HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-22, Page 8Fair Ritual Richard Hudnut Home Permanent With the improved process that makes a great difference Egg Creme Shampoo Plus Creme Rinse both for Roll Wave Hair Brushes - Plastic in Clear and Pastel Shades • • from $1,50 and up Relieve the Misery of Colds - Anti -Histamines - The New Wonder Drug Restistabs Pkg. of 12 - 69c 25 Tablets - $1.25 $3.25 $1.25 Neohetramine Rexall Tasteless, Extract Cod Liver Compound with Vitamin D. A good tonic + and builds up resistance $1.00 bottles Room Lots of Wall Paper - A few discontinued lines at Bargain Prices. Bring in measurements, and the quantity in the bundle may be just right for small rooms.. F. R. SMITH STATIONER DRUGGIST and Rexall Drug Store ieELEPHONE Na 62 - BRUSSELS. Gin. THE BRUSSELS POST WOOD'S Phone 24 -- .'russets, Ont. Spring News Ladies - Outstanding Values in Ladies Gabardine Suits, Unequalled Prices and Qualities. See Them - Before You Buy Large stock of Spring Coats and Shorties Men - Gabardines and Worsted Suits - Serviceable Top Coats at attractive prices. BARGAINS If you can use any Winter Coats, Jackets, Snow Suits, etc. Pick one out at give-away price. Wednesday, March 2.2nd, 1050 NOTICE I The Council of The Township of Grey are asking for applications for the position of Assessor, Salary $350,00, Applications received till Set., April lst at 3 o'clock p. in. J. H. Fear, Clerk. ..-•...-......"°°" A. YEA -WEBER SEEDS KITCHENER ANNOUNCES -- .4. A short supply of clover and grass seeds this spring. Try our Husking Corn Seed. We hale a full line of Seeds. Contact your representative - Geo. Wesenburg Phone 56-r-9. DO YOU NEED IMPLEMENTS? I have a second hand cultivator only 4 years old cheap. 4 tractor leverless disc. A spring too the 3 section Harrow, and a tractor plow for sale. Also a full line of new Imple- ments. Your Otaco Dealer - Gen. Wesenburg Phone 56-x-9. �fY�Y .jewellery Store Lltlit: liromots, Oak NOTICE TO OUR CUSTOMERS We are now taking orders for Canadian Cement at lowest cash off car prices. Orders will be filled in rotation as received. We have a full stock of Steel Ridge, Gutter -iron Eave Troughing and can supply a few steel roofs. We have just received a car Ioad of Famous Frost Zinc - Bonded Galvanized Fence including heavy and light Barbe Wire Steel Posts, also cedar posts in stock. We have everything for your built in cupboards. Our prices are the lowest. - Terms Cash. D. N.McDONALD Brussels, Ont. Phone 77 SPECIALS For the .rest of March Men's good quality half soles Boys' good quality half soles NOTICE Tenders will be received by the undersigned till Sat„ April 1st at 4 p. m. for the crushing and hauling 12000 cu yds, of gravel on the Town- ship Roads, Grey, State Price, '.inch and 5t inch screen. J, H. Fear, Clerk. $1.75 1.00 15 % Discount on Winter Footwear and Outstanding Accounts Please leave your dry cleaning in by Monday noon, will be ready Friday afternoon DENT'S SHOE REPAIR MORRIS TWP- COUNCIL Continued from Page One) this 0th day of March„ 1950. Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. I Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. • Certified to be a true copy of By Law N o. 4, 1950 enacted by the Council of the Corporation of the Township of Morris on the Oh del of March, 1950. Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve. Geo. C. Martin, Clerk. *I * THE CORPORATION OF THE I TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS BY-LAW NO. 5, 1950 Being a By -Law to a:Jsess and levy Iannually a special rate as member - 1 ship fees for the Federation of Agri- culture for the County of Hm•on. I Whereas under authoritiy of section I31.5 (b) of the Municipal Act the town - ship Council may be by-law assess Iand levy a special rate not exceeding one-hallf of one hill .upon the rate- payers of the Township who entered on the, assessinentt roll as farmers as the annual membership fees of such persons In the Federation of I Agriculture: I And whereas the Council of the Corporation of the Township of I lierris deems It expedient to assess and levy suoh special rate: i And whereas the Deparinnent of o• 1 Municipal Affairs has authorized the 1 passing of this By-law: Therefore the Council of the Cor porati0n of the Township of Morris enacts as follows: 1. That a special rate of two fifths of one mill shall be assessed and levied upon the ratepayers of the Township erbo are entered on the asses meuit roll es farmers as the annual membership fees of such persons in the Federation of Agri- culture. 2. That such special rate shall be assessed, levied and oollected In 1. That a special rate of two fifths shall be similarly oaloulated upon the • assessments as finally revised and shall be entered in the collector's roll . In a special -column the heading ' whereof shall be designated "Federat- ion of Agriculture Membership Fees," but shall not form a charge upon land I nor be subject to penalty for non- 1 payment. 3. That the township ttreasurer I under this bylaw in a special ac- count and shall from time to time upon demand pay such mins' to the Federation of Agriculture for the County of Huron. 4. That the township treasurer shall on the date fixed by statute for the the return of the. collector's roll prepare and forward to .the treasur- er of the Federation of Agriculture for the county of Huron, a list of names of the ratepayers to whom this by-law is applicable and Whose rates rthereunder have not been col- lected and there -upon the duty. of the township treasures' to collect such rates shall terminate. 5. That the township treasurer. shall deduct from the snaps collected such accounts for the services rend- ered as may be anithorized in writ- ing by the frasurer'of the Federation Before Buying Your Refrigerator see the New Deluxe Roy at The russels Hardware 7 cubic foot capacity, fully guaranteed for five years. Also now available Claire Jewel com- bination coal, and electric range. The only range on the market with which you can heat the oven with either coal or electricity. These ranges are very scarce, see it now. Telephone 68 M. C. Oldfield Brussels Meat Market Phone 83x We Deliver Fresh and Cured Meats Salmon whole or sliced Fresh and Smoked Fillets Fresh Oysters Beef and Pork for Storage Margarine, Delmar ta■s.o' 31c lb. R. A. REID REGISTERED OPTOMETRIST will be at his office in Brussels On WEDNESDAY MORNING MARCH 29th Nine a. m. until Noon. OFFICE -MISS HINGSTON'S STORE Eyes Examined - Glasses Fitted Complete Eyesight Service. shall deposit the sums collected SPECIALS SPRING COMING MADE TO ORDER DEXTER SHOES Foot Cushions For Sore and Tired Feet LOUCH'S SOX -SAVERS YOU NEED'EM OR YOU DARN'EM SHOES REPAIRED PROMPTLY NEW HARNESS and PARTS Harness Repaired and Oiled And Shoe Repair. C. J. Pegelow, Prop. of Agriculture for the county of Huron, and shall pay such amounts into general funds of the township. 6. That any person to whom this bylaw applies may within thirty days atter delivery of the notice of assessment In writing notify the aee,esser that he objects to the assessment provided for in this Rv-Law and therenlmon the assessor shalt smeild the n'asesenient roll by striking nut the assessment made under this bylaw in realieet of such neranil ani 0,111 write his name 0r Initials, egoinet such amendment and deliver a. noire of ee*secment a- m-Anted •,pc" derl ancnrslinrty fel anl.nh person, hand' n firait. and second time this en day ng ltRarnh, 145n. 1-Taiwav I", 3.1111110611. Reeve., nen. i"• Ai'artin, 111e*, Read a 1411,141 tinln n.+1 Pdnnll•V n4aan41 than 6th d.av of March, 1930, TTarvev r, ,Tnh,matnn. 'Ree -dr, (len C, Martin. Merit, immitamimmil Pre - Easter Sale At The .Ar���e Store Arcade Women's and Misses' Spring Coats in the latest Spring styles, in seven shades Special $24.95 A Hand Bag Free with Every Coat Women's and Misses' All Wool Shortie Toppers, in very newest Spring styles Special $14.95 up Misses' New Spring Blouses in 6 new styles - Special $2.98 Special Reduction on all first quality Full Fashioned Nylon Hosiery $1.50 line $1.29 $L65 line $1.50 $1.85 line $1.65 $1.95 line $1.75 $2.25 line $2.00 $2.50 line $2.25 Men's New Spring Suits In Gabardines and Worsteds Special $29.95 up. (A Felt Hat Free With Each Suit) Boys All Wool Tweed Suits, with 2 pr. of long pants - Special $17.95 (A Felt Hat Free With Each Suit) A large assortment of New Spring Shoes for the whole family at very reasonable prices. THE ARCADE iamem�. STORE IMIEMMen Store Wide Rargainsa for the Whc'ti' 'amilg Phone 61 - Brussels, Ona.