HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-4-5, Page 5THE BRUSSELS PO
Wednesday, April Gth, 1950
All Us
Announcing W
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and would be glad to demonstrate these fine cars and trucks or answer enquiries about them.
e also carr ;.
dk",, ,Fdeb Fr
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ew Car Guar
itee - See Our Tractors
Auto Rug Given Free Fitt Each Sae , f A ew Or Used Car
Be sure and call
Garages At Mol
.Articles For Sale
Typewriters, Adding Machines,
` Regsiters, Bought, Sold &
'red. Safes, opened, coin -
ons changed, use safes
J. W, Locking,
369 - 24th St. W.,
Phone 2096w Owen Sound
Phm. B., R. O.
"The Home of Guaranteed Used Cars"
sw rth Fele 9.r.'2. (thd Ethel, Tei. 59-r-9
'12 .4Nfo it -W1
Carol E. Homuth R. O.
Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. O.
Registered Optometrists
Phone 118
Harriston, Ont.
Each Locker Insured Against Fir_.
Phone 80
Brussels, Ont.
With farm prices lower you must prodtice your grain for
less to make a fair profit. Why not try "NA-CHURS", Liquid
Fertilizer this spring its cheaper, easier to handle — Use In
ordinary seed drill. The resultswill amaze you, and prove
that Fertilizer in a Liquid form is here to stay. For informat-
ion Phone 17-r-19 Brussels and GLEN FRASER your Local
Dealer will call on you.
McNeil's Shell Service
Shellubricatlon Shell Household and Snell Petroleum Products
General Repair Livestock Spray Parts and Accessories
['hone 77-r-6 Brussels, Out,
House and Lot and Household Effects
on Princess Street, In Village of
Brussels on
SATURDAY, APRIL 15th at 1 P. M.
1 cook stove nearly new
1 wooden washing machine & wringer
1 china cabinet, 1 sideboard
2 rocking chairs, 1 breakfast table
4 chairs nearly new
G ohairs, 1 dining room table
1 kitchen table
4 chairs, a number of odd chairs
1 day bed. 1 leather couch
2 small tables, e
1 white iron bed mattress and springs
1 white wooden ted mattress
and springs
1 dresser and stand
1 llkntique bed mattress and spring
dresser and stand
1 tin churn
1 battery radio
1 gramophone and records
1 gas 1f, h,p. ,Johnson engine
Silverware -
1 dozen kndve.s amd forks
1 dozen tea. spoons
. doz, desert spoons
1 meat fork
1 linoleum rug size 4 x 5 yds.
1 linoleum rug size 8 x 5 yds,
1 linoleum rug size 2 x 8 yds,
7 linoleum rug size 2. x 8 yds.
coal -nil lamps, 1 clothes horse,
1 lantern, t toilet set, 1 washboard,
1 snow shovel, number of dishes
number fruit sealers, 1 set Irons
many other articles too numerous
to mention,
The house will be put up for sale
reserve bid day of sale.
Harold Jaokson, Auotloneer.
Mrs. James Kerr, Propr.
With food prices what they are to•
day most mothers halve a job feeding
their families, yet the government
IS destroying or throwing away food,
For the story of. how the government
is purposely malaing food expensive,
read "Mother's 'faxes.", in. Ilbe
Alnertcan Weelely, great magazine
with this Sunday's (Aiprit 9) issue
Detroit Sunday Times.
Popular Bank Manager
Transferred To Toronto
(The Recorder — Gore Bay)
The many friends of G. Leonard
Kreuter, manager of She Bask of
Montreal, will regret to learn that he
has been transferred to the branch at
the corner of Queen and O'Hara
streets, West Parkdale, Toronto.
Mr. Kreuter is well known through-
out Manitoulin Island, having served
as manager at Manitowaning before
coming to Gore Bay. During his four
and a half years as a resident he has
been interested and active in various
orgs.nizations for the welfare of the
communities in which he resided as
well as the island as a whole.
Since taking over his duties at Gore
Bay in September, 1948, he assumed
the duties of a highly respected citiz-
en. Active in the work of the rutted
Church, he was appointed a member
of the Board of Stewards. As tree -
surer of the Western Manitoulin
Board of Trade, an active worker for
the Gore Bay Wes Memorial Com -
mutiny Centre; and a representative
of the Rink Committee he gave free-
ly of his time, always willing to co-
operate in tPtie promotions of these
A member of the masonic order he
joined the Gore Bay lodge by affili-
ation. In outdoor life he was found of
hunting and thoroughly enjoyed the
many and varied MIDDAY attrcations
Skinny men, women
gain 5,10,15 lbs.
Get New Pep, Vim, Vigor
What a thr111i Bony Ilmbs £111 out; ugly hollows
all Ur' nook no longer earnwny; body Maw imit-
ator/ad, alokly "boon -solo' look, Thonenndt of
RIr1M. woman, mon, Who nom 00010 m11111,0(01%
aro now proud of etnp0ly, honithy-looklnp 1300100.
Thoy blank the aeoalal vigor-binlding, aothrimiltling
tanto, Oetro0, Its tonl0s, stimulants Invigorators,
iron, vitamin Ili, anlolum, enrich blood, Improv0
15001110 and dgestion so rood g1vo0 yen mora
strength and nosgr'lsbment• not ail on big bans.
Don't fit 1p 16 oorr1e201bs you nood for normo oweigh
t A of 0 001roxgTOnlo 1Tabloi0 foeontWuvigo
and uIddd p08000,11010 Vory GOY. At all drugelstO,
of which Manitoulin is famous.
On behalf of the citizens of Mani-
toulin, we extend beat wishes to Mr.
and Mrs. Kreuter and trust they will
enjoy their new surroundings in To-
Mr. Kreuter was porn near Oran -
brook and lived there and in Ethel,
later attended school in Stratford.
He entered the Bank of Montreal
staff in that city. Mr, Kreuter is the
youngest son of the late Mr, and
Mrs, Michael Kreuter and a brother
of Mrs. William Campbell, Moles-
worth, and Welland Krauter, Ethel.
/Heave motors rewound and re.
1 oared. Expert workmanship. Moder
at' prices. WAN motors in stook. ..
eettper inauetrlea„
ts40 Ontario, Street,
1 iitretford, Ont.
The new John Deere Model "R" Diesel Tractor
"hits the nail right on the head" with rite growers
everywhere, It's got the power and traction to do a
better job of handling heavy ricefield equipment in
tough ricefiejd conditions. Its economy of operation
is unequalled for a tractor of its size—every barrel of
rice costs less to produce. And, it brings you every
operating advantage you could ask for to handle your
power £Arming operations easier, faster, better.
The John Deere Diesel engine—entirely new and
highly efficient—provides maximum fuel economy
under both full and part load conditions. Exclusive
John Deere two -cylinder engine design eliminates
countless moving parts, increases the size and strength
of remaining parts to give you rock.bottom mainten-
ance costs and longer life,
Hydraulic Powr-Trol thar provides effortless equip-
ment operation and enables you to relieve the load
instantly when in danger of getting stuck in the mud
and mire ... a hand clutch that lets you operate the
tractor from the seat or while standing on the roomy
platform which protects you as the tractor travels over
rough ground , . , an oscillating front axle that gives
you the flexibility you need for crossing levees and
ditches - . , extreme ease of steering and foot -operated
brakes for short turns and greater maneuverability . ,
'these are a few of the many outstanding features of
this great new tractor. Come in and let us tell you
more about it.
Phone 58
Brussels, Ont