HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-8, Page 8SPECIAL INTRODUCTORY OFFER Now Regular $1.00 Aquamarine Lotion Plus (Absolutely Free) 1 Cake • Revlon Aquamarine Soap. A TIMELY OFFER Hudnut's Egg Creme Shampoo $1.25 With a bottle of the New Creme Rinse Free St. Patrick's Day Cards 5c and 10c each Greeting Cards for All Occasions New Designs and wording Bayer's Aspirin 18c, 29c Buy the Larger Size Bottle of 100 79c and Save Lower Price on Men's Size Facelle Now 30c Reguar Size FacelIe 20c. For the Pattern Wanted — Come in and look through our Large Catalogue of Simplicity Patterns, also very interesting is the Needle- work Catalogue. STATIONER ' DRUGGIST and u'li LEPHONE No. 671 11t SALE S .� Rexall Drug Store Good business place with brick ening attached in good village. Also a few good houses. Also good farms well equipped. RUSSET..$. NOTICE— Eaves Troughs, Plumbing, Deep and Shallow well pumps and jet pumps. Expert work done. J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker. Ray Crawford, Brussels Phone 54-r-13 Brussels, Ont. or Clinton Phone 911-r-4. • 1 Jewellery Store 6asusl,t., Ont. THE BRUSSFI S POST anualszawesagairmas Phone 24 9 Brussels, Ont. Ladies' Fine Suits and Coats for Spring also a good selection of Dresses. Men's Gabardine and Worsted Suits in stock. The Men's Top Coats by Duval are very smart and exceptionally reasonable. A. deposit will hold any garment of your choice. A new shipment of Taffettas suitable for formals, Blouses and Children's Wear. Melville Church Services "The Evil Day" was the subject of Rev. Mr. Milne's sermon on Sun- day morning, The sermon was based on Eph, 6, 13, and described all life as being one continuous evil day on account of presence of sin in, the world. The morning anthem was "0 love that wilt not let me go" by Matheson. Miss June Work took the solo parts, At the evening ser- vice Mr. Milne -explained the early Christians' interpretation of the Second Coining of Christ. Mr. Wm. Spelr rendered the solo "Just for to- day," by Abbott. The United Church In the United Church the morning series of sermons, "Who Crucified Jesus", was continued on Sunday last. Pilate and Herrod were dis- cussed as representative of the part played by political expediency and pleasnre loving irresponsibility in crucifying Jesus. The evening subject was "In the Garden," the second in an evening series on the early chapter of Genesis. Mrs. Harold Thomas Pre- sided very acceptably at the organ in the absence of Mr. Donald, Dunbar. 10 WAYS TO GET A HUSBAND Girls, follow the rules on "How to Get a Husband," in The Ameri- can Weekly, with this Sunday's (March 12) issue of Detroit Sunday Times and you will be married in 60 days, promises Dr. Frederick J. t Bailey, noted psychologist. Girls, get Sunday's Times and read "How to Get a Husband." St. John's W. A. The monthly meeting of St. John's W. A. was held in the parish hall on 'Tuesday, Feb. 28th, with Mrs, Rev. Kerr presiding. The hymn "Be thou my Guardian and my Guide," was sung, followed by members prayer in unison. The lesson for the day was based on the life of Peter. The minutes of the previous meet- ing were read and approved. Study period was about medical missions unison, in India and Ronan, China, em- phasizing the great need for nurses and doctors. A chapter on Social Service, "What is happening to Can- adian Morals" by Rev. W. 1.''Galag-- her, General Secretary of the Christian Council of Social Service. Meeting closed with prayer by Mrs. Kerr and the Lord's Prayer in unison. The Voice Of Temperance Mr, D. P. O'Hearn writing in Sat- urday Night claims that "conditions have improved" since the Ontario Government opened a variety of liquor outlets five years ago. Every- one will wish that Mr. O'Hearn had told us about these Improved con- ditions. Because of enormously in- creased oonsumption of alcoholic beverages our conclusion had been that conditions were worsening not improving in Ontario. Our con- clusion still is that with more drink- ing there is bound to be more trouble. r' Brussels Meat Phone 8.3x Fresh and Cured We Deliver Meats SPECIAL DURING. LENT Fresh Salmon Fresh and Smoked Fillets SPECIAL SATURDAY ONLY Lard 18c — 2 lbs for 35c Margarine, Delpnar 31c Ib. wausigazialmom IMMUNIZATION CLINCS The HurOn County Health Unit Is again arranging Clinics in the schools as follows : Immunization Thursday, March 16th, 1950 9.30 A. M. S, S, 10 McKillop (Winthrop 10.00 A. M. S. S. 7 McKillop 11.00 A. M. U. S. S. 11 (Walton) 1.15 P. M. Brussels Public School Infant and pre-school ohildren who started these iitnmunizattons at previous clinics may attend. Sm2llpoxvaccinations will also be given on this date. This will be the last clinics at the above soheols for the present, Further immunizattons will be announced at a later date. Early protection of abildren against Diptherla, Whooping Cough, Tetanus and Smallpox is every parents's obl1pation. as WISE IMMUNIZE Wednesday, March 15th, 11150 For the MILKING HERD Mix your grain with e Purina Cow Chow Supplement to make a real 16% milk -making ration, FNMA (0 5OR CHOW K rc:r, DRY WS To help build dry cows up(or reduced .'4. calving troubles and extra milk y ahead, feed Purina '4g'Jlkl Bulky -Las and oats —hall and half! BULKY -LAS tsand OA tri^i5 Fes, The Brussels'CYeamery Phone 22 FER.EDATION NEWS (by Gordon M. CrajS) T'e Directors of Huron County reaeration of Agriculture held their monthly meeting in the Agricultural Board Room Clinton, on Feb. 21x4, W t•h a large attendance present. There was a very lively discussion on the proposal to raise the Federation levy on alt f arm pro- perty from 1-5 to 2-5 of a mill. There was also some discussion on raising it to r/ mill on alt property assessed as farm property. The Directors finally agreed that the levy should be 2-5 of a mill on all farm property and to be levied uniformly in all town- ships in the County of Huron. There was a notice of motion to be presented at the annual meeting of t'ts County Federation next fall, that 75% of the money collected by the 2-5 mild levy be returned to the Township Federation to cover their expenses. The annual Field Day of Huron Federation of Agriculture will be held in Goderich on Jain 14th, 1950. The Federation will again publish a Year Book in conjunction with the Field Day. Double -Ring Ceremony Followed by Reception At a double -ring ceremony at St. John's Anglican Church, Leamington, Miss Margaret Francis Workman, daughter of Mrs, Margaret Workman and the late Mr. Charles Workman became the bride of Mr. George Allen 'meson son of Mr. and Mrs. George Mason, of Leamington. The Rev. A, S. H. Cres Rector of- ficiated before an a star set with ferns and white snapdragons, The bride givon in marriage by her brother Kenneth Workman, wore a gown of white slipper satin styled with a fitted bodice, a star shaped neckline long sleeves pointed over the hands, a full skirt extending into a circular train, her French illusion veil was held to her head in a braided effect halo crown and she carried a white prayer book streamered with sweet heart roses and sweet peas. :Hiss Doris Mason sister of the groom as maid of honour wore sky blue taffeta with fitted bodice and full skirt n halo of matching blue and shoulder length veil, her flowers were pink and white carnations. Mr. Arthur White Jr, as best man and Mr, Arthur Mason brother of the gronan as either. For her daughter's wedding Mrs, Workman chose a dress of navy blue, Isiltin and matching accessories and a corsage of white carnations, Mrs. Mason mother of the groom wore a grey crepe with navy blue accessor- ies and a corsage of white carnet; ions. A reception followed in the plate room at the Leamington hotel. Fol- lowing the reception Mr. and Mrs. I Mason left on a short wedding trip to Toronto and points east, To travel the in-ide chose a cocoa brown suite and dark brown accessories, and a corsage of sweet heart roses. They will reside in Leaanington. Out of town guests inalltd'ed Mr. and Mrs, Harry Workmnm, Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Workman of Brussels, Ont. * * Tire wedding was solemnized on Saturday, Jan. 21st, 1060 of Miss June Ellen daughter of Mr, and Mrs, Joseph Evans, 2nd comeeesiion of Grey to Mr. William Kenneth Workmen son of Mrs, Margaret Workman of Leaming- ton and the late Mr. Charles Work- man, formerly of Brussels, Ont. The marriage took place at St, 'George's Anglican Church, Windsor 1 by Iter. Francis Watts, formerly of I St, John Anglican Chureh, Brits- salt, Ont. Those le attendance were Mr, and Mrs, 'Villar Andersen, Wind• I torr, Ont. ,rrmesdrAMIS saIMMIo LADIES With house keeping time just around the corner, we are once again ready with a good stock of your house cleaning. needs. Cleaners and polishes, wax, dust mops etc. Kem-tone and the new miracle finish K.em- glo which gives you a finish like the enamel on your refrigerator and with only one coat. Flo -glaze and Sherwin Willliams Paint. This paint is all given to you factory fresh, with no stirring necessary. For your added convenience we now have an electric floor polisher which is available to all, for a small rental charge. ITelephone 68 N.Y. C. Oldfield NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC We have on hand, the very best shiny black Allberta Cog also the good Hamco Coke. When ordering your coal we would appreciate if you would give some consideration to substituting for the above coal, thus helping to relieve the present serious conditions for anthracite coals. We also received a car of steam coal which is ideal for the maple syrup season. BRUSSELS COAL YARD Brussels, Ont. After Stock Taking Spcia1s 2 Women's Station Wagon Coats Reg. $24.95, Special $14.95 5 Women's Winter Coats, fur trimmed, half chamois lined Reg. $29.95 Special $9.95 5 Women's Winter Coats, fur trimmed, half chamois lined, boucle cloth Reg. $49.95 Special $14.95 6 Men's, all wool plaid lined Windbreakers Reg. $9.95, Special $4.95 3 Youths,'all wool, plaid lined, leather trim- med, Mackinaw Coats Reg. $12.95 Special• $4.95 3 Boys, 3 piece Snow Suits, Reg. $10.95 Special $4.95 4 Misses, all wool, Sport Jackets, Reg. $7.95 Special $1.98 Men's all wool, plaid Sport Shirts, Reg. $10.95, Special $5.95 Men's Penman's Wool Ribbed Combinations sizes 42 and 44 only, Special $3.95 Monarch Yarn, Dove, Regular 30c Special 1 oz. ball 20c Monarch Yarn Swan, Regular 35c a ball Special 25c THE ARCADE STORE mmss�e mw srnn Store Wide Bargains for the Whue'ar�aily Phone 61 ... Brussels, Okla. al