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Wednesday, March 8th, 1950
$1.50 per year $2.00 U. S. A.
1 lab. Custom Sliced Bacon
1 lb. Farmer's Style Sausage
lb. Tin Sockeye Salmon
55c lb.
39c lb.
1 lb. Tins Maxwell House Coffee
3 Doz. Spring Clothes Pins
Open All Day Wednesday
Store Closes 10 P. M. Sat. Nite
Phone 5 Brussels, Ont.
To the music of Eric Scott and his orchestra
In newly remodelled town hall
Under auspices of Morning Star Rebekah Lodge
Entire proceeds in aid of community project
Novelty Dances Dress Optional
Dance 9.30 to 1.00
Admission $1.00
Lunch served
will be held
In Belgrave Rink on
St. Patrick Day, March 17th
Good Prizes for Irish Costumes,
Clowns, Races and etc. Specie/ prize
for best imitation of a nursery rhyme
Watch for further particulars next
The Kansas Farmer and
his Entertainers
Concert and Dance
Friday, March 31st
Sponsored by Brussels
Liins Club
Melville Church
Minister Rev. G. A. Milne, M.A.
10 a. m. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 a, m. Divine Servioe
7 p, in, Missionary Service
Lantern slides will be shown
Louis D. Thtttnpson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
The United Church
Minister Rev. Andrew Lane
Orden's* .Mr. Donald Dunbar
Morning Worship at 11 occlook
"Who Crucified Jesus?"
Church School i.E o'clock
Evening Praise at 7 o'olook
"The Pall"
A Welcome To AIL
Church of England
Parish ofBrussele
pyv. J. H. Kerr •-- Rector.
,Third Sufl40d in Lent
March 12th, 1950
$t. John Church, Elrueeels
g p. m. Unveiling of New Bast
Window end Dedication Service
$t. DtivId's Church, Henfryn--
10.30 a, m, Mornpdng Prayer
Sunday school
St. Gebrge's Church, Welton--
SerVioe Withdrawn,
Plio I- N"e1 ko C
Ninety Years Old
-Las' Friday, March 3rd, Miss Mary
Lott, Turnberry St. North, celebrated
her ninetieth birthday...
Miss Lott was borer -.at Lockport,
N.Y„ in 1860. After a •short time her
Parents returned to :Canada and
settled near Darlington,Out Later
they moved to Western Ontario and
when a young woman, Miss Lott
Joined the •ISadvation Army. Here
she served for a number of years,
meeting the various official ranks
uuoil she became adjutant, About
thirty -Rive years ago Atilt. Lott was
obliged to leave the active army
work in order to take Dare of : ber
aging parents.
Since then she has been a sister of Jas. S. Armstrong during the past
mercy and Christian kindness of week.
various members of her own family Miss L. Machan of St, Marys was
and to other friends. Miss Lott en- a visitor least week at the home of
joys good frealth, is fond of good her grandmother Mrs. Heath,
radio programmes and serious read- Mrs, Wm. Martin met with an un-
ing. Not only does she care for her- fortunate accident when she fell
self in her own house, but it is her down a flight of stairs inflicting a
great joy to entertain old friends deep gash in her head, The mishap
there and occasionally to visiit some occurred Tuesday night at the Town
of them in their homes. Hall, where Mrs. Martin was, assisting
Not many people are so blessed with the children who were presenting
with a long, heppy and useful life, the Junior Pagent, Medical aid was
the Post joins her many friends in summoned. No broken bones were
wishing Miss Lott many more yeare suffered, Mrs. Martin was taken for
of -quiet Christian joy and service. x-ray examination the next morning,
Robins Are Back County Wide Survey
A robin that cheery harbinger of Closes Friday March 10th
sprint; w•ss seen In the village wed- Lions Club Request Immediate At-
tteeday morning by Mr. John Rowland, tention to Appeal for Naples and
le spring really joist around the corn- Addresses of Handicapped Child.
or, or did Wednesday's sunshine fool i ren; Must ha in by March 1q r1 cl�tred a smash hit by the ap-
him? 1 ,. 1 tire• aurile/ice.
I Collection of the necessary. data I Mpt,' ,•f,l,'o enshluaes, the smart
Rev. G. A. Milne Accepts CaII ear HCou- ^,.-„,is . the chortle girls, the
I on's Surveyoran, whichnty Crippled Is beingC3111deon- romancfnre
and beauty added by the
To MerriII, Oregon , ,ducted tho ten Lions ('lobs of ITu]'Cti
Rev, George A, Milne, minister of singing and dancing of the four
Melville Church far the least four ' c'•ounty, is now in full swing, Dr. D ”"J Girls", and the music, with the
IA. McMaster, Seafortih, general chair• performance of the main characters,
I "'Randolph Ranch" Delights
Packed Audiences
(The musical play "itandolph itanch
•,-0..e 1 ' 1! 11'- npr.n::ng perfortnanco to
(111ens+'. oli Friday night and
years, has accepted a call to First man of the Committee, stated Co-
Presbyterian Church, Merrill, Oregon. I day.
Rev. Mr. Milne expects to be induct- 1 Names and addresses of handl.
ed to his new charge late in April. capped children, 16 and under,
, We wish to announce the opening
of a school for Tap Dancing. Instruct-
ion will be given and supervised by a
graduate of the Jack Manning School
of Dancing at New York City, instruct-
ing in class lessons, Instruction also
in Scotoh dancing, Applications for
enrolment will be received on
Thursday, March 9th at the Ameri-
can Hotel, Brussels from 3.80 to
5.80 p. m.
Successful Examinttion,
Congratulations to Miss Margaret
Perrie, who passed her first piano
examination (Grade IV) with first
class honors, at the Western Con-
eervatory of Music (which is affiliat-
ed With the Western University) at
London Iast week. Margaret won
the very high mark of 87 per oent of
marks. She is a pupil of Mr. L. D.
Thompson, and the daughter of Mr,
and Mrs, John Perrie,
Brussels Girl
Guides Successful
The New Postal Badge In Girl Guid-
ing has been won by three Brussels
Girl Guides, Lavarre McNair, Mary
Agnes Higgins and Sheila Porter.
These three girls have the distinct-
ion of being the first in Ontario to
win this Badge.
Since then two other Guides from
Toronto have been successful.
These girls deserve honor and praise
as this quite an accomplishment.
Presentation of their Badges will be
given at a later date, and the public
will he invited to witness the present-
PEon: wEn KNOW
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sone of Tor-
onto were visitors with Mr, and MTs.
Seaforth, Ont.
The Brussels Branch of the
Canadian Legion are holding
their Annual Sports Day on
July 19th. Kindly keep this date
Thurs, Frl. Sat, Mar. 9.10-11 I open.
In Technicolor
"RED CANYON" . At5,1 C",, "-( `itij't_i'A.ttI!� C•k''�.k•„'
Ann Blyth and George Brent
This Zane Grey story with the
splendidly filmed color outdoor back-
grounds will sustain your interest
and enthusiasm to the end.
• M
Mon. Tues, Wed, March 18.14113
Ingrid Bergman Charles Boyer
Essentially "Arch of TrlumO,h"
mounts a picture of tragic prelude
to the Fast war In terms of individuals
who happend to live Inthe most In-
teresting city on the face of the earth.
• • s
Next Thurs. Rrh sat. March 16-17.18
Joel MoCea and Vlhglna Mayo
Plenty of action,—A story of a soft-
hearted fest•drawing 'outlaw, notor-
ious .111
otor-ious'In the middle border States to
the 1870's.
• *
with s •
Melvin Douglas ':1� 1�1� 5 m:' 1 9
Maureen O'Hara
should be handed to the local wel-
fare chairman D, M. MacTavish, or
forwarded direct to the secretary, C.
H. Epps, Clinton, at the eariieet pos-
sible date, and in no case after
March 10.
The free clinic will be held in Huron
County Public Health Unit, Clinton,
on May 10, when the finest medical
skill will be available. There is
absolutely no charge for services in-
Indicating the great need for the
impending Survey le the fact that
only 71 cases at present are under
supervision of the Ontario Society
for Cripelod Children in Huron
County. These are made up of 28
poliomyelitis, 29 congenital defects,
three cerebral palsy, two accident,
and nine others.
Here are only a few actual ex-
amples of the 71 Chiildren now under
supervision, and tvhtoh will he in-
creased by the County Crippled
Children's Survey,
A nine-year-old girl, born, in a
raison camas in'poland, received treat-
ment in Palestine for congenital dis-
Iocation of both hips'. Her right
leg is one-and•a-quarter inches short- -
er than the left. She should be Engagement Announcement
x-rayed from time to time until she
Mr, and Mrs. Roland Metres, Brus-
hes reached her full growth, and sols announce the engagement of
their oldest daughter Agnes Ann
Marie to Mr, Gordon David Carter
sou of Mr. and Mrs. Carter of Blyth.
The wedding to take place on Sat.,
March 18th at the home of the
bride's parents, concession 5, Morris.
,11 went to make a show that appeal-
ed to the lerge,audience.
The play itself was proceeded by
junior pagennt given by the young-
sters. The lovely costumes used
here and the fine performance of the
children made the pageant a popular
part of the show.
Tuesday nightt of this week another
packed house; with many being un-
able to get in, greeted the second
aerformance of "Randolph Ranch."
Reeve. R. B. Cousins acted as chair-
man on both occasions and called on
Mrs. R. W. Kennedy , director, to in-
troduce the play. Mr. Donald Dunbar
was accompanist for the show, The
United Church orchestra provided
music prior to the play and between
Geo. Wesenburg Appointed
Sec.-Treas. of FaII Fair Board
Mr. Geo. Wesenburg has accepted
the position of secretary -treasurer of
the East Huron Agricultumal Society
This office was held in the past by
Rev. Geo. A. Milne, who is leaving
for Oregon, U.S.A.
Any person interested in field crop
competition, swine Oohs or other
business connected with the Fair
board contact Geo. Wesenberg, tele-
phone 56-r-9.
should have shoe alteration to pre-
vent a a deformity of spino develop-
A six-year-old girl has been at-
tending Club Foot Clinic at the Hos-.
plital tor Sick, Children since she
was three weeks old. When sine was
1 baby, it Was necessary that shs
return once a month for treatment.
On her last visit to the Clinigt the
doctor felt it was not necessary for
her to an'lt, Supervision by the
Public Health Norse is indicated,
due to the fact that during growth,
these conditions tend to recur.
S A 12.year-old boy has congenital
absence of the tibia of both legs. 'He
wears appliances enabling him to get
to school daily. However, he is be -
opining too heavy for these. The
doctor now feels that he is now
ready for amputation. A Lions Club
has sponsore& this boy at summer
camp for several years.
A two-year-old girl was born with
a double hair Hp and a complete
cleft palate. The hare lip repair has
been done, with good result, .The
Met palate repair is ander way.
The child will return to hospital for
further treatment.
The above are only a few of the
heartrending cases that exist in Huron
County.. This' Crippled Children's Sur-
vey is designed to make a clean ip
of this situation. Individuals and or-
ganizations may help by forwarding
names and addresses at once.
Fri. Sat. Mar. 17-18
Geo. Montgomery, Rod Cameron
Ruth Roman in
Sat. Mat. 2 p.m. Eve. 7.30 p.m.
Mon. Tues. Mar. 20-21
Dennis Morgan Jack Carhon
Technicolor •
OFFER $110.00
Mon. Attendance Card Night.
Wed. Thurs.
Beactrice Pearson,
Mar. 22-23
Mel Ferrer
Still u:or, old rules have been
TI,." u, n' cast ale,}nw of t.Jelin., bi'ueglat re our attention. An English
Church will be unveiled. and dedicated
en Sunday, March 12th at 2 p, m. lar any 1:1n,d lvinl was brought in by
The Rev. D. JI. Farr, A. A, 7,t11.. Rur- • : [rs. G. McDowell. Mr. Percy Tyer-
ltd beau of Huron will be the pr¢aeh
!eau " r s.eter sent us word that he
r,r. Other visiting clergy will be 1 e a umber of old pieces that he
unearthed some years ago when lie
present. You will be welcome, was plowing and revelling the road-
oadside. His father told him that
years ago t.bcr,' was a Toll Gate loc-
ated on nr roar the, spot where the
coins turned up. They include au 1812
half penny; Upper Canada penny
dated 1852 and one of 1854; a United
States one cent 1850; and several
others' minted in the early 1850's.
Library Notes
Next Saturnay. Atwell 11, the story
at the story hour will be told by Mrs.
G. A. Milne, As this will be the last
for this season, a gout attendance
is hoped for. Time 3 p, 01.
The H, C. L. A. will make its reg-
ular exchange of books on Tuesday.
March 28th at 10.30 a. m,
Rev. A, Lane has been appointed
chairman of the Library Board to
succeed Rev. G. A. Milne who has
On Thursday, March 9th, the C. N.
R. will he operating on their nomard
Mr. and Mrs. Joliu T, Garniss will
celebrate their 50th • wedding anni-
versary at the Home of their daughter
Mrs. Burns Moffat, Bluevale, on
Tuesday, March 14th, and will be
pleased to see their friends from 3 to
6 p. m.
,Brussels Lions Club
Will be held at the
3aar•ge; Bridge Implement Shop
AT 2.00 P. M. SHARP
Those who are making donations to this sale or have
articles to sell on a commission basis are asked to leave them
with, or notify, H. B. Allen, M. Winberg, R. B. Cousins,
or Jack McDonald. If it is impossible to bring your saleable
articles in, they will be coIIected if yoh just notify the above
Bring in your cooking, eggs, poultry, Iivestock, implements
and what have you.
New three-piece chesterield suite WiII be sold.
Lewis Rowland; Auctioneer (services donated)
(Proceeds in Aid of Boys and Girls Lions Band)
I wish to expend my than is
those for their flowers, tasty donat-
ions, cards and kind acts, louring my
repent stay in hospital. This kindly
interest shown to me was very moots
Mrs. C. J, Pegelow.
We take this apportunllty to thank
all those who so kindly gave their
help during the illness and bereave•
ment of our dear mother, Mrs, J,
Bird. We also thank those who sent
Allister and Mary Bird,
The fancily of the late Lawson
Kearney wteh to thank their many 1
friends and neighbours for their many
deeds of kindness and words of eyna-
patitp daring our recent sad bereave-
ment, Also for the many beautiful
floral tributes. Special thanks to Rev.
Gordon Hazlewood, Welton.
Mrs. Lawson Kearney,
The call that wakes a
naIon heart
to actha
n wlll
es Free
Blood Transfusion Service.
In tame of disaster, you,
RRcdsafo Cross
sift may bel
Somewhere in Canada .. .
someone in distress, perhaps
a little child . , . is calling
to you for help ... through
your Red Cross. Answer
generously, from your heart! Give to aid in the
never-ending work you count on the
Red Cross to do. This year, the need ifs
urgent for.$5,000,000. Only you can giveyour,
share. Give from your heart .. .
and give all you cant
j'f:1.5iF 4
nsR d Cs Out -
pool Hoepitels.
Your gill
t Reneeded
080 0
Veterans' 9orvn=en,
T1 E WORE OF MERCY DIMWIT. 85N11151 . o eA