HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-29, Page 6geseageramasem-
Doctors Careless
With X -Rays
For the last five years Nobel
;Prize-winner Dr, H. ,L Muller has
been warning the world that care
less use of high-power radiation
mechaninms may damage thousands
of lives in generations as far in the
future as 3,000 years. The reason
for the waruing is the effect of
X-rays and gamma ray's on the
genes of the Inman body.
In an article which appears in
The American Scientist, Dr. Muller
objects to the careless rise of
X•rays by many doctor,. "Many a
pneumothorax patient," Ise writes,
Se subjected to flouroscopy once
every two weeks or oftener by the
sante physician for about a year,
and then perhaps once a month for
several years without artificial
shielding of the reprodat'tive or-
Many patients are also exposed
by one physician after another with
no questions asked about what
radiation has been received else-
where. \Vhen the fruit toy is ex-
posed to radiation such as X-rays,
mutations or changes in the germ
cells. result. These nutations are
permanent, meaning that they
breed true. and thereiore appear
.generation after generation.
The extent of the damage to
the genes depends upon the dose
of radiation. The lethal genes kill
every individual in which they ap-
pear before the person cats repro-
duce; the less lethal geues, which
cause the death of a significantly
smaller number of persons, are
called "detrimental" genes.
The damaged gene is passed
from generation to genera-
tion until it meets another damaged
gene like itself. The combination
of the two causes death or sterility.
The damaged gene passed down
through hundreds of generations
before meeting another similar gene
to form the deadly combination.
Hence radiation resulting from the
atom bombing of Hiroshima will
;injure Japanese lives several cent-
aries in the future, according to
Professor Muller,
Mother Nature
Tough Opponent
Man's attempts to get the best
of Mother Nature by attempting to
]Rake her fight against herself, so
'io speak, often make matters worse.
A bird introduced to an area with
3be object of wiping out an insect
pest, for instance, can result in the
'bird becoming an even worse
There is no more eloquent ex-
ample of this than the Pacific Is-
land paradise of Tahiti. What hap-
pyened there is described by Sverre
liolessen in "Polynesian Trade
Wind," an enchanting book which
will make most readers long to be
off to the South Seas on the first
available ship. He writes:
In colder latitudes the lantana
h an innocent little flowering plant
that grows in pots and has multi-
eoloured flowers, yellow. violet and
blue. A well-meaning missionary
once brought one with him to
Tahiti -the natives still call it the
'missionary flower: The birds ate
its seed and spread the flower all
over the island. It spread explo-
sively and throve so well that, from
at little pot -plant, it grew into a
giant with stems as thick as a man's
Arm. Now its branches are covered
with poisonous spines. and it forms
almost impassable thickets. too
dense even for the birds and wild
pigs to penetrate. It clambers up
high. and suffocates the old cultural
plants of the 'Tahitians. Even the
breadfruit tree withers and dies.
White Man's Mistakes
"Another well-meaning white
:man then introduced a little fly
which was supposed to attack the
lantana. The fly multiplied rapidly,
but instead of the lantana it attack-
ed bananas, tree melons and other
'Then there was an energetic
bee -keeper who thought that the
Tahitian bees were too phlegmatic.
So he introduced some Italian bees
-but they proved a disappointment
Io him. Their output was worse
than that of the Tahitian bees,
and in addition they were shock-
ingly aggressive and attacked
people both in and out of season.
Tahitian children who went up the
mountains to gather fruit would
come home weeping and swollen
from the woods. Soon the whole is-
land was infested with these new
vicious bees.
"A thoughtful foreigner then in-
troduced the 'myna' bird -which
is also known as the Indian starl-
ing. f , other tropic lauds this bird
ate bees and wasps, or so it was
said. It did in Tahiti, too. But it
very soon discovered that it had
cone 10 a paradise where it only
nettled bees as a spire to other
"Now squardoils of 'Myna' birds
Circle laughing around the human
tnitivations. The `myna' goes into
the houses and snatches the, bread -
frit' from the table,"
Overheard: "It says lie's an Inde-
pendent candidate. What's that?"
"It means he doesn't care whether
you vote for him or not."
Little Atom Buster—Eight-year-old Stefan Olsen gets all early
insight into the mysteries of atonic energy, using this toy
atomic laboratory. Though it includes radioactive minerals
and a workable Geiger counter, the set is harmless and stresses
the peaceful possibilities of nuclear research.
1 tC
A lot of color Went out of the
National Hockey League when big
Babe Pratt skidded or was shunted
-you pays your money and takes
your choice which -to the minors.
Babe was born 10 or 15 years too
late. He believed that hockey was
fun, rather than big business. He
thought that discipline was a word
in the dictionary, and that home or
your hotel room was somewhere to
go when every other place was
All of which was quite out of
place under present-day conditions.
Still, you never were in any doubt
as to whether it was the big guy
in person, or just a reasonable fac-
simile, that was out there on the
ice; and that's a lot more than we
can say for a whole heap of highly
publicized modern stars.
• k
So k will be goad news to thou-
sands who still have fond memories
of The Babe to learn tbat he is still
in hockey to a large extent, and not
doing any too badly. at that.
When Owner Kenny McKenzie
of the New Westminster Royals,
announced. at the start of the pres-
Merry Menagerie -ay Wah Disney
ha !r ,ti
e C > nle
"Because I got alek of nothing
but stripes, stripes, stripes!"
ant season, that he was going to
takechance a c ha r of Pratt t 115 coach,
there was considerable head -shak-
ing, to put it mildly. Even els
beat friends and sincerest admirers
doubted whether the fun -loving
Babe would come through. But,
up to now, Mei.: enzie hasn't any
regrets as it took Pratt just a few
weeks to lead his club into first
place in the Pacific Coast Hockey
League's northern division - and
they've been up there ever since.
Not only do the Royals lead the
standings by a tidy margin, but
according to coast observers, their
precision passing is a treat to watch
-about as close to that of the New
York Rangers, in their balmy days,
as yon are liable to see anywhere.
Babe eras ahtayt a 1131 Of a
gambler, and right from the start
of the season, he has bed unusual
success in pulling his goalie out of
the nets in the closing moments of
e tight game. But a couple of his
chance -taking stunts in recent con-
tests had the fang really t•rlkinq to
For instance, 6 a game with
Portland not so long ago, the New
Westminster goal tender n as hit by
the puck, and had to retire to the
dressing room for Minor repairs.
The final period still had seven
!Mettles to run at Ille time,
•1'here vas the usual "tulle -out'
called to await the retursi of the
goalie -hut Pratt couldn't see any
reason for such a delay. ("Maybe
he had a heavy date .and was, al-
ready late for it," nue Eastern ob-
s ry .r
e e commented, hut that, of
course, is merely surmise).
° p x
So. out to guard the nets he sent
one of his forwards -minus any
goal -tending equipment -and what
is more, he got away with it, the
substitute holding the Portlands off
the score sheet for the balance df
the period.
More recently ,till -in Vancouver
this time -Pratt pulled an even
more incredible stunt. Midway
through the final period, Vancouver
had a 5.2 lead. When a Vancouver
player received a live -minute pen
alty, Pratt seat his goalie to the
bench and brought in an extra for-
- By Harold Arnett
Thanks Sees
Tecemh)d Xy
ward. New 'Weetnliuster scored
once, and Vancouver didn't get a
Angle allot at the open Royal net,
4 5
With two and a half whiffles to
gc. Royale were still behind, 5-3
Once again Pratt told Ids goalie to
go take a aitdown, and Vancouver
promptly banged one into the un
guarded twine, making it 6.3.
Babe and his pals took the re-
verse itt stride. file goalie stayed
ott. With only 49 seconds remain
ing. Royals scored to make it 6-4.
'With 23 seconds left. they scored
again, making it 6-5, And with but
five seconds remaining, they
notched still another, salvaging a
0-6 tie out of a game which ap-
peared to be hopelessly lost.
In other words, in the spare of
just 44 seconds, the Royals Scored
three times against one of the best
clubs on the Pacific Coast. More
than that, they did it with Pratt
himself and Ken Ullyot, one of hie
star forwards, sitting out miscon-
duct penalties.
AI 11
Sounds as though the Babe -
when he's finally washed up with
hockey -might do well to move
south and try hie hand at directing
Dome of those movie thrillers. And
we'd be willing to bet that he'd
chow those Hollywood folks a lot
of swift action -and even speedier
fun -even if he never did win an
Academy Award,
There was it young girl of Asturias
Whose temper was frantic and
She used to throw eggs
At grandmother's l
A habit unpleasant, but curious,
101,1611 higher profits- order '1'0,6,11,• coleus:
It's shims' that eltalde. Pear utter ye111' now
customers and slat. who buy 'I'weddin Marks,
tell us thatthey netutily r,vIvr our, ,9esrs
and higher profits with these famous 51 ono.'
Makers. The seven!, 20 Sears of easeful
breeding for better etUelte. ]tally breeds are
(leaded 1111, 13,0..p. pedigreed mles. 11ny 0111,
Marled, UWe Creeks to spa wo,•Its• elder pallets,
teethes plops. fare enlalnnue. 'rw,ddle l'ld.k
1inlrheri s I,Imfl,•J, nasus. 14101,1,1
D11N'1' Bliss the hunt, only 41,,,11 11,•, 1r the
,111eks Lary burn hots, 1 111 1'11 nada np
now, This who mean 11 shorter. 1,1' eggs
and poultry 10015 101,, summer nut not. '10,'
result, 'fish prime. 00,,', 11000 mit. (Inlet.
your 0111:115 now. 12 mare Laredo, 1:1 ernes
breeds. to tiles„ fl•mr1. 51 1,01 of on pare
breeds 11.0.1'. Sired. Dns old, 'darted. miler
5111,16, turkey pnulte. Irmo ennlingne. TOP
Notch Chicle solos, G0,•Iph, Ontario.
Ila (11101) 5'1L1f945 170
AL1. Rreeaels blood fettled. handed and in.
sne41411 bneked by pedigree foundation
stork. New llamas; Ctlsetx; SteeaoX Now
]lamps: Barre,: Realw, and Large Tom Bar -
1'11l 1.eul)01'111i Miami 110, millets 23e. Assorted
011x04 ''Id na u" Po Bel., 19,', Any Heavy nix
i 1t'('11i.' 5111,1,1`:1'5 .5 CHICKS
a Wp:301(S OLD, add 0 • .1 weeks 13,1. add
9e; 4 n'oelta 116, s,14 12.•. Fend aur Dale.
net or older pullets, enpuus and roelterels,
heavy breeds Order from and emdns0 this
add. 1057, deposit, balance C.O.D.
DAY old 41c, 2 weeks, add 4e; 3 weeks add
8c, 4 weeks 014 Capone 200. HUItONDALE
In Error
An Irishman and a Scotsnutn were
passing a Roman Catholic cathe-
dral in Montreal. The Irishman re-
moved his het; the Scot did the
After they had passed the Irish-
man said to the Scotsman: "I
was glad to see you take off your
hat when you passed the Holy
"Church!" said the Scotsman,
I thought $ 1t was the Bank
of M n oreal.'
o t
Artificial price support -that is to
Day Government support -may be
all very well in theory. But every-
body with even a few years of
practical experience knows very
well that, so far as food products
are concerned, thing are hound to
find their natural level, sooner- or
later. And if you are in the poultry
business, the mark to aim at is
keeping your profits up. even whet
prices fall.
it takes around 200 eggs 'per hen
per year to make fair profits. So
Look at 0 this t1•ap. 10 good,
straight -run chicks cost you only
three cents apiece more than ordin-
ary ones, then a good pullet chick
costs you only a little over six cents
more than a common one. That
charge.; her both for the extra cost
of the cockerel that comes with her,
and the price higher r
g p c of chicks that
{lie. .
11 eggs arc selling for only thirty-
six cents a dozen -- three cents
apiece -she needs to lay only three
extra eggs to more than cover het
extra cost. ALL SIIE LAYS BE-
e .
Another thing to bear in tided 18
this: it's not only iHOW MANY
eggs you get, but WT-1EN you get
them, that makes money for you.
Here are some marks well worth
shooting for:
Month Eggs per Eggs per
Hen Pullet
Se.ptenther 12 14
October' 10 16
November 8 17
December 8 17
January 11 17
February 11 17
March 14
April 15
May 16
June 16
July 15
August 14
Total 150
Now, here are some hints you
{night find worth while. A high
death rate can push up your costs
of raising laying pullets as much as
twenty to forty cents per bird, Aim
at saving 98 out of every 100 chicks
your broo(1. Here's how Clarence
Moore, for example, holds his mor-
tality down.
* n, 4
First, he cleans his brooder house
thoroughly - scrubs it with lye
water, and hoses it nut with clear
He starts his brooder stoves at
feast 24 hours before the chicks ar-
rive, to make stile the stoves arc
working right.
Moore uses a sulfa -Medicated
mash to prevent coccidiosis, feeding
it according to directions. If disease
does break out, he switches to one
of the stronger sulfa preparations
(eulfaguanadine, sulfamethazine,
Sulfaquinoxlin e) in the drinking
Cutting your fuel and labor costs
is a big help too. For 500 chicks,
try and do your brooder house
chores in 0110 hour per day; in one
and a half hours for 1,000 chicles;
and in two and a half hours for
10 you brood nilly a few chicks,
a coal-fired stove will give you the
cheapest fuel cost. 1f you want to
save on hired labor, or on your own
time, an "automatic.' foie! --oil, gas,
or electricity ---may be worth the
higher cost.
If you brood many chicks, hot
water heat may be the best for you.
It costs the most to install, but it's
the cheapest to operate, both in
fuel and labor.
Regardless of what fuel you use,
an insulated, draft -free brooder
house will cat you' fuel bill,
You can save labor by brooding
in large lots in large pens. The
Berry Brothers brood 55 many as
11),000 chicks in a single hot -water-
-heated room, using, automatic feed-
ers and automatic running water,
they have had an out-
break of disease, they raise three
broods of chicks on the sante lit-
ter, Built-up litter stays dryer. 11
actually develops some feed value,
as the bacteria in it create vitamin
B15. nr something like it.
The right sortsk of feeders really
save fecal, Aim at raising broilers
(ut) to J2 weeks) on three and a
half pounds of feed for each potted
of poulty.
It's not the feed your birds eat
ttltat costs you money. 'Che feed the
birds haste is what runs. top your
feed bill. Leslie Norton cuts down
this cost by using four different
sized feeders,
He starts out by feeding on egg
flats for three or four days. Then
he uses a cluck -size feeder. At.threc
weeks he switches to a larger size,
and to a still larger feeder at ci;,
George Noche has found that
doesn't pay to fill chick feeders
more than half full. If you put more
in them, the wasted feed will cost
you more than the extra labor of
filling the feelers oftener.
r k 18
Aire at cutting your rearing loss.
es. A good mark to shoot for is
saving 97 out of every 100 pullets
you start on range.
As simple a thing' as picking the
right day to move your pullets to
range can make a lot of difference
in death losses. Donald Crooks
found he had more coccidosis when
he put his birds of wet range, Now
he waits for dry weather, and save
more birds, l:Ie won't vaccinate in
rainy weather for laryngotracheitis,
bronchitis, or Newcastle disease,
any a y100 b Moon Brom, .1100 tom 110 oiy
to you, 500 far or Henn Read (manes{ print,
thread finest needle, Satletactlon gearente0tl.
Send name, E101, 0310 01500,0 latest 9(59130010.
F p E E 1 105000 and Sfnht Information.
273 Yonne Street Threaten Ont
11:11(1' 11111.104
AH)h1t1tJSt 011ILYt&-tlovornment Apmmod
Breeding vitality, one of the beat Don't
geese. ho 0art510 Write Int priors and 051,5.
logos Alnnktml P,nlllry Perms, :111111tto11. Ont.
3U5'E11NA1I1N'r approved, 'rap gin/Illy. Free
Cataloging :.and 111101, 1101 explofu details.
401uunuur's Duality Il teh, lv Linwood oast
"O\)rnitD 5(I' 11111 t I1 a dirks 1101 lsy
ad tap The are I lie results of twenty-
thres 0rnrt. of ma, 111' s' leOlh,n tend breeding
0.13.13 '1'I10y have to be good. bees Win ,co
went the (saw hr01 Itlnd of Morita for our
alae I1(1ehn-•1,1,. rll:nrntll 111111 early 111111111'.
his. 510 810000 .so; s10.0 •aid 111100. 11(y lints.
red Boake, A'bl-, Leeth,rns, Now Huntpahh'ea,
lin 111p. X Roeit erosobrods, Roel{ x I.mobmvt
ernxnhrells wrl,o rot rent folder, The Oxford
Partners' Co-operative Pre]uee Company
Limited 434 /Min 511500, Wenelstnek. 00'
L,t 10 131 11351' 1.'IIICd45
LAKEVD411' Mims are the el ule° of alto
better Oras pnnnrr mere. 24.11110 breeder's
double 511,0,1 torted. Is 0,101 and h.peeled from
rent poultry breeding fart.. Lakeview eoneists
1,r 3 ''minx. 911.1101 11oor brooding camwlly,
1••or io ',0y 1t" hest -buy I,titevlely, 8
STARTED Cl• 1.1,1'8, ('a PONS, ('(IS
2. 4, 0, S. 12 weeks old pullets, 4, 0 and
weeks old Capons, Prompt delivery 1,e
hooking f01' fitter. 'rake delivery now. Most of
our rooltorots and thonso udn of .hioks are
getting booked to go to some 111 Iho lament
and most parasol/1x buyers In the O.S.A
Inter •el Send fee 1,01e,, Iia :and full par.
1leula•s. LAKEVI(150 V.tR.nS x 11:1'I'Cl1ERY.
NI\1.,11,11, ONTARIO, PHONE 78.
0110 Bltt)N%p) P0ULTS 080
DELIVERY to Morel) 27th -31l,' r1, April 10111
06c: to April 1001-30n; To Anl•II 24th -78e,
Houtz 0,01(1' order now and take delivery early,
Lata Mmeh or early aprIl Is a gond time to
start poulto 1. They coot lose. 2, Envier rased
In cooler weather. 3, You have three good
chances to sell' Canadian Thanksgiving..
American Thanksgiving, ur the Chris Rues
Market. This year emir turkeys might ens115
be higher in price In 1540 the price wan 10e
Per „mod Wghor rnrly than for the Christ -
Mos marled. 4 You can {100 yon• ogulpment
twi00 in one season, 1900 emits ho a repetition
of 1948, for profits in the turkey bp.dness.
Semi for our paten lint and ave page eatdogue.
"An 130 See It For 1960". with full tnfarma•
than in detail about markets. trod bri,e0 and
turkr;' management. Also monthly biUletins
on turkey illanagement, un to the minute
turkey news Lakeview potato are the choice
of large gr•05'ere In Canada and the U.S.A.
Mr. Harold McDonald, 011 City, bought Lake-
view 5oults for several years. In 1948 he
mttrlm d T 0
to 1, 0 turkey tome has an
Pounds, hen 170 for
2,0 Ha e i nn great
with 1' for Lakeview
for 000. ,0 to n great
to: L 1,t• Lakovlew Poulos, RA a cud today
Jot 1',ET ILEw 1133, II' 1211550(5 b AL1,
PHONETURRET ILt'PC7n00\', RSE'1`ER, 0N'rnnnh
5001x93 01,
AN OFFER to every Inventor -Last of nevem
Dom and tun Information sent tree, The
Ramsay Co Registered Potent Alrnrneym 279
Honk Street. Ottawa..
HAVE YOU anything needs dyeing or clean-
1ng7 Write to no fol information. we are
glad to answer your questions Department
H, Pnrker'a Dye Works Limned 791 Tomo
Street, Toronto. Ontario
EAtmerfil1EN1' KANTED ^_--
ESERIENCED, 401101de Holland Immigrants
available; arriving soon. Write to L, Van
&miners, Box 92, Brookville. one.: phone
2654 fatter 5 o rlork/.
FORT COVLONOE, 226 aces, Putty eoulmed,
with beautiful brick house and large barn,
100 under oultivatlon, 100 timber lot, pine
spruce and hardwood. $$,200, $6,000 handles.
L, Titley, Realtor, 18 Rideau St., Ottawa.
1008 SALE. 60 Aeras of land, Good brick
booso and outer buildings, 1 mile from
school, ohees, factory and blacksmith shop.
All. plowing done. .55017 to Howard Bethune,
Dunvogan, Ont 00,12. 1
10010 SALE
MINS-Lam sesurtment new and used.
Bought, sold. exchanged. {Guaranteed repairs.
Scopes, eights Installed. Fishing Tackle, Hunt.
ng Equipment Sporting Goods sine pal Team
Proems. Open until ,nine -seep' l50dneeday
Strand Cycle, Hamilton,
NURSERY 5,03110
RESERVE now for Spring Delivery -Chinese
Elul Hedge -will glow 2 feet Oret year -26
plants anlIlclent for 26 feet (12 to 20 Inches
busby) $8.88-seeatings 12 inches high $4.60
Der 100 (plant 0 Inches apart) -Pliant Exhibt-
tlm) Peonies In colors red, white or oink, 8
for $1,S5 -Apple trees 3 Leet high In varieties
McIntosh, Spy, Delicious, 3 for 51,98 -Plum
trees 3 feel ugh In varieties Burbank and
Lombard, 4 for $2.98 Free Colour Garden
Guido with Every Order, 5rooledalo-Iitngs•
way Nurseries. Uo1 ntmnville, Ontario.
110TORCFC7,Ec Harley Davidson, New and
used bough• sold. exohanged Large stock
ut guaranteed egged motorcycles. Repairs by
faotory.trained meohaalos. Bimetal, and coin
pleto line of wheel sonde. Opon evonl,gs tent)
nine mem w rtnesday Strand rlyrte & Sports,
Kin t
King a nnfo
t. [Iamll"
t ul
BLEA211E1) Sugar and Flour bugs each 27e;
towels, hmnnted. about 17" x 34"-150
each; 20 ser bag extra on older Of lona tlmn
2 dozen. Dell w' (37'Prndunts, 02 Onterl0
Street. Toronto
I'ahel lens tillall sixes, 1ttr5etive
prlges. 1). IMI(P)N\5, 2779 V0ngn St., Taw
onto, 041.
"NPATN 17OP p hetet emus. Figurines, es, b0ok.
ends, animals. novelties. Onot assortment
Lists aeaitnite nus is (23.1811, meet Now
SNOWSHOES• A11 aloes and 1311)00. 11,1000:
"Humane" enowehoe harness (pat.). No
more blistered toes) troller, "Snowshoeing
In Comfort," on request Bales' Snowehnes.
Atetngantu (via 0,10,8,), N. Ontario.
NEW .101INSON Outboard Molars Canadian
Canoe Co Petet'bma Boats, Canoes, Trail-
ers, bought. sold exchanged Large stock used
motors. 50000.0 1(5 fartnry-trained merhanlcs
Open until nine •p n• na.dnrsane arrnnd
Cycle. Hamilton
COTTON sugar hags, 200' emit: mitten Hourhags, 210, ltlenebnti augur and nom• bags,
27e eueb. Eimety wood molasses barrels, 52,75
each, 45 gallons, clean drum, $6,60 0aoh,
10.0,13. Montreal, C.O.D. end money orders
neuepted. ,los. 1,01301 1105'd, 1)etd. .e. 040
Vilha•n1', Montreal 1a,
'PRA (i!01t 013NL'Rr4 •
PAR'I'S fur ell Woolson and mord Immerge
1017.1060. Nast Servien, Prices aro right,
WO nun ell adv Perim 1106 neree°m'tee for all
Ford Products. 1104 pnvh Limited, 71 Cort
9t . rinell In opt
SPRAT 032'371 1 St'itAA111'rOR
SPRAYERS Mr ,refund (engine and I:r0Otol'.
driven), row mom (traetlon), woad, disin-
fecting, whitewashing, cattle spraying and
are fighting; farm wagons, Shallow Well Pres-
sure Systems; "'VIVA" (Fog Applicator); Por-
table rrrigation Systems With aluminum nine,
Buchner Sprinklers, McDowell Countless.
a'1•ee minimum, 1VrIle today, Spe'amotor Ltd..
1000 York St., London. Ontario,
10016 QUICK 13A1,I4
1 - NEW BoWaul Baler. slightly 401104
$1.81'0.011; t -Now Holland Bader, 1051011 1006
Halms $1.601.011: 1 --John Deere A. 10, Treetop
like nets ---31,010.110. 11. Len ]Torek, Mneoey
B111ane 11,•11,•,', areaX. 1151.
11111151) breasted Broome 1,1,11110 !nt•x110�. I
11,1,11 tluwa•lunell npl'rnve,l pllltnlmnr tested
breeders, Stere Szia It, dr.. Ihlrrow, Ont.
11 EDI L
WANTED -Every sufferer of then..
matic pains or neuritis to try Dixon's
$1.25 Express Prepaid.
Banish - the torment of dry eczema rasbsP
and weeping skin 0,0Ub100 Poet's Emmy
9ulve will not lneappalnt 7011
telling, soiling• burning eczema. Itebe, ring,
worm, plmolos and athlete's foot, will remand
readily en this stalnteas, Morten ointment,
t'egarelleas 'If bow 01 uhborn nt bopnleas thel
PliIUE 51.00 51413 JAR
Sent Post Free on 000,1013 of Paine
sen Chiral St 14., Corner 111 Logan
Perm to
'00 )i111utt'a Ointment. An old tried family
remedy, It draws 11114 boots, Wonderful for
cuts, bruises. sores, cracked tips, glinted
hands, e00ema, piles, bed sones, sore mn0cles,
Met, ingrown toe -nolle. Should be on band
In every home. Jar 1400 sent Postpaid.
Original maker. Murray D. Elliott, Holton.
PO10 1,11,1 \ US'19AYP14V1;R AND 1110AD00LD9
NAM131,1505 Cold Remedy, Is NEW, to
those who have never used it. Convincing
trial. 31.00, Addrore Purity Produete, Exeter,
vaTalO(I of tames country property, Mon.
Meal area, ready fee delivery, Town &
Country Resith•s, Westmouot, Montreal,
(_'J1111v t`.11USV pttpplea-t ,00uatlly Plan-Im-
Parled blond lines -registered, Viola 0,
Vlehlen. P•rommltc Arms, Toronto.
WN7 GROW 001nr of 1110 world's Afloat (11081•
ot1. Catalogue on request. Tyndall Glad.
talus Gardens, BruceOeld, Ontario.
No, t Separate
colors, 5e. Special nnxlm•e, 83 nor C.
Ruby Davis Oakland Ont,
Six fruit trees 3-6', 2 apples, 2 Pea's, D
plums, 10: any variety listed. Free, our cOnn-
Plote illustrated catalogue on 00ru11 and Or-
namental Monk. Send today for the best.
Elegant Nurseries, St, Catharines, Ontario.
IN Ail\TURN 52.75 per 100. In separate
rotors 53.26 per 100. Malted C.O.D. Money
Intel; If not satisfied, Villy Boehm, a /0 Air,
Mayer. Beam/wills, Ont.
PET/WESTON/IA(1GB a Company Patent
Solicitors Established 1290 060 Bay Street
Irornntn Booklet 07 Information en teauee0
A. Al LAIDLAW, D.So., Patent Atlanta.
Patents of Invention, 50 Spark° St., Ottawa,
HEAVY white duck, strongly sewn ao'oae
bars. Can be laundered. 200 melt. Delivered.
John Wild. 19 Lansdowne Avenue, Lem
don. Ontario.
Great Opportunity Learn
Pleasant 410ntaed profession, good wages
tho0eande successful Marvel graduates
America's greatest system. Illustrated oath
toque tree. Write or Call
460 Bioor 8t. W., Toronto
Branches, 44 King 9t. Hamilton
& 72 /Wane Street. Jbhttawa•
SI31P us furs. Minks up to 245,00-5Veasel,
54.60-5fuskrats, 14.60. 500 Muekrate with
nlnlrs weekly on ice with (Gpngeot)-5ecre0o
Mee. 'trappers Association Belleville Yalu.
"1000814 & CATTLE DAHL". For highoet
prices, 011111 your Horse & Cattle Hair to 13
Eisenberg, enc.. 4301 St. Dominique St..
Montrent, Que.
TO 4
SMALL hum'tt"1 rn attrarlive northern On-
tario town requhns )registered Nurses for
General Duty. Salary $140 per month plus
full maintenance, Excellent living conditions.
Amity: Superintendent of Nurses, Ludy Minto
Hospital, i 'ra•llrule. Ont,
111'0 Prot.(otat tea0t,e'o for tw•q rural
u•Imnite for term September 1950 t0 dune
1951. Amply before April 14110, giving full
nartleul0rs-odueetlon, onlay expected, tete.,
to Afrs, .(tarry lrolrboh•n, See, -Treem., 00,00,2,
Wakefield, Qnehee.
How 1 Subdued
Wild Fiery Itch
Dr. Dennis' smavingly Snot relief -D. 0. D.
Prescription -did the Welt. World popular,
this pure cooling, Ileuld medication speeds
7>01100 nnd 001040 t from oruol RohAng 000004
by 0000,011, pimplos rashos, ntaoto's loot
Id other• Itch 11001.100, Trial hoots, 354,
vg11 checks even the most butene(
Proscription ordlnnry or drug1st
otrengtttil now,
them with
aA1 p t': 9
L1141 1'. ENT
5C • N Rub on freely, and note
PI -
quick relief. 9c,renee(010,
.0600 Momg51050 Feat -drying, No 551008
arra 65c odor. 1646
ISSUE 12 - 1950
Rice in flavour