HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1950-3-8, Page 5s e t- 0 le o- rt ar i1- tg re 3T - erg ch ;nt rev ed pe ins ed ec• the by ger, are iob th. ver Ice ra ats ter ns .tte ,all rift :ky bhe Ing are ere THE BRUSSELS PO3T RIZ& to Feathers AST When you buy Master Chick Starter you are buying a properly balanced ration. Master Chick Starter is tested at Master Feeds Laboratory and proved at the Mailer Experimental Farris. MASTER BALANCED FI EDS r ALL CLASSED OF POULUSF FARM LIVE SEM FUR DEASIDIG ANIMALS a DOGS • We carry Oyster Shell. Concentrates Grit and Salt Yowr Friendly Master Feeds Dealer is 1FinGzle 99-r4 r 1 ! Si'°n Brussels ,Articles For Sale - 'Typewriters, Adding Machines, Regaitere, Bought, Sold dt 'red. Safes, opened, cond- one changed, used safes J. W. Locking, 369 - 24th St. W., Pone 2096w Owen Sound FREDERICK F. HOMUTH Phm. B., R. O. Carol E. Homuth R. O. Mrs. H. Viola Homuth R. O. Registered Optometrists Phone 118 Harriston, Ont. USED CARS FOR SALE 1948 Chevrolet Coach 1948 Pontiac Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Sedan 1947 Chevrolet Coach, radio and heater 1947 Ford Sedan (Like New) . 1947 Ford Sedan, Radio and Heater 1947 Ford Sedan 1946 Chevrolet Sedan, radio and Heater 1946 Chevrolet Sedan (New Tires) 1946 Pontiac Coach 1942 Pontiac Coach 1941 Plymouth Coach 1940 Hudson Sedan 1940 Dodge Sedan 1939 Ford Coach 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1938 Plymouth Coach 1936 Chevrolet Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coupe 1930 Ford Coach 1929 Ford Coach USED TRUCKS 1948 Half -ton Ford Pick Up 1948 G. M. C. Half -ton Panel 1945 — 21/2 -ton Chevrolet Truck 1942 G. M. C. 3 -ton Truck 1934 Chevrolet Half -ton Pick Up NEW half -ton, three -quarter -ton Pick-ups, Chassis and Cabs trucks for immediate delivery. and one -ton and three -ton W. Jackson iYh'cors ltde Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. POULTRY — EGGS — FEED C. W. BRAY'S PRODUCE CodStorage Locke Each Locker Insured Against Fire. Phone 80 — Brussels, Ont. WALTON A oar driven by A, C. Robinson, bandmaster of London, collided with a oar driven by a Mervin Buerman of Walton in a blinding snowstorm on the highway south of Walton, Nobody was hurt. Damage to Mr, Robinson's ear Will amount to about $200, while the Merman ear had only one fender slightly (Min - aged. Constable Helmer Snell of Seaforth Investigated the accident, Owing to the severe etortns and road conditions, school was cancel- ed in s0i•eral rural sections of the district. CI sJIJfio°d y .; ,. FOR SALE - 800 T-Iybriel Pullets, 2 month's old. Too Holmes Phone 15-r:5. FOR SALE — House and lot on Princess Street. Mrs, Jas. Kerr Phone 51-r-9, FOR SALE — Sap pan 30 x 6 ft. and 75 pails. M. A. Fraser Phone 17r--19, FOR SALE - 2 Sows, clue in Maroh, also 8 chunks of pigs. Glenn Heather, WANTED— A man for seasonal employment to look after brooded pullets. Walter Rose Poultry Farm FOR SALE— Bray Chicks, You'll want them. Last minute rush isn't good, Take time. Size up your requirements, Immed- iate delivery started, dayolds, Ask for prices — Win. Glen Bray, Bthel FOR SALE — ' A number of good houses in the Viillage, also .a few good farms for Spring possession, J. C. Long, Real Estate Broker, Brussels, Ont, NOTICE — Radiator Cleaning and Repairing at reasonable cost.' Try Blnevale Repair Shop for your Rad Troubles Telephone Harry Elliott 648W-1 Wingham. • FOR SALE - Hygienic beep Js (Rubber Goode) n.al'-•d postpaid in plain, sealed ent-elope with price list. Six sample 25o, 24 samples, 51.00. Mail Order kept. M.33 .rov-Rubber Co.. d31, Hamilton, Ont. ^�— ATTENTION FARMERS We will be pleased to pick up dead or crippled farm animals and pay highest prevailing prices. For im- mediate service telephone collect— Brussels 85-r-12 or Ehnira 564 Gordon Young (Elmira) Ltd. FARMERS— Savo money try Na Churs Liquid Fertilizer may be used with dry fer- tilizer, or replace it, Any drill will do. 'Pry a test field — 75c to 51,00 per acre. Recomnen.dee — Free Samples to reliable farmers, Free information and folders, Apply to J. C. Lament, Ethel. YEA -WEBER SEE -DS KITCHENER ANNOUNCES — A short Ripply of clover and grass seeds this spring. Try our Husking Corn Seed, We have a full line of Seeds. Contact your representative — Geo. Wrsenberg Phone 50-r-9 DO YOU NEED IMPLEMENTS? T have a second hand culttator only 4 years old cheap. A tractor leverless disc. . • A spring too the 3 seotidn Harrow, and a tractor plow for sale, Also a full line of new imple- ments, Your Otneo Dealer — Gen. Wesenberg Phone 56.r-9, Fresh Fr iligneaseneratutusglauganniust Neck, OUR PRICE BEFORE BUYING A NE Y;`` oir USE T m i •. Yes, you'll come in fresh from the field when you use the Fi Id ikainersaggiwinswarawirisiamoPARINIINN It lets you take it easy while you work. Engine operation is quiet too. And there are no exhaust fumes blown in your face. Four wheel stability, low centre of gravity and easy handling means MORE SAFETY AND LESS STRAIN. ci us "diktifmsot See HOW LITTLE WILL BUY YOUR CHOICE IN A O/ c With _r li k,d R CTOR' j into ' 7esL, •LENGTH OF ONE'S USEFULNESS OR LENGTH OF LIFE• `=`` !411 011 :n, t�ffi ffi!E "tee i 4 _?Y a r as3miv i 3'vaay* �o `bhe ' reat st su er of Ford;;Tractors sold:by any Tem.'CiefMlIeed , i' .:x, .*,... _ .; rosy h c -:•:,y eater yreanadaiin 19 Is proof fh t4 yf r aiwa s e ,l •;o ter hen :Jou tet' with rel fuellieArta•.B2M' I:el3reee.-rrMa egie;>4tfil6• d.Ta'`irk''a. ie4-lemAtr'.ai1'�a5.-My` rtew-,, '• P"<anA... ar ilitw°1:�' u,72. 0.Rr ifazzaars .-.-.,T,g; PHONE 66 itaiewearmammammornagam LISTOWEL United Church W. M. S. The regular meeting of the Women's Missionary Society of the United Churoh was held Tuesday, Maroh 7th, 10 the echooi room of the church. The president, Miliss E, Downing con- ducted the devotional service ano WAS assisted by Miss C. McCracken, Miss F. Buchanan, Miss t]va Mc- C'racken and Mrs. W. Speiran. An article on Christian Steward. ship "Whet can T give to my church" was read by Mrs, Bell, and the topic was given, by Mrs, A. Brown and Mrs, W. Rose. The former based her remarks on sharing and sacrificing, and the latter on giving of time and talent. Due to inclement weather, the tea which was to have peen on. Feb, 14, in aid of supply work was post- poned and will be held Tuesday, March 14. as formerly planned at home of Mrs, R, J. MrLanchlin. The visiting committee reported having made five calls during the month. and it was, also decided to hold the Baster Thank -offering Service on Easter Sunday. The meeting then,ciosed with the Mizapit benediction, At the regular morning service in Minx Church tine minister spoke on "The Prayer Life of Our Saviour," Mr. and Mrs. Murray Parton and children, London, visited with her norenle Mr. and Mrs. Allen Cameron, over the week -end. Mrs. Lloyd Barltwell, Galt, visited et the home of Mr, John NTcNahb, The Cranbrnoh group of the Brea - eels Lions Club sponsored an o1d- fnehionerl box -social and euchre in the Oranhronk School on Friday !evening Murch R. Fifteen tnblee of euolire were in play with prizes being won by Miss - Bet•vn Tonight, Mrs. Wilfrid Fischer Harold Knight. and Percy Ward. 'Phe box of eltecoletes wiven to the highest bidder on a hot went to Mr. Peel ,Teskbe, The 011111 of ell5,. was realized from the sale of hexes which were e,iettoned off by Mr. ,Tea. Armstrong. Brussels, The proceeds of the evening are in aid of the Bnye and Girls Lions Band, ' Ethel Trims Londesboro 6-4 ; prize and Mrs, Harvey Edgar play- NOTICE TO CREDITORS In Brussels Arena, Ethel Fireflys drowned Londesboro to the and Ross Turvey were ed the greatest number of lone hands. t e tune of , In the Estate of Luke C. Spelran 6-4, in the second game of a 2 out 8 . the lucky gentlemen. Mrs. Bernard series for the Grow Title, This . Thomas and Melville Mathers re- s gives the Ethel boys two straight calved consolation gifts. • Lunch 1 wins, making a total of 11 to 6 goals • was served by the hostess. ion the round. Londesboro boys 1 • went with a rush, determined to ,Move To Farm HELP WANTED, MALE— AN EXCELLENT MONEY'MAKIN4 OPPORTUNITY I 1 1 For a reliable man • who is not sat- isfied atisfied with his present employment and is interested in safeguarding his. have excel Meant work toning principally to farmers needs. Your opportunity for a perm anent btnelnese of your own With e good future, No capital or Selling experience neceeaary • biet year must have a Oar and between 85 and 55 Write, Dept. 0+B-4 The J. It, Watkins Company 850 Raclt St., Montreal, quo take the game and tie it up. They Mr. and Mrs, Ronald Mulligan and, scored the first goal in the first min- family moved on Saturday to their ute of play, but Ethel came back . farm in Grey township, near James - with two in a row, to take the first . town, which they recently perches - Period, M. Godden on Ethel defence ed from Dougald Strachan, was put of action for the game, early in this period, making it look a sure Rev, C. H. MacDonald occupied ; win for Londesboro, as ono of Ethel the pulpit at Knox Presbyterian ' defence man was stuck in a snow Church on Sunday morning and ' bank, however he arrived in time Preached on the subject of "Timothy's to start the second period. Londes- i Inheritance". He spoke of home life burro playing aggressive Hockey tied and the duty of parents to children things up in this period. Ethel .111 building up a Christian family. The boys continued a haul fighting battle, choir sang "The precious name of 1 by pulling out in the end, to the 1 : Jesus," - Personals; Mrs, Lucy Smith nho•e score. This puts Ethel in the Finals. for the W.O,A. W.O.A.A. Juvenile patient in Wingham is a series playing against Mildmay -Luc -ham General Hospital; Mr, and Dies. Ja.ek Wickstead, Bel- knoav series, Game to be played in t grave, with Mr. and Mrs, George Brussels Wednesday nir,,,,lnt, Thornton; Mr, and Mrs, Spence Ethel — Ron. Eckimer, goal; M, I M'cILinnon, Georgetown, with Mr, and Godden. L. defence; D. Dunbar, R. Mrs. R. H. McKinnon; Mrs. J. J. defence; G. Richards, centre; D. I Sellers, Moults, with her sisterin- Dntemsn. R. wing; Ross Eckmier, law, Mrs. R. F. Garniss; heirs. Elsie L. wing; alternates, .7. Knight R 1 Lamont with her brother, Dougald Rmynard. A. ICeffer, E, Milne, 3. i Strachan; Mr. and Mrs, A. D, ,Smith Edgar, R. Rami, D. Rock, I and Eleanor with Mr. and Mrs. T,nnriceho0 — R, Dale, goal; J, ;Joe Marshall at Listowel; Mrs. M. Peekilt. L. defence; R. Cowan, R. , L. Aitken and Miss Mary Duff with defense; K. Woods, centre; alter- i Mrs. Donald Street who is a patient miles, G. Hannan, D. Shanahan, D. in Listowel Memorial Hospital, Sunrlenc0ck, B, Lyon, R. Hesselwood, J. Sibthoyal, D. Falrservice, D. Whit- more. I I C. R. Buschlin, Referee, HE P L P WANTED MALE •-- AN Man with car to take over profit - table established Watkins route in nearby locality. Moat be between tine Agee Ott 85 to 55. Credit furnish- ed right party, Write, The 3. R. Wattcins Co., 3120 St, Retch Bt. Ilion. treat, Que. Key 0.13.4. BLUEN,ALE Poor visibility was blamed for a colliaon between a car driven by Walter Sni ne and one driiven by Atex Shaw, oil a narrow piece of, road (last week. The crash ocenred on the let line off Morris township. I Neither of the drivers wen's Injured 1 lout Mrs. Smillie suffered from slhoclt and a epretued hand, • The 1 front of each car was damaged to some extent. Pereonn,ais : Mr, Mel - vine leathers is suffering from an attack of pleurisy; Mrs. John Nich- o190n is a patient in the Wingham General Hospital, Dr, Ohne. Mac. Donald attended the meeting of the e a. t9r ITurHuron,Maitland.Maitland.Pre.by� y bh of Presbyterian Ciinroit in Canatla. at Clinton last Tuesday, I Mr, and Mrs, Roy Sellers, 2nd line Morris, opened their home for the euchre club . last week when six 1 groups played, Mrs. Wallace ,Agar was the winner of the high point deceased. All Creditors and othes having claims against Luke C. Speiran who died on or about the 22nd day of January, A. D. 1950, at the Town of Wingham, in the County of Huron, are hereby notified to forward to the undersigned full particulars of their ' claims on or before the 18th day of Maroh, A. D. 1950. After the la&t mentioned date the assets of the estate will be distribut- ed amongst the Parties entitled thereto having regard only to the claims of which notiice has been re. ceived. DATED at Mitchell, Ontario, this 28rd day of February, A. D. 1950, Claude Horne, Mitchell, Ontario, Solicitor for the Executrix, Weak lied, Nervous, Pe fess Men, Women Get New Vim, Vigor, Vitality 509 00031530 to .hese went, alwara tired teelinge, deer:soul m,1 nervousness duo to woak, Cain blood. ret 10,'feeling Crean, be peppy ell ds'. have Plenty of v4:.i ,y left over by evening. Take Oatrox, Contains I0 0, vitamin s,, Nile1Wn, phosphorus for blood building, ,Cody strengthening. stimulrltlon. Invigorates system. improves appetite, :4701100 000 00,.'111' Usher New. ge010001aluten, 1100. 11010,0 elm,vigor, tole 0009 day t 1111 drugglata• M ell's Shell oerwice Shcllubricarlon Steell Household and Snell Petroleum Products General Repair Livestock Spray Parts ano Aceeseorlesl VI -lone 77-7-6 Brussels, Ort AUSTIN SALES AND SERVICE ATTENTIO FAR ERS With farm prices lower you must produce your grain for fairprofit. Whynot try less to make a "NA-CHURS", LiciWcl'• Fertilizer this spring its cheaper, easier to handle— Use 1a ordinary seed drill. The results will amaze you, and prove that Fertilizer in a liquid form is here to stay. For informat- ion Phone 17-r-19 Brussels and GLEN FRASER your Local Dealer will call on you. •