and by digging Isere and there, help Partner divert the water into its proper channel, and watch it gurgling and churning through the fast melting stow. Well, last week, I made a trip to the city as I had been promising myself, In fact, I went twice. On the first trip, 1 was away two days, staying overnight with Daughter. And just imagine -I hardly spent any money at allFor one thing, .l didn't have muchh vc money y to spend and I didn't have much time, either, This was strictly a visiting trip, That meant spending g half my time in the street cars as my friends seemed to live as far apart as the poles. So I Park dale went from P dale to Richmond Street; from Rich- mond to Forest Hill; Forest Hill to MoorePark-and at P r a td finally to the Bay Street bus terminal, There I found Daughter r waiting g to see me off -which I hadn't expected. "Well Mother," Daughter remarked, "I must say you cut things pretty fine!" You see, I just bad three minutes to get nay ticket and hunt the bus. But then, how could I 'help it -the T.T.C. wobtldn't hurry itself on my account. While in the city, I had one experience that was entirely new, I visited the City Hall to pay a park- ing fine. Olt no, it wasn't mine -it was just a little memento the city police left a friend of mine and he asked me to pay it for him, So help me, the revenue from parking tickets should be almost enough to finance the City Hall. It was early its the day and yet there was one continual stream of men hurrying 'top to the wicket with their tickets and paying $1, $2, or $5 as the case might be. And please note -I said men! I didn't see a woman at all. Maybe women have inure sense than to take chances on a ticket I know it would burn .mc up to pay .out good money and have nothing to show for it except a receipt for a parking fine, Daughter was looking tired. I think I was her sixth visitor inside of two weeks. While there, I learned some of the joys of living in a rooming house. After we had gone to bed, one of the "roomers" talked for a solid half Mout on the 'phone, That was 11.30 p m.-atcd the talkative one,was a maul Who says women do all the talking? Of course, I was taken up to see the "Bubble Room;" and, in spite of the bubbles, the rooms were so bright, clean and cheery I thought 1 would not mind an apartment like that myself. Daughter assures us that an even nicer apartment than that is available for Partner and I any time we want it. That's something, anyway, because none of vs can tell what the future holds til store. Later in the week, Bob and 1 were out on a business trip to the Kingsway, And what a trip that svasl It was all right tvlten we Masted, but after a while, wet snow started `falling, driven by . a high wind, 'Coming Rooms it twit, almost impossible to see the tracks, and the windshield wipers wouldn't work properly for the ice that coated them, in every garage the passed, cars were lined up, apparently with the same trouble. It was good to see Ginger Farm again, even if the lane was plugged as tight as 8 snowbauk. There also was washing flapping noisily on the Hue, coated ith snow and ice, I had washed that morning, thinking it was a good day for the job! By the way, there is a most in- teresting discussion going on in a hi -monthly. farm paper. 1 wonder how many are following it. One rtader.says there are just as many opportunities today for young couples starting to farm as there were 30 years ago -if they are ready to make sacrifices. Two young farmers, in answering the letter, say they are quite willing to make sacrifices and are ready to take on a Pun -down farm --to rent, buy, or work on shares --if such a farm can be had. The editorial asks, "Where are these farms?" \\veil, that's all for now. Next week, I expect to tell you about our June Bug, Jun6 Bug . , . in March? Yes, but that's next week's story, Upside down to prevent Peeking. upgrami EI � DD D OQ ,.; r r'. • C��P ... 19013 rlIZI OULIVEMEBp.©U= 13113M1 �m 0 • ":r- D 'da r. • �'4 i OQ� is?© �i�' EU.,'CW ©UI1E tr And the RELIEF -IS LASTING For fast, prolonged relief front headache get INs7ANriNE. This prescription -like tablet contains not just one, but three proven medical ingredients that ease the pain fast; And the relief is, in most cases, lasting: Try INaTANTINE just once for pain relief and you'll say as thousands do that there's one thing for headache a :. it's Irtnart INET And try INSTANTINE for other aches, too ... for neuritic or neuralgic pain ... or for the pains and aches that accompany a cold. A single tablet usually brings prompt relief. Gat Inslanline today and always keep it handy liistanthie 12 -Tablet Tin 25� Economical 48 -Tablet 8otlle 69,.. Tasty? Sure, they're MAGIC baked! GINGER CUP PUDDINGS Mix and sift: twice, then elft into a bowl, 116 c. once - sifted cake dour, 234 tops. Magic linking Powder, h. lap. salt, et' tsp, ground ginger, 3a' tsp. ground Cinnamon, 34 tsp. each of ground cloves rind grated nutmeg. (Jul, in finely 6 tbo, chilled shortening and 11(18 fit 1.4 c. lightly-paoked brown sugars Combine 1 well -beaten egg, ;4' C. 0010 syrup and No.mfllc.Make awell in dry ingredienlo and add liquids; mix lightly with a .fuck Two-thirds fill greased imp -cake dishes with batter. flake in moderate oven, 1260°, about 26 tninntes, or cover each pudding with wet cookery parchment paper, tie down and steam for 26 minutes, Serve trot with vanilla settee, 'Meld -6 servings,* 5