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Wednesday, March 15th, 1950
Blueberries plump and unsweetened 25c
Peaches Golden, Sliced Sweetened ' ' ' ' 31c
Raspberries, Whole, Unsweetened 39c
Corn, Golden Kernels
Peas, Carrots, full flavour
Peas, tender green
Just Try Your Favourite Fruit or Vegetable
And You Will •'e Convinced Just How
Delicious They Are.
Sat. Morning Only 2 lbs. Lard 35c
Pho rke 5 Brussels, Ont.
The United Church
At morning worship in the United
Church on Sunday March 124h, the
minister continued the series of ser-
mons on, "Who Crucified Jesus."
Judas was depicted as representative
of all disillusioned idealists, and the
mob as representative of the force
of the social set up that is hostile to
Jesus, Mr. Graeme McDonald of
Cranbrook Was soloist for the day
singing, "Going Home" very accept-
ably. The evening subjeot was "Fall
ksceut" the, third in a series of
„ e. the early chapter of Gene -
Former Brussels Resident
Married in New York
Mr. and Mrs. M. Yoileok, Toronto,
announce the marriage of their son,
Ben, to Bess, Bender, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. J. Bender, Toronto. The
marriage took place at bhe Statler
Hotel, New York, on Jan. 22nd, 1950.
A woman wanted to kill herself. A
man wanted to attack a noise with a
razor. They were cured b y dieting.
Read dieting For Mental Health," an
absorbing story about an auazing new
treatment for diseased minds, in The
American Weekly, with this Sunday's
(March 19) issue of The Detroit
,'t ie','_i, ymtr :ar s!-.rw
Melville Church I
Minister Rev. G. A. drnitie, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a: m. Christianity solves
7 p. m. Illustrated lecture on
British Guiana,
(By special request)
Louis D, Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United CL arch
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Organist Mr. Donald Dunbar
Morning Worship at 11 occlock
"Who Crucified Jesus?"
Church School 1E o'clock
Evening Praise at •7 o'clock
"'lube Tragic Tree"
A Welcome To All.
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rev. J. H. Kerr Rector.
Fourth Sunday in Lent
Mar. 20th, 196x0
It John Churoh, .6flaaaela
1'1 a, tn, orneng Prayer
Sunday School
St. David's Church, Henfryn-e
2 p. m. Evening (Prayer
Sunday Scheel,
St. 0eorge'a Church, Walton -
7.90 p. ne Evening rater
Melville Mission Band
Little Stars Missiou Band of Mel-
ville Church opened their meeting
with the theatre song, "We are a little,
Mission Band. The treasurer's re-
port was then read by Mary Agnes
Ftiggini% followed by the roll call.
Hymn 763 was then sung. Mrs. Geo.
Elliott read the scripture lesson from
St. Luke, chapter 18. Mrs, Elliott then
led in pltayer. Offering was taken.
A poem was read by Jack Higgins,
,followed by a piano solo by Cabberiue
Rtidtllck. Mrs. G. Gibson read a story.
Hymn 721 was sung and the meeting
closed by repeating the benediction.
Ward was received here of the
death at Niagara Falls, on Tuesday,
Meech 7th, of Wilfred Stanley Bart-
ley, a brother of Mrs. A. L. Mc-
Donald, Brussels. He was in his
09th year.
He is survived by a sonand two
dunghters, Victor Bartley, Toronto;
Mrs, K. Durno, Stamford; Mrs. R.
Macklin, Winona:' by two brothers
and two sisters, Ralph Bartley, Van-
couver; Harold Bartley, Hamilton;.
Miss Nettie Bartley, Toront; Mrs.
Thomas Schenll, Saginaw, me11.
The funet+al was, held Friday,
March 10th, from the Morse funeral
biome, Niagara Falls. 'Interment in
Imndy's Lane cemetery, Maga Falls.
Tenders will be received by the
undersigned till Sat„ April 1st at 4
p. m. for the crushing and hauling
12000 cu yds. of gravel on the Town•
ship Roads, Grey, State Price,
%. inch and r,t inch screen.
J. II. Fear, Clerk,
Brussels Lions Club
Entertain Ladies
The Itrusseots Lions Club held their
annual Ladies' Night on Monday. The
ruen:bnrs entertained their ladies at
la chicken dinner served in the parish•
hall of St. Jahn's Church.
The guests were each presented
Viet a carnation corsage.
Lion, preeident, R. 1. Bowman, pre-
sided and welcomed the guests. Sec-
rotary J. Schultz read the minutes
and called the roll. Eiu'siness in-
cluded the reports of various groups
who are conducting a campaign to
raise funds for the Boys and Girls
Band. Two group reported results
of their projects 'while another an-
nounced a concert end dance to be
held in the Rt+assels Town Hall on
Friday, March 24111. A fourth group,
from Walton, sold they are having
a concert and moving pictures in
Walton Community Hall also on March
24th. The Ethel group reported they
are to have a Hard Time Dance in
Ethel on Wednesday, March 22nd.
Lion Teiner Wm. L. Speir led in the
community singing. Lions quartette
composed of,' Wm, Speir„T. Schultz,
L. Michel and Selwyn Baker sang two
numbers. Messrs. L. D. Thompson
and Donald Dunbar contributed two
piano duets. Mr. Clarence Pepper of
Stratford. entertained and mystified
the gathering with baffling feats of
magic. Airs. D. A. Rano was winner
of a prize for the closest answer to
the ouestion, "How many new
Passengers cars were sold in Can-
ada last year."
A great deal of hilarity was oc-
casioned by a men's beauty cantest
in which the judges; Mrs. R. B.
Cousins, Mrs. John Schultz, Mrs. Wm.
Turnbull. Mrs. Win. Coleman and Mrs.
Lloyd Michel chose R. G. McBride
as the winner. Mr. McBride's prize
was a beatifttly decorated cake which
he was to share with the judges. On
attempting to cut his prize he found
it to he a "Wooden" cake:
Mrs. R. B. Cousins expressed the
thanks of the ladies to the Lions for
the deightful evening. Lion Tail
Twister J. Armstrong thanked the
ladles of the church for the dinner
There will be a Euchre and Dance
in the Walton Community Hall
on Welnesday, March 22nd.
Music by Wilbee's Orchestra
Everybody Welcome
Engagement Announcement
"Mr. and Mrs. W. Angus Dickson,
Atwood, announce the engagement
of their only daughter Rose Marguer-
ite, to Mr. Elwin Dobson Hall, elder
son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hall, Ethel.
The marriage will take plane on Sat-
urday, April the eight at twelve o'clock
in Atwood Presbyterian Church,"
HAYDEN-In the Ruston Nursing
Home in Mitchell on Friday,
March 10th, 1950., Nelson Hayden,
in his 87th year,
Funerel was held. from the home of
his son Fred Hayden, Lot. 41, Con.
1 Grey Twp., on Monday, March 18,
1950. Service at 2 p, m. Interment
in Mount Pleasant Cemetery; Ethel.
Seafcrth, (int.
Thurs. Fri. Sat. March 16.17-18
with •
Joel McCea and Viheina Mayo
Plenty of action, -A story of a soft-
hearted fast -drawing outlaw, notor-
ious In the middle border States in
the 1870's.
0 * *
Mon. Tues. Wed. March 20-21-22
Maureen O'Hara Melvin Douglas
Gloria Grahame
This picture, tailing a woman's secret
Is an alert, clever performance with
bright and snappy dialogue,
* * *
Next Thurs. Fri. Sat, . March 23-2425
Betty Grabie and Dan Dailey
Song, dance, notelets and sentiment
are combined In this sparkling pres-
entation -- a musical with a dramat-
ically' appealing story.,
* * a+
"ADVENTURES OF DON JUAN" "LOST BOUNDARIES" , earlier then the usual date on account
with Of Geed Friday. The nesting closed
and Vivece Lindforsi .+,a,'i W'a ,.;t1, 1) .. with prayer,
Kansas Farmer To Present
Concert and Dance Here
'filo Kansas Farmer and his enter-
tatrters will present a concert and
itt the lirnssels Town Hall 0n
Friday e,ventug March 24th.
This entertainment will be spon-
sored by the Brussels Lions Club and
proceeds will go t0 the fund in aid of
the Boys and Girls Band,
The original Kansas Farmer pro-
gram, which will be given in Brussels
with other added acts, has been pre-
sented almosst. 3,400 times in every pro-
vince In the Dominion and twelve
states in the U. S. A. '
The quality of the show presented
by this group has been highly rom-
mendetl by newspapers =Toss Canada
an entertaining and clean as
well as one of the most unique.
This troupe leaves April 3rd for
engagements in Alberta and B. C,
Be sure you attend this eoneert and
enjoy en evening of refreshing fun
and laughter.
Brussels Council Meeting
The municipal Council of the
!Village of Brussels met on the above
1 date. All members of Council were
After bhe minutes of the previous
meeting were read, it was moved by
R. W. Kennelly seconded by R. A.
Bennett, that the resolution dealing
with the Brussels Fire -Dept. answ-
ering Fire calls in the Township of
Morris. be amended to read as follows
That the Brussels Fire Dept. be
hereby authorized to answer reas-
onable calls from the Township of
Morris, and that the rates Charged
shall be fifty dollars per call for the
hour and fifty dollars for each addit-
ionbal h:our's service; This rate to in-
clude bhe pumper truck and six men;
The men to be paid $1.25 per hour
during absence from Brussels." -
Mootion Carried.
The 1ollwing accounts were order-
ed paid on motion of A. McTaggart
seconded by R. A, Bennett.
C. T. Davidson, Foe Bounty $ 2.00
A, Rutledge, Fox Bounty 2.00
G. R. Campbell, YSalary 43.56
Postmaster, Unemployment
Insurance 3.86
Brussels Hydro, Street lights
end hall 118,10
H. Workman, Snowplowing 143.50
H. Gibson, Corot rack for Hall 34,18
W. Hetet, Cleaning at Hall 5,20
Bennett Grocery, Relief 17,10
Brussels Creamery, Relief 3.15
Baeken Bros., Relief 5.05
fickle Seagrave, Fere Dept.
Supplies 56.38
Ellis & Howard, Hall Exit bights 8.16
Rantoul & Miller, Sanding floors 125.00
County of Huron, Indigent
Hospitalise tion 21,25
A. Oakley, .Streets-Rc hall 64,35
Post. Pub, House„ Printing etc 8.00
Brussels Coal Yard, Fuel, relief
and Hall 136.25
It was moved by W. Spear second-
ed by A: MCTaggart, that the mun-
icirelity enter into an agreement
The Brussels Branch of the with C.IC.N,H. radio station for pres-
Canadian Legion are holding
their Annual Sports Day on
July 19th. Kindly keep this date
Armorial Gift Unveiled
A At St. John's Church
Wed. Thur. March 15-16
Humphrey Bogart, Eleanor
Parker in
Fri. Sat. Mar. 17-18 ,
Geo. Montgomery, Rod Cameron
Ruth Roman in
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. e. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues. _ Mar. 20-21
Dennis Morgan Jack Carhon
OFFER $120.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
Wed. Thurs. Mar. 22.23
Beactrice Pearson, Mel Ferrer
entation of The Barn Dance on Snly
22, 1950, and that the Reeve and
Clerk be authorized to sign this agree-
ment. - Motion Carried. „
As this concluded the business of the
meeting the Council then adjourned
nn motion of A. McTaggart, second-
econded by R. W. Kennedy.
G. R. Campbell, Clerk.
Three beautiful stained glass tut.
t t unerial gift presented in
memory of the late. Arthur Fred-
erick Thompson, a native of DerbY,
England. were unveiled at St, John's
Anglican Church by his son Mr. Louis
D. Thomps' n of ilrussels. on Sunday
afternoon before a large ceegregation.
Rev. John Kerr, rector, was in
charge nt the service of dedication.
The Rural Dean of Huron, Rev. B. H.
Farr of Goderich, was the guest
speaker. He chose as his text the
w+ortis, "He being dead, yet speaketh"
and spoke of the "wake" we leave be-
hind when we are gone. Mise Carrie
Hingeton sang a solo "How lovely are
Thy Dwellings," The choir sang the
anthem "Open The Gates of the
Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Thompson were
the donors' of the windows, His father,
whose memory they honor, was a de-
voted and active member of the
Church of England, who died in Feb-
ruary 1912 at the age of 82.
The grove of windows is known as
the "East Window" and consists of
three separate units. On the central
window, which is the dominating one,
is portrayed the figure of Our Lord
holding tbe cup. On the window to
His right is the Virgin Mother in an
attitude of adoration. On His left
Is St. Sohn holding the book in his
left hand and the pace in his right
as suggested in the book of Revelat-
ion. Close by St. John is the eagle
with spread wings the symbol of St.
John's gospel.
The background of blue together
with the garments of deep tones of
red, blue and green gives the whole
a richness of color. The suggestion
of the group is evident. Christ is
as always the central figure, St. John,
whose name the church hears, stands
on the left hand of Our Lord, while
the Virgin Mother, standing on His
right, suggests the place of woman-
hood in the Christian Church.
Melville W. M. S.
The regular meeting of Melville
W. M. S. met 071 Friday, March 10, in
the hasment of the chinch. The meet-
ing' was opened by' the President,
Miss Grace Stewart, who read Psalm
104, Mrs, Geo. Pavans read tbe scrip-
ture. The less'lnees of the meeting
included nnmtnations for three vac -
net posts in the Presbyterial ,l3xeetlt•
ire. Pians were made and win-
mittees panted for an expenee tea to
he held at the home of Mrs, J,
(Galbraith on March 24th,
'The Troll tail was answered
n verse on "Faith."
llfi'a. C. Matheson's paper from
the stndv hook. "Towards a New
dawn for etannn" dealt with the
Penne of ,Tanen, their .home life,
their enseoms, and the religione that
para moulded their lives,
The next meeting will convene in
the church on March 81, one week
$1.50 per year 7$2.00 U. S. A.
On 4unday evening, March 26th
at 8.11, a recital of urgen and vucal
pude will be given at Melville Pres-
byterian Chureh, Mr. L. D. Thomp-
son will play a program of descriptive
and popular organ pieces. Miss June
Work will be the vocalist and the
choir will also assist. Further pert•
Iculars next week,
11i:LL-Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Bell
announce the birth of a daughter.
Barbara Mae, in Dr. Myer's Nurs
ing Home, on March 10111, 1950.
The Voice Of Temperance
t,n 11 front rover .Saturday Night
_ales drat "Politica and liquor don't
mix." -Our police department assures
ns that. gasoline and liquor don't adz
Our highest authorities tell ne that
hockey and liquor don't mix. -- It b
just as true that curling and liquor
don't mix. The truth of the matter
is that always and el7rywhere
everywhere liquor 1s a ,aoteettal
rr.,.thie maker. - it is an anti --•
v+,t•i'it virus..
Support The Brussels Lions Club
The Kansas Farmer and His Entertainers
Brussels Town Hall on
Friday Evening, March 24th
Admission ; Adults 50c• Children 15c
Sponsored by Brussels Lions Club
Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Band
Ethel Skating Carnival
Has Large Crowd
.A large crowd attended the carnival
held in the rink here. George A.
Dunbar, was master of ceremonies.
Prize winners were: best -dressed girl,
12 and ,under, Marylne Bowes; best -
dressed boy, 12 and under, Jimmie
Pearson; best dressed girl, 12 and
over, Ann Pesteli; best-tlressed
man, 12 or over, Gerald Richards;
best dressed couple, Sean Cardiff,
Karen Buschlbn; national costume,
Marian Smith; funniest clown,
Bonnie Godden; most graceful
couple, Marian and •KennethbSmith;
oldest lady on' skates, Mrs. Roy
Hall, oldest man on skates, William
Flollinger; youngest child on skates,
Rethie Bray; spot skate, Roy Fish-
er, girls race over 12, Doris Bate-
man, M. Bowes, T.. Cardiff; Boys
race, 12 and over, G. Cardiff, A.
Cameron, D. Elliott; girls race, 1,6
and over, J, Cardiff, Florence
.Taeklin; boys race 16 and over, M.
Godden, Donald Bateman, D. Rey-
eynerd; women's race, J. Cardiff,
Florence Jackiin, W. Bishop; Men's
race, M. Godden, K. Smith; couple
race, Gerry Cardiff, K. Buschlin;
relay race, Jean Cardiff, Jerry
Cardiff, Doris Bateman; fancy
backward skater, women, S. Wilson;
fancy backward,. then, Gerry Cardiff,.
Ieen. Smith, Douglas Dunbar; chas-
ing puck, cutting the figure eight.
Douglas Dunbar; girl's chasing puck,
entting figure eight, Deets Bateman,
110. Bowes, Bonnie Godden.
The broom hall game of. married
men opposed to single men was a
battle royal. The married man won
2-1. Mrs, Gordon Kreuter, Mrs.
Rose Stephens and( Leslie Earl
were the judges. The prizes were
donated by the business men of the
Errol Flynn
Sponsored by the Ethel Group of the Brussels Lions CIub
for Welfare Work, will be held
in Town Hall, Ethel on
Corrie Orchestra
Worst Dressed Lady - Set of Dresser Lamps
Worst Dressed Man - Auto Robe
Other prizes including Special Door Prize.
DANCING from 9 p. en, to 1 a. m. LUNCH
Wear the Worst You Have - Win the Best We Have
ADMISSION : 50c per person
In Walton Community Hall on
Local Talent Colored Pictures
Admission 40c and 20c
Sponsored by the Walton Group of the Brussels Lions Club
(Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Lions Band)
Brussels Town Hall on
.Brown's Orchestra - Roy McCreight, Floor Manager.
Under Auspices Brussels Branch of the Canadian Legion
(Proceeds in Aid of Hall Repair Fund)
Dancing 9.30 to 1.00
Admission 50c
Lunch Counter
Th,e Council of The Township of
Grey are asidng tor applioaiteons for
the position of Assessor, Snbary
7860.00. Applications received till
Set„ April let at 3 o'clock D. m.
J. FT. Fear, Clerk.
I wohuld like to take this opportun-
ity to thank all my frledns and neigh-
bors Who were a0 kind, while T was
In bhe hospital by sending boxes,
cards, letters and flowers, `[t surely
has been, appreciated and will never
he forgotten.
Tli's. Edger Higgins.
In Belgrave Arena on
St. Patrick's Day, March 17th, 1950
Best Couple Dressed in Irish Costume
Best Comic Costume
Best Dressed Lady
Best Dressed Gentleman
Most Graceful Couple Skating
Oldest Person on Skates
Person Coming Farthest Distance
Best Imitation of Nursery Rhyme Charadter (open to children of
Public School Age) 1st 71.00; 2nd 75c; 8rd 50e; 4th 250.
Best Skater to Cut Figure 8 Fordwards and Beek 1.00
Keg inc5 LSO
Largest Family on Skates 25e eaeb
Tory Gregg Master of Ceremoni'es
Judging to commence at 8.15 .
Lunch Counter
Only diose in Costume allowed on lee until judging ie
completed, then everyone skates. "
Admission 25e and 10c