HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-4-5, Page 8easier Specials At The Arcady Store Yard Wide Draperies in the latest Spring patterns and shades Special 98c a yard. Dotted Curtain Material 40 inches wide Special, 39c a yard. Large assortment of Made Up Curtains $2.98 a pair up. Congoleum Rugs, good assortment of patterns, all sizes in stock at present. Dress Goods — Just arrived a large assort- ment of Ginghams, Rayon Cords, Jerseys, Chiffons, Nylons, Crepes, & Better Cottons We carry McCall Patterns. Boys 1 and 2 Pant Suits in Tweeds and Plain Cover Cloths, double breasted. $10.95 up. Easter Shoes for the whole family at the Lowest Prices in Town. Women's Slushers in black, red and white all sizes, Reg. $3.75, Special $1.98. McGregor Shirts with the famous Scotch Yoke, in white and stripes— $3.95 up. Men's and Boys' Atheletic Shorts and Tops 59c up. Large assortment of Women's and Misses' Spring Coats and Shorty Coats $14.95.up. THE ARCADE S!ORE Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family, Phone 61 — Brusseys, Ont, tgrabt THE BRUSSELS POST Easter Beauty Aids Midget Spin Curlers Toni Home Permanent Refill Kit with 6 Midget Spin Curlers and 33c Creme Shampoo All three $1.59 Adrienne Cosmetics Face Powder Creams Lip Sticks Eau de Cologne Bath Powder. Send Easter Greeting Cards of the Special Greeting Cards for different occasions — there never are more beautiful ones than those for Easter. Select Now. Cards at 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c each. Bachelor Growing Aids Shaving Cream 45c Brilliantine . , , . • 50c After Shaving Lotion .. 75c Deodorant . , .. .. • • • 45c Yardley's April Violets Talcum • .... 60c Lavender Soap 50c Face Powder 50c Blue Hyacynth Cologne $1.50 Give A Box of Chocolates We have Peppermint Patties, Betty Ann, Neilsons, also Chocolate Easter Bunnies. Easter Egg Colored Trims, give great fun — 15c pkg. Al velar rm. F. R. SMITH STATIONER DRUGGLST and Rexall Drug Store ►TELEPHONE No. 82 BRUSSELS. OAT Grass Seed It will pay to make us your headquarters for Grass Seed purchases. We have all lines and our prices are right. We have the best in permanent pastures at the cheapest prices. Also handle Lundy Fence Products and all, lines of feed. Ethel Produce Ethel, Ont. Phone 22-r-10 Brussels Phone 24 WOOD'S Brussels, Ont. Ladies, Girls and Tots Spring Coats in the latest cloths and shades Ladies Gabardine Suits Casual Top Coats for Men — Gentlemen when you shed your heavy winter coats you will appreciate the lightness of these smart all-purpose coats at reasonable prices. Men's Smart ready-made Suits in stock. Tip Top Tailors Made to measure clothes Canada's Best Value. flIIGIIE T11E THRILL ell ®l C E FAsk us for 1 tits of the Bridal Wreath popularity contest , you may be the lucky winner.! Above—lovely dia- mond ring with shoulder stones and matching wadding ring • 1'66.75 Right — Interlocking matched set in "Sweet- hearts" style , .. $110.00 4• GUARANTEED PERFECT FREE INSURANCE W. G. LEACH Jeweller Brussels, Ont. Wednesday, April 5th, 1950 COW CHOW SUPPIEMENiT Mix with your own groin , , , helps keep cows in condition for big milk produc- tion! Ask us about it today! The Brussels Creamery Dog Tags - All owners of dogs are requested to purchase their dog tags as once from the Clerk G. R. Campbell. All dogs with- out proper tags by end of April will be destroyed. By order of the Chief of Police. W. H. Bell. ____ __ ___ Pearson's Shoe Store Phone 11 Brussels, Ont. Wear the best SCOTTLMcHALE shoes for men $12.00 to $22.50 Smart Men's brown & black oxfords any style $4.95 to $12.95 Men's heavy and light work boots triple sole $3.00 to $8.95 in SISMAN: GREBB: VALENTINE & STERLING MEN'S rubber boots in heavy red or black sole with insoles your choice in GOODERICH; KAUFMAN; GUTTA PERCHA; DOMINION and BRITISH Long knee boots $3.95 1Short boots $3.00 Just arrived Seven new shades in STETSON HATS for men 1 in three prices $6.95; $7.50 and $10.00 Buy a smart new Easter tie in latest designs made especially for you by FORSYTH at the regular $1.50 and $2.00 range Ladies PENNY LOAFERS in AA and B widths, wine or black $7.50 Ladies Heel Hugger and Murray Selby Health Spot Shoes at $12.50 and $14.50 Large new stock of ladies dress shoes just arrived for Easter in all shades $6.95 to $9.00 Everything in this store is guaranteed under reasonable care or money cheerfully refunded. Ammommoiw R. A. REID REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at his office in Brussels On WEDNESDAY MORNING APRiL 12th Nine a. m. until Noon. OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE Eyes Examined — Glasses Fitted Complete Eyesight Service. Phone 22 •mEtilli=====riWg.I Easter Seal Campaign LIFE AT BLUE MOUNTAIN CAMP As picturesque as a painting in a story book is Blue Mountain Camp, the Ontario Society for Crippleld Children's beautiful summer holiday paradise for youngsters hi the Toron- to and Southern Ontario district who are not blessed with normal bodies. Nestles] on a sandy strip of Georgian Bay, six miles from Colilingwood, surrounded by verdant foliage and backgro:nded by the ever-changing coloring of Blue Mountain In the distance, the canip was first built by the Ontario ,Society for Crippled Children. The Society's Baster Seal Cam!piaign for funds opened March 13 and continues until April 9. In operation from tate June until early September, Blue Mountain Camp, with its 15 buildings, modern equipment and well-iplarm .ed, pro- gram, provides a three-week holiday each year for an estimated 176 child- ren. The children holiday in groups of 44, there being four camps periods during the season, starting with junior boys,, then senior boys, junior girls. and senior girls. Three register- ed nurses head an a.degaate staff, which. supplemented, by volunteer cemsellors. bring to the youngsters social adjustment, a love of out- door, developement of physical. ment- al, spiritual health and growth and a knowledge of special skills. Blue Mountain Camp is one of three now lbeing operated by the Ontario .Soc- iety. The others are 1''ltoodeden, near London, and Merrywood in the • Rideau Lakes area, Visitors are always. welcome at •the camp, because as a Society official says: "The children get such a kick out of meeting new ,people and showing what they are accomplishing. They're so wonderfully cheerful about everything and one of the most strik- ing things about them is they always minimize their own afflictions and feel sorry for the others at camp." Camp life for crippled chilldren is conducted in mucic the same way as i any camp for youngsters. The aver- age day is a full one, commencing at 7:30 in the morning and ending with the "Lights out" signal, which Iis 9:00 p.s i. for juniors, and 10:00 p.m. , for seniors. They play games to the I best of their ability: aoftball, darts, badminton, horseshoes, table tennis, checkers, crolzinols. They go on hikes and while their walking is more laborious, they thoroughly digest the wonders of nature, often notice things that escape the eye of the average person. Naturally, not used to so muter fremh air, sunshine and activity that brings muscular ache, the youngsters always welleomse, the rest period whale comes immediately after the noon - hour meal, They remain in their cabins, either sleeping, resting or reading, until three o'cfock, then they emerge joyously for their daily (weather permitting) savim, All the children go in the waiter under the careful supervision of the swimming instruotressa ndv olunteer conselliors. The more severely hand1cepped re. °sive their hyclrotheropy treat- ments at this time. Donations to the Easter Seals Caml• paign of the Ontario Society tor Crippled Children, may be addressed to "Tianany, Toronto." / • CEMENT BLOCKS Immediate delivery HURON CONCRETE PRODUCTS Phone 684 Seaforth COLORIZER The most up to date method of handling paint. By this newest development in the paint industry, we are now able to supply you with any one of 1322 shades at any time, in flat, semi -gloss, interior gloss or enamel finish. This paint is of the sane high quality as the "Flo Glaze", you have used in the past. This extra convenience comes to you at no extra cost. Enquire at The Brussels H. r stware Telephone 68 M. C. Oldfield Venetian Blinds All Metal Blinds 65c a square foot installed free, choice of colours. For particulars apply to Joe Baker The New American Hotel Phone 26 Brussels