The Brussels Post, 1950-3-8, Page 2Colour Blindness Can Cost Lives Accused of carele.snt' . in pick- ing tomatoes, a market gardener indignantly asserted that the unpick- ed tomatoes were green and unripe. An electrical' engineer occasionally Booked up a high-voltage wire in a wrong position, despite the fact that it was ctntspicuotiely tabbed a bright red. '.rests showed that both men were colour blind. At least 75,000 motorists are co- lour blind and judge traffic lights only by slight graduations of tone. One man in thirty sees only grey drabness, and eight men and five women in every hundred sutler slight disability to distinguish the 3,500 different tints of hues of this coloured world. According to colour researchists of the British Physical Socitey, a colour blind house owner will some- times pallet his house a vivid blue under the impression that he is de- corating it in a restful shade of pale green. Colour blind people can even enjoy a Technicolor film -the vary- ing greys and blues lend unusual depth to the picture -with no sense of missing anything. Colour blindness is hereditary. Transmitted from grandfather to grandson, it ran be intensified by prolonged strain or tiredness. Some victims are colour blind only in one eye. In textile, drapery, printing and printing -ink making, in the paint, pottery, photographic and electri- cal trades, good colour sight is es- sential. Yet few workers receive systematic tests. During the war, colour blind R. A. F. observers were deliberately chosen for their skill in spotting camouflage. Today the colour ac- euracy of all men on British Rail- ways has to be 100 per cent. In France some years ago a fireman of the Strasbourg Express could not distinguish between red and green, and 220 people were killed in a crash after the train had passed four ,signals set against it. The Ishihara test detects the co- lour blind. A series of cards print- ed in dots of one colour also bears figures in another colour. To the eolour blind the numerals are part- ly obliterated in the dots. A partly obliterated 8 becomes a 3, a 4 be- comes 7, and the figure 6 appears to be 5. In the Holmgren wool test, different pieces of coloured wool have to be matched. Normal vision experiences no difficulty. The ab- normal match green against brown and red against yellow, Till now, medical science has not fully understood the cause. The thousands of tiny rods and cones in the retina of the eye, it is known, Jack elasticity and fail to stretch in response to colour waves. Colour blindness was once regard- ed as incurable, To -day laboratory technicians have been studying the complex physical stimuli that elicit colour sensations and they stress Ile influence of nutrition. Experts now favour colour tests for all children at school at the age of about 13. Minor colour aberrations can be corrected by wise feeding in adolescence. Guinea-pig tests show that lack of vitamins A, B2 or C can impair colour sight. Cod-liver oil and foods rich in vitamin A strengthen colour ability. In the retina is a substance called visual purple, which is rapidly con- sumed and as readily replentished of exposure to light. The colour blind do not enjoy quick repien- tishnlent. -� Chaos in Court : While a New Delhi magistrate was away, a court clerk took his place, fitted people suspected of gambling, pocketed the money and -is now in jail. norms Boy -[fere comes one of those unpredictable balls {rant the long arm of Lomita, Calif , high school athlete Paul 1ttltft I'lle le -year -o14 to011. der boy hits signed with the Pittsburgh ?irates for .$100,000 bonus, to be paid over a period of 10 t'eat's in addition to his salary. Give Light and Seedlings. Will Hustle -Coddle your set. 'mgt in electric hotbeds litre these and you get your vegetables 10 days earlier, or your flower blossoms a month earlier, says Robert L. Zahour, Westinghouse engineer. Here he looks over a set of three by six-foot frames which are warmed by eight regular 25 -watt incandescent light bulbs. Over in London just a few weeks ago -on February Third to be pre- cise -a Canadian established a bran -new world's record in a well- known and widely played branch of sport. To do so, he had to break one of the toughest marks there was -a mark which many experts thought might stand for years. Yet comparatively few of us on this side -who are fed up-to-the-min- ute bulletins on the amount of hemstitching the M.D.'s had to do in Elmer Lach's dome or the pres- ent condition of Joe DiMaggio's most recent Charley -horse -ever heard of this Canadian, or of the remarkable feat he just accomplish- ed. '1 8 8 Plot, to make too deep a mystery out of it, the man is George Chenier, a 41 -year-old French-Canuck orig- inally out of Winnipeg. And the new mark he set was a score of 144 is that highly popular game of skill generally known as snooker pool. (There are purists who claim it should be Snooker's pool, atlhough just who Mr. Snooker may have been is something we either never knew, or have long since forgotten.) This mark of 144 is three points more than the previous best record, established by Joseph Davis in Jan- uary 1949. And now the question that has the snooker fans on the edge of their seats is -"Is some- body, maybe Mr. Chenier, finally going to shoot 147?" 9 * * Now to those of you who failed to misspend your youth around pool parlors and billiard academies, add- ing just another three points to that marl( of 144 might seem to be a fairly simple (natter. For more than half a century track-and-field men have been dreaming of a four -min- ute anile, yet they're still quite a few strides away from it. A score of 147 in snooker represents perfec- tion, It's like a 450 in five pins, or 300 in ten pins -the big difference being that many keglers and tive- pinners have bowled "possibies," while nobody yet has ever visited a snooker table and scored the maxi- mum number of poinst with every cue stroke, and without slaking a single error. It's going to be as hard of accomplishment as that mile in 240 seconds, maybe harder. * 8 * Chenier is a comparative new- comer to England, the real home of snooker. According to Sydney Skfltoit, he already has nearly 200 century breaks to his credit. In this respect 'he stands second only to the great Joe Davis, who occu- pies a place in snooker about similar to that of Willie Hoppe in American billiards, For more than 20 years Joe Davis had things pretty much his own way. In 1938 he raised the world record break to 138, where it re- mained till his aforementioned 141 last year, He won the world cham- pionship so often that he got tired of it, resigning in favor of hta brother ;'red, who has held the championship ever since. * e M Snooker is played, as most ni you probably already know at least iron. hearsay, en a billiards table with six pockets. But instead of the three balls, as in the alder game there are 22 of them to mess around with. And the object is to "pot" or "sink" the balls into a poc' et and, at the sante time, control the ball with which you do it * * * The game starts with 22 balls on the table -15 red, six various other colors and one white which is the cue ball. As a color can only be played after a red has been put down, there is an entire lack of the monotony otten frit when watching billiard experts such as Hoppe, Jake Schaefer and others, who look as though they could go on forever without a miss. * * * A red ball pocketed counts one point, and the others are valued - yellow 2; green 3: brown 4; blue 5; pink 6,and black 1. Once the reds are down they stay down; but the other colors are returned to the table until the last red has been pocketed, after which the colors have to be played in the order of their vaine, starling with the yet. low. • * That describes, briefly, what you try to do for yourself. Again quot- ing front Mr. Skilton "that is the Positive side of the game." But there's a negative side too. It lies in executing or persuading your op- ponent to execute "foul" shots, These are too numerous to describe fully here but the main ones are perpetrated by hitting the ball other than the one you're supposed to; missing the objective altogether; or permitting the cue ball to go Into a pocket. You can best do this by leaving a bell between the cue ball and the ball he is supposed to hit. When you (lo this you have "laid a snooker" or "snookered" the enemy. • s 8 Getting Lack to the new record holder. 11e is unusual in that he uses an almost upright stance, in- stead of the customary stoop. This is r'rollahly the result of playing on Canadian and United States tables, which are somewhat lower than the English. He hal his own special cue., which weigh 18 ounces and measure 58 inches --almost three ounces heavier and three inches longer than the average English cue. • * o Which will have to be about all, just now, for the French-Canadian from Winnipeg except to say that he has become intensely popular "Rover 'Ome," where they think that if the 147 break is ever made, George Chenier will be the man to • do it. 8 * :k Oh, yes. Just ill case your inter- ested, Chenier, when he made his 144 (nark put down 12 blacks, 3 pinks, 15 reds and all the colors, Davis, when he shot his 141, pocket- ed 11 blacks, 3 pinks, 1 brown, 15 reds and all the colors. Come on, George Let's see you shoot the works! Then cotne back to Canada and maybe the Mayor of Toronto will let you have your picture taken shaking hands with hili! 7/ / send 10e tar 1080 Illus (rated 00 pogo 0A7A- r.O011E OF 711100.0 JOKIIS N MAOIO. COLLINS .10K1 'AND ItAOIC BIa01' 118 Somerset,d f. W. Ottawa, and nom,. TUEFA�MT Got any snow around your way? Down here, in the southern por- tion of Ontario, it hasn't exactly forgotten HOW to snow --but the snow doesn't seem to know how to STAY. And as one who has 'enjoyed' his full share of shovel- ling out driveways, paths to the barn and -ether buildings, I'm keep- ing my fingers crossed. * * However, 1 understand that there are parts of the Province where winter really looks like winter; and some of the readers in those sec- tions night be interested in the following news regarding experi- ntetltL- made i11 plowing snow ridges to hold and coatsrrve moisture. * * 's Pion fug snow into ridges is the latest method developed int \\'est - ern Cana' a for 111 isturetonserva- tio t. ,after trying various methods of building such snow barriers as snow fences, trees, and brush, agricul- tural scientists at \Veste•d Cana- dian government experimental sta- tions hit on a Method of plowing early winter snow into ridges eight feet apart hew ern which following snow accumulated and could not easily be blown away by winds. This method of snow hoarding has prover successful over a num- ber of years of experimentation at government farms. Both vegetable and grain crops grown on gelds on which the snow has keen plowed for hoarding, have proven better than such crops on adjacent land Which was now snow plowed. Reason for this is that snow ac- cumulating between ridges melts slowly in spring, giving the land even moisture. On lands um so treated, the snow drifte,i away or piled into larger drifts and in the spring the melting snow was Ilot as evenly d stributed as moisture t0 the fields, - ' Various types of house -made plows were built at the experiment- al sty tions 'til two types were found which tlmild not harm the soil, yet would to the job satisfactorily, One is a push type, the other a pull type Both can he used eil!',er with horses or tractor. A snowfall of three or four inches is suffic'ent to start plowing operations, as the ridges thrown up by this murk snow after plowing are high enough to catch the fol- lowing snows, Ridges are plowed eight feet apart; if farther apart, snow tends to drift ay.el•, The 1110111 objective of the snow plowing is to increase soil moisture so as to give the grain crops a start in the spring and to aid in control of soil drifting, x * * The thought of a fire, destroy- ing homes and buildings and fre- quently snuffing out lives, is an ugly one. Still,,.th'nking of the pos- sibilities of fire, and taking proper precautions in time is better than regretting our neglect when it's too late. So I'ln passing along the following from the CiL, Agricul- tural News without any apologies. * ,r n Before 1950 conies to an end, fire will destroy some $10,000,000 worth of Canadian farm property, statisticians predict. Scores of fa- milies will be left homeless. A large number of adults and children will never see the dawn of 1951, Their charred bodies will be found amolig the smouldering ruins of what had been happy hones. * + * A rural tire is infinitely more terrifying than one in an urban centre where a Modern fire brigade is o» ly as far away as the corner fire alarm box. When a farm build- ing catches lire the best that can usually be mustered is a bucket bri- gade of neighboring farmers who are willing but often helpless. 1t is vital, therefore, that every farmer institute his own fire protection program, * m 4t To check the quick spreading of flames, curtains and other fabric materials in the hone can be treated with certain flame proofing chemicals. Fire retardant paints are now on the market. Inexpensive fire extinguishers can be hung in easily -accessible places about the. house and barn. * :r * Outbreaks of fire can be pre- vented if a few simple rules are followed, Keep basements, attics and outbuildings free of rubbish. Store gasoline and other inflam- mable liquids at a safe distance from main buildings, Provide a safe place to dispose of !lot ashes from stove or furnace. Watch the care- less smoker and the child with matches. Be careful using kerosene when starting It stove fire, * 0 11 Be sure hay is well cured before putting it in this loft unless there is a safe ]stow -curing system, In- spect the lightning rod system once a year. If there isn't one it would. pay In the long run to have one t :k * Each spring tend fall checic over chimneys and flues for cracks that would permit flames to reach other CLASSIFIED A vE TISIN(; AUEN'ra WANTED A(4E1'ra, sell popular 58 tire extinguisher wholesale or direct. 'Liberal pronto, exclu- sive territory FIRE -KILLER 6042 1800)10 Avenue, Afontt•eal SALESMEN SALESMEN wanted to u,trOthlre new product, Ideal for house to 0*10 + oelltier, 11111 time or sideline. Wanted 1n every home l:nultuat Profit opportunity, Write Innnet13.,•1.0 dln,tare ltardteare l'rodurk:. Iilenheen. lint. 114115 C1114!ne BUT V01111 1920 Chicks from a Canada Ac- credited hatchery. 11.0.P, Breeding Farm 100;1 puno•am Glenn 11.0.7, 810d, Barred Rorke and upmereed lied 10 !leek crossbreds. Write for folder, prieea, Westalde Poultry Form, Net/stndt, Ont. 010NK7010 ClllVAS-Ooverntnunt Approved, Breeding quality, 011e u1' the bent. Don't Mos, be ...Mehl Write for prleea and mita. fugue. Montano Puuttre Farms, Atonittpn Ont. FISHER ORCHARD CHICKS D A7 (11,1) 1'0110ES. Pullin and OtaBerolo avalllhle weekly yen.. round In 8 leading tweeds and <.t•onnes, The *!tulle are (trot dhtn», the pi'leo moderate. the smelt aim'Oval, Write for 12 page enlnured attendee and Mee list FI*1WI ()rebook%, 11.0.P, Breeders, lemmatoptorio SCIIUMMER CHICKS 30VER1$f ENT 1Ppr000d• Tot twenty. Free flambe:en nal Pelee 11at explain detalls. . *!moms*'* Quality liotehery, Linwood, Ont, A DOUt) 111'Y, R.0.P. Shed Pullet chicks are a better buy than those with tittle or no breeding bad, of than. nrrnu*e You buy more ewe. 1.1111 each teak, limy the bent, 01. ou•tt rent m' 111' tot a vuallly eblek usu- ally 0011*0 back with a bin dividend nt herbed.• send for our 1:1411 Oita 10000. It 1011a You alt about our 11.0.!'. Sire Chlc10. AI00 siert- ed Chk4ts., older Pullets, Turkey Ptndte Tw•el,lle 11,0•k H0 teltern1 Limited, Frans, Ontario. _ - THE 01811'I; outlook for roes next Fall is goal. Ina prlcen Will tie up to profitable lovri, I ,Limn 31cut priers will alai he 1,1111 111*. 7 l' Nu.h 1(3(1.1', Shed Chicks will rat you 0:11.0 matey. Also started ,'hilts. tat Polish. 'rcr110y Meths. Free 1.0tn1ee.. 'rep 1,4111 0,11,1* 001 10s. Oo01P11, untnrim. ooNee 1101' :11'1'tt1VEn Chicks live. lay .nil pay. Tho, u •e the reeultn of twollte- three years of careful selection turd breeding 1,10 0.3.53 They have to be good, because we want the very beet kind of rMrks for our !n0411 flocks --hog vigoronn and eerie ootid. ' 1511. We Moen .11111 size and uniformity. Bar- red Reeks, w'hl•. I.eshulms, New Hnmeshlres, Hand, x Rock ernssbred,, Hoek x Leghorn rrusabreds. w'rl,* for free folder. The Oxford Farmers,' 1'n-nnrr, live Produce Compiler, Limited. 414 tie In Strrot, w'um4smr k, Oro Incl,, 01.1017CHI011S from bland te..ted high egg eralue ie mock. Live billty guaranteed, 311::.,1 811.110 Pei. '.100. Pullets 0211 to 530. 7.11 rlrt•,nt -010 111: nr40ra 600 and over. Caldera 1'11ck Hnt.•hery. Britannia fdeighte. t ,ata rlu _-- ' Itt'SI', 1:SS OI'Pll1iYl111'r1E1 AN 0101131 m 00007 un'en000-I.Io1 nt 10005- ilons end fop ,nlnrmn inn sent free The Ran1003 r9, Iteelereen.l I`e'en, *11nr00.0, 975 Sant Sl reel • nut to, 05E1100 11011 t•11/1141Na RAVE Vol' •1rly1 nine need* dyeing nr clean. 1008 Write h n* Int Infra inn! fon We are 01a0 to 011011•el von' ,pleOH0na Del•ortment H P01110.' s D0* 10,r11* 1.100110n 791 0,110* Buser. Tiruniu. Omit ea 10.511118 FOR SALE - 126 ACY.ES 11x1,-igh Townshln,-Kent Bounty: 100 nrre., surelenee l e neranl Fanning): 180 riche Zone tah; acres Wonderful gOt- rlrt onion farts. Eroaw, [iamb Frontage. - Store nr [*bine Intal wisely In lend and be sure of Income, 80011*: Chatham [teal Es- tate, Exohalge Realtors, 921 Kang SI. Chat. helm Ont. Telephone 190 100 ACill'18 north of Rrt,tnpton', 80011 land, locality bulldtngo, hltnledinte Poeseosinn 312,600. Owner, 130 Runnymede_ Toronto FAR)! fur nnnledlnte rim -session, 160 acres, southern tip of Mural County on 23 High- way, 22 ernes from 14,11,100. heart of sugar beet, cunning feet Dry n'nu, Rich clay locum, tile drained, 130 teres tillable land, 12 teres fall wheat, 20 nerve hay. 4S acres (01) Plmtkhed, Brick hot.n, but water furnace, flush toilet.. Bank born, silo, 1ltter earvler, water howls, Hydro throughout. 1111* track, aelmnl hue peso gale, FUJI line of tractor, m00hinery, (Miry herd. will he gold with farm 1f desired .1 bargain, but must bo cash. Irvine 11,Eh•011 Woodhntn, Ooh FORT COl'LO3GE, 2.6 acres, fully e',uWped. with honuli(ul brink house and large been, 100 under eultivittion, 100 timber tot, pine. anew% and no fawned, 88,000. 16,000 handle.. L. Titter, Realtor, 98 Rldenu St., Ottawa. FOR SALE, 00 Acre. of land. OOnd brhk house and outer building,, 1 tulle from school, cheese 'net*ry band blacksmith shop. All plowing done Apply to Howard Bethnle, Dunvegen, Ont. 1.11.• 1 MR SA I.0. 810TOR0V(ILES Barley Davidson. New and used bough sold exchanged Largo stook of guaranteed used ,n0torvycles Repairs by factory-trulned merbanlos Bicycles, and elm Nets tine of wheel goods ()nen evenings until nine except Welnenday Strand Cycle A Seals. King at Sanfnl ilamdtun Groes -Larne ea00rtmen new and used Bought, sold sxchunked llIl0rentee0 repairs Scopes eights installed Ft*hlnp Tackle. Stolt. Ing Equipment Sport In,. Goods Spe tat Team Prices. Open until dine nova Werinesday Strand-Cynlr, Hamilton -- NURSERY S'rOCI1 IIE,,Ei(1'E now for Spring belivcry-Ohlnese Isom Hedge-- 1,'ill kroly 2 feet first year -10 plants mnlielent for 20 feet 112 to 20 incline bushy) 32 13 -seedlings 12 Inches high 14.00 Per 100 (plant 0 Inches ansrtl--Giant 4:xhlbl- lion Penmen In cn10r* red, white of pink. 0 for 81,€0-.1 Milt trees 2 feet high hi varieties Alelntoah, SPY, Dencions, 8 for 51.02 -Plum trees 3 feet high In varlonea Burbank and Lombard, 4 for 32,90 leroe Colour harden Guido with Every Order, Broukdnle-14Ines• way Nuroeriee. Rmemnnvlllr, Ontario parts of the house. A ladder long enough to reach the top of the highest building on the farm should be kept in a handy place. 11 there is a water system, a few well-placed hose connections are good protec- tion, If not, a barrel of water painted red and lettered FOR FIRE ONLY should be kept Clear every building and used only in case of fire, * If the statistics mentioned in the first paragraph could be halved or eliminated altogether, we're positive the statisticians won't mind being wrong in their predictions, In fact, they'll he extremely pleased. iffifitawiftwavag WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE - Without Calomel --And You'll Jump Out of Bed In the Morning Rorie to Go The liver shMrld pour out About 2 plate of brie hike into your digeetivo treat every dity, IiOne bile isnotflowingfreely your food may mot dig8�est, It may fust deafly to the digestivetract. Then gee bloats u your etemaeh. You get constipated. You feel eoar, mak and the world looks punk, Myer Fills 400 get tbesgentle 2np etre 60 011* flotw, Mg freely to make you feel "up and up. (let a Package today. 8tteottvo fa m0. ,011 hila flaw freely. Aek for Cartee'e Little i'Aoer 1'1115. $6d at any drulettore, 1)111 1,51.13 ALUMINUM ROOFING CORRIOA'152I) end l ribbed for tailing and attune sheets 9 to 11 feet lenglllg, 80" covered 32" wide, 24 gauge. Sendroof moneueeinenta for free estimate and tlluetratod f014e1• glvin* 0011 Information. $0101d0* on *rumen!. Inoue* Mate delivery from 0tnek, A, L. ltonnevlllo 11fa., Deme 18, Charette, P.O. 1,111517 chnlet tasting Golden No, 1 Iltor/2OX, twelve 4'0-00 00 alnrnnma0e, LUeknmv, Ontario. COTTON. BAGS BLEACHED Sitter and Flab -bars cork 2Tc7 tarots, hemmed, about 17" x 34"--180 eat; 20 per ling eSt•,4 00 00,11.1' of lege than 2 dozen. 0010.. w'., R5'-Pe0000ce. 99 (0110110 Street. Toronto, DOORS Panel 00 CoIOl$oatlun, all sixes, Attrnetivo 811100, n, M,ItENNA. 2770 longe St., 'Tor. 011(0 Ont. __ - STI(VCTI'itAL -Kr KUL-- KrKUL--- LARGE Swell of Bennis, ()alumna, Rails, Pon*, Angle 11.00. and Reinforcing !lode, Crmvu lnxln•s, Block Atneltincri' 1Vbeelbnr- rnw's. Ser•w Jnclt,, Steel lenbrlertting Weld. log and Machine Shop Wolk( dune by expert*. ,II, ''/,AOIORI1A1 A CO.. L1311110D, Bayview 11,1001, (11111,011. (1111,-•-- ('N1'AIST10l• pbuler emit. Figurine., Pooh: end., animals, noteltios. Good rtsum'Iment, Lints nvellablo. Box 88, 112.10111 Street. New Toronto TRACTOR, John Deere MC emer0lllar, like new, used loss 111011 75 lours: eomPlets with power' takeoff and belt Pulley. J. 11101011, 11.18. a Fen wale Telephone even - 11100, cohere, Rid'evllle :7731. ,NtRVNHO)OS: All sires nod 10.108, Rales' "Humane" 001001 hoe hernr0n (pat.). No more blinterrrl toes] Polder, "Snowshoe tile 111 00,000rt." on regur01 Bates. Snownhnen, Uclaf uulr. (via 1 .0.11 ). N. Onlurfn. NEW .14111Na04 0ut0on r0 Mourn Canadian C.nnoe C0 Pelerhnro RnatO, Canoes '!'rail. *l•0. 00081,1. anld *xehn0ged Large stork tined motors .liepalrs by fartory.tralned merhantes I n,e11 x0111 Ione wenn! Wennesdr,y Strong Cyclo. Ilamtiwn /IVY enrol. fromManufacturer. heir nets, menu or silk: 400 )'eP dozen, svlon 750 All *colors. We Pay postage. 11110 1, Its Ltd. 230 Almlude. Sl, 11'„ Torno, FARMERS' This veal clean your 00004 properly (1'* carry all tuxes D( screen In both gine and wire Strop size of perforation and front and mat din'onatons of ,ereen e•rom Chatham 11i11 Sera.n 61 William St N.. Chatham Ihp C,18('A DE- W1110AT--T17e un.wcr to the feed whrnl prnbh•m for Alnolorn C•whnnndeat 4* - n, A by The naw. hk.The Ce, a0f1 spring eclo,,ed by ()citrin Experimental Pert- fied n. Septi m 11 shipping nen acre Certi- fied seed n F.O.B. hhlpping p0101 89,00 Per muffle' in two barons! bags T. A. Wilson, Pakenhom, Ontario. 3111)14R the horse you require for porta; work now. 10* offer wide selection pure- bred mores-Perrherons, Belgians, t'U•de0- late,. three 2001'0 of age UP. that 0.0 050 breed to lop Ax'noldwuld sires -Jason. En. :hunter. Sly Don, Waterloo's Datil. Arnold. weld Dock, Kemitvillo A.S., Jay Farenr Landmark Renton, write us for anything 000 require In horses. Arnold Farina Llmlte4, Grenville, 00,0*.•. FARM MACHINERY HALL Chain Sows-ftannns for their power- ful reliable engines with stall -proof auto- matic clutch. One mon and hyo -man mo,1elo Gasoline and electric from 5149 un, Into•• sated agents please write DINrel Equipment Limited, 199 Lnlyd Drive, Lens'dr, Toronto. 1171nnd 0929. BOLENS GARDEN TRACTOR l'1110-INVENTO111! SAL35-15 13.x'. complete with 0" plow and cultivator 01.75.00: 3 ILP. 5" thee. with 81' plow and cultivator, €348,00. Other attachnfenl5 If proferred. rerms. 022 00 cash with order, bnlonce'C.O.D. 000,1 1000 Order 0010. There 10 only a limited time nn 31110 temenln to reduce our' inventory, CANADIAN POTATO MACH'S' CU111'ANY. 1,711.. 7,, .lnrvie St,. Galt, Ontnrllit 11 p11)ICA!. • PEOPLE are talking about the Good Results from Laking Dixon's Remedy for Rheumatic Pains and Neuritis, MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335 Elgin Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE annual the torment Ot dry commit ,,rashes and weeplllg akin troubles Pat.'. 11000100 Salva 07111 not dlsnPr,0lnt rnu tehing, era line 0ur0)00 antrum 0000 ring worm, 01mnle. and nlhletn'e tont. will respond readily to this stemless. ndnrlees Ointment' re0ordlrgo nt bow auhhnrn nr haemes. they seem PRICE 81 1n1 PER JAR Ben, Poet sl Irre* on Rece5)1 of Price POST'S REMEDIES 80,) Om'nn St E.. Corner of 0.0000 1001001. letntWein 8'r001* WE GROW sonic of the world's 0ne01 Slndl- oIl. Catalogue on rrinerh 'Tyndall Glad- iolus Gardena, BrueeOeld t intsrio, GLAD10Lt'S B01.318, 1o. 1. Separate colors, 6c. 0/001111 mixture, 00 met• C. Ruby Davis Oaklml0. 0,11. E Was Nearly Crazy With Fiery Bial ly 10*i relict -D. D. 1). Prescription, Ivorld poalinr, this pure,, cooling, [Weld medication speeds •ace end comfort from cruel Itching fmused by eczema, pimples, makes, athlete's oot and other Itch troubles, Trial bottle, 550 First appllranon chock. neon the most Intense l'eh nr money hack, Ask druggist for D,17 D, Prescription (ordinary or extra strength). a7 rkri Iv/�q -i: Qg "Kin 0x..�1{. t hoot and rob '0 MS, and note quick ck rreelief you net.et. strongelepe, met -drying, no strong or taoot Odor. Geta bottle the tooday; keep ;t Iloody. 15.46 LAaoE *0 0 04001141 0,0E 65c 3': x ( illi! i 1 .,'I4, PATENTS tel4TIiiRSuu 1.IA IJOH A Romper+, 4alont Solicitors EotalIlnhod (Sea 000 Has Street, vermin. Hooke', it intorm Ilub 1* ,,quest A A4 I.A f11,AN. 11.11,., i'uten1Allurn07. Pn10,00 01 10, 00llan, 00 HP00110 RL„ 011nww. _-..._..- 0017K 0001111' general gore? Now la the that to 1101 It with Om firm that eons more gowned country starve thnn airy 0010* in 1110 1'rollnre. Write ye 111110, 11'0 1x111 POLY yeti a personal vita. "PARICIO'r'1', '1'1110 BUSINESS MAN', Itnultor, 11111 rune* St.. Forme . RA 8101, --- __- Vltl!felt 1.001' Mondu,'eao31. ted 11117.0 1100110 5010 Backed by 21 years careful selecting and blond testing, 1'ullorlun free. One of the elated and lament OW.1101v0 till 101.1105 farms In 00011,111 A11 hreodrl'o range mimed giving 100 stronger poulls and better Ilveblllly; 000 nevem range land. Visit our modern hatchery, Vermeil 'turkey Foram, A. D OnOmwnn & Sots. Box 101, Barrio, (1n1. W0IITE HOLLAND lant* and 011101 h'Orn blood torted Government Approved breeder., Broad Irrettbt and high llvnhlllLO Paull* con be expected from Sunny Ayres Turkey p'ro'm. .tnlherseburg, (In 11,•lo. mtOAD•3RI AS'rl.D Bronze turkey Porlte. Breeds are Government approved end Duller., um anon. A ldershnt Turkey most, Alder/hot. 09101.10 TL-IRKI17 POl1LTS AND EGOS Ouvernmont m1proved nullorurnnl 1!lean flocks 10hlto Hol- land croeeed with Beltsville White. Toms 0011 like hent Oak (Rm.., Poultry Form Amlurat. burg. Ontario. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEI* AND W001EN BE A HAIRDRESSER 1010 CANADA'S 1.10/MING .011001 Gree, 5n,nortonuLeun, Harrdre, 010y0 Plthousa dlkntlled prOi"*awn au00 00000 thousands otlrream'ul Marvel g101100100 Amerien's greatest system Illo:tru ted cats. 10000 free Wr110 I„ (:011 MARVEL 11Alnrfl01801NG 00II(1111.5 800 HIO0, SI t1 1'01001. Branches 44 lana St Hamilton 0' 72 Rulon Surat. Ol1000,1 tt AN'l'El) WANTED. Graduate nurses, for general 5010. ,lx -day welt, eight hone any, 5.11.00 Gtr week, 50.86 .Venins minus 11.20 per lay board. 548.76 notary after three mnnlhs. M1bp1Y: SUPertnlmuleln Of Nurses, - An00n 10nernl 11.1spltnl, 1001100ln F011e, Ontario. 11411' 0,' nu'a. Arima un to man-Wenael. 04.50 -Muskrats, 14.60 600' 'Muskrats with minks weekly un ice with l0nngoetl-Seerots free. Travenol ASonciatlon Balovlllo lain, WANTED -Two used Diesel power units, 150-200 h.n., working oondltlon. Plenee wrot0, giving full particulars and price. Paul Yolkcwwelde, Box 798, Renfrew. Ont Phone 110485' Due,_ CONC13ETE Blnrk Machine, stem pallets 9 and 8 core. William 110.1100, Box 35, TIM - mins, Ont. 31on103, 0. A. CASE TRACTOR UN RUBBER. John C. Graham Co., 88 Erie et. N., Phone 951, Leamington, Ont. WANTED 'r0 13U7-0ld hen. duck or bunny covered 5)05,0e, Write Box 67. 123 -12th St.. New Toronto. Ont. TRACTOR $149" Delivered In Vee Twelve menthe t0 troy. Order now ani get 101500 when y00 need R. Two rears guarantee, Very nerr05* for dose planting. A 0111.D CAN OPERATE IT. Over powered with most modern 4 cyclo air cooled engine. Light plea• Mg, eultivnling, scutl'ing, billing and Weed control. Power -take -off for hither UM. Simple, strong and enmity handled. GARDEN POWER TOOLS LIMITED 1Vest Hit/ ISearboro). Ont. DO YOUR E FIVES PLAY DUCKS ON YOU? If your nerves "jump" at a sudden noise . . . or you feel . so edgy and low in spirits that you pick a quarrel without meaning to . , . look out( Per- haps your store of nervous enemy may be almost used up . , and your body needs help! That's when'you need a good tonic, like Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. to help build you up so you can_ get your proper )est at night. That's when you'll really feel the benefit of the Vitamin Bi, iron and. ether needed minerals this time - tested tonic contaireil For Dr. Chase's Nerve Food has been proven in over 50 years of use. And Canadians, by the thou- sands, say they rest better, eat better, feel better --yes, and look better, too! -after taking Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. So if worry, anxiety or the strenuous pace of modern living is upsetting your nerves -get Dr. Chase's Nerve Food today. The name "Dr. Chase" is your assurance. The large "economy size" is your best buy. 12' ISSUE 9 - 1980 ROLL YOUR OWN BETTER CIGARETTES WITH