HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-22, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST
$1.50 per year -$2.00 U. S. A.
Wednesday, March 22nd, 1950
1 lb. Tin Salmon, Pink 36c
1 lb. Tin Linx Paste Wax 49c
1 lb. Domestic Shortening 30c
Aylmer Fancy Fruit Salad
Halo Shampoo with
10c coupon
1 lb. Custom Ground Astor Coffee • • • 79c
Ice Cream Bricks, Your Choice
Phone 5 Brussels, Ont.
to be presented hi
Brussels Town Hall on
at 8.30 sharp
Sponsored by Wingham
Kinsmen's Club
Under auspices of Melville
Women's Guild
Admission 50c and 25c
There will be a Euchre and Dance
in, the Walton Conn -Enmity Han
on Welnesday, March 22nd.
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
UWS gam
Mix with your own '
grain , , . helps keep
cows in condition
for big milk produc-
tion! Ask us about
it today)
The Brussels Creamery
Phone 22
Melville Church
,;; later Rev. G. h. Aline, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a. m. "The Triumphal Entry"
7 p. m, Divine Service
Winds D. Tbtmspson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
Morning Worship at 11 °oolock
"Why Jesus was Cruicified"
Church School 1.2 o'clock
Evening Praise at 7 o'clock
"The Serpent"
Sunday, April 2 -The Sacra -
menu of The Lotxi's Supper
at Morning Worship.
Church of England
Parleh of Brussels
Div. J. H. Karr --' Rector.
Crib Sunday An Lent
March 269h, 1960.
8t. John Church, Fovesels
11 a. m. Morning Prayer
Sunday Sohool -.-"
Pt. David's Church, Henfrytt-
2 p. m. Evening Prayer
Sunday School
St. George's Church, Walton -
7,80 p. m, Evening Prayer
The United Church
It in a series of Lenten sermons on,
' "Who Crucified Jesus," the nllndster
discussed tate part played by a guard
of soldiers and an indifferent pnbli0
as factors in the crucifivion. The
anthem, "Jesus Lover of My Soul" by
Leland was rendered by the choir,
with Amiss Jean Cardiff in the solo
pants. At the evening worship the
study of Genesis was continued the
subject being "The Tragic Tree."
Organ and Vocal
Recital Postponed
The Organ and Vocal Recital wh4eh
was to have been held at Melville
Church on Sunday 26, has been
To The Ladies -
A Free Demonstration on Singer
Sawing attachments will be given in
,the Town Hall on Wednesday, March
29th tut 2.30 p. nt. sharp. Sponsored
by the Majestic Women's Institute.
Everyone interested be sure to at-
Last Rites for Mrs. Crozier
Mrs. Emma Walker Crozier, 70, of
Los Angeles, Cal., deed at her home
Monday Marcia 118t111 1950. She had
been a resident of the district for the
past 40 years. Born in Canada, she
was a member of the Woman's Canad-
ian Club and the Wontan's Club here.
She loaves her husband Major J. A.
Crozier who served in the Canadian
Army and is recognized here as 'a
founder of the West Lake Chamber of
Connell. Final rites were held, Tues-
day, March 21st from the Walker
Funeral Home in Brussels, Ont. Inter-
rnent in Brussels Cemetery.
-West Lake Post, Los Angles, Cal.
Mrs, G. R. WIIIiamso.n
The funeral of Mrs, George R.
Williamson, who died suddenly at her
home on the boundary of McKillop
township Saturday, was held on Mon-
day, with a service at the home of
her son George R. Williamson, lot 17,
concession 14, McKillop, Rev. R. G.
Hazlewood officiated at the service,
which began at 2,00 p. m. The pall-
bearers were Herbert Williamson,
Roy Williamson, Norman, William-
son, William Ziegler, Albert Clarke,
and jamas, Clarke, Flower bearers
were GeorgerRa.msny, Elmer Danby
George Huffman, Eddie Clarke,
Fred' Clarke, Harvey Walker, Mel-
vin Hamilton, Denton Walker. Bur-
ilal was 40 Brussels cemetery. Mrs,
Williamson, the former Agnes
Clarice, was born, in Grey township
66 years ago. She came to the die-
brdot 36 years ago, and, resided in
Welton. She was a member of the
United Church in Walton, Surviv-
ing besides her son are three
brDab ers, Juclt Clarke, TLobet't
Clarke, Brussels, and Joseph
Clarke, Fergus.
Melville Church Services
At the morning service on Sunday,
Rev. Mr. Milne preached on the sub-
ject "Our• Good Points" and based
the sermon on Rev. 19, 17. Miss
June Work and Mr, Mietek Skron-
onski rendered the duet "Lave
Divine" by Stainer, The morning
anthem was "God so loved the world"
by Stainer. At .the evening service
Mr. Milne gave an illustrated lecture
on the Church life and people of
British Guiana. Mr. Gerald Gibson
was soloist in "The Chitral by the
side of the road" by Ackley,
St. John's Ladies' Guild
The March meeting of the Women's
Guild was held on March 8th in the
basement of the church wlrth a good
attendance. The meeting opened
with singing hymn 118. The-presd-
dent, Mrs, G. Davis led in prayer and
Mrs, Morrow read the Scripture.
Minutes of the February meeting
were given by the secretary and
adopted. Dues and extra cent -a -day
were collected. Several items of bus-
iness were diseussel and the meeting
was brought to a close with prayer
by Mrs, J. H. Kerr. A dainty lunch
was served by Mrs, J. Thynne for
whiich she was givens vote o8 thanks.
Variety Night
"North Huron B. B." Junior
Farmers' Club is presenting its
Variety Night in Forester's Hall,
Belgrave, on Tuesday evening, March
28, at 8;30. The programme includes
musical numbers and a play, "Rumors
Wanted." Everybody welcome. Ad-
mission: Adults 400, Children 25c.
To all those who were so kind by
sending flowers and other gifts, dur-
ing my stay in hospital. I wish to
convey my sincerest thanks.
Ernie Courschene
I would like to take this opportun-
ity to thank all my friends and neigh-
bours who were so kind' during my
stay in the hospital, and atter I carne
.home. It was appreciated and will
never be forgotten,
Mrs. Leonard Lamont.
Coining to Brussels tis an added
attraction Frlduy evening will be
"Eddie and Bill Benninger" con-
sidered by Jack Thynne to be Ont-
ario's best violin and piano team, for
concert and dance,
Li' Suave Produces
Alorris Tnwnsbip Outwit Meet -
151 Names To Date
(fry, Mandl OGh, 1930. Secretary Reports Excellent Response
The Connell met In the Township i in Campaign for Names of Handl-
Ilan on the above date with all the
member, present. The Reeve pre-
Thr minutes of the last regular To date. a total of 151 cases has
and special meetings were read and I been reported in the Crippled Child -
Majestic Women's Institute adopted on motion of Sam Alcock
yen's Survey conducted by the Lions
The March meeting of the Majestic and Chas. Couttes, I Club of Huron County, C. H. Epps,
capped Children In Huron County;
Duplications WIII Reduce List;
Clinic to be held In Clinton May 10
We wish to thank all our friends
,and neighbours for their many kind-
nesses and syrnpat'hette understand-
ing derstand-
ing in our sad bereeveent. Also to
those who, so kindly loaned their ears,
Special thanks is extended to the
ladies who helped in the home.
The Hayden family.
Mr, and Mrs, D. 0, Warwick, Owen
Sound, were week -end guests with
relatives' here,
Mr, Kenneth Wood spent the week-
end, with his parents Mr, and. Mrs.
A. Wood,
Miss Jane Rann, who underwent
an appendectomy last Week, wss able
to return home from WinghSnn .h,os-
pdtal on Sunday,
Mr, John, Thynne, Me, and Mrs. Sohn
Clarice, 5th line of Morris, spent the
past week visiting Mr. C'leric's sister,
Mrs, Dr. W. L, McCnteheoe, of Ber-
wick Pa,
Miss, Edythe Wlia.rr'An, Nerd) Bey,
Miss Mary Lane end Mr. Gordon
Lane, Toronto. spent the week -end
with Rev, A. end Mrs, Lane Mr,
Lane aeeompanied them on their re-
turn, pi iitil°
Women's Institute was held in the Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
Library, Thursday, March 10, with by Sant Alcock that the report on the
50 present, President, Mrs. D. Hem- Govier Drain be referred back to the
ingway opened the meeting by re- Engineer as the price estimated on
'mating the Institute Ode followed tile Is ant as high as the cost of the
by the Lord's prayer, Roll call was tile delivered, - Carried.
answered by paying fees and guess- Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
ing who our past years Sunshine by Sam Alcock that By -Law No, 9,
Sister end been which caused a great 1949 be rescinded and that by-law No.
deal •of fun, gifts were excha.n.ged in 4. 1965 as recommended by the De -
all directions making it a real Santa pertinent of Agriculture in regard to
Claus festival, and names were the Warble Fly Control Act be pass-
deawn for our Sister toe the coming ed. -Carried.
year. Correspondence was read. by the Moved by Chas. Coultes, seconded
secretary Mrs. J. Speir, and also by Sam Alcock that the tender of
several notes of thanks for fruit George. Radford to simply, crush and
etc„ seat to the sick, and a special deliver approximately 15,000 cubic
thanks from the Town Council. Re- yards of gravel at 65 cents per yard
ports from standing committees were ice accepted subject to the approval
then given, Agriculture and Canadian of the District Municipal Engineer.-
Indus'tries, Mrs, S. Maier. Citizen- Carried•
ship and Education, Mrs. L. Aloock. Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded
I-Iistorical Research and Current by Chas. Caultes that the application
Events, Mr. F. Nichol. Home Econ. of Addison Fraser to assess the
omits and Health, Mrs. E. Wilson. Township for the year 1951 for ° 600
Commmmity Activities, Mrs. G. Brown, be accepted. - Carried.
Publicity Relationship, Mrs, G. Evans. Moved. by Baillie Parott, seconded
Sunshine Convenor, Beth Hoover. by Sant Alcock that the road bills
Very pleasing remarks. of appreciat- as presented by the moad Superin-
ion by the retiring president, was tendent be paid, - Carried.
given to all the retiring convenors. Moved by Wm. Peacock, seconded
The Motto "Our talents are our re- by Baiilie Parrott that Clarence
eponsihilities+' given by Mrs. E. White be hired as helper to spray
Martin, who illustrated her talk so cattle at 70 cents per hour. -Carried.
vividly with pictures it was most Moved by Baillie Parrott. second-
inStrueting, all of her subjeots re- ed by Harvey Johnston tbat the
qulred' many hours of study and work adjourned Court of Revision on the
she finished wi;tlh a beautiful poem of Kelly Drain be re -opened. - Carried.
her own composition. Mrs. J. Bryans Moved by Harvey Johnston. sec -
read the following slate of officers ended by Baillie Parott that the
for 1950-1. Court of Revision on the Kelly Drain
Hon. President..,.Mrs. D. Hemingway be adjourned until April 8 at 3 p. m.
Presiders Mrs. R. W. Stephens -Carried.seconded
let Vice Pres, Mrs. E. Wilson Moved by Wm. Peacock.
2nd Vice Pres. .... Mrs. W. Turnbull by Bailie Parrott that the former
Sec.-Treas. Mrs, John Speir By -Law No, 10, 1946 in regard to one
Aset,Sec. Mrs. L, Alcock fifth of a mill for Federation of
District Direotor.,Mrs. '.L2, Hemingway Agriculture purposes be rescinded
rs. Geo. Evans and that By -Law No. 5. 1950 author -
lJ"fief, tfee Grw4-,
Pianist M
Asst, Pianist ........ Mrs. Walter Kerr iz'ing the Township to collect two
Branch Directors ,. Mrs, G. Brown, fifths' of a mill on Farm Land for
Mrs. Maier and Mrs. C. Davis Federation of Agriculture purposes
Agriculture and Oaneddan Industries be passed. - Carried.
Moved by Chas. Couttes, seconded
by Wm. Peacock that the meeting
adjourn to meet again on April 3. at
1 p, m. - Carried.
The following accounts were paid;
Provincial Treasurer, insulin $ 7.8'0
Ad'eence Times, Envelopes and
Advertising 11,43
County of Huron Indigent Fee's 12.50
Ross Anderson, Belgrave
Street Lights 23,40
R. M. McCrea., Trucking tile, King
Drain 40,00
5, B. Elliott, Relief account 10.25
N. Higgins, Postage, etc. 10.00
Baillie Parrott, Good Roads
•Convention 25.00
Sam Alcock, Good Roads
Convention 25.00
Harvey C. Johnston, Reeve,
Geo, C. Martin, Clerk.
* *
By -Law No. 4, 1950 Corporation of
The Township of Morris
A By -Late respecting the treatment
of Warble -Fly with the Municipality
of the Township of Morris in accord-
ance with the provisions of the
"Warble+F'ly Control Act, 1942."
Whereas a petition has been re-
ceived which, in the opinion of the
Clerk of the MunicirpalitY, bears the
signatures of more than two-thirds
of .the cattle owners in the Municipal-
Be it and it is hereby enacted hY
the Connell of the Corporation of
the Township of Morris in accordance
with provisions of "The Warble-FIY
Control Act. 1949," and the regulat-
ions thereunder: -
1., All cattle within the Memieipaltty
of the Township of Morris shall be
treated for Warbis 171y in ecenrdende
with the provisions of the Warble -
717 Control Act, 1949, and the mein
Mrs, H. Johnston, Mrs. 13. Turnbull
Public Relationship and Community
Activities Mrs, Wm. Perrie, Mrs,
E. Martin
Citizenship and Education .... Mrs, J.
McFarlane, Mrs, Wm. Miller and
Mrs. A. Turnbull
IIis'torical Research and Current
Events, Mrs. A. Engel, Mrs. C. Lake
Home Economics and Health,,,.Mrs.
E. Wilson and Mrs. Wirt. Martin
Resolutions Mrs. H, Speir
Sunshine Convenor ..,, Miss Beth
Hoover and Airs. C. Long
Auditors, Mrs. 5, Garniss and
Mrs. R. Davidson
Mrs. E. Cod:more was then a.siced to
take the chair for the installations
of the new officers, who were all
railed to the front, All joined in
singing 0 Canada and the Institute
Ode, Mos, Cudenare' read the obligat-
ions. and responses were made follow-
ed by the Creed in unison. Mrs, Dr
.Stephens, newly elected president
then took the chair and conducted the
reetof the business, Mrs. J. Bryans
and Mrs, 7, S. Armstrong volunteered
to handle the spring project (meat in
menu). it was decided that a singer
sewing machine demonstration. he
given in the near future, Further
notice will be given as to time and
dace it was voted to have a finance
committee for the coming yearf, 5
ladies were appointed, Mrs E. Cud -
more, Airs. A, Brown, Mrs, 11. Gem-
ntell, MrS, R, 13. Cousins, and Mrs, C.
T3nsehlin, Ma,oMamara's Band, com-
posed of Mrs, D. Hemingway, Mrs.
E. Ondmore, Mrs. C. Davis, Mrs. 1t.
Shmrrie favoured with several hilar-
ious vocal and instrumental riurnbers
that Sent the crowd into stitches.
Snnandne call was taken and the Piing
,...,.ait the meeting to an end, tenth
Wed. Thurs. Mar. 22-23
Beactrice Pearson, Mel Ferrer
Fri. Sat. March 24-25
Gene Autry and "Champion"
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon, Tues. March 27-28
Van Johnston, June Allyson
Butch Jenkins, Una Merkel
TUESDAY PHOTO NITS Winne thereunder.
OFFER $1$0.00 was served try the following ladies,
Clinton, secretary of the County
Committee, indicated today.
Although excellent progress has
been made, a good many reports
still are to come, in, Mr. Epps saia,
He commented that no doubt there
will be many duplications when the
various lists are checked closely.
When it is felt that a thorough
check-up has been made, a meeting
of the County executive will be held
in the Huron ()aunty Public Health
Unit, Clinton, to further plans for
the Clinic scheduled for May 10
when the finest children's specialist
in Western Ontario will be in attend-
The Crippled Children's Sures
is closely associated with the Easter
Seal Canupatgn now being conducted
by a number of Lions Clubs in the
The Majestic Women's • Institute
are sponsoring the course "Meat in
the Menu." The girls between the age
of 12 to 26, wishing to take this
course please meet at the Library,
Saturday, March 2'5th at 2.30 0. m.
or contact the leaders Mrs, James
Bryans and Mrs. Jas. S. Armstrong.
Couple Honored at Home of
Daughter in Bluevale on
Golden Wedding Day
.lir. and Mrs. John T. Garniss,
Morris township, celebrated the 50th
anniversary of their wedding on
Tuesday, March 14th, Mrs, Garnlas
was the former Miss Charlotte Sav-
age of Grey Township.
The couple was married al the
Methodist parsonage, Wingham, by
Rev. Richard Hobbs, The wedding
day was fine and as they drove
with a horse and cutter to the
groom's farm there were snow
A dinner in their honor was ser-
ved at the home of their eldest
daughter, Mrs. Burns Moffatt, Blue -
vale, to brothers, sisters, with wives
and husbands, and eight children -
Harry, Frank and Edward, Morris
township; Bert and Thomas, Brus-
sels; Mrs. Earl (Lillian) Elliott of
Tut•nherry, Miss Edith Garniss, Clin-
ton, and Mrs. (Ethel) Moffatt, Blue -
vale. Baskets of yellow roses and
spring flowers, white bells and
yellow streamers formed a lovely
setting for the reception in the after-
noon when a host of friend's called
to extend congratulations and best
wishes. :. ;,. lakes. of
Mr. and Mrs. Garniss received
many letters, cards, flowers and
gifts including a gold -colored
blanket from neighbors on the 3rd
concession of Morris.
Mr. and Mrs. Garniss enjoy good
health and lave on the farm where
they consented married life.
The Kansas Farmer and His Entertainers
Every Third A Square
Brussels Town Hall on
Friday Evening, March 24th
Admission : Adults 50c, Children 25c
Sponsored by Brussels Lions CIub
Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Band
In Walton Community Hall on
Local Talent Colored Pictures
Admission 40c and 20c
Sponsored by the Walton Group of the Brussels Lions Club
(Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Lions Band)
Mrs. S. Wheeler, Mia, AT, Wineberg, 2. This law shell come into
Mon. Attendance Card Night. Airs, T , Wiisnn. Mrs, A. Sinclair and force on the lith day of March, 1950.
3, This By-T,aw shall remain in
Wed. Thurs. March 29-30
Kirk Douglas, Lauren Bacall
Doris Day, Hoagy Carmichoel
Mrs. ,T. McFarlane.
Press reporter, Mrs, C3, means, fnree until rescinded or amended by
a eitheeonent by-law passed by the
pr -mesal, Branch of the ATitnicipnl f'nnnel1 of the Township
f'nreulfnn ILA triOn are hotdincs or ATnrris.
Tlatrd of Tt. 71 4, Brussels, rinta.ric,
Anneal Snorts Dale on �sp
Tuly 19th. Kindly keeps this date • koptinne - Track PnmL h
Brussels Town Hall on
Brown's Orchestra - Roy McCreight, Floor Manager.
Under Auspices Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion
(Proceeds in Aid of Hall Repair Fund)
Dancing 9.30 to 1.00
Admission 50c
Lunch Counter
Have Your Papering
and Interior Painting
Done Now!
Prompt Attention Is Assured By
G - tting Your Order In Early
Wm Fischer
Phone 23-r-15 Brussels