HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-15, Page 5THE BRUSSELS PO3T Wednesday, March 15th, 1900 on FUZZ to FeatheYs,t)se ASTER . • Vi/Len you buy Master Chick Sta!lr you are buying a properly balanced ration. Master Chick Starter is tested at Master Feecls .f.,-71.barotory and proved at the Master F,rperimental Farm. ASTER h BALANCED FEEDS ;.11 i4 ALL ClAfTDEVOF POMMY FARS1 LIVE Mau FUR BEARING • = hMMMM ti SORMILS DOGs i** We carry Oystev Shell Concentrates Grit and Salt Ad'NWAB IP% • 'h&4:2 99-r-4 Your Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is : nis So Bruss LI5 MORRIS SCHOOL BOARD The March meeting of Morris School Board was held in the Township Hall on March 7, all members were present. Minutes of the February meeting were read and adopted on a motion by T. Dundee and K. Taylor. It was decided to give a contract to Robt, Porter, Walkerton to care for the school piano 340.00 per year for 10 pianos.— School 10 not included. The secretary was instructed to write fonr teachers, regarding excessive use of Hydro. A representative of the Jack Hood school supple, firm was again given permission to visit the schools and make a survey of supplies and to present at the next meeting a contract for servicing the schools for next year, Robert I0PC1VIurray was named a del- egate to the 0,,A. In Toronto Easter Week. A delegation waited on the Board and after a lengthy discussion R. McMurray and H. Taylor were nameda committee with power to act in engaging a teacher for S. S. 1. The Boards, will visit schools Aril 5. The following bills were passed: W. McMurray 37.38; D. A. Rana 335.00; 33. Gregg 40,47; A, Cardiff 26.00; R. Porter 69.00; F, Slorach 9.20; R. 11. Watt 53.20; Humphries 31.63; Trustee's Association 10.00. R. J', McMurray, chairman. R. S. Shaw, secretary. Wet, Tired, Nervous, Peph,so Wm, Woolen N.:171 all, Vigor, vitaiity 500 ii0.-.,4,00to theA0 week, elwayit tired feelings. derree.ion 00 nonotiones.i Otto to 0001, thin blood. (kit up Winn freAh, be Kiln' ail ditY. otto ilenty of t•itelity lett 000 00 availing. Telco OotrOX. Contohls (von, 011,011111 1t, ealeitun, pleninliorus for 01,001100, body stre11400011100,stimuatalon, 1110T00003 sy :Um Imuroveti RUDDER°, (11110BEIVO ;tower, 0,00 littIO, NOW "get adqualutelf“ 8100 WAY MC Try OstreR Tonto Tobleto tor 1101V, 1100- 0901P0D, yin% vigor, this vary cleat. .10 011 druggist.% • Melville Church Services At the morning service on Sunday, Rev. Mr. Milne preached. on "The inner life of the Church," and ex- plained how different worshippers derived different degrees of benefit from their attendance at worship service. The morning anthem was, "But the Lord is mindful" by Mendel- sohn. At the evening service an il- lustrated lecture on Japan was given. "In the Garden" was the title of a 'duet by Donald and Bruce Edgar, The Girls' Moms rendered the anthem, "Sweet hour of Prayer." NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the Estate of Luke G. Spelran deceased. All Creditors and othes having claims against Luke C. spetran who died on or about the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1950, at the Town of Wingham,' in the County of Huron, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned ffill particulars of their claims ort or before the 18th day of March, A, D. 1950. After the last mentioned date the assets of the estate will be distribut- ed amongst the Parties entitled theretohaving regard only to the claims of which notlice has been re- ceived. DATED at Mitchell, Ontario, this 23rd day of February, A. D. 1950, Claude Horne, Mitchell, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix. Img11006*..... loaNUID71=1=111======i0=2=Jon,,DOMSSOMOIEMairaloSIOU=ORIR2.ORIO.Stal231.111ramoon Neirs Shell Ellervke ShollubrIcation Shell Heusehold and Snell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock spray Parts anti Aeoeaserise rhone 77-r-6 Brussels. Ord AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE 40XOU-SItorolOOODOL,R=IIMPOIM 4001111MORNIMMULUNCORZOTONOWIO, . . PiRROMMIIISEMONSIEMREIMEM111, NIVAMIIIMIROMMESSIMMEORIMMII ATTENTION FARMERS With farm prices lower you must produce your grain for leas to make a fair profit. Why fiat try "NA -CHUM", Liquid Fertilizer this spring its cheaper. easier to handle — Use in ordinary seed drill. The results will amaze you, and prove that ,Fertilizer in a Liquid form is here to stay. For informat- ion Phone 17-r-19 Brussels and GLEN FRASER your Local Dealer will can on you. jitgogitioggigsmiggiiith 101843$ifilil Ad?. FOR SALE— A quantity of Hay. Wm, Hollinger Phone 34-r-0 FOR SALE — House and lot on Princess Street. 3irs, Jas. Kerr Phone 51-r-9. ron SALE—: 80 (hunks of Piga. Arnold Stephens, Con, 4 Morris Twp. I It. R, 5 Brussels. FOR SALE - 10 chunks of pigs weighing 50 lbs. 9 pieer', also 1 York sow, due M April, Mel. Jeryinu Phone 53-r-12. i _ • _ FOR SALE— Good set of double heavy harness eomplete. Douglas Hemingway Phone 23-r-4. FOR SALE - 800 Hybrid Pullets, 2 months old, also 78 chunks of pigs. Zoe Holmes Phone 15-r-5, FOR SALE— ,1928 Pontiac Sedan, good rubber, cheap. Frank Mitchell Phone 25-r-26 FOR SALE - 2 Sows, _due in March, chunks of pigs. Glenn Huether. 11111111411101210eSOIMI0'reoo00i011000 ehed OUR PRICE BEFORE BUYING A SED nulezu m°16====a2zummr2M,u,,,,.-x..-1.12Mailiaat • ,111%, YES IT TAKES TWO TO MAKE A BARGAIN A TOP-NOTCH PRODUCT AND A STRONG SERVICE ORGANIZATION TO STAND BEHIND IT. YOU'RE SURE LOW COST SERVICE LIMITED, EITHER IN FARM. OF PROMPT, EFFICIENT AND WITH STAN STONEHOUSE THE SHOP OR ON THE SEE HOW OUR GREATER VOLUME OF SALES SAVES YOU MONEY RETIStit. YO',J " )(if Fl "Y. WHEN YOU DEAL WITH E! Al CANAA'S LEADING FORD TRACTOR 141 PHONE 66 1"ariffgagiriffaffiF also 8 CRANBROOK FOR SALE — Redmond's Spring 'Wheat, also a Delaval No. 16 Cream Separator with or without electric motor, in good con- dition. Sack Alcock Phone 42-r-18, NOTICE — Radiator Cleaning and Repairing at reasonable cost. Try Bluevale Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles Telephone Harry Elliott 648W-1 Wingham. FOR SALE— Hygienic suppnes (Rubber eloods)' n,gIled postpaid in plain, Healed euvelope with Mice list. Six sample 25c, 24 samples, 31.00. Mail Order Dept. M.33 Nov -Robber Co., HoOX 91. Hamilton, OIIL ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest• prevailing prices, For im- mediate service telephone collect— Brussels 854.42 or Elmira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FOR SALE — A number of good houses in the Viillage, also a few good farms for Spring possession. S. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, FOR SALE — Bray has New Hanvps; New Hemp Crosses, and wide variety other breeds, Pullets, cockerels. Started also. Tinmediate or later delivery. We adrvise, for later profits, to get list and order now, agent — Wm. Weil Bray, Ethel. FARMERS— ' Save money try Na Chum Liquid Fertilizer may be used with dry fer- tilizer, or replace it, Any drill will do, Try a test field 75c to $1.00 per acre. Recommended — Free Samples to reliable farmers. Tree information and folders. Apply to J. C. Lamont, Ethel. ,eAta, • 11 ! At the service in Knox PresbYter Ilan Church on Sunday morning Rey. A. J. Simpson occupied the pulpit and a duet "There's No Disappointment in Heaven" was sung by Mrs Florence Michel and Mrs. Clifford Kernaghan with Miss A. J. Forrest accompanying on the organ, The March meeting of the W.M.S. was held at the home of Mrs. R. K. McDonald with nine members present. Mrs. Robert C. Oampbell opened the meeting and Hymn 519 was sung, fol- lowed by prayer by Mrs. Dan. Huether, Psalm 37 was read by Miss A. For- rest. The secretary, Mrs. M. SlIgel read the minutes which were approv- ed and called the roll which was answered by a Bible verse contain- ing "knowledge." The April meet- ing was planned for, •offering re - HELP WANTED MALE— AN EXCELLENT MONEY -MAKING OPPORTUNITY I / 1 Tor a reliable man who is not sat- isfied with his present employment and is interested in safeguarding his future seourity. You can have excel- lent earnings with pleasant work catering principally to formere' needs. Your opportunity for a perm.. intent business of your own with a good future, No capital or selling experience neceasary bot you must have a car and between 25 and 55. 'Write, Dept. O-11-4 The J. R. Watkins Company 350 Rash St„ Montreal, Que, \ FOR SALE— M:Beane motors rowroatia and re lora Rupert orminassehtp. Moder sit, prices. Nina motors In *took eettaqr nuniatrles, ala Ontario, atreat, Orwiterde Owti .!•,•••••r!M• calved and a letter from Mrs. Alex :MacDonald, Molesworth, was read. Hymn 682 was sung and Mrs. Cam- pbell led in prayer. Mrs. Allen Cam- eron gave the topic "Christianity in Japan" and Mrs, Campbell gave a reading "A New Year in a Chinese Home." Closing Hymn was 579 and the Benediction was pronounced by the president, Mrs. Huether. Refresh. , meats were served by Miss A. Forrest, Mrs. James Ritchie and Douglas and Morgan Cameron, all of London, were week -end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Allen Cameron. Mr. Jack Oameron, Elmira, was calling on friends here on Sunday. On March 8th. 1950 in the evening the Board of Directors for the Oran - brook Community Centre met at the home of the President, Mr. Lloyd Mr. Lloyd Michel presided. and • "0010:'0o ' ee HOW LITTLE WILL BUY YOUR CHOICE IN A D", tranesilOorploninannakkolooloseaspalat ETTER DEALER I Alex J. Simpson acted as secretary, The minutes of the. meeting held on Feb. 17th, were read and approved oa motion of R. Knight seconded by R. Whitfield. The minutes a meetings to be Ipublished in the "Brussels Post" up- onthe motion G. Knight seconded by P. Smalldon. Agreed. On motion of M. McIntosh, second- ed by G. Knight, agreed that the name shall hereafter be, "Cranbrook Oommunity Centre." The resident to approach Mr. Murray Heather to act as Treasurer was moved by W. Perri% seconded by M. McIntosh. Agreed. R. Knight made a motion seconded i by G. Knight that the President ap- proach Mr. Alex Steles to maks ar- rangements that he act as fore- man and timekeeper to demolish the . LISTOWEL • 0,411010I10440..4451:..' . present Community Hall and rebuild another, remuneration to be 80c per hour. Agreed. It was moved by M. McIntosh. and seconded by W. Perris that the Presi- dent arrange for the labour needed to demolish the present Community Hall. Apreed. r R. Knight made the motion second- ed by F. Smalldon that the Presi- dent confer with Mrs. Wm. Cameron concerning the property beside the :School as a site for the Cranbrook Community Centre. Agreed. Lfle y was tusomuctes 00 motion of R. Whitfeld and R. KnIgh$ to write tro the Department of Agri. culture for necessary forms in con- nection with Cranbrook Community Centre, Agreed. On motion of R. Whitfield the meet- ing adjourned at 11.30 P. no • -ktalligealatigata keelia00 elt • Two months ago when coal shortages forced us to reduce pas- senger train services, Canadian National promised that all these trains would be put back into normal service as soon as conditions justified it. Now we are keeping our word. Full CNR Truitt Service Restored As from Wednesday midnight, MARCH 8th, all trains in Canadit that stopped running because of the coal shortage go back oil their normal schedules. To you, the public who gave us your understanding co-operation during this trying period, we extend our grateful thanks and say to you that the Canadian National will, as over many years, provide you wi,th fast, reliable, up-to-date transportation. W , President • -•23,k • 001 K:kk. 1041: 1